Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 8)

Table of Contents

< Part 7

"Ok, time for the big one. There is no way to soft peddle it, so I am just going to state it… There is no such thing as a government." She paused for a few minutes to let what she said to sink in.

"Government is just a word that we have created like dark, cold and them. This word can be very beneficial when we use it to discuss how we are going to govern ourselves, yet it is highly destructive when we use it terms of what they are supposed to do for them, or more likely, what we demand they do to them.

"Governments have never accomplished anything. And I mean absolutely nothing. All of the good that has happened in this nation has happened because we have made it happen. Believing in the accomplishments of government is like believing in the effectiveness of speed limits or drug laws. I don't care what the 'government' does, until we buy into it, nothing happens.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 28)

Table of Contents

< Part 27

Most of the girls appeared a bit nervous about what might happen, but no one really delayed getting undressed. Eventually they were all standing there in their panties with their clothes behind them on the floor.

"In the cupboard over to your right, there some towels. I want each of you to get one and come back to where you are. Be sure to keep them folded as they came out."

Once they were back in position he said, "I've heard several complaints today that you felt you had been deceived by how we have presented ourselves to you. What follows should be viewed as the most clearest message I know how to send about the extremes of what to expect here."

Lord Jacob then walked over to his wife, and grabbed her hair at the back of her head with his left hand. His right hand still held the strap. As he lifted her out of the seat by her hair, Lady Jennifer crossed her arms behind her back, and grabbed her elbows. He then brought her to him for a passionate kiss, followed quickly by moving his passion down her neck and shoulders.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 27)

Table of Contents

< Part 26

"This brings us to the hardest topic of the evening. As you may recall earlier, we said that condoms are not permitted except for specific circumstances, and those circumstances are when incest is involved. I perform the role of your father, so anytime we have intercourse, I'll be wearing a condom.

"Incest is another of the sexual taboos that we don't just dismiss; we consider to be quite harmful if observed. This is juxtaposed against pedophilia, which is a taboo we seriously enforce. Yet they are related.

"It is very important that children are not looked upon as sexual targets. They are like unripe fruit. It is absolutely clear to us that submission is required for proper sexual gratification, and children cannot in any way consent to it. Like what my wife should have told you before, submission is not passive. It is very active, and maturity is required.

"There is absolutely no consideration in this kingdom about experimenting with sex with children, although we do believe waiting till eighteen is wrong. Sixteen at least, maybe younger, but considering the laws of the land, we stick with eighteen.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 26)

Table of Contents

< Part 25

Lord Jacob was the first to break the silence, which he said in amazement, "Bravo, Marcia. Bravo. What a display by both of you. I don't care how many times I witness something like that; I will never grow tired of it."

"I share my husband's sentiments," replied Lady Jennifer. "My only regret was that it could have been me in Alyson's place earlier today, if only Marcia had found that dominant side of her then."

Both girls were standing there looking pretty proud of themselves. Marcia then leaned over, and gave Alyson another kiss before walking over to Lady Jennifer.

As she approached she raised her dress to expose all of her panties. Lady Jennifer then reached inside, and of course, found a very damp vagina. As she was leaning around to deliver the initial swat confirming she was not shaved properly she said quietly, "Don't worry about your excited state. We'll be taking care of that shortly."

This was followed by the swat. Marcia then raised her dress, and then received her sound spanks while being aggressively stimulated by Lady Jennifer. Marcia wasn't counting, but it had to be a lot more than what the other girls got, and strangely enough, she was glad.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 23)

Table of Contents

< Part 22

As Alyson got up to go over to where she was commanded, Lord Jacob took down from the wall the leather strap that Marcia was watching rather ominously all evening. He then walked over to his wife and handed it to her. By then, Alyson was in position. Lord Jacob walked over to the left side of the couch, and was now facing Alyson.

With the strap hanging out of her right hand, which was long enough to reach the floor, she commanded, "Pull down your panties to your knees, bend over the arm of the couch so that your bottom is the highest part of you, then pull your dress up to expose yourself."

Alyson complied rather quickly. The arm of the love seat was low and wide, so when she was over it, her feet could easily reached the ground, and her hands could also reach the arm on the other side. Once she was settled in, Lady Jennifer continued, "You are being punished for not saying mistress when you addressed me, which earns you ten from this strap. You are also being punished for bringing my character into question, which earns you and additional ten.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 22)

Table of Contents

< Part 21

"Well you should," said Lady Jennifer.

