Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 13)

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< Part 12

"Getting back on track again… Women such as Linda have an agenda to teach you and your date what you both need to know to be happy, healthy and enthusiastic participants in this kingdom. Yet she does it in a very submissive manner. She expects you to take charge, so that you will only learn from her what your want to learn from her. She will bring an entirely different concept of teacher that is unknown in our society at large. One where the student dictates the curriculum.

"As you will learn later, this is the only model of instruction that works on adults, which confirms what I said earlier about college students only being children.

"At the same time, she will be teaching your date how to get everything she wants, and needs, from a man through the power of submission. Your date will be stunned and amazed at how much Linda will teach you without it appearing she had any say in what is you are being taught. And I'm not talking about manipulation. You will always believe that you are getting what you want.

"There is no big mystery here. Like I said earlier, there is no conflict between what you and any woman you are with want. All we do is strip away all of the crap imposed on our society by those on the left and the right. Once exposed, all we have left is our true nature. And when the true nature of a man works in harmony with the true nature of a woman, many wonderful things start happening.

"So. Are you ready for the final test?"

Still staring at Linda, Chris replied, "More than ever."

"Good… Now spank her," commanded Anthony.

"What!?!" exclaimed Chris as he looked over at Anthony, who was now walking over to the far wall of his office. "What did you say?"

Anthony grabbed a high-back chair with no arms that was up against the wall, and brought it out to the center of the room. "Drag her over to this chair, sit down on it, pull her across your lap, expose her bottom, then spank it until it is a nice bright red… Clear enough?"

When Chris looked down at Linda all he saw was an even greater yearning in her eyes. The conflict raging in Chris' mind was beyond anything he could have imagined. He was at once appalled at what he was commanded to do, yet the look he was getting from Linda enflamed his desire to do so. Still the conflict raged on, and left him frozen where he stood.

"Listen carefully Chris," continued Anthony. "When you take any maiden out on a date for the first time, the man responsible for her is going to demand that you demonstrate your authority over her, and your willingness to discipline her if necessary, by giving her a sound spanking.

"There are many stupid concepts that our society at large have convinced itself are true, and the hardest part of being a member of this kingdom is striping them all away. This test is to see if you can admit to yourself what it is you really want to do, and recognize that she also really wants you to do it. If you're so brainwashed by our society that you can't follow through on this, then you really have no business being a member of our kingdom.

"So, are you going to go by the dictates of a society that really has no desire or inclination to empower you, or are you going to flow with your desires by working within a kingdom that really does want you to be the best that you can be?"

Chris was no longer in doubt about the path he would take. Between his enflamed sexual desire, and her obvious yearning for him to do it, there really was no choice here. Yet he was still not moving because he didn't know how to start this. How was he suppose to drag her over to the chair? Should he just grab her by the arm? He reached out tentatively to do just that, but then pulled back.

Anthony recognized the dilemma Chris was in, and walked over to Linda. "I normally wait until later to demonstrate this, but it's good for a liberal like you to see this now. Women have a very convenient handle to grab them by."

He had approached Linda from her right, and as he reached out to her, she turned her head slightly to left, giving him easy access to the back. Anthony used his left hand to grab the back of her hair, then yanked her up to her feet. Linda gasped, more in exclamation than in pain, yet kept her arms clasped behind her back.

Chris looked on in horror. He even had the urge to attack Anthony in order to protect Linda, but he knew he would only get his ass kicked. There was no way he could conceivably take on Anthony.

"Again, you need to start rejecting what a society that really does not have your best interest at heart has taught you is proper behavior, and start exploring your natural desires and why they are there. What appears to you to be nothing but a brutal and horrible act is anything but that."

