Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.28: Thursday [fM][exh]

Kerina woke groggily as the morning sun shone on her cheeks. She took a few moments to enjoy laying in her bed, then she threw back her cover, wondering what time it was.

She stared in surprise as she saw she was wearing a skimpy school girl outfit and then the events of yesterday invaded her brief moment of peace.

She had been left nude in a class room while undergoing a supposed medical exam at St Rogers High school. She had somehow wound up in this outfit, she had been forced into sex by a student teacher there and when she finally got back to her room, the two bums she had met in their cardboard box home had come to visit her and she ended up getting fucked on her bed by them. She felt sick.

Kerina ran into the bathroom crying and stripped off the clothes. She turned on the shower and got in under the water again. The water allowed her to relax and gave her time to think. She thought about what this all meant for her. No one had seen the bums come in, so while it was disgusting, she didn't have to worry about that now.

She didn't know the student teacher who had forced her yesterday so as long as she stayed away from St Rogers everything should be okay.

Except for Haley. Well there was nothing she could do about that. Kerina finished the shower, got out and towelled herself off. She wrapped the towel around her young nubile body and walked out to her bed. Luckily Lisa wasn't home, so Kerina had the place to herself.

Opening her cupboard, Kerina looked for what to wear. Eventually she decided on a long black skirt, a white blouse, white socks and a pair of black buckle up shoes. She didn't really want to wear a skirt but thought it would be best for her new job. Kerina pulled on a plain white bra and looked around in dismay, she couldn't find the panties she had bought from the Mall. After all she had gone through to get them, and now come to think of it, she wasn't even sure if she had brought them home.

Panty-less, hair pulled back into a ponytail, Kerina pulled on her clothes and grabbed her bag and left her dorm room.

Kerina walked out the door, realising she would have to go and get a new key made. There was no way she was going back to St Rogers to see if she had left any belongings behind.

Kerina walked along the pathway from her dorm. She was desperately trying to work out how to get out of the situation she now found herself in. It seemed hopeless. She had little hope now, but to finish her studies and keep her job to pay the rent for her dorm room. She simply could not afford any more scandals.

Kerina's day was uneventful. With Haley at her Student Placement still, no one knew about yesterday. Kerina was able concentrate on her studies a bit more but she couldn't stop imagining that guys were looking at her, remembering her naked.

In the afternoon, her discomfort remained at a high enough level so as to annoy her. She was glad to leave and after a brief visit to the security office to order a new key, she made tracks for her new job.

Arriving at the department store, Kerina was happy to soak in all the sights and sounds around her. This was somewhere she could work and somewhere she could hide. It was so big people may never see her here.

Kerina was introduced to a Miss Thine, an older skinny woman. Not physically imposing, but she spoke in an abrupt, clipped manner; her voice was used to having its demands carried out.

"Welcome Kerina, nice to have you on board," Miss Thine said, her eyes reflecting no warmth at all. Miss Thine took in what Kerina was wearing and sniffed annoyed as she found that she begrudgingly approved of what Kerina was wearing.

"Thank you Miss Thine," Kerina said smiling excited.

"Yes, well. Please go over to the counter and see Tiffany. She will show you how to use the cash register."

"Yes Miss Thine, I will do a good job, you will see," Kerina said enthusiastically.

"Yes, I am sure," Miss Thine, said watching as Kerina bounced away down the aisle toward Tiffany.

The two hours that Kerina was there went well, she picked up the cash register duties quickly and then started to walk the floor, familiarising herself with the store layout. Kerina was even able to help direct a couple of customers to areas they were looking for.

Kerina returned to her dorm room feeling quite happy. She was worried as she arrived, remembering she didn't have a key, but fortunately Lisa answered the door for her when she got there and her previously chilly demeanour thawed a little when she saw that Kerina was dressed normally.

Kerina made herself a sandwich and a drink and went and sat on her bed, kicking off her shoes and looking out the window over the college. Lisa had to go out and so Kerina was left to sit there enjoying a rare moment of peace.

"Knock Knock."

Kerina started as she heard the knock on the door. A little nervous she walked over and opened it. She relaxed when she saw it was Lisa's boyfriend, Ben. He grinned as he walked in and then a few more guys walked in. Kerina stood back, overawed by the way they were all so much taller than her. She gently closed the door after they were in.

"Uh Hi Ben. Uh, Lisa isn't here, she had to go somewhere."

"That's okay Kerina, we will hang out here till she gets in. Oh where are my manners, guys this is Kerina. Kerina this is Jay, Lionel, Mitch, Chet and Rocco."

Kerina weakly shook the much larger hands of each guy as he was introduced. She felt very small compared to Ben friends.

"So, done anything freaky lately Kerina?" Ben asked.

Kerina blushed as she looked around the faces of all the guys as they stood there watching her intently.

"Ben, I don't think we should talk about this.."

"Kerina, do what you're told, answer me." Ben said a little annoyed.

"N-no, I haven't done anything, "Kerina said embarrassed.

"You're full of shit Ben, she isn't a freak," Mitch said annoyed.

"Shut the fuck up Mitch. Kerina, show us your pussy," Mitch demanded.

"What, Ben, please…" Kerina begged.

"Just do it or I will tell Lisa you tried to crack onto me."

Kerina paled as she realised that she was once again being blackmailed. Looking at Ben she saw no sympathy. Her stomach sinking she realised she was trapped again.

Sighing, she pulled her skirt up around her waist, exposing her long athletic shapely legs and then nestled between her upper thighs; she displayed her plump neatly trimmed pussy.

Standing there, baring her nude pussy to Ben and his friends, Kerina felt sick with shame.

"Whoa shit dude, you were right. Sorry. And she doesn't even have panties on," Mitch congratulated Ben.

"Hey man, I told you," he said hi-fiving Mitch. The other guys were staring, and one of them guided Kerinaover to her bed, before she knew it she was sitting on it, skirt still around her waist.

"Can I see your tits babe?" asked Chet.

"uh I don't know…" Kerina said worried, and then she felt hands unbuttoning her blouse as they all stood around her watching. Kerina looked down feeling disconnected as her blouse opened and showed her white bra beneath. Fingers pulled down on the front of her bra and her tits popped out when the sound of a key in the lock sounded, breaking the silence.

Kerina quickly pulled her skirt down and stuffed her tits back in and pulled her blouse closed. She was just in time as Lisa opened the door and walked in.

Lisa looked around suspicious, particularly as Kerina was sitting there slightly red faced, but the guys had spread out around the room chatting, so she instead said hello to everyone and went and got ready to go out with Ben. In minutes everyone was leaving.

Kerina changed into a t-shirt and pyjama shorts, curled up and went to sleep.

Tomorrow was Friday and she had another appointment with Elle. Kerina got the feeling it wasn't going to get better…



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