Kidnapped by a Demon, Part 2 [BDSM, cheat]

Court continues to rock her head back and forth along the demon's length. I try to get her to stop by talking to her but she has already made up her mind and is unfortunately going to see this through.

After what feels like an eternity of giving him head, Court feels him begin to twitch inside her mouth. Knowing he's probably not far from finishing she starts to pull further away from him.

"Where do you think you're going?" the demon asks her with a smile. She doesn't get to answer when he places a hand on the back of her head and forces her to move forward again. "I'm almost there, beautiful… And when I…mmm…when I do cum…You're going to…UNNGH!" The demon let's out a huge moan while still holding Court on him.

When she starts to protest I can tell that the demon is finishing in her mouth. He lets her go a moment later and then says, "Swallow it or I hurt him."

Unable to say anything with her mouth so full…Court complies.

"Good girl," the demon says. "Was that really so bad?"

"Fuck you," Court says without looking up at him.

"Like I said earlier, we're getting to that. For now…It's time I returned the favor you provided me."

"What are you-" Court starts but then she and the demon switch positions as she's brought up to stand while he gets on his knees.

Holding her hips the demon looks at me asking, "How sweet does this taste?" and he tilts his head in the direction of her crotch. "Never mind," he laughs when I just glare at him. "I'll find out for myself."

"What!? No!" my fiancee pleads as the demon lifts her legs up onto his shoulders so that he can get at her better. "No! No, please! Don't! Don't- Ah! AH! AHH!"

Court covers her mouth and I know that the demon has begun licking and sucking at her. I never did that to her very often but I know how much she loves the feeling of another guy between her legs… Even just the thought of the demon being that "guy" fills me with rage. I struggle against the demon holding me in place and call out, "Be strong, babe! Don't give him what he wants!"

"I…I won't! But it…he…AHH!"

She covers her mouth again and the demon stops to look up at her for a moment. "It feels good doesn't it?" He laughs yet again when she shakes her head. "You're not a very good liar." He looks to me again and says, "She's wetter right now than I bet you've ever seen her before. And I'm not going to let it go to waste." He gives me a huge smile and then turns back to pleasuring her.

Between what he just said and her choked moans I start to grow nervous. "Court? He-he's lying right? You're not enjoying this are you?"

She turns to me with a mix of anger, pain, sadness and yes, a hint of pleasure…. "No…no I'm not. I…Ahh! I just…mm! I can't…"

"Stop fighting it and just let go!" the demon says but his voice is muffled due to his position. "Here…let's try this…"

All I see are his hands reaching up to fondle her breasts but Court gasps all the same. What I don't know is that he just slipped his tongue in a little deeper. "Court..?" I ask unsure.

"I…Steve…Oh! I…I'm sorry, Steve! I can't! I…I have to..OH! AHH! AHH!" Court shuts her eyes tight and leans her head back against the cell wall as she submits to the feeling between her legs and let's out wave after wave of moans…
