Merry Christmas [m][F][anal][slight Fsub Mdom][oral][cumplay][milf][second person pov]

This is a Christmas present for /u/somethingsassy

Merry Christmas, Ryan. Don’t say I don’t love you. :P

edit: resubmitted because i forgot a tag

Christine stared at her monitor blankly, the time displays 12:11 am while the video player comes to an end. The cum drips down the porn star’s face as the screen fades to black. She sighed.

December 25, a Thursday and this was her magical white Christmas of 2014.

Of course her eyes then turned to the framed photo of her kids sitting on her desk. This year, they weren’t coming home. She didn’t blame them, oh no, but she can’t help but feel the jealousy raise inside her. The young ones on their parties, promised to return in the morning. What exactly was her, mother of three, jealous about? Their youthfulness? The other families celebrating together? Or perhaps it was her desperation for release. She was flustered, both from her shameful act and also from her desire to be fucked. Nothing seemed enough that night….

My Love [F][M]

I stared hungrily into his eyes. We had been apart for too long, and now that I am finally close enough to catch his scent my body is nearly bursting with anticipation. Dropping my bags I stepped into his room and closed the door. No one else needs to hear us tonight.

I whip off my clothes as he unbuckled his belt. The corner of his lips turned up before they came crashing into mine. Longingly our mouths told each other through twisting tongues how much we missed the taste of the other. He pulled his head away and traces his tongue down my neck. I gasp slightly as he encloses his lips around my nipple. His hand covers my mouth, then pulls down to the other breast to pinch and rub my hardened tips. I purr in pleasure, getting impatient.

With my free hands I unclothe him and find his cock. Enclosing his shaft around my fingers I start moving up and down, feeling and pressing against the hot, throbbing erection in my hands. I feel a little wetness at his tip, and eagerly I wrap his manhood inside my mouth, licking his precum away. As I'm working his cock with my mouth he rubs and pulls at my breasts, teasing me more and more.

Categorized as sexystories

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 8)

Table of Contents

< Part 7

"Ok, time for the big one. There is no way to soft peddle it, so I am just going to state it… There is no such thing as a government." She paused for a few minutes to let what she said to sink in.

"Government is just a word that we have created like dark, cold and them. This word can be very beneficial when we use it to discuss how we are going to govern ourselves, yet it is highly destructive when we use it terms of what they are supposed to do for them, or more likely, what we demand they do to them.

"Governments have never accomplished anything. And I mean absolutely nothing. All of the good that has happened in this nation has happened because we have made it happen. Believing in the accomplishments of government is like believing in the effectiveness of speed limits or drug laws. I don't care what the 'government' does, until we buy into it, nothing happens.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 7)

Table of Contents

< Part 6

"Mistress Jennifer, I'm finding this all hard to take in. I know liberals have socialistic tendencies, but to call them all socialist, and to claim they are intentionally lying about it seems a bit much. How can you be so sure?"

"It's not all that hard Ally." Lady Jennifer began. "You should take a look at a recent Democrat Presidential debate. In it, a very sincere tool asked Senator Clinton to define liberalism, and asked how as president she would defend it. I'm not surprised he asked that question; in fact, I don't know why more don't.

"As an elite, Ms. Clinton couldn't very well say it's socialism, so she said what any self-respecting liberal elite would say in that position. She denied being a liberal, and in fact called herself progressive. Of course she didn't define progressive either. That's because there isn't a damn bit of difference between the two, so what could she say?

"You see, liberalism was never meant to be defined. The word is being used because of its context; because of what people think when they hear it. Many liberals have now started calling themselves progressives because the liberal context has lost its sheen… and their useful idiots have started asking questions.

[Sci-Fi] Futuristic Arrest & Interrogation Story[MF][Mild Bondage][Anal]

Your first clear thought is that you are looking at your feet with your hair hanging around your face. As you ponder that for a moment that threatens to stretch for hours you realise that you have no clear memory of, well anything since going to bed. When? Last night? Days ago?

A growing panic begins to swell within you as you realise that your hands are restrained at the wrists. The room sways as you try to think clearly. Somewhere part you of screams “You’ve been drugged, Moron!” but another part you wants to relent and drift back into the bleak safety of unconsciousness.

You can see that you are in a small room, the walls are a dull metallic colour. The floor is obscured by a swirling fog like layer that never seems to rise further then a few inches above the hard floor, despite the movement of your feet as you try unsuccessfully to stand up.

