The Daily Grind: Dinner and a Show[MF]

    “Honey, I am glad you were able to join me tonight for this special occasion.” He said with a raised voice so she could hear him in the other room. He arranged the last few finishing touches to his arrangement then covered the silver tray with a cloche. “The weather has been utterly terrible of late so I do hope the fire warms you adequately. I know we usually default to a more intimate setting than this, but I figured what could be more intimate…”

    He paused momentarily building suspense. Picking up the platter he then whisked himself into the dining room. “Than to have you over for dinner?”

    She looked across the room at him framed by the doorway. He smirked as he surveyed his work. Flames perched within the fireplace flickered and frolicked highlighting her features. An ethereal sight to behold. Splayed out across the table her naked figured held tight, cuffed to the legs of her alter. Pushing off the door frame he briskly walked to her side, tray in hand. He cooed at her, “They say hunger is the best spice, and you, my dumpling look ravenous.”

    Deftly setting aside the tray his hands traced down past her navel. She moaned through her ball gag as his fingers flicked across her clit and dipped within her ever so briefly. Tasting her juices he remarked, “And I see you have marinated to perfection. My new little toy seems to agrees with you.” Holding up a glossy black remote he turned its one solitary nob.

    Her breath caught in her throat as the pulsing vibrations grew within her. Just as soon as the sensation came on it vanished.

    “Now, now you'll ruin your appetite,” he smiled mischievously at her. “Well what are we waiting for?” He gingerly undid the clasp to her ball gag. Removing it he kissed her briefly. Then disappeared from view. Before she knew it he was back propping her head up with one hand while the other held up a blindfold.

    Given her first opportunity she quipped at him, “If you don't feed me soon, I'll have to eat you.”

    “I do hope those aren't mutually exclusive,” his eyes locked with hers for a moment before covering hers.

    The blindfold blotted out her peripheral vision as it grew taut. She could feel his fingers dexterously finish the knot, and delicately let her head come to rest on the table. At a loss of vision her other senses tingled in anticipation of new stimuli. The warmth of the fire made her lush with heat. Her skin clung to the slick veneer of the table as she gently gyrated her hips to the slight pulse of the vibrator. She could hear him bustling around; preparing.

    She had a sharp intake of breath as cold drops of liquid splattered across her stomach. Then she felt a handful of something crisp and wet tumble into the depression formed where the base of her pelvis dipped between her bound legs. The sensation bewildered her curiosity. As droplets ran down between her legs she felt tingling around her vulva. The faint smell of citrus burned her nostrils as the sensation grew to a sting. Already being sensitive and wet with excitement, she whimpered. Just as it became too much a cooling drizzle soothed the stinging.

    Suddenly his hands were mixing it all together. The liquids coated his fingers as he tossed the medley in her crotch; massaging and teasing at her womanhood. Effortlessly they slid inside of her pushing the vibrating toy egg further into her. The sting of citrus made the stimulation invigoratingly crisp yet intoxicating. Her breathing, heavy and labored. Pleasure built inside her and without warning abruptly gave way. Grasping at the restraints her body convulsed against the pulsing vibrations. Her juices mixed with the liquors and dripped off her body during spasms of excitement. Pressing herself firmly against him, she ground her hips into the palm of his hand crushing the melange. She moaned and grabbed at her ligatures as a single jolt of lustful release shot throughout her body. Her skin aglow and flush from the endorphins. She needed more.

    “Angel Cake,” he said endearingly, at her enthusiasm. “You haven't even touched your appetizer. How can we move on to the main course?” He withdrew his hand from her thighs and the mixture there within, “Open up cupcake.”

    Opening her mouth, she felt his fingers delicately pass her lips with a mysterious treat. Her sense of taste was immediately assaulted by the acidic taste of lemon and earthy tones of olive oil. She bit down when he had withdrawn his fingers. The cherry tomato’s lush skin burst as it was punctured by her molars. There was something else though. The subtle flavor, but unmistakable texture of lettuce. The edges of her lips smirked despite herself as she realized his avant-garde choice.

    “You're incorrigible,” she chuckled under her breath. “What am I going to do with you?”

    “Lots, I hope,” he replied unbinding her legs. “I was a fool to think I could stem your hunger with a mere appetizer.”

    A surge of sensation shot through her body and her breath caught in her throat as he wiped away the salad. Her vagina still sensitive and tingling from the dressings. With her legs freed she spread them letting them fall apart naturally. It was refreshing and freeing after being so tightly bound. She could hear him standing over her preparing her next treat. All at once she felt him dollop something warm onto her right nipple. Taking, what she assumed was, a spoon he spread a line across one breast to the other stopping atop the nipple. The warm spread had an almost gritty texture, but spread smoothly across her fair skin. She could faintly discern his breath brush up against her bosom. He licked one of her nipples tasting his handy work. His tongue teasing her with the spread and she moaned. She felt him chuckle under his breath and then abruptly bite down. Sensual pain fired across her nerves.

