Three days for Cath – Saturday


We had been working on low-lying terrestrial ecological diversity studies in groups that day which prevented either of us from being overtly flirtatious with each other like yesterday but that didn’t stop us from stealing the occasional look, she would often bite her lip as she looked me up and down and would give me the slyest of smiles that was masked in underlying intent when the group would move on, her eyes full of passion would shimmer emerald in the light sending a flutter through my body when they met mine. I took to openly challenging her opinion, if only to provoke her and enflame the intensity behind the innocent rapport she had always maintained in front of our peers. She’s enjoying this. I allowed her to ‘catch’ my gaze lingering over her on a number of occasions before returning to my clip board, the humidity of the forest made the pale green t-shirt she was wearing cling beautifully to her body, not low cut enough to bare cleavage but tight enough to exquisitely trace the contours of each curve of her body, the oversized round-neck style of the shirt unveiled more than enough of her lower neck where her bosoms protruded subtlety, filling the top and casting a slight shadow down her body emphasising her figure. The top ended where her shorts began, black in colour that extended to her knees, too long to be considered inappropriate but short enough to entice my imagination into a frenzy of less than innocent thoughts making the task at hand all the more difficult. Her long auburn hair was kept back by a yellow band accentuating the defined and feminine structure of her face, which allows her to pose a number of hair styles with enticing elegance that most women must surely envy her for, a personal favourite of mine had always been from the summer of ’09, cut very short and coloured with a tint of copper and the beginnings of a fringe, luckily I hadn’t known her back then. Lucky, for who? I turned the tap clock-wise and the water abruptly stopped running over me, I stepped out of the cubicle and reached for the towel, I began patting down whilst observing myself in the mirror. Standing at 6”2, I’m tall and maintain an athletic figure through an obsession with a number of physical sports. Water was collecting down the back of my neck, clinging to the curls of my brown hair before falling down onto my shoulder and running down my torso, over my chest and between the ridges in my stomach before reaching the towel wrapped around my waist, the individual droplets produced racing sensations through my body and goose pimples followed where they went causing my nipples to harden from the chill. I turned for the door and stepped into our shared room, two single beds were separated by a wooden bedside table, opposite the beds were two cushioned chairs complimented with weathered desks leaving a small passage big enough for one leading out to our veranda with a view into the forest, the walls were scarcely decorated except for a tacky painting of an arbitrary landscape between the two beds where I noted Cath working on her lap-top on the far side of the room. I continued forward towards my bag at the foot of my bed to don some clothes when I glanced back towards her and noticed that she hadn’t dressed since she had left the shower. She was lying on her front, perched on her elbows as she read an article on the screen. With a slight arch, she had let the top of her towel slide down to the small of her back exposing her shoulders where the tattoo of a rose on her left blade drew my attention before I had time to completely comprehend the sight before me. She’d stopped me in my tracks and my eyes lingered over the subtle indents of her body. Her knees were bent and she had crossed her feet in the air, gently swaying them back and forth as she began to type on her lap-top, oblivious to my presence. The towel had also risen up her thighs exposing the full length of her legs and had cast a light shadow between them, agonisingly close. I admired the contours of her hips that were being hidden from me. I immediately felt the tip of my cock press against my towel as it began to harden at the sight of her, catalysed by our flirtatious nature. By the time my eyes traced the length of her legs, I was fully erect and nearly bursting from my towel, my immediate reaction was to turn away and make myself known. With a full erection? But instead I found my hand reaching down towards my now throbbing member, I could feel my heart racing with each thump threatening to burst from my chest as my fingers met the head of my cock and began to gently massage the tip without so much as a noise. What are you doing!? You’re touching with yourself! Stop! Stop! I was transfixed to the spot, images of Caths body mere feet from me were racing through my mind combined with every sexual fantasy I’ve had of her since the day we met. My head