As Anthony continued talking he slowly moved Linda's head around, demonstrating his control. "Just like the spanking you're about to do, this is a powerful act of ownership. And ownership is very important, because only those things that you own do you really take care of. This act, like the spanking, is placing the woman in a profound state of vulnerability; a vulnerability she desperately wants to experience. This is what I was telling you earlier. A woman wants to be profoundly taken. She wants to feel your ownership of her, and this does that in a way like no other.

"You have to be careful when you do this, yet if you're not doing things where you have to be careful, how can you demonstrate how much you care. It would be very easy for me to harm her with her in this position, yet her demonstration of trust fills me with a desire to protect her, and she knows this."

"Didn't that hurt her?" asked Chris.

"Of course it did," replied Anthony, "but not much. Grab enough hair to spread the pull on her head, and it hardly hurts at all. The real danger is what you could do to her neck, not her scalp.

"Remember. In any physical battle between men and woman, women lose. Fighting us only opens the door to them being harmed. Women of our kingdom need to learn that harm only comes from resisting us men. As long as she doesn't struggle, she may experience pain, but she won't be harmed."

Anthony pushed Linda back on the floor and said, "Now you do it." After a slight pause, "Do it, or leave."

Chris knew that leaving was out of the question, especially after having those pleading eyes of hers back on him again. He reached out with his right hand, and Linda turned her head slightly to her right. Chris grabbed a big handful of hair and yanked her straight up. He didn't mean to, but the fluid motion of what he was doing brought her right up against him; pressing her tightly to him.

Chris had to fight a whole lot of other desires that were running through his mind in order to focus on what he needed to do. After a slight pause holding her tight, he pulled her over to the chair, then quickly over his lap. As Linda was pulled forward her arms flew out in front of her so she could brace herself on the floor.

The rush Chris was experiencing because of what he was doing was forcing him to breath huge amounts of air. He could also tell Linda was experiencing much of the same thing. He felt embarrassed by what he now HAD TO DO, but he didn't care. He slid her off him to reposition has swollen cock in his pants properly, then pulled her back across. He was now prepared to better enjoy what was about to happen.

Deep down he had to admit that he had fantasized about doing something like this, but this was the first time he could really let the fantasy play out completely, and not just in his mind. As he slowly stroked her bottom he felt a massive surge of power. The idea that such a beautiful and obviously bright, and confident woman would submit herself like this, was beyond his ability to comprehend. All he knew for sure was that it was real, and probably the most real thing he had ever experienced.

Yet as soon as he felt that, the doubts started to creep in. He delivered a few swats on Linda's still dress covered ass, mainly to confirm that he really did have the authority to do as he wanted. Linda's gasps of pleasure rather than pain from the swats was all the conformation that he needed to continue.

He proceeded to raise her dress to expose her white satin panties. He paused again to marvel at the smoothness of her bottom before delivering some more swats to her ass. He then pulled her panties down to about mid thigh, and followed that up with over twenty smacks to her ass. He wasn't really counting; he just went with it. He did what felt right to him based on how Linda was responding — and boy, was she responding!

He paused a moment to pull her panties completely off, then proceed to spank her at a slower pace. He also moved from her ass to the back of her thighs from time to time. Linda's gasps soon turned to cries, yet Chris could tell they were not cries for him to stop, but cries for him to continue. And a big reason why he knew this, was the obvious aroma of a woman in heat. Chris couldn't help himself as he slid his hand between her thighs in order to confirm the dampness he knew was there.

As he stroked her he asked, "Have I passed?"

"Oh yes," replied Anthony, "With flying colors I might add. Do you swear to protect and empower the women and children of this kingdom?"

"Definitely!" exclaimed Chris.

"Then say it," commanded Anthony.

"I swear to protect and empower the women and children of the kingdom," Chris earnestly said.

"Welcome to our kingdom," said Anthony. "I'm going to leave you here alone for a little while, so enjoy yourself." He reached into an inside pocket of his business suit jacket, and pulled out a paddle, which he threw to Chris. "If you really want to pleasure her, be sure to use both ends of it."

Part 14 >
