Three days for Cath – Sunday I

Sunday I awoke with a start at the sound of the alarm; today we are to attend a series of lectures on various handling techniques regarding delicate species in the ecosystem. Yawn. My head was a daze from the night’s sleep, I hear the shower running and glance over to Caths bed and see that she had risen before me. The previous day’s event rushed back to me as if it was a dream but with a vividness that assured me it was real. Morning wood had taken me today and I felt the urge to relieve myself before Cath finished in the shower, especially as thoughts of water running down her body filled my head but I repressed the urge as we needed to be at the lecture theatre relatively soon. Nothing more had happened the previous night, we had both showered and actually came to making a few sly jokes about our shared experience, it almost seemed like the air of sexual tension between had been lifted. For a while. My wood subsided and I left the warmth of my bed to change, I slipped on a pair of jeans and was searching around for a T-shirt when Cath emerged from the bathroom in her towel, water still dripping down her hair onto her shoulders, I said good morning and she squeezed through the gap between me and the bed whilst tracing her finger along my chest, she asked me how I slept as she turned away from me. I looked down and saw that my wood had returned at the mere touch of her, I sighed and finished changing before heading down for breakfast. I arrived at the lecture before her which was normal of us and placed myself towards the back of the theatre in the middle of the room, the theatre was small, boasting a capacity between 30 and 40 I imagine but with steep steps allowing each row a clear view of the talking platform at the front. There were between 12 and 15 other people milling about, either talking in little groups or sporadically placed around the room as individuals. I turned off my IPod, reached for my bag and began pulling out my notepad and pen ready for the lecture. I noted Cath enter a few minutes after I was settled, looking her up and down I was startled by how sensual she looked, she had worn a low-cut black top with thin straps, above a vivid scarlet laced bra that teased its way around the edges of the top covering it which accentuated the shape of her breasts beautifully. My gaze was drawn down to the excruciatingly short denim hot-pants that I’ve had the pleasure of seeing on many occasions previously, I was admiring the full length and tone of her legs as she gazed around the room looking for a peer, she noted me at the back and headed towards me with a smile. She stopped one row shy of mine and walked along before placing herself just in front of and slightly to one side, Fair enough. Within 10 minutes of the lecture starting I found my mind wandering, I began by doodling pointless shapes on my notepad and glancing around the room I noticed nearly everyone here also looked on the edge of boredom. Cath shuffled in her seat which brought my gaze towards her, she’d crossed her legs and was shifting her free foot up and down with a routine beat. Her legs shimmered in the dim light, moisturiser I thought as the thought of them spread in front of me vied into my mind, I noted with great pleasure that the angle of the lecture hall allowed me a more than explicit view of her bosom as she sat baring her chest below me. Glancing toward either end of my aisle, I discovered I was alone at the back, so I discreetly lowered my hand below the table-top and gently massaged my now erect cock through my jeans. She had brought the tip of her pen towards her mouth and was sucking inconspicuously on the end as her eyes glinted at the projections in front of us; all the while my eyes never left her. Her legs, her breasts, her face, her eyes, her lips. It was in that moment that I knew I wanted her, all of her. Later she would tell me that she enjoyed sitting in front of me because she was always in my field of vision, not as much as i did I thought with guilt, I hadn’t returned such a spectacle for her but I would always repay it in kind if I have the chance. The lecture series finished and I noticed Cath had stopped to talk with some friends on the way out so I took the opportunity to head for our room knowing she wouldn’t be far behind. Thoughts of taking her with all I have filling my mind as I raced past group after group of people. Everyone has their own way of enticing people into sexual conquests, but there was very little left of a social construct between me and Cath now, I think watching her orgasm with my semen between her fingers shattered any barriers left between us. For me, I knew if I could get her legs wrapped around my head long enough to make her body quiver from the delicate movements of my tongue inside her, I would have her. I would have her. I burst into the room and flung my bag over the bed, I was already hard from anticipation when I removed my shirt and made for the veranda where I waited. What seemed like eternity passed before I heard her step quaintly out onto the wooden balcony and knew immediately that she had been admiring the definition in my shoulders from inside the room; she came to a stop beside me and gazed longingly towards the forest. I pushed myself away from the rail and slowly moved behind her, her body fixated as I brushed the hair behind her left ear and let my breath tickle her neck. She exhaled as my hands traced down her sides towards her waist and gripped the bottom of her top, the sweet aroma of her perfume filled my head as I gazed desirously down her body and began to effortlessly lift the top above her head, Don’t stop me. Please. Her hands met mine as her top drew agonisingly close to her breasts; her head hinged backwards onto my shoulders as she giggled lightly in my ear and began teasing me with glimpses of her warm body. Feeling each contour and her responsiveness to my soft touch, my hands moved over her hips, and in towards her stomach before finding the button holding her shorts together, in two fluid movements the button was loose and the shorts had fallen to the floor as she pulled the top over her head and let it drop. She let out a whimper of ecstasy as I span her around to face me, she took full notice of my cock pressing wildly against my jeans as I gently caressed her neck with my lips, slowly her hand came to massage me through my jeans and I felt my legs weaken from her touch, my lips moved down her body and It took all the will power I possessed not to take her nipples in my mouth with blissful hunger, her hands ran up my body and came to rest on the back of my head as my fingers pulled tenderly at her matching laced pants, my eyes met hers amongst a view of her wonderfully