[Str8, bdsm, mdom, nc, fantasy] Ruthless, A vikings tale.

It was just another sunny, medieval, Scandinavian morning in the quiet coastal town of skaarsgard. The Blacksmiths were out blacksmithing, the children were out playing, the women were out hanging laundry on the clotheslines and retrieving water from the wells. The birds were out singing to the beautiful dawn and all was normal and well.

Skaarsgard was a wealthy little town, the man who founded it is rumored to be a descendant of the king, but regardless of rumors he inherited a large some of money and moved him and his family out to the coast and started a textile company. He had many workers, and some slaves, and eventually more rich people settled in this quiet and relatively unestablished area to house their own businesses. After all it was easy to ship to the other major towns, and it kept them away from the busy streets and most of all, the peasants and poor people. They all kept their own workers and slaves in a community house, that had all of the amenities and shops that they needed, as to keep them away from the actual town.

As skaarsgard got busier, as more and more wealthy people settled there and built their big houses, and their big farms, and started their big families…skaarsgard became a target, and an easy one at that. It wasnt defended well, the people there were mostly rich and ignorant, and they always took the safety of the larger cities for granted… The vikings never really targeted the larger, more inland cities, they normally went for the coastal places, which were generally small, poor, farming villages, where they didnt even get much more than a thrill.

But skaarsgard was different, skaarsgard was a rich little pocket of people who considered themselves above everyone else, and some of the vikings couldnt help but take notice. Brandt, the leader of a notorious, and feared viking crew, was organizing an assault on skaarsgard, and today was the day it was to be carried out. They were to start a couple miles up current, and sail down to skaarsgard. Brandt and a crew of about thirty men, All of them extremely strong, muscular, brute looking fellows. They wore only cloth over their groins, and painted their bodies and faces. They weilded swords, clubs, they threw daggers, and shouted and screamed, they have torches to set the town ablaze.

As they approach the shores of skaarsgard, the vikings could see the small buildings get larger, they could begin to hear the sounds of a small town going about its day.

Theres a small girl playing in a yard that overlooks the beach, she sees the ships and the men storming the beach, she runs inside and grabs her mother and drags her outside and points down at the beach…"mommy who are they?"

The mother gasps, her jaws drop in fear, she loses her breath and her ability to think…

"Vikings! go inside dear, lock all of the doors, hide in the cupboard…NOW!" She runs off into the town shouting at the top of her lungs " VIKINGS! VIKINGS….EVERYONE THE VIKINGS ARE HERE! HIDE THE CHILDREN! "

Word of the vikings quickly spreads and the town goes into a sort of lockdown, All of the people rush inside their homes and hide in a panic, they dont know what to do, they dont know who they can call on for help.

As the ships are anchored and the vikings are on the shore Brandt raises his hand in the air "ALRIGHT MEN NOW WE PILLAGE AND PLUNDER!" He motions towards the town and The vikings rush into the town, screaming obscenities, smashing windows, breaking anything they see, they loot the shops, and break into the homes, they steal peoples belongings , they tie up the men and rape the women… They cant be stopped , they overpower everyone in the town by mere fear. No one even tries to stop them because they know if they do they will probably just be stabbed or bludgeoned.

Brandt casually walks through the town with his right and left hand man, pleased at the destruction, pleased at the unfolding chaos. His sights were set on the biggest house in the town…which just so happened to be the man who founded the towns home. He leads the two men hes with to the front door of the home and knocks on the door.

"hmmm no answer…thats funny because I know there are people here"

He knocks again, waits a second, still no answer. "Ok boys knock her down" he motions at the door and the two men obey and move into position to break down the door. It only takes one swift kick and the door slams open and smashes into the wall behind it. They enter the house, they start smashing things and stashing anything of value…

"Shhhh" brandt says…"I hear them" the family was upstairs hiding and one of the daughters was having a panic attack, and she was letting out audible moans of fear. Brandts signals the men to follow him and they head upstairs, they find a door and behind it they can hear 4 people. A man, and three women. Brandt takes his hand and tries the door handle…it only rattles, locked. " Are you gonna unlock the door or are we going to break in? " He yells to the people inside.

