Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 12)

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< Part 11

Anthony's office was quite large. There was at least 20 feet between the back of the chair Chris was sitting in and the office door. After about a minute the door opened and in walked a devastatingly beautiful woman.

She was wearing a long, cream-colored overcoat, and as soon as she closed the door, she dropped it to the floor as she walked towards Chris. Underneath the coat she wore an aquamarine satin dress that appeared to Chris to be more of a negligee than anything else.

From the moment she entered the room her eyes were locked on Chris. Once she was within a foot of Chris she dropped to her knees with her legs wide apart; her head tilted slightly to her left; her arms locked behind her back, and then stared up at Chris with a passionate desire in her eyes.

Chris could tell she was older than he, but her beauty was ageless. Her breasts, while not large, were firm without a bra. Her skin was smooth, and begged to be stroked. Her lips were parted, and pleaded to be kissed. She looked very familiar to him, then he realized she looked just like the actress in one of his all-time favorite movies, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. He marveled at how much she looked like Katherine Ross.

'What a MILF!' thought Chris.

When Anthony began talking, neither Linda nor Chris looked at anyone other than each other. "Before you, Chris, is a prime example of the kind of woman this kingdom produces. And once you have passed your last test, and taken your oath, I'm going to leave you alone with her to do with as you please."

'Then let's get on with it!' thought Chris impatiently.

"Before I can give you the test, though," continued Anthony, "there are a few more things to cover. Women, like Linda here, will play an important role in your life. They will perform this role as chaperones for the maidens you will take on dates, yet these chaperones are not quite like you understand that word to mean.

"A typical chaperone, as you know them, performs her responsibilities by preventing contact between the two unmarried people in order to keep the girl from getting pregnant. In a way, our chaperones seek to accomplish the same goal, but by very different means. They don't use themselves as a barrier between the couple. They present themselves to the man as an alternative to the maiden.

"When you show up at the home a maiden lives in to take her on a date, a chaperone will present herself for you to do whatever you want with her. You can immediately dismiss her, or take her with you on your date. Most men will play with them for a bit, and then command that they make themselves available after the date so that they can release the passion that they will be building during it."

Chris finally looked back over to Anthony and said, "Several times today you have said things that make it appear that I am to have sex with married women. You even have referred to Linda as a woman. Does that not mean she is married? I don't understand what is going on here."

Anthony paused to consider how to respond to Chris for a few moments, then said, "Most guys just ignore this until after they have fucked the woman silly. They generally don't let their conscience get in the way of getting some tail. Maybe it's your liberalism that is again rearing its ugly head, yet we may as well get into this now.

"Does it make any sense to you that we should learn about one of the most fundamental aspects of our mortal existence, which is our sexuality, from another person who also has absolutely no experience in it either? That is the basic premise behind no premarital sex."

Anthony waited a few moments for Chris to respond, then said, "That wasn't a rhetorical question."

"No it doesn't," Chris quickly responded.

Anthony continued, "If our sexuality was nothing more than about bumping body parts and creating children, then it is reasonable that you can learn all you need to know from what other people tell you — or from a book for that matter. Yet we know we are profoundly sexual beings, and society is only beginning to scratch the surface of what that means to us. As such, the only way our society can progress in understanding this is by learning directly from more experienced people.

"Now the question is, what kind of experience. Not all experience is of equal value. Learning sex from a prostitute will not teach the aspects of your sexuality that will benefit your wife. That means only married people who are in committed and happy relationships are going to have the experience you need the most.

"Most of us like to say that we have rejected monogamy in our marriages. I don't, because I don't like the available descriptions left for us to use. The men of this kingdom are deeply committed to their wives and children, just like any monogamous couple is. All we have done is thrown out sex as a definition of marriage.

"We'll get more into the sexual politics of this kingdom later this afternoon. For now, all you need to know is that as a man of this kingdom you are entitled to have sex with any woman you want, yet just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Walking into the queen's chambers and demanding a blow job may be permitted, but it will reflect badly on your judgment, and greatly impede your ascension in this kingdom.

"The same is true for getting unmarried women pregnant. You are entitled to do with them as you please, and we even encourage you to penetrate them — for reasons we'll get into later. Yet this is a very tricky thing considering maidens are not permitted to use birth control of any form, and you are not permitted to wear condoms."

"What?" exclaimed Chris. "Did I hear you right? No condoms? What about STDs?"

"The best that can be said about condoms are that they are better than nothing," continued Anthony. "How would you feel about going into operation with a surgeon that only wears latex finger covers. STD's are spread by more areas than what a condom can cover. If your plan is to prevent the spread of STD's by using barriers, then you will need a full body condom.

"Another aspect of the crucible is that it acts as a quarantine. If it turns out that you have an untreatable STD, you will never be selected. Although that is actually very rare. Most STD's are very treatable, if not curable. We of this kingdom use scrupulous hygiene, and deeply intimate knowledge of our bodies to prevent the spread of STD's. Keep in mind that one of the reasons why a woman might say no to your sexual advances is because she knows she is contagious in some way.

"Probably the best reason why we have so little STDs in our kingdom is women like Linda in front of you. With such willing sexual partners, why look outside the kingdom for sex. If everyone is only having sex within the kingdom, then there is not much chance for STDs to be brought in.

"Back again to where we need to be. We like to pride ourselves that our low incidence of unmarried pregnancies are the result of the responsible actions of the men of our kingdom. Expecting women to prevent unwed pregnancies is not effective by any way you look at it. Women have a natural desire to submit, and if a man is persistent enough, she will. It's also ridiculous to expect men to go without sex. So any responsible actions must take both of these things into account.

"So when a maiden accepts a date from a man, our Lady Jennifer makes sure a married woman is assigned to the couple for their pleasure and instruction. That woman is available for anything the man desires, and that includes anything he may want her to do with his date."

Staring back at Linda, Chris said almost to himself, "Wow, this kingdom is one heck of a male fantasy."

"True," continued Anthony, "But you will never understand this kingdom until you understand that it is also one heck of a female fantasy also. In fact, you will never understand yourself unless you understand that you can't have one heck of a male fantasy without it also being one heck of a female fantasy too.

"One of the greatest tragedies of our society is that most people see men and women's sexual fantasies as different and in conflict with each other. They do need to be different, but they also need to be complimentary. I can assure you, the woman kneeling before you knows that her greatest sexual satisfaction can only be achieved by seeing that you have yours. There is absolutely no conflict between what she wants, and what you want.

Part 13 >
