If he knew what I [F]antasize about at night [Str8] [MF] [oral]

I’ll give her credit for a gutsy, last-resort move. She has been trying to get with him for months, and every time he gently refuses her. There are only four women at this get-together, so she had a decent shot of getting picked. Too bad for her, that bottle stopped spinning while pointed at me instead. I put on a good show of being the hesitant good-sport, just like I did when she suggested the amateurish game.

“Come on! It will be fun. Just like in high school.” She had said. He had to have known what she was attempting, but he did have a good shot at getting one of the other three. Being a few drinks in didn’t hurt either. So he agreed, and let her blindfold him and leave him waiting in his bedroom.

What she didn’t know was that, like her, I want him. I hadn’t let a single hint show to him, though. I like a bold move, and was waiting for the right moment. She had unknowingly given me just that. But unlike her, I had gotten his signals clearly, and knew he wouldn’t refuse me.

So when that spin went my way, I shrugged and laughed. Gave a good-natured embarrassed smile and slowly strolled down the hallway away from her disappointed face, and toward an unsuspecting birthday boy.

When I enter his room, I am quiet as possible. I lock the door behind me. He is sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows on knees, head lifting as he becomes aware that someone else is in the room. I imagine what he must be feeling. Not knowing if whatever he is about to experience is going to be pleasant.

“Hello?” He says.

“Shh” I answer, quietly enough that he cannot recognize my voice.

Careful not to touch him other than with my mouth, I lean down and kiss him on the neck. He jumps a little. I continue. Long, soft kisses along his neck, up near his ear. He lifts his hands, searching the air for my body. Before he finds me, I grab his hands with mine. I keep them from discovering me while I move to press my mouth to his. He kisses back, but still seems hesitant. He should know by my full lips that I am not her. But may not know which of the other three I am. Teasing him is getting me so hot, so wet…

I move to straddle him, sitting on his lap, and release his hands. They find my waist. I watch his reaction as they move down my body. Over my hips, to the edge of my dress, finding the top of my stockings. I was the only one dressed like this. He knows… He smiles.

I kiss him hard this time. His arms press my body against his and now he is fully into it. I grind against him. There is only the thin fabric of my panties between me and the hardness starting to bulge against his pants. He hand slips under the edge of my dress and begins to move up. But he stops.

“Is, uh.. is this just because of the game?” He asks. I smile, but of course, he still can’t see that. So I grab the hand still lingering with doubt on my thigh, and I pull it up to me. I let him know its okay. As he moves aside the fabric and discovers my wetness, I say “Does it feel like I’m faking?”

“Oh God” He says and then penetrates me with two fingers. His quick assault gets me moaning and wriggling in his lap.

I want his cock in my mouth, and I want him to see it. So I pull the blindfold off, he blinks a few times in the light and then focuses on my face. I give him my best wicked grin as I climb off and position myself on my knees in between his legs. As I start unzipping him, I hear someone yell from the main room “Hey – seven minutes are up!” But neither of us respond as I pull him out.

Then again, “Woohoo! Seven minutes!” Followed by loud laughter.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” He yells this time. And now everyone out there knows there is something beyond a little make-out session happening in this room and that makes me really fucking hot.

I take him in my mouth and slowly explore every inch of him with my tongue. I take my time. I enjoy it and I show him that. Licking up his length, guiding the head into my mouth, building to a fast rhythm and then backing off again, taking him back into my throat as much as possible. My hands and mouth take him to the edge, but not over, several times before I decide to send him there. I start mouth-fucking him with all I’ve got and he puts a hand on the back of my head and moans.

“Fuck, oh fuck.” He says and then releases his load into my hungry mouth. I empty him out, swallow it all, and give the tip a gentle lick.

I straighten myself up, smooth my hair, give him a look that I hope says “any time,” and leave him to gather himself in his room. As I walk back into the living room, several amused faces look up at me with snickers and raised eyebrows.

With my most innocent expression, I say “He’s going to need a minute.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/30aee2/if_he_knew_what_i_fantasize_about_at_night_str8

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