"Go away you have no business here" the man behind the door yells back…

"Ok we will see you in a second…" Brandt takes a step back and then charges into the door with his shoulder. The lock is no match for a man of his strength. The three men enter the room and Brandt points at the man, "Get rid of him" Brandt's men oblige and proceed to grab the man and drag him out of the room. He kicks and struggles, but hes a weak man compared to these brute vikings, "No NO NO" he screams " Dont you dare touch my wife…dont you dare touch my daughters!"

Brandt just laughs…"Or what?" He looks at the two girls, they're young but old enough to be married off to some man, Brandt guesses they were somewhere in the lat teens or early twenties. He look sat the wife, shes just silently sobbing, she knows whats about to happen, shes heard the horror stories, but never really ever though it would happen to her. The two men return without the screaming husband, "we took care of him sir"

"good good" Brandt replies…" I want you to go over there and grab that girl for me, you hold her arms" and then he points at the other guy " and you hold her legs." The two men walk over to the girls and grab the younger looking one. She has long, golden hair…fair skin, and big beautiful blue eyes….and a bust that would have any man drooling for her. She sat there with a blank look on her face, devoid of feeling, and surprisingly absent of the fear her mother and sister were showing, she barely budged as the men took hold of her, she just let them…like a limp ragdoll. They brought her over to Brandt and layed her down on the ground before him and stretched her out as instructed, one holding her arms above her head, and one holding her legs open.

The mother just sobbed in the corner, quietly whispering " No no no no" Over and over as she watched. The older sister had a wide eyed look on her face, she seemed almost exhilarated look on her face, she couldnt sit still, she couldnt stop glancing over the Vikings rock hard bodies, her breathing was rather heavy, and she was finding herself wanting to tell her mother to shut up.

Brandt walked over to the Mother and knelt down and grabbed her cheeks…."Are you ready to see something amazing happen?" she just kept sobbing…."no non no nooooo" Her sobs escalated to screams and Brandt just sat there and stared into her eyes…after about a minute of her just screaming in his face…He slaps her. He slaps her with great force, with an open hand righ across the face… "SHUT UP, YOU SCARED LITTLE WHORE" Brandt screams at her, hes had enough, she cowers in fear and goes back to silently sobbing, she puts her head down and stares at the ground. Brandt lifts it up by the chin "Youre going to watch and by the time Im done with her youre going to be begging for it" As sson as he lets go of her chin shes goes right back to staring at the gorund. Brandt laughs.

"Oh no no no no" He lifts up her face again, and points at the man holding the daughters legs…"You come over here and hold this bitches face in place, and make sure she doesnt close her eyes." Brandt looks back at the mother." You see your daughters are being good little girls, why dont you be more like them? YOu see your oldest is jutst watching, loook at her, you can tell she wants it…"

The man holding the daughters legs lets go and walks over to Brandt and the mother and firmly grabs her head. Brandt walks over to the held girl, who is just laying there helpless, hardly moving, her arms are being held above her head while she lays there. Brandt walks over to her, and gropes her breasts, he chuckles as she lets out a moan. The mother screams, Brandt cuts her off by telling the man holding her to slap her everytime she utters a sound. The man slaps her and keeps holding her gaze.

Brandt rips off the held daughter's top and moves his face into her chest, he sucks and bites her nipples as she squirms in the grasp of the vikings strong arms. Her nipples begin to get hard and she cant help her soft moans. It feels soo good, having a big strong man hold her down, and having another one touching and sucking her still innocent body and breasts.

The sound of the mothers screams and the following slaps become normal as Brandt continues playing with this trapped little girl, Shes naked now, the man holding her cant resist feeling aroused, he loves watching Brandt take advantage of sweet innocent little girls. The girl can feel his rather large erection on her back. She knows that she wants it inside of her, and she also knows that she cant want it, that her mother cant see her wanting it….shes conflicted, she doesnt know how to feel. But shes starting to feel only pleasure as Brandt starts to play with her exposed and vulnerable pussy. Her arms are starting to hurt, but the pain disappears as she feels her juices running down her legs. Brandt feels how wet shes getting.

