Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.27: Kerina is Exposed in High School [f]

The halls echoed to the feet of students rushing to class. The Bell had just rung and the hallways that were previously ominously silent had burst into a cacophony of sound. Jim and Marty walked from class, confident and self assured, they walked through the crowd as students rushed, swirling around them. They were discussing an event that had happened about two weeks ago now, but which had never been far from their minds, the time when they had met Kerina.

They turned left down the hall and walked along the long hall that lead to the medical centre, ironically the same hall that Jenna decided upon to lead Kerina to the nearby room in which she would commence the necessary tests on Kerina.

The exam room was small and harshly lit. The whole room was visible through the door from the busy hall and as Jim and Marty passed, they looked in curiously….

…and saw nothing. If they had been five minutes later they would have seen Kerina, but this wasn't the case. If it had been, the story may have gone in a whole different direction. This just goes to show in this big universe that you never can tell.

Unfortunately this is not to say that everything went well for Kerina. She has enough problems, that avoiding the attention of Marty and Jim wouldn't give her much joy. Particularly as she wasn't even aware that she had missed them.

Kerina blushed red as she stumbled after Jenna, one hand held firmly by Jenna as she was pulled through the waiting room and down a dull hallway. Her free hand scrabbled at the back of her robe, trying to hold the back together. She couldn't believe Jenna had just pulled her out of the doctor's office like this.

"Sorry about this Kerina," Jenna said lightly, "Dr Cartwright has a lot of patients to see and he doesn't have time to do the whole physical, but don't worry. I will get you sorted out babe."

Kerina looked down at her bare feet padding along the cold hallway, listening to Jenna explain the situation, leaving Kerina feeling so detached, feeling ashamed and exposed, but feeling silly because she even had those feelings. This was just a standard exam; everything happening had a logical explanation. And yet…here she was in a surgical gown, walking down the school hall.

Kerina jumped as a loud bell rang, shattering the silence. Jenna glanced back at her and just gave a small pitying smile.

"It's ok babe. It's just the class bell."

"Oh, uh, sorry," Kerina said.

In the distance the sound of people talking and walking floated to them, and not far ahead of them at an intersecting hallway, a stream of students could be seen, walking back and forward. Kerina balked, but Jenna pulled her firmly onward.

"Come on slow poke, no chance for dilly dallying," smiled Jenna, ensuring that Kerina kept up.

As they reached the upcoming hallway, the stream of students fortunately thinned, however, as many had now reached their class. Unfortunately for Kerina there were still a few stragglers and she received a lot of strange looks and muffled comments.

Kerina hung her head embarrassed as they passed four girls standing chatting in front of their lockers. Kerina felt their eyes following her as she walked past and then a chorus of giggles receding behind her. Kerina's hand pulled the back of the gown together harder, desperately trying to hide herself better.

"Here we go," Jenna said as if nothing was happening as the arrived at a room. Looking in, Kerina observed a large wooden desk, some smaller desks and a blackboard and an old skeleton missing an arm.

"Uh is this the right room?" Kerina asked worried.

"It sure is. I know it isn't real pretty, but we have pretty tight budgets here. The room also gets used for some smaller tuition classes I think," Jenna chatted as she led Kerina in.

Kerina walked in and stood there nervously.

"Ok, up on the desk please," Jenna said opening a case she brought in. Kerina walked over to the desk, turned and sat. The robe parted as she slid onto the desk and her bare bottom sat directly onto the uneven wooden surface, not even with the robe to separate her ass and the wood.

Kerina sat there worried as Jenna snapped on a pair of plastic gloves and walked over to face Kerina. Jenna pulled the top of Kerina's robe down, baring her breasts. Jenna's fingers started probing the soft flesh of Kerina's young breasts, prodding, groping, and twisting the small sensitive nipples.

"Owww," yelped Kerina.

"Settle down honey, I am just doing your breast exam, surely you have had these before?"

"Well I guess," admitted Kerina, who had not however endured such a painful one.

Hearing a giggle Kerina looked up surprised to see that Jenna hadn't closed the door and the four girls they had seen down by their lockers were now walking slowly past looking in at Kerina's bare breasts being prodded by Jenna.

Before Kerina could complain, Jenna leaned away, "Okay that is all alright, now lets get rid of that robe so we can check out what's between your legs," her voice carrying loudly into the hallway.

