Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 22)

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< Part 21

"Well you should," said Lady Jennifer.

"Mistress Jennifer," Alyson said. "Before I am spanked, can I put what you just said to a test? You said I am not being spanked for speaking my mind, so can I ask you a question that is really troubling me about what I said that has led to this?"

"Go ahead." she replied.

"You said earlier that college admission board members should be held accountable for the racism that they create, yet you don't believe President Bush should be blamed for the hatred he has created in the Middle East by attacking Iraq. I honestly don't understand how those viewpoints can be reconciled.

"It's actually quite easy," replied Lady Jennifer. "One is a lie, and the other is the truth.

"If there is one area of the human experience where you need to doubt someone's word more than any other time, it's when someone tells you the reasons why they hate. Not only is this when someone is more likely to lie to you, it is also when they are most likely to lie to themselves.

"So show me someone who thought America was a great country before we invaded Iraq, and now hates us because we did, I'll step up to that person, and with a great degree of confidence, call him a liar. Show me someone else who was willing to live peacefully with his neighbors, and is now willing to strap bombs on himself to kill him and his fellow Muslims, all because we invaded Iraq, and I'll step up to him and call him a liar too.

"Do you realize that over a third of Americans believe the Bush administration was either involved with the 9-11 attacks, or knew it was going to happen, and let it, all so they could justify their desire to attack Iraq? Should I believe them when they say this is one of their reasons why they hate President Bush?

"That fact is, I don't believe in most of the reasons people claim they have for hating whom they do. People will go to great lengths, and believe the most stupidest things, in order to justify their hatred for the people they want to hate. Every single person who believes our government was involved in the 9-11 attacks is someone who wants to hate our government.

"Show me someone who believes that President Bush created one more person in this world, who now hates America that didn't before, all because we invaded Iraq, and I'll step up to that person and call him a fool and a tool of the worldwide socialist agenda, or al Queda, take your pick. …and you don't have to believe in their agenda to be their tool. You just have to react in a manner that advances their cause.

"On the other hand, it doesn't take much imagination to see a white guy, who just missed getting into a prestigious college, looking upon a black man who did with some suspicion in his mind that he got in because of his race. I can assure you, there is almost no one in this country who is in that position, who will drink the Kool-Aid by saying to themselves, 'Oh well. My being denied admission to this college, just so a less qualified black man can get in, is what's best for this country.'

"Even if the white guy does his best to suppress the negative emotions that come from his suspicion, that idea will forever be a malignancy that will harm all future relationships he has with people of color. This is neither good for him, nor the black man who got in, regardless of how he got there.

"And why did the corruption enter his soul? Was it because of white supremacist spreading their seeds of hate? No. It was all because of a bunch of guilt-driven liberals who wanted to be able to pat themselves on the back for their ultimately empty gesture, rather than actually fixing the problem at the source."

Lord Jacob now spoke to lend support for what his wife just said. "Take for example the left's popular mantra that we invaded Iraq to steal their oil. This is now a verifiable lie, because none of the oil contracts handed out by the current Iraqi government went to American companies. Yet this does not matter to liberals. They just keep throwing out one plausible thing after another as if they are facts. There is no way all of them can be proved false, so they feel comfortable in their hate.

"Listen carefully, and take what I am about to say to heart. Only when it comes to hatred are accusations assumed to be facts until they are proven false. In all other human endeavors, assumptions need to be proven true before they are to be believed, but not when people want to hate. Truth is not required for hatred, nor is it ever seriously sought.

"We have an entire lesson on hate that we plan to give you, and with it you will learn that all hatred occurs because reason is abandoned. There is no way you can use reason to arrive at hatred. The notion that there are valid reasons to hate is almost an oxymoron.

"I want to be very clear about something. When I told you that you are free to believe what you want about religion, I meant it. Religion is your core values. But contrary to popular belief, politics are not your core values. They are only how you chose to express those core values. You are free to believe whatever you want, but you are not free to express it however you want.

"We are going to go into a great more detail on the subject of politics and religion some other day. For now I want you to know that to go from being a liberal to a conservative is not about changing who you are, it's about changing how you want to use politics to implement what you believe to be right. Specifically, this conversion is about wanting to be more effective in bringing about what you believe to be right.

"While we have a great deal of tolerance in this kingdom for new ideas, we have no tolerance for liberalism. In most cases, when your expressions are inappropriate you will just be punished for it. If on the other hand you tell me you want to actually want to act inappropriately, such as tell me you want to be a liberal, that would be like telling me you want to be an ignorant child instead of a responsible woman. For that I will throw you out of this kingdom without a moment's hesitation, and I can assure you, no punishment will be offered to absolve you of it."

Lady Jennifer looked onto Alyson with a sad expression. She eventually started shaking her head slightly from side to side as if she did not believe what she was thinking. Finally she spoke, "You have such great promise for this kingdom that it would break my heart to see you banished over some stupid defiant gesture on your part. I don't want to put a lot of time and effort into you, just to see you throw that effort away.

"So I am going to make you an offer that I have never given anyone before. I am going to grant you your buy out now, rather than waiting until you are a maiden. I'll even sweeten the pot by making it two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. It's all yours Ally. You can take the money, and you won't have to go through with this spanking. And this spanking will be far more painful than the one I gave you two days ago. It will be with a belt bent over the arm of this couch. So which do you chose?"

From where Marcia was sitting, she could see tears well up in Alyson's eyes. Eventually she lowered her head and said, "I want you to spank me, Mistress Jennifer."

"Why?" asked Lady Jennifer, "Why won't you take the money?"

Alyson looked up to Lady Jennifer with a great deal of anguish in her face, and said, "I don't know, Mistress Jennifer. I honestly have no idea. I just have a very strong feeling that taking that money and leaving would be the most stupidest mistake I could ever make."

"Very well then." As Lady Jennifer stood up, Lord Jacob took that as his queue to get up also. Then while he walked around behind the love seat they were sitting on, she told Alyson, "Stand over here facing the couch." She was pointing to a spot to the right side of the love seat as Alyson was facing it.

Part 23 >
