Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.25: Wednesday [f]

It was now Wednesday, and once again a lot had happened. After stripping in Elle's office, Kerina had three more classes in the afternoon. She had sat through all of them, casting furtive glances around the room, trying to remember if any of them were the ones that had been in Elle's office. Kerina thought a couple seemed familiar, but she was only sure about the two guys in her math's class, which she had last that day.

At one stage the two boys had caught her glancing nervously around the room and had given her grins, so she had stayed sitting facing the front for the rest of the class.

Kerina had spent the evening studying, trying to catch up on all her studies from the afternoon – for some reason she hadn't paid much attention to what she was being taught!

Tuesday was a bit better as she tried unsuccessfully to relax, but her mind kept coming back to the worry that some one or several of the guy in any class may have seen her naked yesterday. It was eating her up inside and she was quiet and brooding the whole day.

At lunch Kerina had eaten with Jane and Penny again, but hadn't said much while they chatted away. They asked about Kerina's date with Mark but Kerina had remained quiet about her evening's plans. Whilst giving the appearance of being moody, in fact Kerina was battling with the almost paralyzing effects her embarrassment were having on her as she thought of all the situations that could occur – imagine if someone from Elle's office told Mark what they had seen yesterday, or they came and said anything to them while they were at the movies!

In the afternoon Kerina had briefly met with the store manager of a department store in the local mall. She was interested in the part time sales person position they had there, so she had given her details and left with his promise he would call her soon. Kerina then headed off with all the worries of how bad her evening with Mark could end up.

As it happened, nothing shocking occurred at all. Mark had met Kerina at the front of her dorm, they had walked 10 minutes to the local movie theatre and he had bought popcorn and drinks and they had watched some inane teeny movie. Unfortunately the days concerns clouded what would have otherwise been a pleasant evening, as she constantly worried about people walking toward them, or sitting near by. Mark was no ladies man, but he was interested in Kerina and he would have taken any opportunities to get a bit closer to Kerina, had they been presented to him; unfortunately he felt like she was distracted all night and certainly got no signals from her, so after the movie finished he walked her back to her dorm and in a rare act of courage he kissed her on the cheek. While she accepted it, he once again failed to detect any sign of reciprocation and so he said good night and left.

Kerina was so self absorbed she noticed none of this and only ever looked back on the evening as a pleasant distraction from the worries of her life. Certainly there remained a degree of tension between her and her room mate Lisa, and getting home late allowed Kerina to avoid that a little.

This morning, in anticipation of her next visit to Elle, Kerina dressed in Jeans and a t-shirt and a pullover. There was no conscious reason to think this would really protect her from Elle, it was just an automatic reaction.

Kerina sat through her classes, still unable to concentrate totally on what she was being taught, as her mind kept wandering to which guys were in the class.

At lunch time she again headed to Elle's office, avoiding Jane so as not to have to make another excuse.(Penny and Haley were spending today, tomorrow and Friday at a local High school as Student Teachers, so she wouldn't have to avoid them all this week, she thought thankfully, for something going right for her)
