Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.23: Elle Straightens Things Out [f][huml]

Kerina had started to relax. After being thrown out by Lisa naked, then admitting to the Dean that she had lied about Warren feeling her up (Although this wasn't true, but Elle had explained it would help her situation) as well as having it implied that she had some sexuality issues, things had made a turn for the better.

First, Elle had gone to speak to Lisa, and while she had again needed to 'admit' to being stressed by University and to turning to some exhibitionist type activities as a release, at Lisa had forgiven her and let her stay in the apartment again.

Kerina had sat there demurely on her bed as Elle and Lisa had spoken. Elle had spoken of how Kerina was very immature in when it came to relationships and had been inadvertantly looking for acceptance when she sexually acted out, talking lightly how Kerina had let three guys have sex with her in a shop in Lewis Street and how she had started a sexual relationship with Pat a security Guard. And so on she went explaining all of Kerina's recent misfortunes.

Kerina had sat there, hands in her lap, blushing as Elle misstated most of what had happened for the last few days.

Nevertheless, it had worked, and despite from some weird looks from Lisa, and Ben not visiting very much anymore, things had gone on as normal. Kerina had caught up on her studies, and despite losing a few points for the missed days, things started to get back on track.

Kerina was happy that Jack hadn't been back and she had kept her clothes on. The next week passed smoothly and she had been in to see Elle on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. The meetings had been short and comfortable and Elle had mainly asked her how her day was and what tests or exams she had approaching.

Kerina had been to a Church group meeting on Thursday and seen Haley and Jane and her friends. Haley had remained a bit distant, but Jane spoke as if she didn't know what had happened (which Kerina hoped was true and was grateful for) and Kerina had had a pleasant night. The highlight of the night was when Mark had spoken to her for a while and eventually asked her out. Kerina had been reluctant and eventually she agreed to going to watch a movie with him. They agreed to go on the following Tuesday.

There were a couple of bumps, as early in the week Kerina had received a letter from the university informing her that due to the situation with Warren, and his being suspended unfairly for a week, Kerina's scholarship had being reviewed. Whilst the funding for the study would continue, from next week, Kerina would need to fund her accomodation. Fortunately the rent for the dorm room wasnt much so she just had to find a couple of afternoons work to cover the cost. Initially a little shaken by the letter, she soon grew comfortable that this punishment was not so harsh.

Also Kerina had never found her missing underpants and the ones that she had bought from the store where Pat had worked (for one day as it appears) had never been returned. With a little money she had she bought a couple of pairs through the week. All in all she felt confident as she relaxed on the Sunday, almost two weeks after her birthday. Things were going well. Kerina walked out into the sun and opened her textbook.
