Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.28: Thursday [fM][exh]

Kerina woke groggily as the morning sun shone on her cheeks. She took a few moments to enjoy laying in her bed, then she threw back her cover, wondering what time it was.

She stared in surprise as she saw she was wearing a skimpy school girl outfit and then the events of yesterday invaded her brief moment of peace.

She had been left nude in a class room while undergoing a supposed medical exam at St Rogers High school. She had somehow wound up in this outfit, she had been forced into sex by a student teacher there and when she finally got back to her room, the two bums she had met in their cardboard box home had come to visit her and she ended up getting fucked on her bed by them. She felt sick.

Kerina ran into the bathroom crying and stripped off the clothes. She turned on the shower and got in under the water again. The water allowed her to relax and gave her time to think. She thought about what this all meant for her. No one had seen the bums come in, so while it was disgusting, she didn't have to worry about that now.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.28: Things Heat Up [fM]

Shouts of "Fire, fire," echoed around the hall and the sound of running feet began.

Kerina didn't want to get seen like this, but at the same time she had been told to stay here and let the thermometer work. Kerina's brow creased as she tried to work out what to do, her current position doing a lot to distract her. She swiftly decided, however, that the threat of fire was more important than any other considerations, so she reached back and painfully drew the thick thermometer out of her tight ass.

Leaving it on the desk she looked around frantically for her gown… it was gone! She stood there indecisively, she had to get out of here, but she didn't want to be walking around naked. Outside the sounds off footsteps died down and went quiet. Presumably everyone had left.

Kerina was about to take a look when she heard the sound of a nearby door closing. A few moments later another closed. Someone was checking the rooms!

Kerina looked around desperate for somewhere to hide, but there was no where. Before she could think further, the door opened and a tall man, who only looked in his mid twenties, looked in and stopped shocked.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.27: Kerina is Exposed in High School [f]

The halls echoed to the feet of students rushing to class. The Bell had just rung and the hallways that were previously ominously silent had burst into a cacophony of sound. Jim and Marty walked from class, confident and self assured, they walked through the crowd as students rushed, swirling around them. They were discussing an event that had happened about two weeks ago now, but which had never been far from their minds, the time when they had met Kerina.

They turned left down the hall and walked along the long hall that lead to the medical centre, ironically the same hall that Jenna decided upon to lead Kerina to the nearby room in which she would commence the necessary tests on Kerina.

The exam room was small and harshly lit. The whole room was visible through the door from the busy hall and as Jim and Marty passed, they looked in curiously….

…and saw nothing. If they had been five minutes later they would have seen Kerina, but this wasn't the case. If it had been, the story may have gone in a whole different direction. This just goes to show in this big universe that you never can tell.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.26: Kerina’s Complete Physical [f]

Kerina waited patiently in the waiting room near Elle's office. Not long after Maria let her know she could go in. Kerina stood and walked over, unable to stop from feeling butterflies as she remembered what happened here on Monday.

Walking in Elle's office door, Kerina sat in the chair in front of Elle's desk as Elle sat there looking as stylish and comfortable as ever, writing some notes in a file.

"Ah, hello Kerina, how are you today?"

"Uh, good thanks."

"That's excellent," smiled Elle, "and how are you feeling after yesterday's exercise?"

"I am okay. I guess it has been a bit hard to concentrate, and I do keep looking around in class I guess."

Elle smiled broadly, "well that is excellent, so you are taking an interest in who else is in your classes?"


"Well, than that would be a success wouldn't you say? That was just what I said you needed wasn't it?"

"Well yeah, but even after school it is making me distracted. Last night I went out with Mark to the movies and it was fun but I kept thinking about those guys coming up to me and what would happen if Mark found out what I did on Monday."

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.25: Wednesday [f]

It was now Wednesday, and once again a lot had happened. After stripping in Elle's office, Kerina had three more classes in the afternoon. She had sat through all of them, casting furtive glances around the room, trying to remember if any of them were the ones that had been in Elle's office. Kerina thought a couple seemed familiar, but she was only sure about the two guys in her math's class, which she had last that day.

At one stage the two boys had caught her glancing nervously around the room and had given her grins, so she had stayed sitting facing the front for the rest of the class.

Kerina had spent the evening studying, trying to catch up on all her studies from the afternoon – for some reason she hadn't paid much attention to what she was being taught!

Tuesday was a bit better as she tried unsuccessfully to relax, but her mind kept coming back to the worry that some one or several of the guy in any class may have seen her naked yesterday. It was eating her up inside and she was quiet and brooding the whole day.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.24: Kerina on Display [f][huml]

Monday. Kerina finished her last class for the morning, walking out she chatted with Jane and Penny (another friend from Church Group).

