[MF][Fantasy][Assplay] The gemeye

This is something I threw together last night, please give it a read and let me know what you think. Part 2 will be forthcoming if there's any interest.

Oswin awoke with a pounding headache. He kept his eyes squeezed closed and counted throbs. He rolled slightly and his shoulder erupted in pain, his hands were bound behind him and had been all night. His ankles, too were tied.

Well. Fuck.

He waited until the headache subsided and opened his eyes. He lay on a soft blanket inside a small hut, a cozy fire burned in the center, the smoke drifting lazily through a hole in the roof. Eagerly he searched for something sharp to cut his bindings, but found nothing. Oswin began rubbing his hands together, hoping to loosen the rope, but it was tied fast.

A cloth that served as the door opened, and he ceased his efforts. Beyond was a young man, an elf by his look, and a young woman. He said something to her in elvish, and she nodded once, and entered. The flap closed behind her.

I a[m] that other guy… FML (M/F)

It didn't sink in until the events over this past weekend, which I'll explain shortly.

Last summer, one of my friends, Dave, got married. I use 'friend' loosely because we never really associated with each other, other than the random video gaming sessions and him contacting me to brag about something or some girl that he is working. We met as co-workers but have since moved on to different jobs. Anyways, Dave is quite overweight, lives the typical IT job during the day and basement dweller during the night, and ended up finding this cute girl Bree that he put a ring on. This girl was 22, has blonde hair, blue eyes, is a petite 5ft2, and has a striking curvy figure over a petite frame, and the center person in these series of events.

The overweight problem was something they addressed and Dave made a wedding promise to Bree about losing weight. We would end up going to the gym and go swimming and all that in order to get healthier, even though Bree and I really didn't need to lose weight so much as get more toned. They asked me to help them with their regiment as I have some expertise. What ended up happening is Dave would come up with excuses to avoid the work, leaving me and Bree to our own devices.

Grand Frolicking (Part 1) [M][F][fantasy]

Started writing erotic stories for fun, and a friend thought I should post here so I can have other people read. I have many chapters so I thought I would start slowly…

I was lying in bed next to my lover, his hand tracing the curves of my ass. Our breathing had slowed after an hour of passionate fucking. The scent of our sex, sweet and salty, hung in the air like the heavy scent of rain on a hot summers day. But instead of basking in the after glow of our lovemaking I was thinking about what I might make for the kids lunches in the morning. My husband would be leaving early in the morning for his work out before heading into the office, so I knew I’d need to leave my lover shortly so I could get at least six hours of sleep before getting up and making the kids lunches for school. My lover, who is not my husband, as you may have guessed leaned over and whispers in my ear.

Daydreams and Desires of an English Teacher [Mf] [drugs] [mast]

Brianne's skirt twirled around her and she turned to leave my office. My eyes darted in desperate hope to catch a glimpse of her panties on the way out of the door. What has she done to me? Brianne, one of the students in my high school English class came to my office looking to chat about colleges, but our meeting ended with a kiss that neither of us saw coming. I am not saying that I didn't enjoy it, I have been thinking about this since the beginning of the semester. Brianne caught my eye from the moment she walked in late to the first class. She was forced to sit up front because all of the seats in the back were taken. She sat down in her far-too-short cut off jeans and I caught myself staring at her long pale legs donned with ratty old Chuck Taylor converse all-stars. She met my eyes pouring upon her and she gave a little embarrassed smirk. Those lips! Since that class I have dreamt about those silky legs and I have imagined those lips wrapped around my cock more than once!

Hungover in the Hot Tub [m/f]

I'd known Natalia for several months, and though we lived in separate towns, we'd been making the most of the distance by sharing sexy snapchats and vocalizing our fantasies and kinks. When we were able to see one another, which was usually about once a month, we could rarely keep our hands off one another.

Our friends were getting married in an adjacent town, and being from semi-connected circles of friends, we ended up renting two houses as a big group of about 20 or so people. The wedding went off without a hitch, a great booze-filled time was had by all, and after the reception an even larger group of people returned to the houses we had rented to continue the party. One of the houses had a hot tub, and it wasn't long before several people had stripped down to their underwear and hopped in while the rest of the group played tunes and danced around. This all happened unbeknownst to me, because somewhere in the blur of it all, I got lost in a dense fog of drunk and decided to take a nap—which rendered me passed out for the rest of the evening.

