Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 19)

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< Part 18

"Another important point is something that leads us to the nature of the relationship between husband and wife.

"Consider for a moment the attitudes that the Islamists have about women. The more violent and viscous they are, the worse they think of women. We believe this is not only related, but it has a causal effect. They are not just evil people, and so are evil to the women in their life. The reason they are evil is directly related to their attitudes towards women.

"These men disrespect their women because of their submissive nature. Yet at the same time they know, at least subconsciously, that this is the role they must play with God. If they disrespect women for their submissiveness, then they must also disrespect themselves for theirs. The self-hatred they generate spills over into every aspect of their life.

"The important thing for you to understand is that your relationship with God will be destructive in your life, such as these Islamists have with Islam, if you do not respect the submissive side of a relationship."

Lady Jennifer interrupted her husband here. "I think we are now at a point where I need to take over." Then to the girls, "When we started our search for a true understanding of God, we didn't exactly know what we were getting into, but we did it anyway; we felt there was a link between our relationship to God, and our relationship to each other as husband and wife, yet we knew we would never understand it unless we dove completely in.

"As my husband stated earlier, the key component is trust. To be completely submissive to our husbands we needed to trust them. This also applies to God. You will never experience His grace unless you are capable of trusting in His existence and support. While the hardcore Atheists have a problem with submission in general, the Agnostics like Ally just can't trust in God.

"It wasn't long before we realized that our search for our proper relationship with God was the same thing as our search for our proper relationship with each other. We now see that the purpose of marriage to each other is our quest to understand how to become one with God. Our dominant/submissive relationship teaches us how we are to relate to God.

"What I am about to say I know you will get the wrong meaning, but they are the best words I have at my disposal. By having men assume the role of God, we have not only learned more about ourselves, but also about God Himself."

Lady Jennifer paused here for effect, and she got the reaction she knew she would get when Alyson Frazier raised her hand. "Mistress Jennifer, are you telling us we are expected to worship men?"

Lady Jennifer shook her head and replied, "Not at all Ally. We have already told you what we think of people who have a need to be worshipped, and I even warned you that you would get the wrong meaning from the words I used, yet even after that, you walked right into. You need to realize that most people have an ignorant and childish notion of what their relationship to God is supposed to mean."

To all of the girls she continued, "Keep in mind that you will never fully grasp what I am about to say until you dive completely into it. The words I am giving you now are only intended to shorten your journey, so that you can avoid some of the pitfalls we ran into.

"Most people who have seriously considered God, and wondered what he is, have come to the conclusion that he is everything. He resides in us, and is part of us, whether we want to recognize it or not.

"Now, being everything sounds like a lot, but it is also a limitation. By this I mean He can only be everything. For Him to grow there must be more of everything. Everything there is must increase. So how would God make this happen?

"What we have learned is that you don't do this by numbers. Just creating more people doesn't create more of what He is. If there is one thing that we are certain of, it's that God is not part of anything that is physical in this world. This means God does not increase by amount. He increases with diversity.

"Another thing that we are certain of is that the Christians who say things like 'God has a plan for us' could not be more wrong… Let me take that back. What most people believe Christians mean when they hear that misunderstand what that means. God does have a plan for you, but it's not some prescription for life that you must follow.

"Getting back to what I was saying… Something that you really won't understand until you have children is what brings the most joy to a mother. It's not from seeing their children doing as they are told. It comes from seeing their children do things they never taught them. It is the things their children have created on their own that a parent takes the most pride in.

"We believe God is no different. If we are to be nothing more than puppets who do as we are told, then what there is, beyond the physical, can never increase. God is not a dictator who issues commands; God is an enabler who delights in what His children creates.

"This view of God is what we learned by diving into the duality of domination and submission. The men that had the most joy in their lives were the ones that enabled their wives, not the ones that dictated to them. This was a very 'self-correcting' process. Men were able to see in others what worked for them, and so changed for the better.

"Yet this process could not possibly work without the women of this kingdom's full commitment to submission, because we had to make sure that our men had no need to be defensive in any way. For us to be able to speak our minds, there could never be the slightest hint of 'I told you so' when we were right. Because of this total commitment, we are able to pair as a true team in life."

It was now time for Lord Jacob to continue. "This leads into the concept of what leadership is, and how it differs from being a ruler. For most people, they don't even see a difference. For them, a ruler is a leader, and vice versa. Nothing can be further from the truth.

"First, and foremost, leaders are determined by their followers; rulers are decided by themselves. Leaders can draw upon the depth and breadth of their followers to accomplish their goals; rulers only have themselves to determine a course of action. This is because leaders have respected advisors, and rulers only have yes-men, which only a fool would listen to.

"Leaders see their followers as a resource that should be developed. Rulers only see followers who are getting better without them as a threat to their rule.

"Girls, your role in this kingdom is critical. Without you, our men cannot develop into the leaders we need them to be.

"Take Laura over here. When I elevated her to a maiden in this kingdom, she said she would have no problem submitting to a man such as me, yet she had no desire to submit to any of the men she saw that were her age.

"As I said to her, as I am telling you all now, you will never find a man worthy of submitting to. You must submit to him for him to become worthy of your submission. I can state with the highest degree of confidence that the man you see before you today, would be nothing if it were not for the woman you see sitting beside me right now.

"I also want you to keep in mind that you are not just submitting to a man. You are also submitting to a chain of command. Any proper chain of command must have real leaders along each link of the chain for it to be as strong as possible. This is because the best leaders also become the best followers.

"The way we see things, any man who needs to belittle women in order to make himself feel superior, is not a man who will only mistreat women. As such, these kind of men will never be elevated up the chain of command until they develop into actual leaders, and you are essential in proving to us that they can be one.

"As you have been told earlier, not only must you submit to your husband, but you must also submit to the men in your husband's chain of command. This requirement is not about us getting some opportunity to have sex with more women. The main function is to be able to judge your submission, which in turn helps us judge your husbands leadership."

Part 20 >
