Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 9)

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< Part 8

There are many things that I have said to you today that a feminist will disagree with, but none of them will draw their ire like what I am about to say, and that is when men rule without question, a woman's opinion can be better respected. I'm not saying that it will all of the time. There are plenty of stupid and cowardly men out there who are not prepared to reap the rewards of fully empowered women.

"My advice to any woman is that if your man is not smart enough and brave enough to completely and totally submit to, then you should not have anything to do with him. It's not like you will be happy with a stupid and cowardly man anyway."

Anthony paused to look at his watch, and then said to himself, "I think we have just enough time."

Looking back at Chris he continued, "So how are you doing so far? Do you think you will be able to take that oath?"

"Actually, I do," said Chris. "It seems right to me, but I would feel a lot better… I know you're going to think this question is ridiculous. I guess it's just my deep liberal belief rearing its ugly head, but why should the man be in charge? Why not the woman? Why not who ever is better?"

"So who decides who is better?" Anthony asked right back. "While there is nothing wrong with questioning the decisions of your leadership, nothing good comes from questioning who that leader is.

"As I'll be explaining shortly, this kingdom is geared around developing leadership qualities in everyone, but no one gets to decide who their leader is. This is not a democracy where tyranny of the majority can prevail. If you don't like who your leadership is, then leave and start your own kingdom. Again, you can disagree with the decisions of your leadership — it's even expected — but you cannot disagree with who your leaders are.

"This kingdom is not for everyone, and we would never consider trying to make it so. If it works for you, that's great. If not, then go."

Anthony paused again to regroup his thoughts. "OK, we're getting close. I have some basics about the kingdom to cover. Then you will take two tests, and if you pass them, I'll take your oath, and then you're in.

"This kingdom has a strict chain of command. In your case it starts at the top with King John, followed by Duke Martin, then Lord Jacob, and last but not least — because you're the least — is me, your squad leader. Each person in your chain of command performs a different role.

"The central character around what forms the extended family you are about to join is the Lord. This extended family is called a lordship. Everyone under the Lord works as a unit to support each other, and extend expectations upon each other. My role as squad leader is not considered an official role within the kingdom. Some lords, such as the one you will serve, create subordinates to delegate authority to when their lordship gets too large.

"The King and the Duke are not central figures. They only provide guidance to, and cohesion between, the lordships, but they do not have anyone other than lords reporting to them. All of the people who serve them are on assignment from a lord under them.

"The King does nothing more than provide the cultural guidelines that define everyone within the kingdom, then the Duke adds his twists to that definition, so long as they don't conflict with the King. The Duke has an additional responsibility in that he runs the crucible that his Lords and Ladies draw their men and women from.

"The King, Duke and Lord are considered royalty, and must have wives to provide the corresponding leadership for the women in our kingdom. No one can be a King, Duke or Lord without a Queen, Duchess or Lady. As I am only a squad leader, I am not royalty, so I do not have to have a wife.

"There are different expectations placed on royalty than on us, and that is why you must show respect for those differences. We do not want you to see them as better than you, but we do demand that you show respect for their authority. When you speak to royalty you will use their titles, or at a minimum, you will use sir or ma'am. With the rest of us you'll use our first names.

"OK so far?" asked Anthony.

"Yeah. Sure," replied Chris.

"Good," continued Anthony, "'cause what I am about to get into I can't explain too much. I'm telling you this so that you will have a framework to understand what you will learn the rest of the day.

"That said, do you understand the concept of synergy?"

"I guess so," said Chris. "It's when two people working together can attain more than working separately."

"That's close, but not quite," continued Anthony. "You need to see that it's not a question of more. Two people working together can of course do more than they can separately. Synergy, on the other hand, occurs when something happens that could not have happened separately. So it is not a question of more, but different. More of the same is not synergy. Something different is.

"This is another concept the liberals like to espouse yet have no clue what it really means. They like to apply it to multi-culturalism, but this is nonsense. People must be working towards a common goal for synergy to work, and people of different cultures must overcome those differences before they can work together.

"Take for example immigrants coming into our country. Until they assimilate with this culture they are far more likely to be a burden on our country than an asset. That doesn't mean their different perspective can't be an asset, it's just that they first have to have a common goal with the existing culture, which is probably the best way to describe assimilation.

"As a side note, assimilation is another word liberals can't grasp. For them it has connotations of surrender and defeat. Yet a critical step to empowering yourself in a society is to assimilate. Anyone who has not assimilated with our culture will always be a second class citizen, and at the mercy of the people who seek power by keeping them that way with things like programs where they do not have to learn English.

"Assimilation does not mean abandoning your previous culture. It means adapting it to where you are, rather than where you were. People coming to this country need to adapt to our culture, or change our culture to adapt to them, in order to be of any benefit to it.

"This is also what I expect of you. Regardless of what you call yourself, I expect you to assimilate into our kingdom by making our goals your goals. If you feel any of these goals are wrong, you will not act to undermine them, and instead show respect for them by moving up the chain of command so that you can change them to what you believe they should be.

"Where liberals really demonstrate their lack of understanding synergy is when it comes to the most important relationship that anyone will ever decide for themselves, and that's who their spouse will be. Liberals, and more specifically feminists, like to state that a man and a woman in a marriage perform the same roles and are responsible for the same things, which basically means they are interchangeable.

"They, of course, couldn't be more wrong. When two people are the same there is no opportunity for synergy, and as far as we are concerned, there is no point to a marriage unless there is synergy. The more two people are different, yet work on the same goals, the greater the possibility of synergy between them.

"Can there be anything more different than a man and a woman? Can there be anything more profound in establishing the same goals with someone else than a marriage?"

Chris figured that those questions were rhetorical, but used the opportunity to say something on his mind, "I take it this means you are also against gay marriage?"

Anthony first responded with a snort, then continued, "We don't have the time this morning to go into just how asinine the concept of gay marriage is, but I wouldn't say I'm against gay marriage. It's like saying I'm against the sun rising in the west. You can pass all of the laws you want that say the sun must rise in the west, but that will not make it so.

"Government does not establish what a marriage is. They can grant preferential treatment to married couples, but I would argue for the elimination of that treatment than concede that a man and man or a woman and a woman are comparable to a man and a woman in a marriage.

"As far as we are concerned, God has established what a marriage is by the profound benefits that are bestowed on those that work with His creation, rather than the — at best — mediocrity bestowed on those that don't.

"I want to make it clear here that I am not just talking about gay marriage. I'm also talking about heterosexual marriage that follows the feminist concept that men and women are interchangeable. In a way, these two things are linked. The push for gay marriage began when people started to believe that the roles of men and women in a marriage were interchangeable. It would be intellectually dishonest to be against gay marriage, and at the same time for the concept that feminists believe a marriage should be.

"Correspondingly, you can't be for gay marriage without dismissing what a man can bring to a marriage as a man, and what a woman can bring to a marriage as a woman.

"Look, the reason I don't like to say I am against gay marriage is because it sounds like I am against anything they do. I'm not. They can do anything they like. They should live well and be happy while they do it, as far as I am concerned.

"What I am against is what they want from me. They want me to call their life partnerships a marriage, and that is something I cannot do. It is not something I won't do; it is something I can't do. I can no more call their relationship a marriage than I can start calling the color red by the name orange. I can't do that because I know there are still orange things in this world, and I would then have no way of identifying them in words."

Part 10 >