"So where are we having lunch?" asked Jane.

"Just at the College Restaurant I guess," said Penny.

"Uh sorry guys, I got a note to see the security office. They found my phone." Kerina said lightly, not mentioning that she was also going to see Elle again today.

"Oh, cool thats great Kerina," Jane smiled. "Don't forget that we are going shopping this evening though. We have to get you something pretty for your date with Mark tomorrow," grinned Penny.

"Its not a date," blushed Kerina, "We are just seeing a movie together."

"Whatever. Well. now you have your mobile, it will be easier to find you. Talk to you later ok?"

'OK, see you girls," kerina walked off feeling happier than she had for a time.

Kerina walked into the building where Elle's office was. Several other staff shared the building and they had a common receptionist and waiting room in the centre of the building.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.23: Elle Straightens Things Out [f][huml]

Kerina had started to relax. After being thrown out by Lisa naked, then admitting to the Dean that she had lied about Warren feeling her up (Although this wasn't true, but Elle had explained it would help her situation) as well as having it implied that she had some sexuality issues, things had made a turn for the better.

First, Elle had gone to speak to Lisa, and while she had again needed to 'admit' to being stressed by University and to turning to some exhibitionist type activities as a release, at Lisa had forgiven her and let her stay in the apartment again.

Kerina had sat there demurely on her bed as Elle and Lisa had spoken. Elle had spoken of how Kerina was very immature in when it came to relationships and had been inadvertantly looking for acceptance when she sexually acted out, talking lightly how Kerina had let three guys have sex with her in a shop in Lewis Street and how she had started a sexual relationship with Pat a security Guard. And so on she went explaining all of Kerina's recent misfortunes.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.22: Mind Fuck [f][huml]

Kerina walked dazed back to her room. A nurse at the police station had checked her quickly and told her she was ok, but she should go and see her doctor when she can. She walked into the room and sat on her bed staring at the wall. She got up and walked into her bathroom and washed her face, enjoying the feel of the warm water on her face.

Walking out of the bathroom, Kerina walked to the fridge and got a bottle of juice. She poured a glass and took a couple of sips. Absentmindedly leaving the bottle on the kitchen bench she turned and walked to the lounge and sat down. Still stunned by what Pat had done to her, Kerina just sat there staring at the TV, Even though she hadn't turned it on.

The juice was untouched and warming some time later when there was a knock on the door. Kerina shook her head slowly and stood and walked to the door. Kerina sighed and pulled it open. She stood back quickly as it pushed back hard, barely missing her. Kerina gasped as Jack barged past.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.21: Kerina Goes Shopping [fM][huml]

Kerina finished dressing, her hair brushed out, wearing jeans, bra, a nice blouse and shoes (she still didn't know what had happened to her panties, she would probably just buy some more today.) Kerina looked at her class schedule and was pleased to see that she still had 30 minutes till her next class started.

She thought she might go for a walk and get a coffee and just relax before her first class for the day. As Kerina reached the door she spied the envelope under her door. She reached down and picked it up. It had her name printed on the front. A little worried, she opened it and read the short message. Turning it over just to make sure, she looked back at the short message:

Please see the Dean. ASAP.

Kerina folded the note and tucked it into her jeans pocket. Feeling a little uncertainty, Kerina opened the door and walked out, still looking forward to a coffee and a bit of a walk. Locking the door behind her, Kerina walked down the hall and started down the stairs.

As she turned the corner on the landing, a person fell into step behind her.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.20: A Good Day [f][huml]

The Dean of the university walked into his office and sat down, dropping his briefcase in its regular spot on the floor. He shrugged off his coat and sat down, ready to meet all the challenges the day had to offer. The first, it seemed, was a large yellow envelope sitting on his desk. It was ripe with possibilities.

He opened it and examined the contents for a few moments, eye brows raised. In a few moments he pushed the contents back in the envelope and reached for his phone.

"Hi, Kelly, I need you to get someone to come and see me. Quickly would be appreciated." He never liked Pat, today was going to be a good day.

Jenna sat at her table in her parents' house reading the morning paper. She was thin and pretty with long brown hair and green eyes. Wearing her thin robe, she sipped a cup of coffee. She was surprised when she heard her mum answer the door and Peter, her boyfriend's friend, was shown in. Jenna smiled a little uncertainly, her hand pulling the front of the robe closed.