Grand Frolicking (Part 1) [M][F][fantasy]

Started writing erotic stories for fun, and a friend thought I should post here so I can have other people read. I have many chapters so I thought I would start slowly…

I was lying in bed next to my lover, his hand tracing the curves of my ass. Our breathing had slowed after an hour of passionate fucking. The scent of our sex, sweet and salty, hung in the air like the heavy scent of rain on a hot summers day. But instead of basking in the after glow of our lovemaking I was thinking about what I might make for the kids lunches in the morning. My husband would be leaving early in the morning for his work out before heading into the office, so I knew I’d need to leave my lover shortly so I could get at least six hours of sleep before getting up and making the kids lunches for school. My lover, who is not my husband, as you may have guessed leaned over and whispers in my ear.

“Stay the night”. I smile and turn to face him. I can see his hair is turning silver along his temples. I like the look of a man greying, and my lover William is looking distinguished and thoughtful lying beside me. Leaning into his body I kiss his mouth as he pulls me into his bare chest. “You know I can’t stay,” I said knowing full well I don’t want to stay the night. I like fucking William but I want to go home to my husband and kids. William gives me the physical attention I desire, but I don’t want that messing up my daily life. I like having a lover or two or three. My body craves a man’s touch the way a racehorse needs to run.

Shimming down the bed I search for my panties and bra in the dim light of William’s bedroom. His bed always smells so fresh I think he cleans his more often than I do. Should that concern me? As I dressed William wraps his muscular arms around my waist and kisses my neck. His lips are full like ripe strawberries and feel hot and moist on my neck. My eyes closed and I inhaled deeply willing myself not to turn around and kiss him. I might never leave if that happened. “Can I take you to dinner this weekend?” He asked, and I know he just wants to find out when we will be able to sleep together again. But I can’t make any promises. “I’d like that. Let me find out what is going on this weekend with the kids and I’ll text you, “ I said. I want to see him soon too, but I have a family to think about. Not to mention my job. William held my dress out for me then watched me slip it over my head. “Sexy dress. It’s a shame you didn’t get to wear it for long,” William said with a smirk.

As I slip into my shoes I recall the look on his face when I came to the door. I wore a sapphire blue-scooped neck dress that hugged my body. The dress covered just enough of my thigh to be seen in public, and with my nude colored stilettoes on, my legs looked amazingly long. William opened the door, pulled me in, turned me around and then curled me to his arms like he hadn’t seen me in years. From there our clothes where scattered between the front door and the bedroom. I would have fucked him standing in the doorway he looked so yummy. I was turned on the whole forty-five minute drive over. William was happy to find me warm and wet, when I arrived. Once he got me out of my clothing and on the bed, his hands, tongue and cock were only too happy to serve me. William has impressive stamina for a man in his late forties. His cock is full and long and stands promptly at attention for me. His body is fit and lean. William isn’t as tall as my husband John but when we spend most of our time in bed, I don’t care about his height as much. My body responded to William, even when I wasn’t with him. Although I’m not sure if that’s because of him, or because I have such a high sex drive? Either way when I’m with William I’m completely in the moment enjoying every suck and lick of his skillful tongue. I dress-up to feel sexy, but I knew the dress I wore tonight would make him want me like a desert needing rain. Or maybe I was the desert in need of William to be the rain? My body was so full of lust of late.

Once I was dressed William walked me to the door of his open concept condo and put on his dock shoes. He walked me out to the car like the gentleman he is. Kissed me goodnight and closed the door for me. Alone in my car I could smell Will’s manly musk over my not so clean mom-mobile. I’d have to roll down the windows and hope the hour-long drive home would help remove the smell of sex off my body. Smiling at the thought of William’s cock entering me, I looked at the clock; it would be just before midnight by the time I got home.

I’d planned the evening’s encounter well.



  1. Third to last line : role should be roll. But otherwise, good going. Please post more!

  2. I haven’t actually read it all yet, but I will. Good to know you are still here!

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