Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 8)

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< Part 7

"This sounds all well and good, but how does it apply to me?" asked Chris. "What do you expect me to do?"

"Like you said," responded Anthony. "Just do the opposite of the feminist, which is to provide leadership for the women in your life. Consider how the liberal responds to a beggar in the street. The liberal believes the respectful thing to do is to give the beggar what he is asking for, which is the change in their pockets. In other words, liberals believe they should pay them to live in their filth and vomit in order to respect them. They maybe respecting the beggar's choice, but they are not showing any respect for the beggar. Actual respect for the beggar is to go against his wishes and either make him stand up for himself, or if he is truly incapable, then throw him into a mental institution.

"With that in mind, let say your wife comes home all upset because her boss told her that he now expects her to suck his cock each morning or she will lose her job. How should you respond? Should you protect her?"

"No," replied Chris. "Like you said, you cannot protect and empower at the same time. I guess I would console her and help her find a new job."

"Not a bad response," said Anthony. "You have to be careful with how you console her or you will only feed into her sense of victim hood, and nothing robs power like believing you are a victim. In spite of what any liberal or feminist will say, the only thing that happened to her is that her job description changed to one that is unacceptable, nothing more.

"Once she recovers you must do something unpopular and call into question her judgment about working at a place that valued her contribution to it so little. A key component to empowerment is taking responsibility for fully understanding the value that you bring to where you work. Nothing protects you, or provides more power to you, then bringing more value than cost to where you work.

"Then again, your role in her life is to provide leadership, but a poor leader is someone who can only second guess the decisions of those he leads. If you were doing your job right, she would never have been in that position in the first place. As a leader you must be involved in her life, but at the same time you must not micro manage it. Proper leadership is a balancing act, yet if you keep in mind what shows real respect for your wife, you will do all right.

"This leads to something we have been talking around all morning, and now it is time to confront it. What images or feelings come to mind when you think of men dominating women?"

Chris thought for a few moments, then replied, "Nothing good, that's for sure."

"I'm not surprised," said Anthony. "There are important and fundamental issues of human relationships that our society refuses to deal, and they do that by writing them off as evil. Key to them all is the duality of domination and submission. Some of the things that probably come to mind are things like men squashing the identity and individuality of women, yet nothing can be further from the truth.

"Look at what liberals do to their 'victim' classes. Their actions breed fear and dependency among them, and nothing strips a person's individuality and uniqueness than living in fear, and believing your are dependent on something. Only empowered people can express themselves as they choose to.

"As the oath you take states, you must empower your women, but how do you do that? You don't do it by letting them decide what ever they want. You must dominate them completely, and correspondingly, they must submit to you in every way. If it is your role to empower, then you must have full authority to do so.

"To understand this better, lets step back in time before the feminist revolution. Relationships between men and women were not good by almost any way you want to measure them. The problem was not because men dominated women, which is what the feminist would have you believe. It was because of the lack of respect men had for women, and more importantly, a lack of respect for what women offered our society.

"Let me ask you another question. Should only the leader of a relationship be respected, or should everyone, leader and follower alike, be equally respected?"

"Of course," replied Chris. "Everyone should be respected."

"Feminists don't believe so. They believe that women weren't being respected because men dominated them. They believe the only path that will garner respect for women is to… actually I'm not sure. They don't seem to be 'for' anything. The only thing they seemed to be, is against women being dominated by men.

"Let's look at their idea of empowering women. As I said earlier, power isn't something that can be taken from one person, and given to another. They don't want to empower women, they just want to destroy the power in men they disapprove of. This breeds dependency in the women they claim to be empowering. Their total focus is using collective power against their 'enemy.' Nothing about what they do is 'for' women.

"Their entire approach to dealing with the very real problem of men not respecting women is by disrespecting those men, which in those men's minds, only proves they were right to begin with.

"On the other hand you have this kingdom. And in it, men dominate women to empower them. Our focus is not on some enemy of women, but on the women themselves. We respect women because we know they can handle the problems presented to them by men who do not respect them."

"But what if they don't want to be dominated," Chris interrupted. "I don't want to dominate a woman who doesn't want to submit to me."

"That's good, Chris," responded Anthony. "I'm glad to hear it, because you can't dominate a woman who doesn't want to submit. Domination requires submission. As such, the woman has just as much control, and just as much power, as the man in a dominate and submissive relationship, which is specifically why the woman deserves just as much respect as the man does in this kind of relationship.

"As you will soon learn, submission is not passive. It is very much active. So a woman who you attempt to dominate, but refuses to submit, is a woman who you are now raping; not dominating."

"I think you are just confusing me more," said Chris. "If a woman is just doing as she is be told to do so, how is that not passive?"

"Being submissive and being passive actually have nothing to do with each other. If I stick a gun to your head and tell you to give me all of your money, and you do so, you are being passive, but that is not really submission. Again, domination requires submission and vice versa. There isn't much domination when I hold a gun to your head. Your prime motivation is to survive, not to do as I say.

"Domination occurs when the submissive does as she is told for no other reason than wanting to do as she is told. The more options a woman has to do other than she is told, the greater her submission, and correspondingly, the greater your domination. In your limited view of domination, empowerment of the submissive may seem contrary to the goals of the dominant, but it is in fact essential.

"This leads into another important aspect of this. It is not something I expect you to believe now, because it is something you have to experience to understand it. When we empower women, we're not doing it because we want to be nice guys, and we are certainly not doing it because of the threats from feminists. We are doing it because this is what is best for us men. Strong, confident and intelligent women make for a much greater resource to exploit.

"We view marriage as a team, and like any team, the more empowered each member is, the better the results of that team will be. This may sound like something that liberals would agree with, but as the saying 'too many chefs spoil the soup' can attest, we believe there must be a clear and unquestioned leader for that maximum benefit to occur.

"All relationships must have a leader, as the principle of yin-yang demonstrates. They may be trading back and forth whose opinion will prevail in what the relationship will do, but at any one time there is a leader. The problem with this is that whenever leadership is in doubt, it is not always in every members interest to empower the other members."

Anthony paused for a second to give Chris a chance to think. "Before I continue I want you to understand that whoever's opinion is the one that prevails does not necessarily establish who the leader is in a relationship. Leadership is established by who decides which opinion prevails. When leadership is not questioned, all opinions of all the members in the relationship can get a better hearing, and a better chance for the best opinion to prevail.

Part 9 >
