Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 14)

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< Part 13

Chris looked at the paddle that he caught with one hand. The paddle part of it was half the width of a ping-pong paddle, and the handle was round, long and thick.

Anthony continued as he walked out the door, "The handle can get a bit tricky to hold when it gets wet, but I'm sure you'll figure it out."

With the door closed, Chris focused his attention on Linda. He pondered how best to proceed with her. Should he begin with the paddle or the handle? He figured he had already given some attention to her sex, so he took the paddle by the handle in his right hand, and delivered a sound crack to her backside. Linda let out an anguished cry, but otherwise seemed to take it well.

Chris then began to wonder what level he could take this. To that end he delivered a rapid succession of smacks working from the very top of her bottom to lower part of her thighs. He kept it up longer than what he would have thought possible, but it appeared that Linda could take it all.

If for no other reason than to give her a chance to catch her breath, Chris spun the paddle around in his hand and plunged it into her. She immediately began working back against it as Chris worked it back and forth. If his plan was to allow her to catch her breath it certainly wasn't working, because she was working herself towards one heck of an orgasm.

'Enough was enough,' thought Chris. Whether she was satisfied or not, didn't matter. He unceremoniously dumped her on the floor, pulled down his pants, grabbed her by the hair again, then thrust his cock down her throat. There was no hesitation on her part to take him in, which inspired Chris to drive it as deep as he could. He knew her throat didn't bend that way, so it had to hurt, but she took it as if she was hungry for it.

As he pumped in and out of her he contemplated some on what he was doing, and the change he must be going through to do it. Never before had a woman even offered to suck his cock, yet here he was having it done without him even asking. Before this morning he would have defined what he was doing as rape, yet now he saw this as not only something that he was allowed to do, he saw it as something that he should do.

This realization surged within him to the point where he now figured he didn't have much time before he came. He had plenty of opportunities to jerk off while he was in the crucible, but still, no sex is still no sex. With that he pulled out, then pulled off Linda's dress. Since she wasn't wearing a bra, she was now naked. His thoughts flashed to the idea of pulling her over to the couch against the wall, but he didn't want to bother with the distraction. He got his shirt off, and the rest of his pants and underwear in seconds. Then was on top of Linda faster than if he fell on her.

Like any young man, Chris didn't last long. With his own anguish cry of sexual release, he relaxed upon Linda to catch his breath. For her part she kept rocking her pelvis back and forth to what seemed to Chris an attempt to milk his cock.

As his breathing returned he got up on his elbows and looked down into Linda's eyes. "Your amazing," he said, then dropped down to kiss her passionately. She eagerly returned it, and embraced him tightly.

Chris then thought that he might be pressing on her too much and got off her. When he was in a kneeling position between Linda's legs, she rocked forward and began sucking his cock as if she were cleaning it. After about a minute she got up and held out her hand. For the first time since she came in this room, she spoke. She said more as a request than a command, "Come."

Chris grabbed her hand, got up, and followed her to the back of Anthony's office. There was a door there that led into a spacious bathroom. It had a Jacuzzi and a double shower. As they were both already naked, Linda led them right into the shower.

She immediately set about getting both showerheads going. With heads on either side of the shower, there was no place to stand were you couldn't get wet. When Chris reached out for a bar of soap, Linda beat him to it.

As she began lathering him up she said, "The women of this kingdom enjoy giving our men showers, so plan on getting one anytime you go on a date. Usually both the maiden and the chaperone participate, but that is your choice."

Chris then asked, "What if I want to wash you?"

"You can do anything you desire," replied Linda. "But keep in mind that there are many things in this kingdom that seem like they are about women doing men a big favor, yet the reality is that we don't trust men to do a good job.

"You men are smelly beasts that will go far too long between showers. So if there is something we women want done that you men could care less about, then we believe we should do it, so don't feel like you need to reciprocate this."

"Not at all," said Chris as he grabbed the soap from her anyway. He started lathering her at her shoulders and began moving down her front. At first he did this because he was uncomfortable with her cleaning him. It didn't seem right to him. He was feeling that he got far more out of what had just occurred between them than she did, so it should be him doing her a favor, and not the other way around.

Yet as he did so, he found that he was feeling a surge of power because of his control of the situation. He may have started this as a subservient act to her, but it didn't stay that way. As he thoroughly washed her, he lingered around her breasts and between her thighs. When he moved on to washing her long, brunette hair, he found he enjoyed this most of all.

