Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 7)

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< Part 6

"Mistress Jennifer, I'm finding this all hard to take in. I know liberals have socialistic tendencies, but to call them all socialist, and to claim they are intentionally lying about it seems a bit much. How can you be so sure?"

"It's not all that hard Ally." Lady Jennifer began. "You should take a look at a recent Democrat Presidential debate. In it, a very sincere tool asked Senator Clinton to define liberalism, and asked how as president she would defend it. I'm not surprised he asked that question; in fact, I don't know why more don't.

"As an elite, Ms. Clinton couldn't very well say it's socialism, so she said what any self-respecting liberal elite would say in that position. She denied being a liberal, and in fact called herself progressive. Of course she didn't define progressive either. That's because there isn't a damn bit of difference between the two, so what could she say?

"You see, liberalism was never meant to be defined. The word is being used because of its context; because of what people think when they hear it. Many liberals have now started calling themselves progressives because the liberal context has lost its sheen… and their useful idiots have started asking questions.

"Any more?" she said as she looked around the room. None seemed to be coming, so she proceeded. "It is now time for the last topic of the day, which are words that are factually correct, but are none the less deceptions. In other words, what you say when you use them may be true, but don't for a second believe that you are talking about something that is real.

"What I just said sounds strange, huh?

"The main point I want to tell you, I can't just tell you up front. If I did, you would not get it. I have to work my way down to it, starting off with something that should be fairly simple for you to grasp, then continuing down a couple more levels of understanding. After the final level I should then be able to tell you what I need to tell you.

"These three levels are examples of what we call the non-existent opposites. This is where we have something that definitely does exist, so naturally we assume its opposite does also, yet in fact, it doesn't.

"Up first, level number one… There is no such thing as darkness. Dark does not exist. Light does exist. When you turn on a light bulb, photons come out. Yet conversely, when you turn off the bulb, darkness does not come out.

"Darkness is nothing more than a communication tool. It was created so that instead of saying 'there is insufficient light in the room to see,' we can say instead 'the room is dark.'

"Are you all OK so far? That was the easy one. The important thing to note is that you can say something that is factually correct, such as a room being dark, but that doesn't mean the thing you said is real.

"Ready for level two? It's a little harder." The girls seemed eager to continue, so she did.

"Level two… There is no such thing as cold; there is only varying degrees of heat. The word cold was created so that instead of saying 'there is insufficient heat in a room to be comfortable,' we can now say 'the room is cold.'

"This level is a bit more difficult to grasp. Particularly when we can open a door in a warm room to the outside, and feel the cold air rush in. It makes cold appear to be more real than dark, but it isn't. One way to show that it doesn't exist is by looking at how a refrigerator works.

"Many people believe that refrigerators work by creating cold inside of it. Worse yet, they believe that if you leave the door open it will cool off the kitchen, yet the exact opposite is true. Refrigerators are nothing more than heat pumps. They transfer heat, which does exist, from the inside of it to the outside, and they generate heat in doing so. Leaving a refrigerator door open will, in fact, heat up the kitchen.

"So to wrap up both levels up so far, dark does not exist, but light does. Cold does not exist, but heat does. You can use dark and cold in a sentence and be factually correct, but that does not make them real.

"The final level is the most difficult to grasp, and some of you really won't get exactly what I am talking about. I have to cover it anyway, so that you will at least understand the final point I want to make, even if I haven't convinced you that it is true.

"Level three… There is no 'them'; there is only 'us'. 'Us' and 'them' are words used to help us understand the people we encounter. The process of understanding almost anything is through categorization. We group like things together in our minds in order to draw relationships and dissimilarities. The important thing that you must understand is that this categorization occurs in our mind and is not a reality.

"As you will learn as your enlightenment grows, the things that work for you are real, and the things that work against you are illusion. The concept of 'us' works in our favor; the concept of 'them' works against us.

"To help you understand this, consider the thoughts that run through your head when someone does something wrong. When one of 'us' does something wrong we think in terms of forgiveness and redemption. When one of 'them' does something wrong we think in terms of retribution and revenge. Which of these actions do you suppose is something that builds, and which do you suppose is something that destroys?

"The worst part of believing in the existence of 'them' is how it allows us to be controlled by people who engage in what's called us-and-them politics. They seek to gain power by making a 'them' out of people who should be part of 'us.'

"The most deviant form of this kind of politics is when those that claim to be fighting against it are actually engaged in it. Many of the elite liberals claim that our war against terror is nothing more than President Bush using us-and-them politics to gain political advantage. Yet it is they that are doing it. Pointing out an obvious threat is not an act of us-and-them politics.

"You see, liberals actually consider President Bush to be a greater threat to them than the people who have openly sworn our subjugation or death. The evidence of President Bush engaging in our subjugation exists only the delusional minds of paranoid conspiracy theorists.

"We will always be at risk of being manipulated as long as we believe 'them' is real. At the same time, we shouldn't be stupid about this either. Liberals are forever talking about how we need to talk to the jihadis. What utter fools they are.

"It's one thing for you to place someone into a 'them' category, yet it's another thing when they want no part of being one of us. We should always be looking for an opening for them to become one of us, but when someone threatens your life and liberty you need to act in a manner that protects us."

Lady Jennifer paused here for a moment, and then continued. "That concludes my rundown of some examples of non-existent opposites. There are many more of them, of which the theological ones are really mind blowing, but we'll leave that for another day. I know you are probably not fully convinced of that last one, but as your enlightenment builds, and you begin to see the reality of 'us,' you will then understand about how 'them' is an illusion.

"Any questions before I get to my final point?" Lady Jennifer asked. Becky Pfahdt raised her hand now. "Yes Becky?"

"Mistress Jennifer, I think your description of the deviant form of us-and-them politics just confused me more than helped. I don't understand your criteria for one person who is just pointing out threats versus the others supposed us-and-them politics. Couldn't both be right?"

"Not really," began Lady Jennifer. "I only used the presence of declared threats on one side, with the lack of any credible evidence on the other to make my point, but the evidence of my accusation runs much deeper than that. Normally I leave this discussion for when we get into politics, but I'll throw it now for your sake.

"Take the basic principle of liberal politics. Its cornerstone is us-and-them politics. It cannot function without the presence of have's and have not's. There is no point to liberalism without victims and perpetrators. This makes them not only more prone to us-and-them politics, but it practically makes them blind to it in them.

"The reason they are blind to it in them is a little something called projection, and once you factor it into this equation, then all sorts of terrible delusions start popping up. Projection is when you see the evil that resides in you as actually residing in others. Liberals naturally assume that conservatives are more evil than them, so any evil they themselves perpetrate must be occurring in a greater degree in 'them.'

"Because of projection, any action that can be evidence of evil will be evidence of evil. Also because of it, any warning of danger that conservatives make about the terrorists will be slammed as nothing but a political ploy to divide the American people. They know they engage in us-and-them politics, so conservatives must do it even more, and leads to them to grasp at anything that will allow them to believe it to be true.

"Any more?" Lady Jennifer said while looking around the room.

Part 8 >