pert breasts, her legs widened just barely enough for me to slip my tongue between them and I gazed fiercely as her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt the first wave of pleasure take her, my tongue darted in and out of her vagina tasting her sweet juices as her hips moved forward to meet my mouth. She lifted her right leg off the floor and brought her foot to rest within the arch of my lower back, pulling me into her. I lapped continuously at her labia, relishing the taste of her on my tongue, as whimpers escaping her mouth turned to moans of delight, I traced the tip of my tongue the length of her until I felt the soft presence of her clitoris press back against me, she let out a squeak of delight as her hips thrust forward to meet the tantalising hint of my tongue, I continued to trace my tongue in circles, occasionally skimming the tip of her clitoris sending waves of intense pleasure through her body. My cock was aching to be freed; I reached down to unbutton my jeans as I felt her body begin convulsing uncontrollably. Her orgasm took over with an intense fury and her moans of pleasure were replaced with overwhelming squeals of passion as her fingers gripped my hair tightly, pulling me to her. I drove my tongue deeper, feeling her juices run down the sides of my face as I lapped mercilessly at her labia, savouring every bit of her. I free my throbbing member as her convulsions subside and her eyes return distantly to meet mine, I rose letting my jeans fall to the floor, her arms wrapped around my shoulders as her eyes fell upon my cock, a glint of pre-cum emerged from the tip and her eyes widened with hunger from the sight. I used the embrace to turn my back to rail, before taking a handful of hair in my right hand and forcing her to kneel, to which she obediently sub-missed. In one instant her right hand had gripped the bottom of my hard shaft and her lips enveloped my aching head, a surge of warmth coursed its way through my body as her mouth and hand worked the entirety of my manhood in perfect synchronisation. Her eyes closed and moans escaped her throat as she drove my penis into her throat relishing the taste of me in her mouth, my head hinged as her tongue ran the length of my cock, flicking over my frenulum. My hips thrust forward encouraging her to take me deeper, I felt the warmth of her lips encapsulate my shaft as she sucked intensely, her right hand maintaining a continuous rhythm above my balls. I realised as her eyes met mine, that she could take all of my endowment but the width of her fingers, my right hand found the back of her head and I pulled her into me, her fingers gradually gave way to the warmth of her mouth and instead began to massage my balls as my manhood disappeared around her lips, her eyes looked pleadingly to me as the sensation sent shivers through my body, a sensation I’ve only felt once before. I was lost in a daze of pleasure as pressure built up in my loins; releasing my grip on her hair I began a furious attempt to maintain composure as Cath resumed her intoxicating ritual with her hands and lips. Don’t cum, you want to fuck her, you need to fuck her, don’t cum, don’t cum, you want to bury your cock deep inside her, feel the velvet of her vagina massage your cock. Don’t cum, don’t cum. I tried pulling myself away to prevent the inevitable but found my body caught between her mouth and a hard place, my attempts at pleading resulted in nothing but escaping grunts as her hands gripped my hips and pulled me into her, don’t cum, don’t cum, what if she won’t like it, don’t cum, don’t cum. She felt the tightening of my testicles before I did and immediately gripped my shaft with both hands before twisting them in opposing motions, her tongue flicked at my tip as her eyes begged for my seed, don’t cum don’t cum. “O Cath I’m going to cum” was all I managed to whimper as the first contraction weakened my legs and a jet of warm semen flew from my cock, coating her left cheek before being intercepted by her tongue, moans of delight escaped her as she eagerly pumped my cock waiting for the next contraction that was aimed directly into her mouth, her eyes closed as she tasted the salty residue of my next contraction, my hands reached desperately for the rail to keep me on my feet as my third contraction landed on her philtrum and immediately began seeping onto her full red lips. In a heartbeat, she elevated herself on her knees and my next contraction sent cum streaming onto her right breast, her eyes met mine and I watched in ecstasy as her tongue left her mouth, coated in my seed and began to collect the semen running down her face. Her hands milked every last drop of cum I had onto her chest as she gave me the wickedest of smiles, my seed still glistening on her face and chest. I was left on the veranda as she strode back into our room, my legs weak and my head spinning from the orgasm moments before, it was difficult for me to rationalise what had happened, I had succeeded in seducing her but failed to fulfil my intentions, she wouldn’t let me, she knew I wanted more but wouldn’t stop, she wanted me to cum, she made me cum. I shook off my reservations and relished the magnificence of the experience; it was everything I had ever fantasised and more. I could not number the times I had sat alone feeling her push into me with such passion. Two days ago I would never have dreamed I would be left disappointed with feeling her only lips wrapped around my manhood, instead I found myself eagerly desiring more. I need her, all of her. When I entered the room, Cath had dressed into a very small, very sexy black dress; extremely short with a zip parting the front of her body below her breasts leaving an alluring view of her cleavage. I began to think we had an exotic night in store when she reminded me we were late to meet the rest of the group for drinks that evening. My disappointment soon subsided when my eyes drifted to her chest and noticed the remnants of my orgasm coating her breasts, giving a particular gloss to her cleavage. “No one will know” she assured as her eyes followed mine, “except you”, I felt my cock twitch back to life at the thought of it but suppressed myself as I pulled on some dark jeans, a tight white t-shirt and a green checked shirt. How many men can say they get to do that to her I thought? Cath was finishing her make up by the time I was ready so I allowed her to know that I was waiting for her, looking her up and down, lusting after her, she made a show for me and twirled herself in the mirror giving me a view of her at every angle. Her dress was so short I was sure that I could slip myself inside her and her cleavage shone in the light but only I would know why as we headed out to meet the others.