    “I'm sorry honey cakes you are proving to be too irresistible,” and proceeded to dolloped a fresh spoon full over her now tender nipple. The warmth of the befuddling paste soothed her throbbing areola. She felt a thick extract dribble over her breasts. It was almost uncomfortably warm. The piping fluid trickled down her sides and formed tributaries pooling around her navel. The heat from the liquid built into a burning pain causing her to pant and tremble. Suddenly she felt him splatter another spoonful of the gritty purée right on top of her mound. The unexpected attention amid the searing heat made her jump and recoil from the conflicting euphoria and pain.

    Unfazed he continued to spread it across her labia. The gritty sensation tickled her clit like a cat's tongue. He relented in his pleasurable torture, and she heard him set his implements down. She was wiggling her hips in titillation when he looped his arms around the base of her legs. He restrained her hips against the table with his forearms, and licked along her slit.

    She moaned, “That's more like it.”

    “You seem to be taking this in stride, shall we turn up the heat.” One of his hands release her, and then moments later the pulsing vibrator inside of her roared to life. She exhaled sharply while tensing her abdominal muscles. She felt his arm snake around her free leg and pin her hips once more. His strong hands held her legs apart as he licked the grainy texture off of her sensitive lady bits. The hot thick liquid rolled off her as she squirmed against her fetters.

    A jumble of sensations colliding within her. Goosebumps ran up her spine and tingled all the way back down. She could feel as he licked her from top to bottom cleaning her off. The tactile sensation of him licking the hood of her clit gave her body spasms. She undulated her hips into the air towards his mouth. The thick syrupy liquid by this point had cooled and congealed coating her naked flesh. Pools of it had dripped off of her and made the table slick underneath. Her breaths laborious as she whined for more. The strain of rocking her hips back and forth on the oily surface caused her abs to burn, but she couldn't bear to stop.

    An indescribably distinct sensation built inside of her, a roaring cacophony. She felt herself pushed precariously closer to the edge of her long awaited release. Her moans grew louder and her gyrations more exaggerated as he pulled her back down and licked her. Abruptly he stopped and the pulsing inside of her quieted offering her unwanted respite.

    “No baby, please I'm so close,” she whimpered raising her hips off the table reaching for him as he pulled away again.

    “Don't break my heart dumpling,” he cooed at her. “You're not ready yet.”

    She whimpered and struggled against her restraints. Suddenly something hot was placed on her abs. Its limp moist form conformed to the contours of her abs, and like the aforementioned liquid this too was a touch too hot.

    “My croissant, you are perfect; and now for the finishing touch,” as he said this the vibrator sprung to life inside of her. The pulsing stronger and more erratic than before. Her muscles shuddered as it caressed her neglected arousal. His breath tickled her ear lobe and he whispered to her, “Sugar pumpkin, I am going to need your cooperation on this next part. I need you to remain perfectly still as I have to use a knife for this next part, and I don't want it to hurt you.”

    If the vibrator had reawaken her lust then his words made her drunk on it. Her skin tingled and quivered. The intrinsic fear of harm heightened her senses, causing her to drown in pleasure. The whirring and pulsing of the vibrator reverberated inside of her as she tried to remain as still as possible. She felt the knife bite and saw into the object. His strokes with the knife long and clean. She fought to maintain control. The mounting lust welled within her as she tried with all her might to hold it back. As the knife started to sever the last tendrils of the substance, the cutting broke free and a wave of relief caught her off guard. A shudder rippled down her torso.

    She didn't feel her skin get nicked by the knife until after it had already happened, and the juices seared her exposed nerves. The caustic pain washed into her swirling ecstasy, and she cried out softly. In her drunken haze she could barely discern him wash off the cut with a moist cloth. The shock of the cut had startled more than hurt her, but the cascading endorphin rush made her drunk with lust. He cooed something to her. She couldn't register his words; just a tone of concern and consternation.

    “Don't stop,” she panted out. Turning her blindfolded gaze to face the direction of his breathing. “Please!”

    She lay heaving on the table waiting in silence for some indication of her plea being answered. The vibrating egg's motor still gyrated and pulsed in its casing as it pressed against her insides.

    “I would have to be heartless to refuse when you ask like that,” he finally responded. “But first let's do away with these pleasantries.”

    She heard him walk around the table until he stood behind her at its head. Quick yet gentle he undid the clasps of each of her cuffs. Freed from her bindings she rubbed her wrists working out the stiffness. His arm was then around her back lifting her off the table until she was sitting up. Braced by his arm she lounged back against him at the edge of the table.