Kerina's eyes opened wide, but Jenna simply pulled the robe away and stepped over to another desk to put the robe down.

"Now hun, I need you to pee in this cup please," Jenna smiled, handing Kerina a plastic cup.

Kerina wanted to complain but she was speechless, her hand limply received the plastic cup.

"Come on dummy, move your fat ass, squat down on the floor to pee," Jenna said lightly smiling.

Blushing Kerina slid off the table and squatted on the floor, positioning the cup between her legs. The girls in the hallway had stopped and were giggling and looking in. One had pulled out her camera phone and seemed to be aiming it at Kerina!

"Jenna, please," Kerina pleaded as she crouched nude on the floor, her bare breasts sitting pertly from her body, her legs slightly splayed displaying her neatly trimmed pussy between them, as Kerina held a small plastic cup unsteadily under her. She was exposed and even posed lewdly like this!

"Shh Kerina, just concentrate on getting some pee out of that little sex hole of yours," Jenna smiled again, looking a little less friendly this time.

"But there are some…"

"Kerina, shut up and pee. From how much I have heard you put out, surely a bit of your skanky urine isn't much to ask."

Kerina went pale, looking up at Jenna as the words sank in. Her bladder released and a stream of urine spurted out of her pussy, splattering on the floor a little before she could guide the cup into place. The electronic sound of a camera was dulled out by the words Jenna had just said.

"Wh-what do you mean Jenna?" Kerina groaned weakly as the urine kept flowing, helpless she knelt there on the floor, being watched in one of the most defenseless positions she had ever found herself in.

Jenna knelt down briefly, so their eyes were level and looked at her for a second, as Kerina crouched there naked, exposed to the door and the hallway, pee flowing strongly from her pussy, now overflowing from the cup and pooling onto the floor.

"You fucked my boyfriend you little slut, in the store on Lewis Street."

The look of shock and guilt that crossed Kerina's face confirmed the whole thing for Jenna, and any trace of uncertainty fled from Jenna's mind. Her face went hard as she stared at Kerina's young face and looked on silently for a few more seconds.

"But, I can explain," Kerina said weakly.

"Tell you what hun," Jenna said standing again and looking down on Kerina's naked ashamed floor, stepping back as the pool of pee expanded a little, "why don't you shut your little whore mouth and let me finish doing what I need to do to examine your disgusting slut body? Ok?"

Jenna stood there smiling a fake smile at Kerina.

Kerina looked up wide eyed and ashamed, feeling guilty and humiliated at what Jenna had just said to her.

"Now get up on the exam table again alright, on all fours please," Jenna asked turning back to her case.

Kerina stood up, stepping primly through the pool of her own urine. She walked over to the table and climbed on, nude and ashamed. On all fours she looked over at Jenna wide eyed. She was horrified to see that in this position her pussy and ass were pointing toward the door but at least the doorway was empty no, the girls had apparently moved on.

"Okay Hun, I am going to take your temperature, open up," Jenna said happily.

Kerina opened her mouth nervously and then suddenly felt a hand on her ass. She couldn't work out what was happening till a sharp pain shook her as something shoved roughly into her tight ass.

"Owww," Kerina squealed as Jenna stuck a rectal thermometer viciously into her, deep and hard.

"K hun hat's perfect, now I just need this for the file. Smile."

Kerina looked at Jenna stunned as Jenna pulled out a small digital camera and took a few snaps of Kerina, kneeling on all fours on the desk with something sticking in her ass.

"Okay now I just have to go and get a few papers I forgot, don't move, that needs 80 seconds for an accurate temperature okay? I will be straight back."

Kerina knelt there on all fours horrified, in her own private world of pain, stars flashing before her eyes. All she could do was moan.

Smiling Jenna slapped her on the ass and walked out, leaving Kerina kneeling there, alone, nude helpless, ashamed, fighting with her thoughts, that Jenna thought she was a slut and hated her so much, that she was exposed here in the middle of this strange place, the pain from her ass wracked her young pretty body but she was totally unaware that Jenna had taken the robe as she left.

Unfortunately for her, she became very aware of this a few minutes later as Jenna paused some way down a nearby hall and pulled on the fire alarm and all hell broke loose.