was cloudy with lust as I fantasised entering her while she lay there, oblivious to my presence. My eyes remained fixed on her legs, they wrap around my body as I press myself into her, she whimpers in my ear as I thrust the length of my manhood deep into her body and her nails dig into my broad shoulders as I gently caress her neck with my warm lips. As quickly as one image of us entwined leaves my thoughts, another enters with such vividness I find it difficult to discern the body lying in front of me and the body pressing me against the wall, taking me with a fiery passion. My breathing deepens and the intensity of my fingers massaging my glans doubles as the voyeur in me takes control. My focus moves up her body, past the towel, up her arched back towards the locks of auburn hair covering her shoulders. How long have I been here? She hasn’t moved. She’s still facing away from me but hasn’t made a move to type when I notice that the screen has turned black and a near perfect reflection of Caths face was staring back at me, two big beautiful hazel eyes were locked on mine, penetrating through me as If she could see the positions of her body entangled with mine racing through my mind. Fuck. My hand immediately shot from the tip of my penis towards my back as if to somehow hide what I was doing all this time. Now I was truly transfixed, stood naked but for a towel with a throbbing member protruding from my groin. What do I do? How do I explain this? What was I doing? Fuck. It was in that moment of blind, stunned panic that I heard the two words that would define the rest of this trip for me, “Don’t stop” The words barely registered in my head, I couldn’t bring myself to stop looking into her eyes, they were full of intensity, so often I had been taken away by her looks but this was different, there was no wall of innocence left between us anymore and all that was left was this look, this look of pure, what? Disgust? Anger? Guilt? Passion? Lust? What!? My head was a daze of confusion and embarrassment as she turned onto her back in what seemed like slow motion, I’ve always been embarrassed about the conversations we’ve had, but this, this was different. Cath Peeled away one layer of her towel followed by another in two fluid movements, my penis ached under my towel as I absorbed the full sight of her naked body in front of me. Her eyes never left mine as I consumed every detail of her body to which I had seen a thousand times before in my head. Her beautiful breasts emerged perfectly from her chest and slightly too each side as she laid there, her round pink nipples were flawlessly placed and stood erect in the chilled air. But it’s not that cold? My eyes flittered towards her stomach which was completely flat except for a belly button and her hips swelled above her thighs giving her an incredible shape, where her legs stretched out the length of the bed the closest one was slightly bent upwards, hiding herself from view except for a small tuft of hair trimmed into a thin line above. My penis uncontrollably twitched at the sight of her as I brought my eyes back to meet hers; the look was more intense now that there was no screen interfering with it. She was biting her lip again and was still perched on her elbows as her eyes began to wander down. I could almost feel where her eyes were meeting my body and a strong sensation raced through me. Her eyes came to linger at the bulge in my towel, her face enlightened and she glanced back up to me and repeated those two defining words. “Don’t stop” At the sound of her soft voice, my penis gave another uncontrollable jerk and released the towel from around my waist; the towel fell to the floor around my feet and Caths eyes immediately shot towards my member, standing fully erect and much bigger now that it was not confined by the towel. A small drop of pre-cum emerged from the tip as the ache inside my loins grew wildly. Her lips parted and I heard a small whimper escape her mouth as she admired every inch of me. Her right leg straightened and both legs bent slightly too each side, my gaze was drawn immediately to her inner thigh where a soft sheen glistened in the light. She’s wet. My right hand came around my body and grasped the bottom of my long shaft. I’ve come too far now. My strokes were long and soft, reaching the entire length of my penis, over the tip and back down to the base, the pre-cum acted as lubricant and gave my member a glistening shine in the light. I stood, transfixed with my eyes locked on Caths body, not needing to fantasise anymore, I watched her breasts between the subtle hip movements pushing her groin upwards into the light. Her eyes were filled with hunger and never left my strokes as her body twisted around onto her hip and then all fours. Eyes locked on mine, her body stretched out behind her as she pushed her hips into the air and placed one hand in front of the other