    “Sweet pea, my magnum opus,” his bravado quick to return to him. “You at least have to taste the fruit of our labors.”

    Upon saying this she felt as he drug the cutting across her nipples coating it in the paste and then briskly brushed it against her labia soaking it in her juices. The spices of the seasonings made her tingle and warm.

    She opened her mouth and waited. After he ushered the delicacy into her mouth she sensually pulled it off the utensil with her teeth. Biting down the savory and seasoned taste of meat with gravy, garlic, and potatoes settled over her taste buds. Still rare the steak melted in her mouth like butter. She swallowed the mouthful and turned to face him.

    “You are the utterly most deplorable person I have ever encountered.” chiding him she pulled the blindfold down to give him an acute look. Before he could retort she covered his mouth and continued, “No. No more games, I need you to fuck me.”

    She could feel the muscles in his face pull into a smirk behind her hand and he nodded in acknowledgment. Pulling the blindfold down around her neck she grabbed the filet mignon on her stomach. He assisted her to the edge of the table and stepped back. Taking off his apron he set it aside. His skin glistened in the fire's light as he stood stark naked in front of her. His member erect, and at full attention.

    He promptly stepped over to her as she steadied herself against the edge of the table. She wrapped her legs around him once he was close enough to prevent any dubious escape he might have planned. Draping her arms across his shoulders she pulled him down towards her. “My dear chef, it's time to pay the piper.”

    “As you wish,” he smiled back at her.

    She held his gaze and witnessed a hunger mirroring her own. He gripped her side with one hand, and with the other guided his engorged member into her. The texture and heat of his penis pressing into her was too much. She grabbed onto him with her free hand to moor herself. Her vision exploded with colors when he pushed up against the vibrator lodged inside her. Instinctively her muscles tensed from the sudden onslaught, and she squeezed the steak between her fingers. Her breath haggard with need she stared deep into his eyes as he settled into a rhythm. (continued in comments here)


