Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 21)

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< Part 20

"Ally. Kneel before me." As Lady Jennifer said this, she pointed to a spot about three feet in front of her.

Alyson had a slightly frightened look in her eyes as she got up and walked to the spot she was directed to. When she arrived, she knelt down with her hands behind her back.

"Normally I don't get into this subject so early on in a girl's instruction to be a maiden, but you have kind of forced my hand," said Lady Jennifer.

"What is punishment?" she asked rhetorically. "When a child acts in a rude manner, that child does not recognize the real consequences of their actions. The child does not see how that acting rude will limit their happiness and success in the future. As such, good parents apply false consequences so that the child will at least learn that being rude is wrong.

"At some point, though, good parents need to stop applying false consequences, and let the child experience the real consequences of their actions. Only then, will the child learn what is wrong with their behavior.

"We in this kingdom take a modified view of this. We expect adults to behave as adults, so when a woman acts like a child, she is punished as a child. Anytime you behave in a rude, hateful or petulant manner you will be punished. Severely.

"Noticed that I said women are punished, not men. Men must only learn what is wrong from the real consequences of their behavior, not from false ones. Do you think it's fair that only women are punished?"

Alyson still appeared a little scared, and replied as if she was a bit cowed. "Yes, Mistress Jennifer."

Lady Jennifer replied with a great deal of frustration in her voice, "Oh come on Ally! You are not being punished for speaking your mind. You are being punished for the way you said it. Now show some strength of character, and answer this question honestly. Do you feel it is fair that women are punished, but men are not?"

Now with a little defiance in her eyes, and posture, she replied, "No, Mistress Jennifer. I do not think that is fair at all."

"That's much better" Lady Jennifer said with a bit of satisfaction. "And guess what? The last man we banished from this kingdom said the same thing. He didn't think it was fair at all that women get the option of being punished, when similar behavior gets men banished.

"If you would like, you can make the same choice that was forced on him. You can get up and leave if you want.

"You see, we in this kingdom want to give women a certain amount of leeway to express themselves. It's good for the kingdom. Not only that, women need a sense of security more than men. It's not good for them to be worried if their behavior will get them thrown out.

"Men on the other hand are trained to be physically strong and violent. If they let their emotions get away from themselves, some very terrible things could happen. As such, we take a zero tolerance stand when it comes to behavior that demonstrates a loss of control.

"Well… not a complete zero tolerance. For married men, sometimes it is worse for the family if the man is banished. But in those cases some very serious intervention takes place. All it takes is for a husband to yell at his wife, and he will be put on a path to banishment, unless the intervention is considered successful.

"Normally, it's just understood that the woman has the option of leaving rather than accepting her punishment, but for this case, I want you to tell me whether you want to be spanked, or whether you want to leave. Also, I want you to answer this question with a full and complete sentence that states specifically what you want. Anything other than that and I will assume you want to leave, and I will get up and help you pack your bags.

"So what is your answer?"

Alyson was back again to looking a bit cowed and replied, "I want to be spanked, Mistress Jennifer."

Part 22 >
