Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 7)

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< Part 6

"So what is the proper approach to empowering women?" asked Chris.

"You must always begin with reality, then work from there," answered Anthony. "As an example, when we get into economics later, you will learn that capitalism is not a choice to make. It is reality. It describes how an economy works. Capitalism is neither good nor bad.

"Socialism is a choice, and it is the choice to make for people who want to live in a fantasy. It is the choice to make for those too lazy to figure out how economies actually work. Since there is no way to go from a reality to a fantasy, only bad things can happen when this choice is made.

"The same is true about the reality that our society is a male dominated society. This, in and of itself, is neither good nor bad. It just is. Bad things can happen when the dominate part considers itself to be the better part, but bad things can also happen when we refuse to work with this reality, as the feminists insist. All the laws of government can never change reality, and so they cannot change that this is a male dominated society.

"Once we accept this, we can then move forward in a way that benefits both men and women. What the concept of yin-yang teaches us is that neither side has a true advantage, because one requires the other to exist. There is no masculine without the feminine, and there is no dominance without submission.

"We'll get more into the domination and submission aspects of this later. For now I just want you to see how this is the starting point for why it is the responsibility of the man to empower the woman, and not the other way around. As you will eventually see, the more you empower her, the more you empower yourself.

"So, do you have any ideas how to empower women yet?"

Chris thought about this for a bit, and then said, "I'm not exactly sure, but from what I have gathered so far, I suppose I should take what the feminists do, then do the opposite."

"For a liberal, you're really catching on," said Anthony. "Feminists breed dependency of Big Brother when women encounter problems. The last thing they even want is for women to solve problems for themselves. Empowerment is nothing but a slogan for them, as all of the sexual discrimination law suits can attest to. Again, empowerment means you have the power. If you need a Big Brother, then it is Big Brother that has the power, not you."

"I'm still a little lost," said Chris. "If a woman is being held back at work just because she's a woman, what do you expect her to do? Do you think it is just in her head? That she's only imagining it?"

"No. She's not imagining it," answered Anthony. "Many men do not believe that woman are as competent in business as men are. This is a fact. But rather than prove these men are wrong, feminists would rather prove them right by filing lawsuits when things don't go their way.

"If a man doesn't feel like he is being respected where he works, he goes somewhere he does feel respected, or he starts his own business. This approach is not acceptable to feminists. The woman did not do anything wrong, they say, so why should she have to leave? As far as feminists are concerned, whenever a woman perceives that she is being disrespected, she should declare herself a victim and go whining to Big Brother to exact revenge.

"What feminist teach is dependency, not empowerment. They are more interested in seeing revenge than seeing women live happy and fulfilling lives. Any company that makes stupid business decisions, like passing over competent women for incompetent men, sets themselves up for a loss of market share to enterprising women willing to take advantage of this opportunity. And the more women respond in this manner, the more men will believe they are competent in business."

"You make it sound so simple," said Chris. "Yet I don't think it is. What about unwanted sexual advances in the work place. Do you think a woman should give up a good paying job because of a hostile work environment?"

Anthony responded in an over-dramatic and sarcastic manner. "Oh my God! Do you mean to tell me that there are men in this world that actually find women sexually attractive!?! Say it ain't so Chris!"

After resuming a more serious tone, Anthony continued. "Which do you consider to be a more hostile work environment. One where men are allowed to hang calendars of scantily clad women on their cubicle wall, or one where a person can be reprimanded, if not fired, for telling an off color joke?"

That last question was rhetorical, because Anthony just went on. "I left my first job out of the Army because I couldn't stomach the behavior of the union members there. Why should the behaviors that only women object to be punishable by government sanctions? I'll tell you why, feminists don't believe that women can take care of themselves. Any person who believes that feminists actually respect women is a fool, which explains why most women don't consider themselves feminists, because most women aren't fools.

"Again, employers that make stupid business decisions, like allowing actual hostile work environments to flourish at their business, subject their business to a loss of market share to anyone with the courage to take advantage of it. You yourself said that you were willing to work for less at the auto dealership because you preferred the environment. If you are able to provide a more respectful environment than your competition, then you can pay your workers less, and take business away from your competition through lower prices.

"True and honest capitalistic principles are the most effective means of empowerment."

Part 8 >