and like a cat, started towards me with each hand placement encouraging an opposite movement with her hips. My legs began to weaken as she got closer, I try to keep as much composure as I can, my long strokes twisting at the tip of my penis, closer, before slowly returning to the base, closer. The muscles in my stomach begin to tremble, closer; my legs begin to quiver, closer. She stops mere inches from the tip of my penis, her neck bent to one side so that she may still look me in the eye, my hand continues routinely stroking, my fingers nearly brushing her face as they twist at the tip and return to the shaft. She looks at my cock, glistening from the pre-cum I’ve spread over it as she opens her mouth seductively. O god, please do. “Faster” she whispers. Under her command my hand speeds up, stroking with more intensity I let out a moan of pleasure as I feel the pressure building between my legs, I breathe deeply to maintain composure. Don’t blow it. Cath twists around again without taking her gaze away from my strokes and positions herself on the edge of the bed, her legs either side of me and her hands resting on what’s left of the bed between her legs, her gaze rises again to meet my own as she pushes her arms against her chest and presses her breasts together, her mouth is mere inches from the tip of my cock and my view is one of pure bliss as she pushes her chest out accentuating her breasts for me. “You’re very hard” she says coyly to me as she brings her left hand up to cup her own breast, pinching at the nipple. This girl is incredible. She falls backwards onto the bed and brings her feet up to meet her thighs, spread eagle before me she sucks on two of fingers of her right hand, wrapping her lips around both at once while my cock twitches at the prospect of replacing those fingers with itself. With a sly smirk she traces the length of her body with the wet fingers, leaving a glistening trail over her right breast and stomach; she rushes both fingers into her vagina, arching her back and moaning at the same time as a wave of pleasure overcomes her, my hips unconsciously start to thrust in tune with my strokes as I watch Cath, in all her beauty penetrate herself between glimpses of me stroking myself. Her mouth is wide open with squeaks of pleasure barely escaping her, one hand pinching wildly at her nipples, the other drawing circles around her clitoris, her hips thrusting in tune with my own. The pressure building in me is nearly too much to bear as she begins to plead with me between groans. “Cum for me Mike, O god! come on me” The sounds of her using my name between her gasps of pleasure is too much for me to handle, I feel my balls begin to tighten, and my hips begin to spasm as I feel my climax build, my strokes increase and my hips match as the first explosion of semen bursts from me causing my whole body to tremble, the hot stream travelled the length of her body and landing diagonally below her left collarbone stretching down towards the middle of her chest, Caths eyes widened and she let out an immense gasp of pleasure as she felt the first contraction warm her body, the second contraction hit me as quickly as the first had landed, this time landing on her right breast and stretching down onto her right arm. Her body is writhing uncontrollably, she’s staring passionately as my third and fourth contractions send warm semen onto the flat of her stomach and her wrist, the final few contractions fell onto her inner thighs and hand as she continued to trace circles around her clitoris and labia. My body in trembling hysterically as my penis becomes too sensitive to touch and I fall backwards into the chair behind, dazed in the aftermath of the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever given myself. My eyes never leave her body, covered in my semen as she continues to writhe in pleasure before me. Her left hand begins massaging my semen into her breasts, coating them in my seed as her right hand momentarily stops pleasuring herself to cover her index and middle fingers in the remnants on her stomach, she immediately returns her fingers to her clitoris and uses my cum as lubricant. I feel my penis get hard again at the sight of it. Her moans become louder and her body begins to tremble, she brought her left hand to her mouth as the first wave of orgasm came over her, she slapped the same hand onto the bed and squeezed the sheets tightly as her fingers penetrated her vagina, her back arched and her eyes rolled back into her head as she let out moan after moan of pleasure as her body contorted from the power of her orgasm. As her orgasm subsided, I admired the remains of my own covering her body, from her neck down to her breasts, stomach, thighs and the glisten of cum she used to bring her to climax. Her eyes met mine and she smiled that wicked smile as I felt my cock come back to life. This girl is incredible.
