Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.24: Kerina on Display [f][huml]

Monday. Kerina finished her last class for the morning, walking out she chatted with Jane and Penny (another friend from Church Group).

"So where are we having lunch?" asked Jane.

"Just at the College Restaurant I guess," said Penny.

"Uh sorry guys, I got a note to see the security office. They found my phone." Kerina said lightly, not mentioning that she was also going to see Elle again today.

"Oh, cool thats great Kerina," Jane smiled. "Don't forget that we are going shopping this evening though. We have to get you something pretty for your date with Mark tomorrow," grinned Penny.

"Its not a date," blushed Kerina, "We are just seeing a movie together."

"Whatever. Well. now you have your mobile, it will be easier to find you. Talk to you later ok?"

'OK, see you girls," kerina walked off feeling happier than she had for a time.

Kerina walked into the building where Elle's office was. Several other staff shared the building and they had a common receptionist and waiting room in the centre of the building.

Kerina walked up to the receptionist, noticing that there seemed to be more people waiting today, but not really paying attention. After all she had only been coming here for one week, so she wasn't sure what was normal yet.

"Hi Maria, I am here to see Elle," Kerina said cheerfully.

"Oh, hi Kerina, how are you?" chatted Maria

"I am fine thanks Maria. Feeling good."

"Well, that is great. Have a seat, I will let Elle know you are here."

Kerina walked over and sat at a seat, reading a magazine a week out of date.

Not long after Elle's door opened and she poked her head out. Smiling when she saw Kerina, Elle called to her. Kerina got up and walked over and into Elles office. The door closed behind them.

"Have a seat Kerina," Elle said gesturing to one of the nice chairs in her office. Gratefully Kerina sat down in the comfortable chair.

"So how has everything been, Kerina?"

"Oh fine, everything is going great," Kerina replied bubbly. "I have had a great week, I caught up on all my studies and exams and I havent seen that Jack guy since.

"Well, thats fine, and you seem to be happier, so I am glad about that. Now that you are better in fact, I want to try a few exercises to help you from falling back into your old ways," Elle said smiling.

"Old ways? Exercises? uhnm what do you mean?"

"Kerina, I cant tell you can I? I want you to react naturally, and if I tell you what I have in mind you might not react naturally ok?"

"Well…I guess…."

"Great good." Elle said sharply. Leaning over her desk a little, Elle spoke in the phone. "Send them in please Maria."

Kerina's pretty brow creased as she wondered who 'they' were. Her curiousity was short lived as the door to the office opened and a group of guys walked in. There was somethig familiar about some of them, but she wasn't sure where she might know them from.

"Ok, now sit where you can boys, thank you all for coming. Now Kerina, do you know who these boys are?"

Kerina peered at them, feeling a little uncomfortable as they all stood around looking at her expectantly. Suddenly something fell into place and sherecognised two of them.

"Oh, yes, you two," she said pointing at two of the guys, "You are from my maths class," Kerina said smiling triumphantly.

"And the others?" Elle asked seriously.

"Umm," Kerina said uncertainly looking around at the other guys.

"Kerina, these boys are all from different classes that you attend. Are you seriously saying you don't recognise them?"

"Uh well, I have only been here a few weeks, and I concentrate on my studies…" Kerina stammered

"Yes, yes," Elle interupted, " fortunately these boys have all agreed to help you."

Turning her attention to the boys Elle continued, "Now boys, the reason we need you assistance is two fold. Now to start Kerina has had some troubles recently. She was finding the whole college environment overwhelming and as a result she kind of lost control and started to act out sexually."

Kerina blushed red as the guys, there were ten of them, stood around listening to Elle speak about her.

"Now apart from the obvious problems that has caused her, Kerina obviously has some other problems to overcome and that is where I need your help. To start, we have discovered, Kerina obviously has little connection with those around her. Despite you all sharing classes with you, Kerina only recognises two of you. And to address two problems I have a little experiment to try."

One guy who was trying hard not to grin, raised his hand. After being acknowledged by Elle, he spoke, trying to seem completely serious.

"When you say Kerina sexually acted out, what do you mean?"

"Oh, just like exposing herself in public, having sex with strangers, that type of thing. But that is unimportant. What is important is to try and address Kerina's issues."

The boy nodded his head scratching his chin thoughfully.

Kerina sat there mortified, blushing red. She desperately wanted to call out that it was all lies, well sort of. She was not like that all, it was so unfair. But she was stunned into silence. Kerina sat there shaking slightly.

"So is everyone willing to assist?' Elle asked curtly and was quickly answered with a chorus of assents.

"Very well. The first thing I need to do then is to blindfold Kerina."

Kerina looked up wide eyed as Elle stood and walked over to the petite blonde, "It okay honey just sit still," Elle reassured her as she wrapped a thick blindfold over Kerina's eyes, completely obscuring her eyes.

"W-whats this for?" Kerina mumbled.

"Shhh honey," Elle silenced making her feel even more out of control.

Kerina sat there nervously as Elle ensured the blindfold was tied tightly behind her head.

"Okay boys, for the next step, i need all but three of you to leave. It is important for you to all remain silent from this point on, as we don't want to let Kerina know who remains in the room."

A series of shuffling and creaking ensued. Kerina could only guess as to what was happening, but after a minute she heard the door open and then not long after it closed again. She could sort of hear some breathing still and some how felt there were still people in the room, but she couldnt really tell for sure.

"Now Kerina, I would like you to stand and take two steps forward."

Kerina stood uncertainly and hsitantly took two steps forward, blindfolded.

"Now Kerina, and remember your participation in these sessions are essential to your continued study at this college, I need you to undress."

"B-but Elle…"

"I do not require you to talk Kerina, just undress." Elle snapped sharply.

Blushing Kerina stood there uncertain. A sharp slap on her butt made her jump and Kerina hastily pulled at the buttons on her blouse. She started to undress quickly, feeling embarressed, disconnected and afraid of being expelled.

As she removed her clothes, Elle spoke about how this exercise would make Kerina more aware of the people around her. Unaware of who had remained in the room, Kerina would likely pay much more attention to those in her classes, even if it was, as in this case, to wonder what classes those who had seen her naked shared with her.

Kerina got more and more embarressed as Elle explained, and her clothes slowly feel from her body. Soon she was standing there naked, exposed, her clothes in a pile around her.

"Okay guys walk around her , have a good look. Kerina! get your hands away from your breasts please!"

Kerina jumped embarressed. She stood there nervous as she heard foot steps around her.

"Okay that is enough. Off you go boys, and make sure you don't tell anyone what you saw. We cant risk Kerina finding out who saw her. Thank you for your time boys. Kerina, please thank the boys."

"Uh, Uhm th-thank you. Uh thanks," Kerina stammered feeling so stupid now.

"Good girl, Elle added patronisingly, off you go boys"

The door opened and then closed again.

"Okay off with the blind fold," Elle said. As Kerina pulled it off her head she looked around blinking her eyes, "Okay get dressed, dont just stand there nude," Elle said with a little smirk. She was sitting behind her desk again, making some notes in a folder.

Kerina hastily scrambled to cover herself as Elle sat there ignoring her, doing her work.

"Ok, when you are finished you may leave. That was good work today Kerina, I will see you again on Wednesday okay?"

"Yes Elle, thank you," Kerina said as she did up the last button and walked out.
