Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 11)

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< Part 10

"Do you use a safe word here?" asked Chris.

"You know what that means, huh?" asked Anthony rhetorically. "Too bad, because now you have to unlearn it. Safe words are used by people who play S&M games. This is not a game to us. This is real life. Safe words shift the responsibility of what is happening from the dominant to the submissive.

"Also, safe words only apply to physical harm, and that kind of harm is the least of our concerns. Our women are tough. They can take a lot of physical abuse. It is their spirit that we are most concerned with, and that is easily damaged. No safe word can ever work with that, because they will never see it coming in order to use it.

"Your total and complete focus needs to be on them and their well-being. As you will learn, if you actually need them to tell you that you are going too far, then you are fucking up — colossally. The degree of your authority over them corresponds to the degree of your responsibility to them. Never forget that.

"Any questions before you take your tests?"

"Millions, I suppose," Answered Chris. "But if you think I'm ready, I'm willing to give it a go."

"Alright then, test number one." Anthony got up and started walking around the desk to Chris' right. As he did this he unbuckled his belt, and unzipped his pants. By the time he reached Chris he had pulled out his penis, and was quickly stroking himself to a full erection. Chris now found himself about a foot away from Anthony's hardened cock.

Chris tried to compensate by leaning to the left a little, but he was still too close as far as he was concerned.

After a moment or two, Anthony finally asked, "Do you find what I am doing to be intimidating?"

"Yes!" exclaimed Chris. "Yes I do."

"So you can understand why a woman would find unwanted sexual advances in the work place to be intimidating also?" Anthony asked.

"Yes," said Chris.

"Good. But while it is understandable, it's still not acceptable," continued Anthony. "Being intimidated by what I am doing is your choice to make, not mine. I now expect you to make the same choice that we expect our women to make in the work place if presented with this situation. I expect you to either lean over and suck my cock, or decline in a manner that confirms to me that I am not victimizing you."

Chris was stunned by what was happening. This whole morning seemed to be ramping up into something he could never have imagined. He had to admit that he had fantasized from time to time about sucking another man's cock, but he also knew that this was not the time for it.

Using the calmest voice that he could muster under the circumstances, Chris said, "Thanks for the offer, but I'll take a rain check."

Anthony considered Chris' words, then proceeded to put his cock away, and zip up his pants. Rather than walking back around the desk, he sat down on the corner.

"You did quite well there, Chris," Anthony said. "The purpose of that test was to see if you are a homophobe, and you passed it.

"You see, we can't have any homophobes in this kingdom. There some men here who like to occasionally have sex with other men, and they are eventually going to come on to you. As such, we can't have anyone tripping out over real or imagined sexual advances from other men.

"Always remember rules one and two. You can't be forced to have sex, and you can't engage in homosexual sex when others are present. If a man comes on to you, he can't do it when there are witnesses, so there can be no threat to your manhood. And as far as we are concerned, homophobia points to a complete lack of control over your sexual desires.

"There are a couple more points that I must cover before we move onto test number two. If a man pulls out his cock to you he is requesting to be your sexual submissive. You can either decline or accept. If you accept, he has no say in what happens further.

"The other point is difficult to understand, but you need to know it now. Our kingdom works by maintaining a very strict chain of command. You must do as I say, without hesitation. In light of what has just occurred, I know these words may cause you some concern, but they shouldn't.

"Our King has established that in order for us to learn what we must about domination and submission, so when it comes to the chain of command, sexual politics works in reverse. In other words, I am your sexual submissive. Rule number one still applies — sort of. A man cannot be forced to have sex in this kingdom, but no man is required to move up the chain of command.

"I can't think of a single rule that doesn't have some sort of exception. And there are some very good reasons for this one that are related to why we do not tolerate homophobes. One of them is that if your sexual identity is so fragile that sucking a man's cock will compromise it, then you have no business taking a leadership position in our kingdom.

"And it's not good enough for me to just say I am your sexual submissive. Many times when you come to my office, or home, I will pull out my cock. Not only must you learn to not be intimidated by this, but it is also a constant reminder that if you want me to suck your cock, or if you want to suck mine, the invitation is there.

"Are you OK with this, Chris?"

"No problem," replied Chris.

"Good," said Anthony. "Are you ready for test number two?"

With a great deal of trepidation Chris said, "Sure thing. Let's do it."

Anthony leaned back across his desk, picked up the phone, punched a button, then after a ten second pause said, "OK Linda. I'm ready for you." After he hung the phone up he continued. "Stand up, come around to the other side of your chair, and face the door."

Part 12 >
