Daydreams and Desires of an English Teacher [Mf] [drugs] [mast]

Brianne's skirt twirled around her and she turned to leave my office. My eyes darted in desperate hope to catch a glimpse of her panties on the way out of the door. What has she done to me? Brianne, one of the students in my high school English class came to my office looking to chat about colleges, but our meeting ended with a kiss that neither of us saw coming. I am not saying that I didn't enjoy it, I have been thinking about this since the beginning of the semester. Brianne caught my eye from the moment she walked in late to the first class. She was forced to sit up front because all of the seats in the back were taken. She sat down in her far-too-short cut off jeans and I caught myself staring at her long pale legs donned with ratty old Chuck Taylor converse all-stars. She met my eyes pouring upon her and she gave a little embarrassed smirk. Those lips! Since that class I have dreamt about those silky legs and I have imagined those lips wrapped around my cock more than once!

I close the door tightly and I try to catch my breath as I slink back to my office chair and collapse with a sigh. I replay the moment she closed her eyes and our lips touched over and over again. This innocent little girl has taken hold of my thoughts and desires. There is something about the way her hazel eyes swim in those soft freckles that has put a spell on me. She's too young to know what she does to a man; but in all honesty I am not able to describe it either. I am her teacher and almost twice her age, whatever this is, it has to be wrong. I needed something to take my mind off of her. I decided a night of records, wine and maybe a little weed will do the trick.

I take one last drag on my joint, before lazily dropping the roach in my ashtray and acting like I can blow smoke rings while Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" plays in the corner of my dimly lit, self proclaimed vinyl museum. I sit in my chair for a moment speechlessly staring at the back of the closed door. I blink my eyes and instantly my imagination runs away with me. The door has opened and Brianne stands quietly in the doorway. The look in her eyes has changed; she looks at me determined, lowering her brow, never breaking eye contact. She takes in a deep breath and I can't help but stare at her breasts rise and fall as she trots over to where I am sitting. She begins to climb face first onto my chair. She plants her foot next to my leg and her skirt slips past her raised knee, exposing her pale blue panties now a foot away from my face. I know this has to be a dream, but I can smell her sweet skin as she lifts her other foot onto my chair. Now standing with her barely-clad crotch at eye level, she slowly dips, twisting her hips like a little teenage seductress. Her knees lock in and squeeze me by the sides as she drops her chest. I am so close to her sweet little tits that I could name every freckle on her chest. She grabs my cheeks and lifts my face to meet hers. I close my eyes in anticipation for a kiss…. and nothing. I open my eyes and I am alone again in my office. The aching pressure of my penis against my tented pants reminds me how ridiculous my desires are. Brianne is a sweet little girl who likes fantasy novels and thinks shes "alternative" because she reads punk rock magazines, not some hungry siren of my dreams. I just can't erase her face from the girl that I desire.

I didn't get more than two steps into my bedroom before I raced to unbutton my pants. I held my pants up manually until I reached my bed where I dropped them with my briefs and took my throbbing cock in my hands and began to stroke. My mind raced from the soft lips of the Brianne that I mistakenly kissed to the pale blue panties of the Brianne who danced in my office chair and back. I didn't know which one made me jerk more vigorously, but it didn't take long for me to cum. I arched my head back and flinched a few times as I ejaculated. My mind flashed to Brianne's face catching jets of my semen, and dripping some onto her chest. Her white shirt dampening with my cum. I sat there for a long moment simply breathing, knowing that my fantasies were dark and perverted. But I came harder than I ever have before kissing sweet Brianne. Sexy Brianne. This semester is going to be torture.



  1. Great story! I hope you’ll continue it… definitely made me hard, but didn’t quite get me there yet.

  2. It’s actually an excerpt from an ongoing RP. It’s one of my better writing samples, so I thought I’d share!

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