Poor milkmaid gets spanked for spilling cream [MF] [spanking] [oral]

You decide to give up your boring office job and go for a life in the outdoors, working down on my dairy farm. It’s hard work but honest toil and its great to get away from the office politics and pettiness. I’ve assigned you the job of carrying buckets of cream into one of the barns, its hard work but im sure you are up to it. You are wearing the uniform – cute little wellie boots, and a tight white blouse and a long skirt that’s split up the side to your knee. Your’e wearing your hair up and a little white bonnet on top.

Anyway you have to balance these buckets of cream on your head, its the only way to carry them you’re really good but you just slip in your wellies and splash – the bucket of cream comes splashing down. Right all over your front – its sinking into the fabric making it all see through. You quickly try to rub it off but too late i walk in – yes I’m looking at you and i can see your lovely nipples through the material I’m angry but I’m also really turned on. “Don’t tell me you’ve spilled all that cream” I say. You try to deny it but hmm I’m not convinced. I walk over to you very slowly, then I rip open your blouse. Yes i can see drops of cream dripping from your rock hard nipples. I spend time studying your perfect breast, hmm only one way to be certain,I run my tongue over the tips of your nipple – Yes its cream all right. It was bad spilling the cream, but lying too! And whats more, from the state of your nipples, id say you had enjoyed it! I pull up a milking stool and sit down. I hitch up the back of your skirt, enjoying the sight of your ankles and the back of your calves once i reach your lace panties my cock starts to stir, but business is business. I cant have staff going unpunished. Your skimpy knickers barely cover your peachy white bum. I think I need to give it some colour! You are going to bend over my knee, legs straight, back arched , that’s it, now brace yourself arse high in the air ready to be punished for being a bad working girl


Your soft bum feels divine and you let out a little squeal that is such a turn on slap! I get more of a flicking motion this time making your bum ripple slightly, you bite your lip in delight slappp!! The third one really connects. You bend your head back and let out a moan

I think your kickers, however skimpy, are giving your bum some protection.They will have to go. I yank them down, so they are between your ankles dirtily copping a feel of your thighs on the way. I’m such a lecherous boss. You spread you legs and bend back over. slapppp

Your bum cheeks are starting to redden. I love the look of your bum but I notice a slight glistening from between your legs. It looks like your pussy is wet. I quickly run my finger over your pussy – mmm its soaking wet – as I thought – you are actually enjoying this. Time for a change of tactic – I see my riding crop hanging on a peg on the barn door. I tell you to go over and fetch it.

You release your hair from your bobble and allow your hair to fall over your naked breast. I get you to bend over again. I raise my riding crop.


That was a fresh stinging sensational feeling but its making you wriggle too much. I have a plan I lead you over to the side of the barn then tie wrists together with silk rope that we use for packaging. Then I tie your wrists to hooks on the wall You cant move and your bum is just right for my riding crop. OK


I rip your hitched up skirt off as its getting in my way thwackkkk The riding cane has made a little red mark on your bum this time. You let out a scream Every time i use my crop my cock gets harder. I just need to check. I slide my hands between your legs and feel your pussy, as i suspected your pussy is soaking wet, either i will have to whip you harder or youll have to make amends some other way. You shout for me to whip you harder

ok ready

thwackkkk you shake with the pain pleasure combination thwack thwackkkk Im such a dirty man that i cant resist slipping a finger into your pussy between strokes, you cant do anything about it as you are all tied up thwack you now have five little red marks all over your delightful bum

one more but its going to be a big one crackkkk

I bring the riding cane across the flat of both arse cheeks

ok i untie you and you fall to your knees in front of me, you crawl towards me

I beckon you forward and instruct you to unzip my fly, and ask you to take out my cock. You slowly release your hard member taking it into my mouth Your red lipstick slides over my hard cock. Good job, if you can please me you are back on the team. You slowly stroke my balls with my tounge. You tounge is pleasing my ball sack whilst you take my hard cock in your hand slowly moving up and down with every lick.

You slowly pop one of my balls into your mouth teasing the other.You release it and stoke your tounge up to the tip of my bellend You take the tip off my cock into your mouth and suck it oh so gently at first. I hold your head so my hard cock slides deep to the back of your throat yes i think you need to swallow as much as you can to make amends. mmm thats so good OKi think you are forgiven now I pick you up and throw you down in a pile of straw, I pull your legs apart and enjoy your naked body – that lovely little puss looks so so fine and your tits glisten with sweat and cream your hair is all messed up and your face flushed I bend forward and run my tongue down you from your neck to your breast over your belly down the curve of your bodyand finally seeking out your beautifully scented pussy, its so wet for me after the punishment you were given. I pull your pussy lips apart slowly and enjoy looking at the stickiness against your pink lips while pushing my fingers into your thighs putting my tongue into your wet cleft I love your taste, lapping away at your juice you wrap your legs around my kneck pushing me closer, deep in your hole I’m straining to get as deep as i can. You demand I eat your pussy.

I circle my tongue around the entrance to your pussy greedily lapping up your juice I slide a finger into your hole as i lick making my finger all juicy I pull my finger out and stroke your cute little bum hole as i continue to lick away at your delicious fanny slowly i work my finger tip into your bum i need to taste your clit licking the little bud up and down, while i stare up at your face, your finger nails digging in to my skin. I suck on your moist clit while i slide two fingers in and out of your hole my little finger still wriggling in your bum. My fingers love your silky pussy hole, there slipping in and out so wet its easy to pump in and out deep into you You beg me to slip your hard cock inside you I see your head arch back into the hay as I enter you, just the tip at first, working my away around the entrance. You grab your breasts squeezing your nipples. I love the feel of your pussy against my cock so warm and tight against my stiff cock you can feel the pre cum sliding between your pussy and my cock,

“fuck me hard” you scream.Your smooth pussy feels like it fits my cock perfectly I thrust into you hard you are almost breathless digging your fingernails into my back I’m thrusting hard hard hard the tip of my cock desperatly seeking your g spot. I pull out and you begin to squirt over my cock. The sight is such a turn on that I soon return the favor, cumming all over your pussy. I’m delighted that you’ve put so much effort into making amends for spilling the cream. I decide to make you head milkmaid – well done.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2q0dvd/poor_milkmaid_gets_spanked_for_spilling_cream_mf

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