"Mistress Jennifer," Alyson said. "Before I am spanked, can I put what you just said to a test? You said I am not being spanked for speaking my mind, so can I ask you a question that is really troubling me about what I said that has led to this?"

"Go ahead." she replied.

"You said earlier that college admission board members should be held accountable for the racism that they create, yet you don't believe President Bush should be blamed for the hatred he has created in the Middle East by attacking Iraq. I honestly don't understand how those viewpoints can be reconciled.

"It's actually quite easy," replied Lady Jennifer. "One is a lie, and the other is the truth.

"If there is one area of the human experience where you need to doubt someone's word more than any other time, it's when someone tells you the reasons why they hate. Not only is this when someone is more likely to lie to you, it is also when they are most likely to lie to themselves.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 21)

Table of Contents

< Part 20

"Ally. Kneel before me." As Lady Jennifer said this, she pointed to a spot about three feet in front of her.

Alyson had a slightly frightened look in her eyes as she got up and walked to the spot she was directed to. When she arrived, she knelt down with her hands behind her back.

"Normally I don't get into this subject so early on in a girl's instruction to be a maiden, but you have kind of forced my hand," said Lady Jennifer.

"What is punishment?" she asked rhetorically. "When a child acts in a rude manner, that child does not recognize the real consequences of their actions. The child does not see how that acting rude will limit their happiness and success in the future. As such, good parents apply false consequences so that the child will at least learn that being rude is wrong.

"At some point, though, good parents need to stop applying false consequences, and let the child experience the real consequences of their actions. Only then, will the child learn what is wrong with their behavior.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 20)

Table of Contents

< Part 19

Lady Jennifer now came in. "A word of warning though. A real leader is also someone who does not bend to the desires of his followers for the purpose of keeping them as followers. People who do that are not even rulers, they're called politicians, and as far as we are concerned, they are worse than rulers. At least with a ruler you know where he stands.

"What this means is that we can easily tell whether a conflict between you and your husband is because he is a poor leader or whether you are a poor follower.

"Getting back to our relationship to God. Through our submission to men, men learn what submission to God means. Men need to see that they benefit the most when their wives are free to speak their minds, and develop into the strongest, most capable women they can be, just as God benefits the most by each of us developing into the best people we can be. If men don't believe this about women, then they are forced to consider some very terrible things about their relationship with God.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 19)

Table of Contents

< Part 18

"Another important point is something that leads us to the nature of the relationship between husband and wife.

"Consider for a moment the attitudes that the Islamists have about women. The more violent and viscous they are, the worse they think of women. We believe this is not only related, but it has a causal effect. They are not just evil people, and so are evil to the women in their life. The reason they are evil is directly related to their attitudes towards women.

"These men disrespect their women because of their submissive nature. Yet at the same time they know, at least subconsciously, that this is the role they must play with God. If they disrespect women for their submissiveness, then they must also disrespect themselves for theirs. The self-hatred they generate spills over into every aspect of their life.

"The important thing for you to understand is that your relationship with God will be destructive in your life, such as these Islamists have with Islam, if you do not respect the submissive side of a relationship."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 18)

Table of Contents

< Part 17

Lord Jacob now spoke up to support his wife. "All evening long you have been listening to my wife and I speak as if we were one person. From that you might be thinking that we are very similar people, but you couldn't be more wrong. My wife grew up in Northern Minnesota, and I was raised until I was ten in Iraq when my family immigrated to Brooklyn. We could not possibly have more diverse backgrounds. About the only thing we have in common is our type A personalities, and that is something that the prevailing wisdom says couples should not have in common.

"The only way two dissimilar persons can end up with a common purpose, like we have, is through trust. And there is no way that browbeating, nagging or any other form of intimidation can help you. All forms of threats only destroy trust. They can never help build it.

"And there is a great deal of benefit from forging a relationship between dissimilar people, but before we can get into that, we need to look at one other question that we felt needed answering, and that is 'What is the true nature of our relationship with God?' The relationship between husband and wife, and ourselves and God may appear unrelated, but they are not.