Dont know if this is allowed but im trying to decide what i want to write next or what ideas to totally throw away. so i was going to post here and see what people thought about some of my ideas. [M/F] [BDSM] [Fantasy] mostly.

Ok so I'm always getting ideas and some are more like just quick scenes i would like to do while others are more hashed out. I'm currently working on two and plan to post them soonish along with the next rebirth of krypton chapter when ever i get to it ( imagine Powergirl, Supergirl, and lots of pleasantly shaped crystals)

Any ways i thought i would write out some of my ideas and get feed back on them or get them out there so someone can see it and maby get inspired. Also it seems like it takes me forever to write, like it takes an hour to get 1500 or 2000 words out when i try to write a fanfic or litfic.

[Str8, bdsm, mdom, nc, fantasy] Ruthless, A vikings tale.

It was just another sunny, medieval, Scandinavian morning in the quiet coastal town of skaarsgard. The Blacksmiths were out blacksmithing, the children were out playing, the women were out hanging laundry on the clotheslines and retrieving water from the wells. The birds were out singing to the beautiful dawn and all was normal and well.

Skaarsgard was a wealthy little town, the man who founded it is rumored to be a descendant of the king, but regardless of rumors he inherited a large some of money and moved him and his family out to the coast and started a textile company. He had many workers, and some slaves, and eventually more rich people settled in this quiet and relatively unestablished area to house their own businesses. After all it was easy to ship to the other major towns, and it kept them away from the busy streets and most of all, the peasants and poor people. They all kept their own workers and slaves in a community house, that had all of the amenities and shops that they needed, as to keep them away from the actual town.

I’m really into this girl I met a few weeks ago. Recently, she surprised me with an incredible blowjob [M/F]

Jump to "While talking about my job" (it's bolded) to get to the actual gw story.

This actually started out as a relationship story elsewhere, then I got a bit carried away. Anyway, I'll leave these details in as I feel the back story provides a little more immersion.

So I recently got out of a four year relationship. It was with a girl I can say I was truly in love with, but was very oblivious to how much of our relationship's shortcomings that we ignored. She was very quiet around my friends, never wanted to try new things, didn't really have a cheery attitude as much as I wanted her to (and needed to be surrounded by). But she was a cool girl, pretty, sweet, and we made a lot of memories together. Time just went on and neither of us were aware that it was actually pretty boring and we were just sticking it out.

We eventually split up because as we became more mature we finally did discover we weren't right for each other.

Long Time Reader, First Time Poster. Had To Share [M]y Experience With My New Chastity Cage & A Hands-Free Orgasm (x-post r/chastity)

So, having been interested in the idea of some chastity play for a while, I finally purchased my first cage. I got the Fetish Fantasy Extreme Chastity Belt. It's nothing special, and I wouldn't be surprised if it has gotten some bad reviews amongst the chastity community. But it was cheap and will work well for me to experiment with.

So, it arrived on Friday, and I immediately tried it out. It was a bit hard to get on the first time because the idea of this chastity play started getting me revved up so I wasn't fitting in the cage portion too well. After a little bit of time to calm myself down, and a dab of lube, I was in and locked up. I wore it around the house for a couple of hours just getting the feel for it. I find it comfortable, and didn't experience any pinching. I tried it on under clothes and it's not as discrete as I'd like, so I don't think I'll be able to use it to my full desire.

Write to Excite Part 1: Be Careful Who You Tease.

Part 2 is here

Friday night.

I've always fantasized about some nice, well-meaning mysterious stranger that takes me out for a few dates. I’m not a very trusting person and I don’t go home with too many people until I really know them. I tease them with what could be because it’s fun for me. Short skirts. High heels. Low cut tops. Twist my hair around my finger. Bite my lip. Rub my ass against them. I’m waiting for something of substance because I know I can. When I met him it was electric. He and I laugh, we have a good time, we share interests, and the physical attraction is evident. Our conversation clicks in ways I haven’t clicked with someone in years. I will admit I have yet to meet a sexual match that corresponds to my cerebral needs. Someone who craves my curvy, plush, tall body but loves my mind and can keep up with my playful banter. But that’s not the fantasy. When the weekend comes, my fantasy is that he turns me into his human sex doll. And there’s no safe words.