Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.26: Kerina’s Complete Physical [f]

Kerina waited patiently in the waiting room near Elle's office. Not long after Maria let her know she could go in. Kerina stood and walked over, unable to stop from feeling butterflies as she remembered what happened here on Monday.

Walking in Elle's office door, Kerina sat in the chair in front of Elle's desk as Elle sat there looking as stylish and comfortable as ever, writing some notes in a file.

"Ah, hello Kerina, how are you today?"

"Uh, good thanks."

"That's excellent," smiled Elle, "and how are you feeling after yesterday's exercise?"

"I am okay. I guess it has been a bit hard to concentrate, and I do keep looking around in class I guess."

Elle smiled broadly, "well that is excellent, so you are taking an interest in who else is in your classes?"


"Well, than that would be a success wouldn't you say? That was just what I said you needed wasn't it?"

"Well yeah, but even after school it is making me distracted. Last night I went out with Mark to the movies and it was fun but I kept thinking about those guys coming up to me and what would happen if Mark found out what I did on Monday."

"Hmm, so you have a boyfriend?" Elle asked frowning.

"No, nothing like that, he is just a friend."

"Hmm, well we will have to talk about this next meeting. Now we have a new matter today, apparently you have applied for a job in a department store?"

"Uh, yes, how did you know…?"

"Well," interrupted Elle, "They called here for a medical history. Since I am looking after you I was informed. We went to get the relevant documentation, only to find your high school had never forwarded your records."

"Oh," said Kerina worried, sitting looking at Elle, with big worried eyes.

"Well, anyway, we need you to complete a physical, so the sooner the better ok? We can probably sneak through a few tests for STD's I think, we want to make sure you haven't caught anything from all those guys you did."

"Uh, okay," Kerina agreed looking at her feet.

"Now I spoke to our medical staff here, but no one can do it till next week, and so I called the Nurse at St Rogers High down the street and they agreed to see you today," Elle said handing a card over her desk, "here is the address, and your appointment is in thirty minutes."

Kerina took the card surprised, "Oh, well thank you Elle," Kerina said grateful that Elle had organised all this for her, she really DID need that job with the department store after all.

Kerina paced down the long hall of St Rogers High, a large, not particularly exclusive, reasonably well up kept private school. Kerina felt a bit weird being back in a High School, but when she arrived there everyone was in class, so with vague directions from the helpful receptionist, Kerina had walked into St Rogers and eventually arrived in a small waiting room. A pretty young lady, with brown hair, green eyes, wearing a white nurse's outfit and white sand shoes sat at a desk to one side, so Kerina approached her.

"Hi, I am Kerina. Elle sent me here for a physical," Kerina said.

The lady looked at her in surprise for a second, and then sat studying Kerina for a little time longer than was comfortable. She soon how ever shook this off and smiled introducing herself.

"Hi, I am Jenna," the lady smiled, her eyes devouring Kerina like a shark.

Jenna looked down her list of appointments and confirmed Kerina's name. Looking up Jenna smiled again, "Just go and take a seat Hun. Dr Cartwright should be out soon. Oh, and take these and fill them out," Jenna smiled handing her a clipboard with some forms on it.

"Thanks," Kerina said cheerfully, going and sitting at a seat. There were six other people in there, all students. One boy was rubbing at an elbow, two girls were reading magazines, a bigger guy with a cast on his arm was sitting staring at the wall and another boy and girl were sitting together listening to music from a shared mp3 player.

Kerina sat there filling in her details and her medical history, and heaps of other stuff. She had just finished ten minutes later when Dr Cartwright walked out, picked up a file offered by Jenna and said abruptly, "Kerina!"

Dr Cartwright was having a bad day, week and year. He was underpaid, overworked, under resourced, constantly on the receiving end of more and more bureaucratic paperwork and mandatory exams, but to make it worse he received fewer resources, a smaller budget and no pay increase. To top it off, stupid kids wanting to get out of class wasted his time and increasingly annoyed him.

Today to top it off, someone from the nearby College had called in favors to get him to see one of their students; apparently their precious medical staff was overworked, for a complete physical! He would be way behind today and he really hated getting home late on Wednesdays, as it was his date with the TV night. Damn!

Seeing the timid little college girl get up and walk over when he called her name, Dr Cartwright felt himself get angrier as he imagined that she had probably initiated this 'emergency' appointment. The pretty ones seemed to always get their way and damn everyone else.

Well he had to do the exam but he didn't have to like it. Nor did he have to be nice.

"Ok, get over in the corner there and get your clothes off' he said gruffly as she walked in, before he had closed the door. A couple of the students looked up in surprise, but the doctor closed the door.

Dr Cartwright flicked through the paperwork Kerina had filled in as she nervously undressed in the corner by the exam table.

Kerina slipped off her top and unbuttoned her jeans pulled them down and stepped out of them. Looking around for somewhere to put them, Kerina laid them on the exam table.

Dr Cartwright kept reading, scratching his goatee, occasionally rubbing his bald head.

"Uh" Kerina said weakly, standing there in her white panties, bra and shoes and socks. Dr Cartwright looked over, peering over his glasses.

"Surely a college girl knows the difference between completely undressed and undressed to her underwear? Stop wasting my time and get it all off," He snapped annoyed, returning his focus back to the papers.

Feeling more stupid, Kerina slipped her hands behind her back and unhooked her bra, freeing her pert young breasts and let if fall forward and lay it on the exam table, she kicked off her shoes and slipped her socks down.

Dr Cartwright finished checking the forms were filled in then reached over to his intercom and called into it, "Please come in here Jenna."

Just as Kerina hooked her thumbs into the elastic waistband of her panties and tugged them down off her hips, the door opened and Jenna marched in.

"Ah Jenna, good. Please could you go and do the basic tests with the young lady. I have too many people to see today so we are going to have to tag team with, uhm, Kerina I think it is?"

"Yes, yes she is Kerina," said Jenna, "And I would be happy to help out with her," Jenna said smiling again in that slightly uncomfortable way.

Kerina smiled weakly looking up as she stepped out of her panties, her bare breasts jiggling slightly as she leaned forward, retrieving her panties from the floor.

Kerina placed them on the exam table also, standing there completely bared to Dr Cartwright and Jenna.

Smiling, Jenna grabbed a little package off a shelf and passed it to Kerina, "Here put this on. You can't walk around out here like that."

Kerina took it and opened it carefully. It turned out to be a plastic surgical gown and Kerina gratefully pulled it on, covering herself, "Thank you," Kerina said politely.

Jenna smiled as Kerina pulled the flimsy gown over her nude young body. It covered her front well, down to mid thigh, but the back proved a little harder to do up. Jenna assisted, but only did the ties up loosely, so there was a two inch strip of bare skin displayed, from Kerina's neck all the way down to the crack off her firm ass. Kerina was aware that her modesty was in danger, but she couldn't see how much.

Her concerns quickly shifted, however, when Jenna said, "Okay lets get out of here, we need to get to our makeshift test room, and let the good doctor get on with his work," and firmly took Kerina's hand.

Kerina stumbled after Jenna, pulled out into the waiting room. Kerina's one free hand grabbed the hem of the surgical robe, keeping it firmly in place as Jenna tugged her forward past all the waiting High School students down the hall way to an unknown destination.

Jenna grinned humorously. This little bitch was going to regret ever touching her boyfriend…
