Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 8)

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< Part 7

"Ok, time for the big one. There is no way to soft peddle it, so I am just going to state it… There is no such thing as a government." She paused for a few minutes to let what she said to sink in.

"Government is just a word that we have created like dark, cold and them. This word can be very beneficial when we use it to discuss how we are going to govern ourselves, yet it is highly destructive when we use it terms of what they are supposed to do for them, or more likely, what we demand they do to them.

"Governments have never accomplished anything. And I mean absolutely nothing. All of the good that has happened in this nation has happened because we have made it happen. Believing in the accomplishments of government is like believing in the effectiveness of speed limits or drug laws. I don't care what the 'government' does, until we buy into it, nothing happens.

"One of the best examples of the foolishness of liberals is to look at their great savior, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and his actions during the Great Depression. For those of you who don't know, President Roosevelt is to liberals what President Ronald Reagan is to conservatives.

"At this time, I am not going to get into what caused the Great Depression. It certainly was not what you may have heard as some failing of capitalism. The point for now is that the country was in it, and a President who wanted to be seen as doing something about it was in office. Any liberal worth his salt will tell you that FDR is the one responsible for pulling us out of the depression, yet any honest analysis of what he did will show that he only deepened and prolonged it.

"And it doesn't take a degree in economics to understand why. If you have a president that is constantly changing the laws that govern how you can conduct your business, are you going to invest in that or any other business? Without investment, all economies die. The facts remain that we pulled ourselves out of the depression, not him, but we didn't really get a chance to until the President got distracted by a little thing called World War Two.

"This is a great failing of all unenlightened people, not just liberals. If they see a well-intentioned like-mind person do something, then see something get better, they will then believe that what ever that person did, must be what is responsible for things getting better. This is the root cause in believing in the existence of a government.

"No matter how you look at it — assuming you look at it with enlightened eyes — we must do something for anything to get done. A belief in a government prevents us, delays us, or makes it more costly to do whatever eventually needs to be done by us anyway. As you will see, people believe in government because they do not have the vision to figure out how we are to do anything. They just hit the default button of 'let's have the government take care of it.'

"Now, the final nail in the coffin of the idea that liberalism is an enlightened form of thought is not its complete faith in a complete fiction like the government. It is the liberals lack of understanding that enlightened people require no government at all. Enlightened people do not need a nanny state to take care of them, nor do they need a 'Big Brother' to whack them when they do wrong. Liberals have absolutely no vision of a future of mankind with out a government, and in fact only see an expansion of it.

"Liberalism is not a path to enlightenment, it is a fast track to delusion and misery."

Lady Jennifer again paused to allow what she said to sink in, and then continued. "I want to be very clear about something. There is a direct correlation between a person's lack of vision, and their need to have a government do something for them, or to someone else. There more you believe a government needs to do something, the less enlightened you become.

"Conversely, the more you seek solutions where 'we are governing ourselves' the more enlightened you become. This occurs because of the simple fact that you are now thinking about what really exists, and not an illusion. There really is no mystery to it.

"So to wrap up our lesson for today, we began your travel towards enlightenment by looking into what are words for. At best, they can only represent reality; they can never be reality. Placing your faith in words is placing your faith in an illusion.

"On the other hand, enlightenment is all about reality, and this gets to the heart of why I can't define it for you. It defies being defined, because it can't be handed to you like the definition of a word. Using words to define enlightenment is like using illusions to define reality. The more you use words to nail down what it is, the farther from it you get.

"The best advice I can give you at this time is to look to the people around you. We believe that God has given us everything we need to achieve enlightenment with just the people we meet everyday.

"It is by understanding relationships that enlightenment can be obtained; but not just any relationships. The more diverse the people are around you, the more you are forced to think outside of yourself in order to relate to them. Conversely, the more you seek out those just like you, the less likely you will achieve enlightenment.

"We even go so far as to believe that if you were to meet someone exactly like you then no relationship could even exist.

"Any questions?" Of course she knew there would be. She only lightly covered subjects that they will spend the next few months working to fully comprehend. She only stopped now because anymore would only increase the number of questions from the girls, and she wanted to wrap this up by lunch. As she predicted, every hand popped up, so she decided to go from left to right. "You first Marcia."

Marcia's question was typical of the kind Lady Jennifer anticipated, which boiled down to nothing more than stunned disbelief. "Mistress Jennifer… I uh… uhmmm… are you saying that we should eliminate the government?"

"I can't very well call for the elimination of something that I don't believe exists, now can I? I have no problems using the word government, just like I have no problems using the word dark. The only difference is that I know the reality of what I speak of.

"Yet in the strictest sense, yes, the government should be eliminated. The 'middleman' only gets in the way."

Next up was Alyson Frazier. Her question was exactly what Lady Jennifer would have expected of her. "Mistress Jennifer, a government is more than just what we want to tell people to do. It is also a reflection of the people in the country. It's kind of like the face of everyone in it. It declares what kind of people we are. How can something like that be eliminated?"

Lady Jennifer responded, "Easy. A government will always be a distorted representation of its people; never an accurate reflection of them. Sometimes this 'face,' as you call it, is more monstrous than the people in it, such as it is with Iran. I don't think anyone believes that the people of Iran are as evil as their government.

"Most of the times, though, the government simply masks its people, rather than providing a face. It makes their actions irrelevant. If I were to force you to do something good, would you in fact be good? Who knows?

"You cannot judge the actions of anyone who is forced to do something. If you want to see what kind of person he really is, then you must allow him to act in a way that does not come from the false consequences that are the result of governmental coercion.

"As an example, I was talking with a man of this kingdom not too long ago, who expressed how humiliating it was to be forced to pay child support to his former wife. Because of this government coercion, he is unable to know the self-respect a man should feel when they do the right thing, and support their children. What the government does acts like an acid on his relationship with his children.

"As you will learn more later, Ally, as long as the government relies on laws to accomplish what it believes it must, then it will never be an accurate reflection of its people."

Moving on, Allison Lilly's question was refreshing. Lady Jennifer didn't hear it often, so it is always nice to have it expressed. "Mistress Jennifer, I'm sure you have heard the saying that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Do you have any better evidence that there is no government besides this corollary to the reality of us and them? It seems to me your evidence is kind of weak."

"Of course it's weak, Allison. You are asking me to prove a negative, which is nearly impossible. You need to see that it is you that bares the burden of proof. You're the one that believes in the existence of a government, so it is you that must prove that it. Just because you have more people on your side who believe as you do, doesn't make your beliefs correct. So go ahead. Point out the government me.

"If you're willing to be honest with yourself you will see that the only thing you will be able to point to are people who claim to be the government, and I generally don't believe the claims of people who are seeking to have control over me.

"You need to see that the government is as real as money has value. Money only has value because we all are willing to believe it does, and for no other reason. Without all of us agreeing that it has value, it is less useful than toilet paper. The only difference between our belief in money, and our belief in the government, is that we don't expect money to actually do anything."

Part 9 >
