Three days for Cath – Sunday II

I could barely take my eyes off her that night, Cath made a spectacle of talking to nearly every person except me, I watched every guy in the group leer after to her in that dress. She normally wouldn’t notice the guys looking after to her in Uni but that night she thrived on it. How many times did I see her place a hand on a chest, or brush her rear teasingly against a groin? Could it be that I envy them? It can’t possibly be envy I feel. Could I envy another man lying in her embrace, feeling her warmth wrap around him, hear her whimper into his ear as he pushes himself deep inside her, convulse around him until he collapses around her in mutual ecstasy. The thought of it drove me to my wine glass. I do envy them I would push thoughts of her from my mind and immerse myself in conversation, but I always found myself searching her out in the room. She began teasing me by allowing our eyes to meet occasionally, fucking me with her expression as she did, driving the passion into my loins before returning her attention to the conversation. She became bolder after the drinks began to flow and would always make sure to squeeze past me between seats, rubbing her backside to my groin in the process, often she would feel the tension in my jeans as she did so and would let out a giggle as my hips discreetly pushed out to meet hers. The night could not end soon enough I thought watching her full reddened lips wrap around a beer bottle. The public exhibitionism was a real turn on, but not as much as having her legs wrap around me, my member penetrating her velvet embrace, I thought. I resigned myself to a smaller table and before long was deep in conversation about future research projects when Cath appeared to my right and asked to join in, the three other students began shuffling their seats to allow her a space to which she insisted was not necessary as she settled herself on my arm rest. The sweetness of her aroma filled my nostrils as she crossed her right leg over her left to rest on the inside of my inner thigh, discreetly rubbing her heel against me I noticed the sheen of her chest that she so elegantly presented in the dimness of the room and felt my cock give a longing twitch to feel her again. It wasn’t long before Cath had found herself immersed in the conversation and had slipped from the armrest onto my knees to ‘better allow the conversation to flow’ she said. I knew elsewise as her hips progressively pushed back towards my groin, the rest of the group oblivious to my angst as my cock pushed wildly against my jeans, I knew she could feel me as every movement she made pushed herself into me and my hips soon started pushing back, pressing my cock between her legs. I can’t take this anymore. My hands gipped her hips lighted and pusher her to her feet, I stood behind her and let her feel the stiffness in my jeans press against her, I leant in and whispered softly into her ear, “I want you… Now” I excused myself from the table and left the bar, she found me a few minutes later wandering the hallway, her stare penetrated my soul and her arms immediately embraced me, one hand gently pulling at my brown curls, the other came to rest on my chest as her lips pressed against my own, the warmth of her tongue shot into my mouth and our tongues danced together passionately as I trapped her body between the wall and my own. My hands caressed her body, feeling each curve underneath the silky texture of her dress, my fingers traced her rear and found the back of her thigh, I pulled it up to meet my hip. She followed my lead and wrapped her leg around my body; pulling me into her and releasing what little her dress had covered to my touch. I could feel my cock pressing through my jeans against her moistening pussy. Soft moans escaped her mouth in the moments our tongues weren’t locked together in fits of passion. My hand traced back up her body and cupped her breast, pinching lightly where I could feel her nipple through the soft fabric of her dress; I pulled my tongue from her mouth and gently caressed her neck with my lips, savouring her scent in as my hand pulled at her dress releasing her breast. “Not here!” she whimpered as her fingers ran through my hair making no objection to my advances, “we’ll get caught!” I continued ravishing her with my lips, hearing her pleas but simply not caring if we got caught I want her. Both her arms found my broad chest, I was sure she could feel my heart pounding through my shirt as she pushed me away with all her strength, I stumbled back a few paces while our eyes locked onto each other, she flashed me a wicked smile while she slipped her dress back over her breast and pulled the hem down to cover her thighs. She approached me one slow step at a time, her right hand reaching out to grip the obvious bulge in my trousers, she began to teasing me with the lightest of touches as one of the research fellows burst through the door further down the corridor in search of a toilet, Cath made no move to remove her tantalising grip, her body was perfectly placed to hide her hand from his view, instead she looked deep into my eyes and whispered “come on” She turned and made for the stairs, I was left against a wall with an all too familiar ache in my loins; my attention remained fixated on her legs moving hypnotically up the stairs. I bound up three at a time to meet her between floors, grabbing her arm I span her to meet my lips as I pressed my tongue deep into her mouth, feeling her body melt beneath my touch I pressed her against the wall wanting nothing more than to take her right there. Her hands reached for my shirt and in one motion pulled it apart before immediately reaching for my belt as buttons littered the floor, she removed the clasp and I felt the tension in my pants loosen as she pushed me away again, giggling she moved for the stairs. The girl is incredible. She was testing every door on the floor when I emerged from the stairs, glancing back at me from every attempt she fluttered from one to the other until finally one door gave way; she looked back at gestured with one finger for me to follow her