Hungover in the Hot Tub [m/f]

I'd known Natalia for several months, and though we lived in separate towns, we'd been making the most of the distance by sharing sexy snapchats and vocalizing our fantasies and kinks. When we were able to see one another, which was usually about once a month, we could rarely keep our hands off one another.

Our friends were getting married in an adjacent town, and being from semi-connected circles of friends, we ended up renting two houses as a big group of about 20 or so people. The wedding went off without a hitch, a great booze-filled time was had by all, and after the reception an even larger group of people returned to the houses we had rented to continue the party. One of the houses had a hot tub, and it wasn't long before several people had stripped down to their underwear and hopped in while the rest of the group played tunes and danced around. This all happened unbeknownst to me, because somewhere in the blur of it all, I got lost in a dense fog of drunk and decided to take a nap—which rendered me passed out for the rest of the evening.

I woke kind of early, as I'm wont to do after a night of heavy drinking, and found that Natalia had stumbled her way into my bed at some point in the night. She felt me stirring and woke up. We flirted and playfully teased one another about our hangovers. It was then that she told me about the opportunity I'd missed the night before: she and one of her rather attractive friends had been two of the girls in their underwear in the hot tub. I couldn't believe what I'd missed, it's always been a huge fantasy of mine to have a hot tub encounter with two girls. I would have been right alongside them if I'd known!

Now, Natalia is a stunner. Dark curly hair with big brown eyes, a slim frame and Just Right-sized breasts peppered with freckles; it's a body she's gladly shown off to me. So while we lay in bed, I was stealing glances at her half-naked body and wondering how we could enjoy one another without waking the full house.

She must have been reading my mind. No one in the house was stirring yet, so Natalia suggested we go wake up by jumping in the hot tub again. We pulled ourselves out of the bed, put on the bare minimum of clothing to be decent, and made the backyard trek over to the hot tub. Its location was semi-indoors, in a way that afforded plenty of privacy, so as we sank down into the tub with a beer in hand (I figured hair of the dog was really the best way to cope), we were able to lie back and relax, listening to the sound of the jets. Natalia sat across from me, and I could see her relaxing, shoulders heaving with deep breath, her black lace bra peeking just above the water line. She must have caught me staring, because she laughed and splashed me, but then smiled and bit her lip. She closed her eyes, slowly gyrating and bobbing with the motion of the turbulent water swirling around us, mouth opening and closing in rhythm. She looked deeply content and relaxed, and I was happy sipping on a cold beer in a very warm hot tub, alone in my own thick fog. I should have known what was happening across from me, but I was abnormally dense that morning.

After several minutes of lying there relaxing, she began to rub my leg, watching my expression as her foot slowly moved up the back of my calf, to the inside of my thigh, across my groin, and then up the length of my already very hard shaft. I'm an absolute sucker for lace lingerie and I'd been sporting a hard on pretty much since we'd hopped out of the bed and jogged across the yard.

Natalia glided over toward me, reaching my knees with each of her hands and followed the same path her foot had just drawn, only this time her fingers plied under my boxers and took hold of me. She slowly pumped a hand up and down my length while we kissed and I fondled the tits that to this point had been teasing me in her fully soaked lace bra.

She has always been great at giving head, and she's one who genuinely enjoys it (much to my absolute pleasure). So it was no surprise when she moved her hands under my ass and motioned for me to sit on the side of the hot tub.

I eagerly moved up, and she removed my dick from the slit in my boxers, licking up and down slowly, making the most sexy eye contact with her big brown eyes and then watching my reaction as she slowly took the whole thing into her mouth. When she gives head, she likes watching your reaction—her eyes wide, hand wrapped around your shaft, stroking while sucking, alternating deep and shallow with plenty of suction and tongue.

Not knowing if any of the 20 or so house mates would suddenly pop around the corner to find Natalia's thong-clad ass in the air above the water, her head bobbing in my lap, seemed to excite something within her. Soon she was moaning along with me, which is perhaps the best feeling in the world. It's one of the reasons I love 69—that extra sensation is enough to send me over the edge every time.

This time, however, I was far too hungover and beginning to overheat in the hot tub. I'll admit I had to call the session short, which I think Natalia was partially relieved by fact that none of her friends would discover her in such an exposed position.

We got out of the hot tub and ran inside to the shower, knowing full well that things would continue where we left off as soon as we were behind the curtain. I was more than happy to return the favor, so I kissed down the length of her body, running my hands through her slippery folds. Reaching the point between her thighs, I pushed her back against the wall of the shower and brought her to my mouth, sucking in and then running my tongue across her clit. Now, if the water's not positioned right, going down in the shower can be a bit like waterboarding, and there's nothing glamorous about swallowing a bunch of water while your eyes are closed and you're doing your best to keep a rhythm with your tongue on a wet slit, but I was doing my very best. Normally my skills are a bit better, but in this case, the foreplay was going to have to give way to something more. I stood up and turned her body away from me, pushing her over with her hands on the wall. I slowly slipped a finger and then two inside of her, then replaced them with my cock. Her yelp of pleasure and surprise encouraged me to continue harder and deeper. The sloshing of the water, slap of my skin against hers, and the moans and grunts filled the shower space—we were definitely making enough noise to alert anyone nearby. I felt her orgasm build and release, her pussy squeezing me as I continued to thrust into her at a deliberate pace.

I soon felt my own orgasm building, and I think she could sense it, because she turned around and got on her knees, stroking and sucking the tip of my cock, swirling her tongue and tasting her cum until I reached my point of no return. She pushed her chest forward, and ropes of my cum shot across her neck and freckled tits, her eyes focused on mine while a slutty smile creeped across her mouth.

We both fell back against the walls of the shower, chests heaving, warm water slowly turning cold. I'd never been more exhausted or relieved to have cum.

It was several weeks before I'd learned what she'd been doing on her own across from me in the hot tub—she'd been masturbating on a jet, getting off to her own dirty thoughts about what she was about to initiate.
