My first sexual experience [mm]

Hello everyone, I thought I'd describe first sexual experience with you because I'm horny, want to relive it, and feel like sharing.

This happened when I was at boarding school (not to popularise the myth), when I was living in a dorm with two other guys. One doesn't figure at all, but the other figures heavily.

First, about me: I'm a guy about 6 foot tall, 170lbs with dark hair. I have mixed parentage, so have a light olive skin.

Anyway, John (because we'll call him that) and I had been going to school for the last three years. In those three years, I never thought of him, or any of the other guys I boarded with, in any sexual way. In fact, truth be told, I never really liked john all that much. Despite boarding in a boys-only house (in a co-ed school), there was none of that communal showers and regular sexual humiliation from older years as I'd grown up believing. Also, at the time, I identified as nothing but straight (although I was very open minded). So, one night, at the beginning of term, we were all back from holidays the day before school started. Our fellow room-mate had been fast asleep as he had just flown in from his home country and was suffering jet lag. John and I were still in holiday mode, so despite it being 'lights out' we were far from tired. We chatted for hours from our respective beds. As the hour wore on, talk got on to sex. We each asked each other if we'd managed to 'get any' over the holiday. Despite the bravado, the answer was a resounding no on both sides. John then went on to talk about a new technique he'd discovered over the holidays for getting himself off. I listened, half interested, and asked him why. His answer was boredom. He then told me that he'd found, again, through boredom, that if he held the bottom of his cock, he could delay cuming and it was amazing. At this point, I felt a little turned on about this talk and was already starting to get a stiffy. I asked him where he put his finger and he tried to describe it. Playing ignorant, I managed to get him so worked up that he eventually got out of bed, walked over (his pj's already off) and showed me. There was just enough light coming through the window for me to see perfectly well his cock in full erection with his hair short and coarse. He was holding his cock low, just at the base by the balls. He took my hand and showed me exactly where to place it on his cock. He then, without warning, pulled my trousers down and grabbed my,now fully erect, cock and showed me there too. We stayed like that for a while, him standing at the head of my bed, me lying with each other's hands on each other's cocks.

I don't know what came over me at that point, but I opened my mouth and took the head of his cock in my mouth. He didn't move, only squeezing my cock as I sucked. I let go and looked up. We both looked at each other and there was no sign of disgust or hate, only lust. I licked his head all over and then took in my mouth again, sucking with more eagerness. He moaned softly still squeezing my cock.

To my surprise, I loved this feeling! There was a faint taste which wasn't unpleasant and I kept sucking, fondling his balls and reaching behind him to squeeze his arse cheeks. His cock was large, and as much as I tried to take in, I could only get half before I could feel it at the back of my throat. John's breathing was getting quicker and quicker. I was just about to suggest we stop when something hit the back of my throat and filled my mouth. John made no sound, but from his arse and legs, I could tell he was cuming right in my mouth.

At first, I was a little annoyed he didn't ask, but then the sudden realisation he had controlled me right from the beginning by initiating the talk about sex, coming over to bed ready naked and hard and placed my fingers on him and vice versa. I realised this is what he'd wanted all along. He'd planned it and used me and I found that this was a massive turn on. I swallowed his cum and continued to suck until no more was left. I then finished gently by licking his cock all over like a lollipop and looked up with a smile. He smiled back and simply said:

"Wow, that was incredible!"

With that, he walked back to his bed and went to sleep, leaving me hard, unsatisfied and the horniest I'd ever been until that point in my life. I spent hours masturbating furiously over it that night.

We did have more adventures, but that's for another time.



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