Confessions of a Little Slut (22, F).

It was late on friday and my mind was occupied with my evening routine: washing off my makeup, moisturizing my face and body, combing throughy my hair… I grabbed the water bottle from off my rabbits cage, noting it was empty, and made to fill it up in the shared kitchen downstairs before I shut myself in my room for the night. My room is on the mezzanine level creating a landing that looks directly down to the living room. As I closed my door behind me, I only half noted my 17 year old roommate Gustavo on the couch below. I knew he was checking me out; from where he was sitting, he could see the hint of my ass cheeks peeking out from under my little purple shorts. I didn't really take it as a matter of flattery: I'm 22, petite, and I work out. I've come to expect that most men that I meet will have a biological urge to fuck me, whether they consider me attractive or not. I guess I help it along a bit with my long, lilac-coloured hair and my cute matching outfits, I can't help it if I'm a little naughty!

Gustavo entered the kitchen soon after I did. "It's Friday and I'm in the mood to party, where is everyone?" he asked. I recounted what I knew. Sofia was out at a bar, Jaime had gone home for the weekend, and my FWB Carlitos was visiting his girlfriend. That just left Gustavo, his younger brother Felix, Pierre, and me. "We should get some beers, at least. They're on me," he insisted and I agreed. A few beers with my friends would be a nice way to end the night.

As I re-entered my room, I noticed my phone was lit-up with a message: "Wait for me with music and lots of alcohol -Carlitos" I looked at my rabbit, I guess the night was taking an unexpected turn. I wrote to Gustavo to ask him for more alcohol than before and then I consulted my wardrobe. If Carlitos was going to come in late, I'd want to already be drunk and looking sexy, despite the chilly weather. I settled on my favourite grey, thigh-high boots with a stilleto heel and a light jacket. The alcohol would help keep me warm.

Gustavo returned within half an hour with 6 litres of beer and a bottle of fernet (a local digestif similar to Jager). Pierre grabbed the sound system and we headed to the terrace. It was a gorgeous, starry night and we had a beautiful view across the city. I put on some slow trap music and we all began to chat and drink the beer. Felix was the first to leave. He was 16 and even a small amount of beer went to his head. So with just the three of us left, we got up to dance. You can always count on Pierre to make a fool of himself and our dancing turned hilarious as he busted out some moves. Gustavo was not to be outdone. He cleared a large space on the terrace to show us his "mortal" (backflip). I won't deny it, I was pretty impressed. Despite his age, I could tell he had a banging body: thick rugby player thighs and a hard, smooth mid-section.

I reached for another beer and checked my phone. I had one new message that read, "I ran into some friends on the way home, I'm not sure what time I'll get back. -Carlitos" Fuck that. If I had known he'd be so flighty, I would have put on a mud-mask and gone to bed. But we still had a full bottle of fernet between us and I was enjoying myself. So without calculating where this particular move would take me, I unscrewed the bottle and served myself a tall glass.

We drank and danced until all the beers and more than half the fernet was gone. The music had switched to reggaeton and Gustavo danced close, but I made sure to spin out of his reach every time. I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable and I could feel his eyes ripping my clothes off. Pierre was drunk anyway and soon I glanced over and noted he was gone. Gustavo noticed too and grabbed my hips violently. This was his chance to find out which way the rest of the night was going to go. I allowed him to pull me up against him, holding the small of my back and squeezing one of my thighs with both his legs. I circled my hips to the music and threw my head back, feeling the air in my long hair and giving Gustavo an unobstructed view of my neck, my throat, and my collar-bones. He leaned in to kiss them, but brusquely I pushed him back. I pushed him again, but this time onto the bench. I was going to dance, and he was only allowed to watch. I spun around to give him a view of something I knew he had been lusting over for days. I'm the kind of girl that carries all her weight on her ass and thighs; perhaps popular culture has told me all my life that it was something to be ashamed of, but my experience with men has taught me the the opposite. I stepped between his legs and thrust my butt inches from his face, gyrating it to the music and looking back to see his expression of intense need.

Suddenly he picked me up by my waist and carried me over to the table, bending me over and grinding hard against my ass. I arched my back, and feeling his erection through his pants pressing between my cheeks, I let out a soft moan. That one moan unleashed the beast inside him. "Yeah?" he asked, breathily and at once his hands were all over me: fondling my breasts, squeezing my things, slapping my ass as he continued to grind up against me. I felt his fingers slip underneath my shorts, quickly navigating around my tiny lace thong. Feeling my wetness, he dropped to his knees. I lay my chest against the table to give him better access, but I couldn't help looking back to enjoy the sight of his face buried in my ass, my shorts pulled up on either side to expose my skin to the air. He grabbed one of my legs and rested it on his shoulder, allowing him to eat me out right there on the terrace. I wondered briefly what would happen if Carlitos came home, but I realized I was completely at Gustavo's mercy. I no longer had any volition, any wants or desires aside from what Gustavo wanted to do with me. The last thing I could do before being completely overcome with lust was utter a single phrase, "your room."

He carried me to his room and locked the door behind us. He busied himself rendering me completely naked before he even thought about taking his own clothes off and putting on a condom. When he looked up, he found me face-down, ass-up on his bed, waiting patiently for him to use me as he wished. He grabbed my hair, yanking it back hard, and his rough hands treating me with such violence induced me to orgasm as soon as I felt his thick cock slam into me. At this point my drunkness prohibits me from remembering too much, though I do recall that I came 5 times. I'm incredibly lucky in that sense: I'm stimulated far more mentally than I am physically and the right person can bring me to orgasm over and over again with simple moves like spanking my ass, grabbing my hair, or letting loose a low, growling moan.

My memory returns with a question I remember him asking me, "what are you?". I knew the answer and between moans I replied, "I'm your slut. I'm your little slut." That seemed to do it for him and in a deep voice he commanded, "When I say when, I want you to turn over and put your face right here." I remember the look of concentration on his face as I looked up at him, and then I felt his cum splashing onto my skin, soaking my hair, my lips, and my cheeks. I stuck my tongue out to taste it, it tasted like a night well spent.

I was somewhat worried about what the reprocusions of our little adventure might be. Did Pierre really go to bed because he was drunk, or was he giving us space? Did Felix hear us fucking? Did Carlitos come home while I was still getting pounded? In the end, everything continued as it had before except for the fact that when Gustavo watches me enter and exit from my room, he can picture exactly what's hiding beneath my shorts.



  1. Names are changed for privacy. Sorry about the English: all conversations were had in Spanish and it can be hard to translate things like, *"Cuando yo diga, dame la carita acá."*

  2. I guess it depends on whether something sexy happens to me this weekend or not!

  3. Can you post the original phrase you said when he asked you what are you?

  4. Wonderful read. You write very well, and create erotic visuals easily. Love it :)

  5. A very good read! Hot! Fernet isn’t really local, if you’re Spanish, though. Aren’t you referring to Fernet-Branca, the Italian amaro bitter?

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