A low electronic hum stirs you to awareness and you see an object detach itself from the wall and float towards you. A beam of green lazer light emerges from the object and strikes the fog like substance which swirls at your feet. A sudden, chilling drop in temperature clears your head and you struggle to get to your feet as the beam begins to precisely trace the outlines of your body.

Kidnapped by a Demon, Part 2 [BDSM, cheat]

Court continues to rock her head back and forth along the demon's length. I try to get her to stop by talking to her but she has already made up her mind and is unfortunately going to see this through.

After what feels like an eternity of giving him head, Court feels him begin to twitch inside her mouth. Knowing he's probably not far from finishing she starts to pull further away from him.

"Where do you think you're going?" the demon asks her with a smile. She doesn't get to answer when he places a hand on the back of her head and forces her to move forward again. "I'm almost there, beautiful… And when I…mmm…when I do cum…You're going to…UNNGH!" The demon let's out a huge moan while still holding Court on him.

When she starts to protest I can tell that the demon is finishing in her mouth. He lets her go a moment later and then says, "Swallow it or I hurt him."

Unable to say anything with her mouth so full…Court complies.

"Good girl," the demon says. "Was that really so bad?"

"Fuck you," Court says without looking up at him.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 6)

Table of Contents

< Part 5

Lady Jennifer paused again. "How are we doing so far? Still hanging in there?" She was getting some nods of encouragement. "Good.

"When I started this line about context, I said there are two serious problems associated wit it. We covered the first one, which is believing that you understand the words of people who live in different worlds, and the disadvantage liberals have in this case. The other problem is far more insidious.

"Just as the meaning of words cannot be fully understood unless the context they are being used is known, the flips side can also be true. That is, sometimes words come with a context already associated with them. This already established context makes them susceptible to something we call context hijacking.

"In context hijacking you take the context of one word in order to replace the context of another. A couple of benign examples that are easy to understand are the evolution of stewardess to flight attendant, and secretary to administrative assistant. In both of these cases, neither job actually changed, just the names.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 5)

Table of Contents

< Part 4

She looked around again but didn't see questioning looks, so she proceeded on. "The next topic of discussion is context. Words rarely have absolute meanings. In other words, most words cannot be understood by themselves. They're just words without any ability to convey ideas on their own. Context is required in order to give them meaning.

"I'm sure you have seen plenty of examples where selected words from someone's speech are pulled out and presented on their own so that they can convey a different meaning than the one the speaker intended. As common as this may be, it does not reflect a serious problem. This is just another form of lying, and can be dealt with by carefully considering the source of the information.

"What I want to spend my time on are two serious problems associated with context that are not apparent. The most prevalent is actually a type of self-deception. This is the kind where you do hear everything said, but because you don't live in the world of the speaker, you get a different meaning.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 4)

Table of Contents

< Part 3

After a pause to collect her thoughts, she continued, "OK girls. This morning we are going to analyze some poorly understood concepts of communication. Specifically, we'll look at what are words for. The purpose of this analysis is to help you progress towards enlightenment. We consider ourselves to be a very enlightened people, and we demand the same of all those who wish to enter our kingdom. I don't care how deeply you believe that we are doing the right thing here, if you do not understand us, you will never be able to benefit us, and I will even go so far as to say that you will be a danger to us.

"Enlightenment is not something I can explain to you. Like much in life, you will not understand it until you achieve it, and then it will need no explanation. Enlightenment is not some sort of body of knowledge that you learn. It is more of a 'how' than it is a 'what.'

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 3)

Table of Contents

< Part 2

The last girl to go was Lisa Green. Marcia thought she was quite shy to begin with. Now it appeared she could hardly breathe. Lady Jennifer had to do a considerable amount of coaxing to spread her legs with no panties on. Finally she said, "Lisa, I am not going to take any pictures of you with your deer-in-the-headlights look. You need to calm down and smile."

It was obvious to Marcia that Lisa was trying, but the best she could pull off was a grimace. At about the time Marcia was wondering what she could do to help Lisa out, Lady Jennifer seemed to have again read her mind and said, "Lisa, I want you to lie back against the back of the couch. Marcia, go down on Lisa. Maybe if you can sex her up a bit she can loosen up enough to get these pictures taken." This was definitely not what Marcia had in mind when she was thinking about how to help Lisa out, yet at the same time, she had no problems with Lady Jennifer's command. As she came over to Lisa, she could tell that Lisa was horribly mortified by what was about to happen. Even though Marcia was the one having to spend time between her thighs, she actually felt sorry for Lisa, and was even feeling a little maternal towards her.