Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 14)

Table of Contents

< Part 13

Chris looked at the paddle that he caught with one hand. The paddle part of it was half the width of a ping-pong paddle, and the handle was round, long and thick.

Anthony continued as he walked out the door, "The handle can get a bit tricky to hold when it gets wet, but I'm sure you'll figure it out."

With the door closed, Chris focused his attention on Linda. He pondered how best to proceed with her. Should he begin with the paddle or the handle? He figured he had already given some attention to her sex, so he took the paddle by the handle in his right hand, and delivered a sound crack to her backside. Linda let out an anguished cry, but otherwise seemed to take it well.

Chris then began to wonder what level he could take this. To that end he delivered a rapid succession of smacks working from the very top of her bottom to lower part of her thighs. He kept it up longer than what he would have thought possible, but it appeared that Linda could take it all.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 13)

Table of Contents

< Part 12

"Getting back on track again… Women such as Linda have an agenda to teach you and your date what you both need to know to be happy, healthy and enthusiastic participants in this kingdom. Yet she does it in a very submissive manner. She expects you to take charge, so that you will only learn from her what your want to learn from her. She will bring an entirely different concept of teacher that is unknown in our society at large. One where the student dictates the curriculum.

"As you will learn later, this is the only model of instruction that works on adults, which confirms what I said earlier about college students only being children.

"At the same time, she will be teaching your date how to get everything she wants, and needs, from a man through the power of submission. Your date will be stunned and amazed at how much Linda will teach you without it appearing she had any say in what is you are being taught. And I'm not talking about manipulation. You will always believe that you are getting what you want.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 12)

Table of Contents

< Part 11

Anthony's office was quite large. There was at least 20 feet between the back of the chair Chris was sitting in and the office door. After about a minute the door opened and in walked a devastatingly beautiful woman.

She was wearing a long, cream-colored overcoat, and as soon as she closed the door, she dropped it to the floor as she walked towards Chris. Underneath the coat she wore an aquamarine satin dress that appeared to Chris to be more of a negligee than anything else.

From the moment she entered the room her eyes were locked on Chris. Once she was within a foot of Chris she dropped to her knees with her legs wide apart; her head tilted slightly to her left; her arms locked behind her back, and then stared up at Chris with a passionate desire in her eyes.

Chris could tell she was older than he, but her beauty was ageless. Her breasts, while not large, were firm without a bra. Her skin was smooth, and begged to be stroked. Her lips were parted, and pleaded to be kissed. She looked very familiar to him, then he realized she looked just like the actress in one of his all-time favorite movies, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. He marveled at how much she looked like Katherine Ross.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 11)

Table of Contents

< Part 10

"Do you use a safe word here?" asked Chris.

"You know what that means, huh?" asked Anthony rhetorically. "Too bad, because now you have to unlearn it. Safe words are used by people who play S&M games. This is not a game to us. This is real life. Safe words shift the responsibility of what is happening from the dominant to the submissive.

"Also, safe words only apply to physical harm, and that kind of harm is the least of our concerns. Our women are tough. They can take a lot of physical abuse. It is their spirit that we are most concerned with, and that is easily damaged. No safe word can ever work with that, because they will never see it coming in order to use it.

"Your total and complete focus needs to be on them and their well-being. As you will learn, if you actually need them to tell you that you are going too far, then you are fucking up — colossally. The degree of your authority over them corresponds to the degree of your responsibility to them. Never forget that.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 10)

Table of Contents

< Part 9

Anthony paused for a moment, looked up to the ceiling, then exhaled loudly. Looking back at Chris, he continued, "We're getting way off topic and time is running out. Men and women are different, and as long as you don't approach those differences as one being better than the other, then emphasizing those differences can be a very good thing.

"That said, we in this kingdom seek to maximize the benefits of marriage by maximizing the differences between the men and women in them. To do this we start at the top with the King and Queen who together provide the guidance to establish our kingdom as profoundly paternalistic one, with sharply distinct roles for the men and women in it. These roles are created for you to learn from them, and what you should learn will take much longer than today to understand, so keep that in mind as I continue.

