Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 28)

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< Part 27

Most of the girls appeared a bit nervous about what might happen, but no one really delayed getting undressed. Eventually they were all standing there in their panties with their clothes behind them on the floor.

"In the cupboard over to your right, there some towels. I want each of you to get one and come back to where you are. Be sure to keep them folded as they came out."

Once they were back in position he said, "I've heard several complaints today that you felt you had been deceived by how we have presented ourselves to you. What follows should be viewed as the most clearest message I know how to send about the extremes of what to expect here."

Lord Jacob then walked over to his wife, and grabbed her hair at the back of her head with his left hand. His right hand still held the strap. As he lifted her out of the seat by her hair, Lady Jennifer crossed her arms behind her back, and grabbed her elbows. He then brought her to him for a passionate kiss, followed quickly by moving his passion down her neck and shoulders.

After only a minute of orally consuming his wife, he pushed her down onto her knees. He then proceeded to hook is right thumb into his navy silk pajama bottoms, and pull them down to free up his very hardened cock. He wasted no time in burying it as completely as he could in her mouth. While still holding her hair, he pumped his cock in and out of her mouth.

This only went on for a couple minutes before he pulled out of his wife's mouth, and hid his cock back in his pajamas. He then lifted her up again, and pulled her over to the couch the girls were standing in front of. He put her to the right side of it, and then pushed her over the arm so that she was positioned much like Alyson was earlier. Her feet were on the floor, but her arms could not reach the far armrest on this very long couch. When he pushed, he finally let go of her hair.

Once he had positioned himself back in front, he delivered a swat of the strap to her still dress covered bottom. This was her queue to get it out of the way, and she did. He then delivered another to her now panty-covered bottom.

"Laura, come over here and pull down your mistresses panties," Lord Jacob commanded.

Laura did not delay in doing as she was told. Once Lady Jennifer's bottom was bare, he delivered three blows in quick succession, which had her screaming.

"OK girls, now for your involvement. Allison, come over here and sit on the couch facing your mistress," Lord Jacob commanded. "Place the towel underneath you when you do, and keep it folded."

Once she was on the couch with the left foot on it, and the right foot on the floor, this presented a wide-open view of her panty-covered crotch.

"Now slide forward until your panties are positioned under your mistress's face," Lord Jacob commanded again.

Once she had done so, Lady Jennifer brought her arms underneath Allison's legs, and wrapped them across her lower abdomen. This pinned Allison's pelvis to the couch. Lady Jennifer then covered her pubic mound with her open mouth, putting the clitoris in dead center. Just as she was settling in, Lord Jacob delivered ten swats of the strap. They were not done as fast as the first three, but much quicker than how Alyson received hers.

With each contact of the belt, a scream came from Lady Jennifer. Alison's panty covered vagina muffled some of it, but it was still pretty loud. With each scream from Lady Jennifer, Marcia could see that Allison was responding intensely from it. It made Marcia want desperately to be where Allison was just now; to experience what Allison was going through.

When he was done, Lord Jacob said, "Laura. Remove the panties that are separating Allison's mistress from her vagina."

Laura had an awkward time of getting them past Lady Jennifer, but as soon as they were, the Lady proceeded to dive into Allison's sex. With Allison's earlier stimulation during the spanking and all that preceded it, Lady Jennifer had no problem bringing her to an orgasm.

While Lady Jennifer was working on Allison, Lord Jacob grabbed Laura by the back of her hair and used her to pump his cock in and out of, just like he did with his wife.

"That's enough Jenny. Allison, slide off the couch, and sit on the floor by the end."

Then looking at Sandra, "Sandra, your next, and I shouldn't have to explain what I want from you."

Everyone proceeded to do as they were told.

Lord Jacob then worked through each of the girls in the same order they had lined up behind the couch. When he wasn't spanking his wife, he was plunging his cock in Laura's mouth. Each time he finished spanking his wife; Laura would remove the panties of the girl pinned to her mistress, then immediately drop to her knees in front of Lord Jacob.

By the time it was Marcia's turn, she was desperate to experience what each of the girls had, and when she did, it was beyond her wildest imagination. She knew that the screaming into her vagina was going to stimulate her like a vibrator would. What she hadn't expected was how much Lady Jennifer's heavy breathing would also affect her. The large amounts of air moving past her sex was intense. The warm air on her exhale, and the cool air on her inhale, was a combination of sensations that could not be beat.

Then when her panties came off, and Lady Jennifer could focus her attention on her mound, this was the tipping point beyond any experience she could ever comprehend. It devastated her. It crippled her. It completely spent her. She had ran several marathons in her life, and they were nothing compared to where she was taken now.

Eventually each girl ended up on the floor, naked, and completely exhausted. With the last one done, Lord Jacob used Laura's help to get him and his wife naked. He then dragged his wife onto the floor and pounded her until he reached the orgasm he had been putting off until now.

This of course was way too soon for Lady Jennifer, which he knew. So he commanded Laura to finish her off. Laura needed no coaxing. Her favorite time to eat her mistress's pussy was after her master had come in her.

Everyone present watched as Laura worked hard to bring her mistress to one orgasm after another. When Laura was done, she leaned back against the couch with a concerned look on her face.

As Lady Jennifer propped herself on her husband, she saw her expression and asked in a very hoarse voice, "Feeling neglected?"

Laura replied exasperated, "Yes mistress! Yes I do!"

"Well I can fix that." She then looked over to the naked gathering of girls and said, "Before any of you can leave, I expect you to spend five minutes of serious face time between Laura's thighs."

~ End of Chapter 3 ~ Marcia Learns Why ~

Chapter 4 >


1 comment

  1. *Author’s Note:* *To quote Thomas Jefferson: ‘Say nothing of my religion. It is known to God and myself alone.’ If you believe that I am writing down my religious beliefs within the chapters of this story, then you are not only seriously mistaken; you are also narrow of mind. The purpose of this story is not for you to understand me, but to help you understand yourself. So don’t waste your time trying to understand what kind of mind would write a story such as this. It is not only a completely fruitless exercise, but it also illuminates your desire to judge the messenger so that you can dismiss his message. Instead, demonstrate that you are not a complete mental coward by analyzing your understanding for what I have written.*

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