Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.21: Kerina Goes Shopping [fM][huml]

Kerina finished dressing, her hair brushed out, wearing jeans, bra, a nice blouse and shoes (she still didn't know what had happened to her panties, she would probably just buy some more today.) Kerina looked at her class schedule and was pleased to see that she still had 30 minutes till her next class started.

She thought she might go for a walk and get a coffee and just relax before her first class for the day. As Kerina reached the door she spied the envelope under her door. She reached down and picked it up. It had her name printed on the front. A little worried, she opened it and read the short message. Turning it over just to make sure, she looked back at the short message:

Please see the Dean. ASAP.

Kerina folded the note and tucked it into her jeans pocket. Feeling a little uncertainty, Kerina opened the door and walked out, still looking forward to a coffee and a bit of a walk. Locking the door behind her, Kerina walked down the hall and started down the stairs.

As she turned the corner on the landing, a person fell into step behind her.

"Morning princess," said Jack.

Kerina looked around surprised, "Oh, h-hi Jack."

Jack smiled at Kerina trying to hide her fear. He loved that. Jack fell into step beside her as they reached the ground level and slipped his arm over her shoulder.

"So where have you been? You weren't hiding from me were you?' He asked slyly. He felt her tense under his touch.

"N-no Jack. I just had a bit of trouble yesterday. Uh, s-sorry," she said feeling nervous.

"That's ok princess, just as long as you are safe. You know I am worried about your well being," he said with a shit eating grin.

Kerina hunched over a little, feeling nervous as he walked along, arm draped over her on a very familiar fashion. Chatting happily and gesturing generously, he walked along with Kerina.

"Uh, I just have to go in here," Kerina said as she walked by the main office.

"No worries babe. What time will you be home this afternoon?"

"Uh, well about 3pm. My last class is at 2pm," Kerina answered nervously.

"Great babe, well I will meet you at your place at 3pm. Make sure you are nude when I get there okay? We can discuss the second thing you are going to do for me."

Kerina stopped shocked, but Jack just reached down, patted her on her but and walked off whistling.

Stunned Kerina watched him walk off. She stood there for a moment looking at his retreating form open mouthed, But she quickly regained her composure and walked in the Main Office. Kerina approached the desk.

"Hi, I am here to see the Dean?" Kerina said trying to be confident.

"Name please," The girl asked without looking up.

"Uh, K-Kerina," she said uncertainly

"Great. Sit down."

Kerina sat on the cold leather couch. She looked around the boring room, getting more nervous as she waited to see the Dean.

The phone on the desk buzzed and the girl answered it, "Hi. Yeah, okay."

"Go in Kerina," the girl said hanging up the phone.

Kerina got up nervously and walked into the Dean's office, closing it softly behind her.

The room was opulent, with large intricately framed paintings of previous Deans. A classy carpet covered the floor and the desk and cupboards were made of expensive and aged oak timbers. The Dean was a thin and wiry man; a large hooked nose supported a small pair of wire framed glasses and he wore a simple but expensive looking grey suit.

"Ah Kerina, have a seat." He directed as she stood waiting.

Kerina sat in one of the single lounges, nervously crossing her arms.

The Dean shuffled some papers then turned his attention to Kerina.

"Very well, I will be brief. You started well here, but I am concerned the stress of university is getting to you. I have heard some rumours, just rumours so far, of some unusual behavior. That is a matter for the future, but a current matter is that you have been having sexual relations with a security guard from our campus. Now before you say anything, just know that I have a video of it." Kerina leaned back after almost jumping up to defend herself. Instead she went red blushing.

"Now so you know, he has been fired. No action has been decided for you at the moment. Remember though that you are here on a partial scholarship. If you misbehave then we will remove that support. So investigations will continue and you need to keep your nose clean. Also your continuation at this university is based on your now agreeing to see the University Counselor 3 times a week minimum. Okay?"

"Uhm, yes sir."

"Good any questions?"

"Uh, no sir?"

"Good now move on as I have more work to do ok?"

"Yes sir," Kerina said getting up and quietly walking out of the office. The girl at the desk handed Kerina a note.

After reading it Kerina walked out of the office shaking. Everything that had happened recently had come back on her heavily. She walked out the front door and sat down heavily on the stair, catching her breath. She calmed down slowly, even though visions of the Dean asking about the library, the toilets and everywhere else still flashed through her head. She couldn't go to her class like this. Kerina decided that she would walk to the nearby mall and look at some underwear. She would miss her first two classes and make it back for the classes after lunch. Decided, she stood, relaxing as the sun warmed her skin. She slung her book bag over her shoulder and walked off, the fingers of her right hand toying with her princess necklace.

The noise of the mall was all around, people busily running to and from important purchases. Kerina dodged large ladies with shopping trolleys, tall self important men in business suits talking loudly to each other, and ladies pushing prams chatting loudly and seemingly unaware of the world around them.

Somehow being ignored was greatly soothing for Kerina. She happily dodged around, ignored for the greater part, enduring just a couple of lewd looks from some guys who obviously offered the same look for any girl they passed.