"To establish this paternalistic kingdom the King and Queen have created three classifications among the adults that have different rules apply to them. These classifications are men, women and maidens. The main distinction between women and maidens is that women are married, and maidens are not. There are married and unmarried men, but there are no rules that apply to them differently.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 9)

Table of Contents

< Part 8

There are many things that I have said to you today that a feminist will disagree with, but none of them will draw their ire like what I am about to say, and that is when men rule without question, a woman's opinion can be better respected. I'm not saying that it will all of the time. There are plenty of stupid and cowardly men out there who are not prepared to reap the rewards of fully empowered women.

"My advice to any woman is that if your man is not smart enough and brave enough to completely and totally submit to, then you should not have anything to do with him. It's not like you will be happy with a stupid and cowardly man anyway."

Anthony paused to look at his watch, and then said to himself, "I think we have just enough time."

Looking back at Chris he continued, "So how are you doing so far? Do you think you will be able to take that oath?"

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 8)

Table of Contents

< Part 7

"This sounds all well and good, but how does it apply to me?" asked Chris. "What do you expect me to do?"

"Like you said," responded Anthony. "Just do the opposite of the feminist, which is to provide leadership for the women in your life. Consider how the liberal responds to a beggar in the street. The liberal believes the respectful thing to do is to give the beggar what he is asking for, which is the change in their pockets. In other words, liberals believe they should pay them to live in their filth and vomit in order to respect them. They maybe respecting the beggar's choice, but they are not showing any respect for the beggar. Actual respect for the beggar is to go against his wishes and either make him stand up for himself, or if he is truly incapable, then throw him into a mental institution.

"With that in mind, let say your wife comes home all upset because her boss told her that he now expects her to suck his cock each morning or she will lose her job. How should you respond? Should you protect her?"

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 7)

Table of Contents

< Part 6

"So what is the proper approach to empowering women?" asked Chris.

"You must always begin with reality, then work from there," answered Anthony. "As an example, when we get into economics later, you will learn that capitalism is not a choice to make. It is reality. It describes how an economy works. Capitalism is neither good nor bad.

"Socialism is a choice, and it is the choice to make for people who want to live in a fantasy. It is the choice to make for those too lazy to figure out how economies actually work. Since there is no way to go from a reality to a fantasy, only bad things can happen when this choice is made.

"The same is true about the reality that our society is a male dominated society. This, in and of itself, is neither good nor bad. It just is. Bad things can happen when the dominate part considers itself to be the better part, but bad things can also happen when we refuse to work with this reality, as the feminists insist. All the laws of government can never change reality, and so they cannot change that this is a male dominated society.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 6)

Table of Contents

< Part 5

Chris thought some more about how to empower a child, then said, "I'm sure it has something to do with making them smart and self-confident, but I'm not sure exactly how to accomplish that."

"Fair enough," replied Anthony. "I wasn't looking for the specifics, but I already told you the answer. To empower your children you need to make them valuable. You need to make them into a person other people would want to be around. Being smart and self-confident are important elements, but not everything.

"Let me ask you a question, what kind of child do you think you will get if you let them decide everything they should do?"

"Probably a spoiled brat," answered Chris.

"Exactly," replied Anthony. "And what kind of child will you get if you made all of their decisions for them?"

"I suppose someone who lacks the confidence to decide things for themselves," answered Chris.

"Close enough," said Anthony. "What you most need to understand is that in both cases you will wind up with a perpetual child. As adults, they will be nothing but victims in life — real or imagined. In order for them to become functioning adults that are in control of their lives, all children require leadership in their lives.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 5)

Table of Contents

< Part 4

Chris just sat there shaking his head for a few minutes before continuing. "I don't know. I'm confused. They way you describe protection and empowerment they sound like they would contradict each other."

"Very good, Chris," Anthony exclaimed. "Very good indeed. You are exactly correct. You cannot protect and empower someone at the same time. In order for the power of the collective to exist, the power of the individual must be surrendered.

"Just as an over protective parent destroys a child's ability to deal with life on their own, you need to make sure your protection of the women and children of this kingdom does strip them of their power.

"Life is a balance, and your oath is a big part of making you understand such balances. To protect and empower may seem easy enough, but it is no such thing. One of the many ways that liberal elites confuse empowerment is that they see it as the individual makes their decisions for them selves; in theory this is true, but in practice they couldn't be more wrong.