to which I needed no encouragement. The room that had been left open was a molecular lab, two worktops jutted out into the middle of the room whilst one worked its way around the edges, a fume cupboard sat embedded into the left wall and a number of diagnostic machines lined the walls and benches. Cath let the door close on its own accord and threw herself towards me, her kiss was deep and passionate; her body warm and soft, and her fingers pulled at my hair as she guided me into the room. I felt her body push back against my advances, my hands ran down her back to her thighs and her legs opened to me as I lifted her onto the worktop. Our tongues parted and she let out a moan as she pulled my shirt off one arm at a time, I took the opportunity to remove my t-shirt; baring my body to her audible pleasure. Her tongue found mine and my hands moved delicately up her legs pushing back her dress to reveal her laced thong. She lifted her hips as I pulled it free, and her hands fumbled at my jeans releasing my cock into her grip, she wrapped her fingers around my shaft and massaged me until she felt my own juices envelop my manhood. Her lips parted from mine as she guided the tip of me into her vagina, feeling the warmth of her labia my hips slowly pushed into her, my cock penetrating inch by inch as her face contorted in ecstasy. I pushed and pushed, feeling her pussy wrap around every inch of me until I felt her cervix push back against me. Her nails dug into my shoulders and she pulled her legs apart as much as her thong would allow as it stretched between her thighs, “Fuck me” she pleaded in my ear. I pulled all but the head of my cock out of her before slowly pushing back in, I was amazed at how wet she had become as my hips thrust into her a third time with increasing intensity, her hands clawed at my back and pulled at my hair as each thrust sent waves of pleasure through her body. My cock was covered in her juices making each subsequent thrust harder and faster, my hips soon fell into a steady rhythm as my left hand rested in the arch of her back, pulling her to me and my right fumbled at her breasts. Each time my cock penetrated her, moans of delight stimulated me to push myself deeper and harder into her, my hands moved up her back clutching for the zip denying me access to her body, I tugged at her dress and it fell away from her shoulders revealing her flawless body. Her chest shimmered from the residue of our last encounter and she collapsed backwards letting her back meet the table top. The dress was now resigned to a small section of her stomach and her legs were stretched up my body onto my shoulders, I took the opportunity to slip off her thong and pull her body towards me so that her hips hung off the bench. From this position I fucked her as hard as I could, pushing as deep into her as was possible while adoring the effect I had on her face and her moans of delight. Her arms flayed across the worktop as my rhythm intensified, sending pipettes and epindorphs rolling onto the floor, the crash momentarily filled her eyes with panic at the thought of being caught but quickly rolled back as another thrust caused her leg to quiver around me. I cupped and pinched at her nipples as I fucked her, each thrust built upon my impending orgasm. I pulled my dripping cock out of her and before she had to time to beg me to put it back in, I had dragged her to her feet, twisted her body away from me and pushed her head to the table top as I guided my cock into her from behind, my cock penetrated her pussy and I immediately began where I left off, fucking her with surrounded by a cloud of passion that blinded me from our surroundings, only my body existed, my body and her own, entangled in mutual ecstasy. Her hips pushed back defiantly to meet each stroke of my own, pushing me deeper into her embrace as her moans turned to screams. My left hand gripped a handful of her hair and pulled her head to my shoulders with a surge of power that caused her to squeal from the pain that was quickly overpowered by the pleasure between her legs. Her back was arched and I was rewarded with a magnificent view down her chest as our hips moved together in synchrony, my right hand pinched at her nipples before moving down her body bristling over the small tuft of pubic hair; my fingers soon become drenched in our juices as I massaged her clitoris in time with the oscillations of my hips. Her moans diminished as the sensations surpassed her senses, her legs weakened and her breathing became deep and laboured as each breath was interrupted by a new wave of emotion. I disentangled my left hand from her hair and moved slowly to her neck, my grip found her oesophagus lightly at first but with each subsequent thrust I tightened my grip and kissed her lobe, her face reddened and her eyes widened, her breathing became short and desperate, it became harder to fuck her as her legs weakened. The grip around her neck and my cock inside her were the only things keeping her vertical as my fingers massaging her clitoris moved faster and harder. Her fingers were grasping desperately for a hold as her orgasm took her, a scream escaped her mouth but no sounds emerged beneath my grip, her legs trembled and the convulsions inside her massaged my cock. I felt my orgasm build and thrust her neck from my grasp, pushed her face to the bench and fucked her with the fury of an animal as my cock sent stream after stream of hot cum into her convulsing pussy, Cath gasped for air as each thrust forced it out of her, the power of her own orgasm weakening her legs. I allowed my cock to soften inside her as she regained her composure, pulling myself out I leant in and placed soft kiss on her lips, her tongue met mine and we both smiled as her eyes met mine. We changed in silence, before leaving the room Cath pressed her lips against mine and I felt her tongue probe my mouth gently. Releasing me, we headed back to our room, endorphins flooding our brains. Tomorrow marks the end of our field project and we’ll be taken back to our university where we’ll most likely never speak of the experiences we shared together again.