Kerina walked into a clothing store and happily walked to the underwear section. She checked her purse and discovered a depressingly small amount of money on there, but she hoped she could afford a couple of pairs of panties.

Kerina spent a little time browsing and finally settled on three plain pairs, not attractive, but plain and simple and most importantly affordable. Walking to the counter, Kerina smiled happily at the girl on the counter and paid for her purchase. She stood there almost excited as her new panties were put in a bag and the very small amount of change was returned to her. She may have been much more nervous had she known the figure that was watching her from close by.

Pat was furious. The little bitch Kerina had set him up, lured him with her sexual wiles and then taped him doing her and got him fired. He knew that with a sick certainty in his chest. And now here she was in the store where he had got a new job. She was rubbing it in, laughing at him.

The bitch.

The bitch.

Kerina walked happily out of the shop. She was carrying the precious plastic bag of panties. When, suddenly, a heavy hand landed on her shoulder. Kerina turned around wide eyed to see the ugly piggy face of Pat, contorted by his anger.

"Right miss, hold it there."

Kerina stood there terrified by the look Pat was giving her.

"I have reason to believe you have been shoplifting miss!" Pat snapped angrily, his fingers holding her shoulder tightly.

Snapped out of her stunned state by this accusation, Kerina responded, "N-no, I bought these, look I have the receipt."

"Just keep your hands where I can see them thanks," Pat snapped, grabbing her hand before it plunged into her bag and pulling it roughly behind her back.

"Oww, you are hurting me," Kerina whimpered, jumping.

"Trying to get away are you?" Pat asked sneeringly, "Right."

Pat grabbed her other hand and cuffed them both behind her back. Suddenly Kerina stood there at the store entrance in the mall, hands cuffed, college bag and bag of panties fallen on the ground with the large form of Pat standing over her puffing angrily.

"Now I am going to have to search you," he grinned, his hands itching at the thought of groping her again. He grabbed her ass cheeks through her jeans and squeezed.

"uhhh owww," Kerina protested.

Pat grinned at her discomfort. His hands moved up and around squeezing her tits. "This isn't working; I will have to do a strip search to make sure."

"What?" Kerina asked shocked, even as his hands were pulling roughly on her blouse, pooping the buttons off, revealing her bra beneath.

"Y-you can't.." Kerina protested horrified.

"Shut the fuck up you little shoplifter,' Pat snapped as he pulled the blouse off her shoulders, letting it scrunch up on her wrists were she was handcuffed. He tugged her bra open, baring her breasts there in the Mall.

"S-stop it," Kerina pleaded weakly, wriggling and squirming.

Ignoring her pathetic cries, Pat now grabbed the top of her jeans, pulling the button open, pulling down the zipper and then he was pulling down on her waistband.

A group of shoppers and passer-bys had gathered and were watching on mostly in shocked disbelief. Pat was obviously losing it, pushing her to the floor and tugging the jeans off her ankles. He knelt beside her ordering her to admit her guilt.

There was some muttering from the people crowded around, as Pat harangued the poor little girl, and some louder murmurs as he started groping her.

"That's not right," a slightly more courageous onlooker said more audibly.

"Fuck off loser," Pat spat, "this here tart is a known shoplifter, I wouldn't be doing my job if I just let her walk out with this stores merchandise."

With that he drew out his baton and waved it in a vaguely threatening way. The onlookers backed off a step. Surely someone would step up and say something. Surely someone would stand up to this fat and disgusting security guard.

Someone would.

Someone else.

No one moved and each person thought miserably in their head that they were surrounded by cowards.

Holding Kerina down on the ground, naked and squirming, he pushed the end of the baton against her pussy lips and as she squealed, the noise echoing around the mall, Pat pushed the baton slowly into her and started to fuck her with his baton there in front of everyone.

Kerina squirmed and whimpered as Pat roughly slid his baton in and out of Kerina's pussy.


Pat staggered sideways suddenly, dizzy trying to regain his footing.


Pat spun around, keeping his footing, he tried to focus on a largish figure standing in front of him, fists raised.

"D-did you hit me?" Pat asked disbelieving.

"You are one perverted fat man. Someone, call the police. You should all be ashamed of yourselves."

Pat's piggy eye's squinted in anger. Whoever this was, they had got in a couple of lucky punches, but they would not stop Pat from getting his full revenge on this little tart.

"Graaaarghhh," Pat bellowed, charging forward.


Pat staggered and fell to his knees. A heavy weight pushed him to the ground and held him there. "You just wait there fatty, I am sure the police will be here soon."

Sore, dizzy and still trying to deal with what had happened, Pat stumbled after the policemen that had come to get him. Hands cuffed behind his back the voice of the policeman reading his rights was like a fog.

He had been stupid he realised, the humiliation for the girl was great in public, but there were heaps of witnesses that had seen HIM. He had just been so angry, surely they couldn't blame him. But the thing that was really occupying his mind were the last words the guy who had taken him apart had said.

"The guys in prison are going to have fun with you."

Pat decided It didn't look like it was going to be a good day after all.