This was all incredibly strange to him. Questions filled his mind about what really is domination, and who is really in control of any situation. He was now beginning to see just how complicated this domination and submission business really was.

He was also seeing just how much he was going to enjoy figuring this all out, because Linda had just noticed the massive hard-on he generated while thinking about all of this. As she knelt in front of him she said, "I just love how you young men can get hard so soon after sex."

It took her only a couple minutes to suck him off. As his cock softened, she got up and got the soap. "We're running out of time, and I still have to finish you," she said playfully.

Once they were done they stepped out of the shower, and dried each other off. They then walked back into Anthony's office to get their clothes. Linda stopped at Anthony's desk, where she reached into a drawer, and pulled out a pair of clean panties. With her dress in hand, she walked back into the bathroom.

As Chris was putting on his clothes, he heard a hair dryer come on. Once he was done he walked back to the doorway, and watched Linda dry her hair while wearing just her panties. Like almost all men, once he had been sexually satisfied, all of the doubts and possible ramifications of what he had done came flooding in.

"I assume you're married, right?" began Chris. "How does your husband feel about this? Should I be careful around him?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" replied Linda. "Anthony should be back any minute."

Chris was beginning to suspect this, particularly after seeing her get those panties from his desk, but it still shocked him to hear it from her anyway. "Why didn't he tell me you were his wife?" he exclaimed.

Linda turned off the hair dryer, and looked over at him. "Specifically because of the way you are reacting right now. You never would have behaved naturally if you knew I was married to him. Believe it or not, as the big liberal and enlightened person you think you are, you still have a ton of sexual hang ups that you need to shed."

As if on queue, Anthony walked into his office. As he walked across the room, he said to Chris, "I assume everything went well?"

Chris jumped out of the doorway and stammered to Anthony, "Uh… yeah… just great… everything went fine… no problems."

Anthony stopped at the doorway and looked at Chris, "I take it you figured out she's my wife?" After Chris nodded rapidly, he continued. "Don't sweat it Chris. I'm very generous with her. If you date one of the maidens that I own, I'll make sure she's your chaperone.

"On the first floor of this building there is a café. Meet me there, and I'll buy you lunch. I just have a few things to talk over with my wife."

Once Chris had left, he turned to Linda, "Pat just told me that Jenny wants you over at the manor." Pat was Anthony's secretary.

"Yes," replied Linda. "I got a call from her this morning. She said Marcia did great last night, and believes this is the right time for us."

"So soon!" exclaimed Anthony.

"You know Jenny," continued Linda. "She told me she would have her licking my pussy in no time, but I didn't think it would be on the second day."

~ End of Chapter 5 ~ To Protect & Empower ~

Chapter 6 >


1 comment

  1. *Authors Note:* *Although I shouldn’t be, I’m still amazed by the numbers of messages I get complaining how I am ruining a great story with all of the politics and religion that I put in to it. Too bad. This story was written from the bottom up, and not from the top down. Liberal thinking is top down. They start with some foolish utopia, then begin concocting fantasies that are suppose to make it happen. The story I am writing did not begin with a notion about how great it would be to live in a kingdom where women got spanked a lot, and enjoyed it. It started over a couple of decades ago with me trying to understand why I kept fantasizing about raping women.* *The analogy I would use to describe how this story was written is solving a picture puzzle without a picture to use as a reference, and also knowing I have pieces in my pile that didn’t belong. I carefully started putting pieces of what I had learned about life together hoping a picture would begin to form. Sometimes I came across pieces that didn’t work with the developing picture, and I threw them out. Other times I revisited pieces that I had thrown out before, and gave them another look to see if they worked now.* *Slowly but surely the story you see today appeared. Rather than predefining my end result, I let what worked together in real life define it. I can’t throw out the politics and religion because they were not added afterwards. They are an integral reason to why the story is even there to begin with. Yet this story is a long way away from being clear. It isn’t a story about my life, or the life I want to live. It is just a morality exercise to understand why I believe what I believe.* *Life is too short to waste your time reading stories that all you can do is complain about them, and there are thousands, if not millions, of other stories on this site, so go read one of them instead. Yet if you have found some pieces of life lying around that you think are missing from my puzzle, feel free to throw them my way. Constructive criticism is always welcomed.*

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