Three days for Cath – Friday

Three days in the Peak Friday As required by our University, students are required to spend a long weekend to a week in a field centre to gain practical experience. As luck would have it, I was placed in a field research centre in the peak district national park with a particularly attractive girl named Cath. The significance of which I had no idea at the time, me and Cath had always been good friends during our time at university and to say there was no mutual attraction between us would be a vast understatement although nothing had ever materialised between us for one reason or another, in recent months we had become more bold with our interactions, turning perfectly innocent conversations into sexual references using enticing semantics. We would often discuss particular likes and dislikes we both enjoyed about sex along with particular confessions or previous conquests. Myself being more invigorated than was potentially meant, a recent trip out of the continent left me nothing but to wonder what experiencing her would be like with no end of sexual fantasies playing out in my head, so when I found out we were to be sharing a room together in a field centre, the thought left me stricken with anticipation of the coming week. Cath had always caught my attention among the hundreds of people we shared a school with, always distinctly dressed in seductive clothes, she had an air of confidence about her that intrigued me intensely. She owned an array of leopard print and flower patterned skirts and dresses with polka-dot tops that clung to her physique perfectly and made for some imaginative scenarios in my fantasies. The journey to the centre went by innocently enough, we chatted about normal things and the sexual tension between us barely surfaced, except for occasional lingering look or smile. She was wearing a short black skirt with a high rise waist to which tucked in was a black top swirled with colourful hearts, her auburn hair tied behind her in a bob and a long necklace running around her neck towards her chest, she looked incredible but I promised myself I wouldn’t let on that I’d noticed this week in case it turned awkward between us. She has incredibly long seductive legs that remained crossed for the journey, I love long legs and always enjoy letting girls wrap them around my head while I pleasure them. I wonder if she would like that. She must have seen my lingering stare and the want in my eye because she told me to wait until we got to the room in a whisper before giving me a sly smile, and I felt a familiar response between my legs. When we arrived at the room, I made no effort to discuss her remark in the car, although there had been little else on my mind, it was late so we were to freshen up, change and meet the group for some food and drinks before getting an early night for our first day in the park tomorrow. I stepped into the room first and offered her choice of beds, she slinked past me and I could smell the sweetness of her perfume that nearly cost me my balance as she set her bag down on the far side of the room. She immediately began to undress, taken aback I looked away and apologised before heading for the bathroom. “Don’t be embarrassed” She said with a coy look on her face, “you can change here too” she gave me a wink and turned away before taking her top off leaving me with a view of her naked back except for a bra clasp as she bent over towards her bag, my eyes wandering down her body towards the her long legs. I glanced down and saw the bulge in my jeans. It’s going to a long week.
