This is something I threw together last night, please give it a read and let me know what you think. Part 2 will be forthcoming if there's any interest.
Oswin awoke with a pounding headache. He kept his eyes squeezed closed and counted throbs. He rolled slightly and his shoulder erupted in pain, his hands were bound behind him and had been all night. His ankles, too were tied.
Well. Fuck.
He waited until the headache subsided and opened his eyes. He lay on a soft blanket inside a small hut, a cozy fire burned in the center, the smoke drifting lazily through a hole in the roof. Eagerly he searched for something sharp to cut his bindings, but found nothing. Oswin began rubbing his hands together, hoping to loosen the rope, but it was tied fast.
A cloth that served as the door opened, and he ceased his efforts. Beyond was a young man, an elf by his look, and a young woman. He said something to her in elvish, and she nodded once, and entered. The flap closed behind her.