Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.20: A Good Day [f][huml]

The Dean of the university walked into his office and sat down, dropping his briefcase in its regular spot on the floor. He shrugged off his coat and sat down, ready to meet all the challenges the day had to offer. The first, it seemed, was a large yellow envelope sitting on his desk. It was ripe with possibilities.

He opened it and examined the contents for a few moments, eye brows raised. In a few moments he pushed the contents back in the envelope and reached for his phone.

"Hi, Kelly, I need you to get someone to come and see me. Quickly would be appreciated." He never liked Pat, today was going to be a good day.

Jenna sat at her table in her parents' house reading the morning paper. She was thin and pretty with long brown hair and green eyes. Wearing her thin robe, she sipped a cup of coffee. She was surprised when she heard her mum answer the door and Peter, her boyfriend's friend, was shown in. Jenna smiled a little uncertainly, her hand pulling the front of the robe closed.

Peter had always liked Jenna and even though he was friends with Marko, he just couldn't keep from telling her what had happened. He dreamt that she would turn to him instead, and then he could come in here and open that robe…but that was for later.

His voice revealing his uncertainty, he began speaking, "Uh Jenna, I am not sure how to tell you this…" Today was going to be a good day he thought as he told her of sex on a store counter.

Elle sat at a table, elegant and sophisticated. She placed her coffee cup carefully on the table and reached for her cigarette. Holding it between her long fingers she breathed out evenly. Today was a good day. She had been offered a job with the College as the new Welfare and Career Officer, with a great wage, a car and a nice office. She had been furious with Andrew after he screwed the little slut at the party, and even though she really knew it was no one's fault, she had been in a difficult position. If she had broke up with him straight away it would seem like the little tart had won, so she had been stuck with Andrew. But now Elle could drop him like a brick.

Her mobile began to vibrate and she picked it up and glanced briefly at the name. She touched the talk button.

"Hello," she said with a gentle smile.

Elle listened for some time.

"Really? I would like to help. I think we can even have some fun," she said thoughtfully. She would have some fun. It was a good day.

Mr. Scrope was happy. Finally they could afford to put on a security guard. He was tired of all the kids that came and stole from his store. A surveillance system, a buzzer at the front door and security devices on expensive items and now he could get a Security Guard. Things were looking up, this was a good day for his business.

Warren dialed a number on his mobile. He wanted this situation resolved. It was now Thursday and there had been no word. He knew Jack would probably get it done, but it was taking too long. His backup plan had run smoothly, and it WAS hot to see Kerina getting sharked on the net now! But it didn't really help in getting her into trouble as the film clip was clearly happening against her wishes. Fortunately he knew someone who might be able speed things along.

"Hello," Warren said as the call was answered. Things hadn't progressed well, but today was going to be a good day, he felt.

Jack was getting annoyed; Kerina had disappeared for a whole day. The little slut was making him look bad. Well he was the one in charge here, and he would make sure she understood that. He sat on the bench watching the entrance to Kerina's dorm room, waiting for Lisa to leave and then he would go and talk to Kerina. What she had gone through would be nothing compared to what he had in store for her. Today was a good day he chuckled to himself.

Rachel worked for the university. She was an administration assistant in the Main Office. She got all the mundane work, the filing, labeling and whatever odd jobs popped up, but she didn't mind. She had been handed an envelope to deliver, and she didn't mind this either, as she got to go for a walk in the sun. She felt every sunny day was a good day.

Lisa finished dressing, feeling better for her morning shower. She pulled on her tight jeans and the short t-shirt, which gave glimpses of her toned and tanned tummy every time she moved. She had picked up Kerina yesterday from the police station and except for having a shower and something to eat Kerina had hardly communicated with her. At least she had slept, Lisa thought, so she might feel better when she woke up, but she was getting worried about Kerina. Perhaps the pressure of College was simply too much she thought.

Lisa looked at herself in the mirror, although when you were this sexy, it would usually be a good day.

Kerina woke up gradually. She looked around her and felt a deep heavy weight on her shoulders. What was the point? She had come here to try as hard as she could, and she had been doing well. But in the last few days everything had seemed to go wrong. People had being taking advantage of her, doing horrible unthinkable things, and every time she tried to do something, things had just got worse.

She felt like just staying here and hiding under the covers. Then she wouldn't have to see Jack, or Pat or even her friends, who she was sure would think she is a slut by now. She laid there, everything weighing down on her.

But then Kerina started to think more about what she had to do. About a revision class today, about the test she had missed, about her promise to herself that she would succeed at this and about all her parents had sacrificed to help her get here.

Kerina sat up and swung her bare legs out of her little narrow bed. She felt some of her positive attitude returning. She could get through this. Maybe today would be a good day.