" I knew you were just a little slut" Brandt says to her. She nods her head, her mother is mortified to see her little girl nodding. But she cant resist anymore, she wants to be used and fucked senseless while shes vulnerable, her body is begging for it, her hormones are running wild… Brandt says to the man holding her " Let go of her arms, you can fuck her face while I play with her."

The man smiles at Brandt " Oh yes sir, happily" He lets go of her arms and climbs on top of her as Brandt continues playing with her pussy, fingering it, licking it, eating it, teasing her clit. The man pulls his loin cloth thats barely hiding his erection to the side and grabs her throat as he forces his huge viking cock into her tiny mouth. The mother is still sobbing, trying not to watch, but shes being held in place, forced to watch her little girl take it. And now even she cant help but get wet as she watches these muscular men please her daughter. She hears her moans, she can tell shes getting pleasured, they arent hurting her too bad…Her sobs eventually stop and shes enamored.

The viking man fucks the helpless girls face as Brandt is knuckle deep inside of her now… Now she cant help but letting out audible moans and groans, she cant help but give in to these sexy viking men, and she feels herself edging towards an eventual orgasm… The feeling of Brandts tongue on her delicate pussy, the feeling of his fingers deep inside of her, her hips were thrusting uncontrollably as she gagged and choked on the vikings cock…The viking was sweating now and pulls his cock out of her mouth and started stroking it over her face…She caught a few very needed deep breaths before she felt his cum start to rain down on her. It went all over her face, in her hair, all over her chest, The viking man groaned as he let out his huge load. Brandt looked up pleased to see that his men were having such a good time, and he felt his own cock getting harder and harder as he noticed how beautiful this girl was, especially when she was covered in cum.

Brandt noticed his other guy still obediently holding the mother in place, he shouted over to him " You can do whatever you want with her now"

Brandt heard the mother scream and shout and eventually the screams were muffled by the sound of her face getting stuffed by his guy's cock. Brandt looked over at the other daughter and noticed she was sitting there, legs spread, hands in between her legs. Brandt instructs the viking who just came on his girls face to go use the sister now. The viking leaves Brandt with the youngest as he makes his way towards the sister, and Brandt can now fully see the youngests face, still covered with lots and lots of cum. She's looking down at him, with a look in her eyes that says, take me, make me feel things Ive never felt. Brandt sits up and removes his pants, He opens her legs and gets into position to fuck her. He rubs the head of his hard cock on the wet lips of her pussy…She moans and lets out a whisper "Please…" She trails off. Brandt slowly forces his way inside of her and she cant hold back her orgasm, she cums all over his cock as he enters her, she couldnt hold back anymore, after all of the teasing after the facefucking…the feeling of his thick viking cock was just too much to handle and she released. Brandt could feel her violent orgasm, and he was excited to give her another and another…He started to thrust his hips back and forth, slowly at first, but quickly building up, she was still buzzing from her first orgasm and felt the rush of another on the horizon. Brandt mercilessly fucked this helpless little girl, fucked her until he was ready to cum, and when he was ready he didnt hold back, he didnt warn her, he just filled her up. As his dick softened he pulled it out to look down at her dripping pussy. He stood up and walked over to the mother who was being used by his comrade. He grabbed the mother took her away from his fellow viking, dragged her over to her dripping daughter, and threw her between her daughters legs. Brandt kneels down and grabs her head and puts her face right up to her daughters dripping pussy and he whispers to her " Lick it up, Lick up my cum, Lick it up from your daughters dripping and used pussy" She quickly obeyed…what a nice turnaround, Brandt thought, from a screaming resistant bitch to an obedient little whore, easy.

Brandt smiled in ecstasy, he smiled at the beautiful sight of this mother licking up his mess from her daughters pussy, He smiled at the beautiful sight of her older daughter being relentlessly used across the room, he smiled at the sound of her screams, at the sound of her flesh being used and abused as she gets fucked…and most of all he smiled at the scent of a burning skaarsgard, he knew that when he was done with these girls that he would exit this home to the sight of a broken town, he had good men, he knew they were doing the exact same thing as him somewhere, he knew they were filling their ships up with all of skaarsgards valuables, and maybe even some of their women. He smiled as he loved living the lawless life of a viking.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/30bcxl/str8_bdsm_mdom_nc_fantasy_ruthless_a_vikings_tale

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