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  1.     As she was gasping for air she realized she was still holding onto the steak. Looking down she examined her state. Streaks of mashed potatoes smeared across her while gravy dribbled down her torso mixing with the steak juices. The state of her own depravity and griminess turned her on more than she ever expected it could. His pace steady as he chuckled watching her reaction. Miffed by his knowing laugh she decided to tease back. Seductively she wrapped her lips around the steak and clenching her masseters she tore off a chunk. She held his gaze all the while.     The mashed potatoes and gravy dripped and pooled down around her vagina as he pounded his shaft into her. The gritty yet lubricating texture of mashed potatoes and gravy coated his member and titillated her. She swallowed the mouth full of steak between breaths and needed more. She pulled up and away from him letting his cock fall out of her. She backed up onto the table.     “Come here,” she said beckoned seductively.     “My dishes don’t usually take on a life of their own. So maybe just this once,” he tried to sound apathetic, but showed no hesitate clambering lithely up after her.     She arched back slowly and kissed him as he crawled over her on all fours. He returned her passion in full his panting breath betraying to her his own hunger. He lowered himself onto her all the while fervently making out with her. She felt the tip of his penis stroke up against her labia.     “Wait,” she whispered between kisses. “I want to be on top.” Her eyes glistened with mischief in the firelight.     He rolled his eyes and smiled; then in one swift motion he rolled her up on top of him. She slid over him with ease greased in gravy. She reared back until she was sitting on her knees straddling his torso with her supple legs. She wriggled back until she was sitting on his throbbing manhood and began to gently slid up and down its length. Anchoring herself with one hand on his chest she used the other to lift his engorged member up to her puckering labia and sat on it.     She groaned as his shaft pushed the vibrating egg up against her uterus. The muscles in her side contracted and shuddered as she pushed against his mass to hold herself up. This was what she craved. She gyrated her hips with him deep inside of her. Her hair tumbled down around his face as she leaned forward and kiss him. He exhaled sharply, his breath hot and heavy as his nostrils flared. She worked the vibrator against the head of his shaft with her hips. His arms gripped her sides trying to slow her pace. She grabbed them and lifting them over his head she pinned them against the table.     “You don’t get the right to hold back after your charades,” she chided him as she stared into his eyes. “You’re my plaything now.”     Just as she whispered those words into his ear there was an audible clicking noise. She tightened the handcuff around his right wrist completely before he wised up to her plan. Before he could mount a resistance though she lunged off his dick. Throwing her body over him she pinned his arm beneath her weight and the table.     “You had your fun my dear chef. It’s time I had mine,” as she said this she tightened the other handcuff around his left wrist. Pulling back she examined him. His chiseled masculine features punctuated by the flickering shadows.     “I guess all is fair in love and war,” he snipped back.     She rose back onto her knees centering herself over his pelvis and grabbed his slick shaft. Lowering herself onto him she retorted, “I know there is a ball gag aro…” She stopped mid sentence as she peered across the room at his setup. On the small side table next to the his silver tray was a whole unadulterated cake.     “Really?” she looked incredulously at him perched atop the head of his dick. “What is that?”     With a sheepish grin plastered across his face he shrugged and replied, “What’s dinner without dessert?”     She glared at him and slid his girth into her grinding the still pulsing vibrator against the head of his shaft. The muscles across his body rippled and stiffened as he sharply inhaled. “What is dinner without dessert?” she retorted sensually. Raising herself off of him she slide to the edge of the table and stepped down.     Seductively walking over to the side table she then inspected the cake. The square cut cake had wavy white icing coalesced into spirals around a single red strawberry perched atop a tuft of whipped cream. She dipped her finger into the cake marring the creamy surface and penetrated into a cold creamy center. She popped her finger into her mouth and tasted the sweet vanilla icing with strawberry ice cream.     She cupped the base of the cold ice cream cake and scooped the whole cake off its tray. The cold strawberry crème sent chills tracing up her arms. She turned to face him. Tresses of her hair tumbled and bounced as she shifted her weight onto her left leg all the while giving him a deviant smile. She sauntered over to the table as he eyed her. Spinning around once she had reached the edge of the table she pushed herself back up onto it. Swinging her legs up she rose onto her knees, and straddling him she held out the ice cream cake above him.     “Whoops,” she exclaimed sarcastically dropping the confection. It splattered onto his abs with a resounding thud and spewed icing across both of them. Reaching down she grabbed his throbbing dick. She felt the heat of his pulse warm her cold crème covered fingers. She secured one hand on his chest and leaning away she pushed herself back onto him until the vibrator shifted inside her.     He groaned audibly as she did this. Smiling she leaned down towards him, and cupping his face in her hands she kissed him. She began to slowly lowered herself onto his chest. Goosebumps cascaded across her as she squished the cake between their naked flesh. She felt his muscles tense underneath her. She whispered incorrigibly at him, “Please sir, I want some more.”     She began to rhythmically glide up and down his torso smearing the cake across their bodies. His bulging erection pushing into her further and further. Each time she thrust back onto him his shaft would nudge the vibrator deeper. The edges of her thoughts would get hazy and she would have to slide herself off of his cock. His breaths were haggard and short while his muscles heaved under her. From her stomach up to the bottoms of her breasts her nerves tingled numbed from the cold. Pleasure licked at her consciousness, and she let herself cave at last.     Her insides felt hot and constricted by her cold numbed skin. Her drunken thoughts swirled and churned with lust. Riding down his cock she let herself sink on to him as far as she physically could. He bucked against his restraints and gasped underneath her. She pushed against his chest pivoting back until she could let her weight pull him even further into her. The thick crème of the melting cake washed down her skin, across her vulva, and between her thighs. She cast her eyes upon him, and began to squirm her hips grinding her clit against him.     Watching the muscles in his body tense and tremble was too much for her. Her world dimmed, and her forearms collapsed against his chest. The first wave rendered her breathless, and her entire body numb with euphoria. His body writhed and rocked beneath her and she struggled to keep her eyes focused on him. When the next wave assaulted, her muscles contracted and failed. She screamed but choked on silence. Her body convulsed and shook on top him. He groaned and his body arched pushing her until she felt him finish inside of her. He collapsed spent under her.     Her hips continued none the less to grind and gyrate of their own accord on his now extra sensitive organ. His eyes flew open and his wrists slammed against his shackles as he gasped. She looked haplessly at him her gaze pleading. Inside her pangs of hunger and lust lurched craving release. Whimpering and desperate she reached down to where they were joined. Kneading her clit she ground down onto him. The ever mounting visceral hunger inside of her climaxed and released.     At first only trickles of euphoria licking and flaring down her nervous system. Though the quiet before the storm did not last. Waves of ecstasy crashed amongst her mind. She could faintly hear herself moaning audibly and her thoughts became heavy and sweet. Her muscles jerked and twitched under her skin. Deluged in euphoric bliss she gasped for air and her world faded to silence. A glowing warmth permeated her body and exuded from her being. Slowly the world began to take on focus. Exhausted and panting she lay limp against his chest her hair tangled and matted coated in melted crème.     She cried out as the vibrators stimulation became too much. Her muscles almost too weakened to respond trying as she might to raise herself off him. She felt herself orgasm again. Her thighs quivered and nearly gave. Gritting her teeth she exhaled pushing off him. She paused momentarily to breath for a second. Then clenching her muscles in unison she pushed. The vibrator slid out, and splashed onto the table’s wet surface. She laid herself across the contours of his body and rested panting. Her body still tingled with warmth as they laid together in a slurry of strawberry ice cream and sexual liquors. Smiling and tired she quipped, “My compliments to the chef.”

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