Merry Christmas [m][F][anal][slight Fsub Mdom][oral][cumplay][milf][second person pov]

This is a Christmas present for /u/somethingsassy

Merry Christmas, Ryan. Don’t say I don’t love you. :P

edit: resubmitted because i forgot a tag

Christine stared at her monitor blankly, the time displays 12:11 am while the video player comes to an end. The cum drips down the porn star’s face as the screen fades to black. She sighed.

December 25, a Thursday and this was her magical white Christmas of 2014.

Of course her eyes then turned to the framed photo of her kids sitting on her desk. This year, they weren’t coming home. She didn’t blame them, oh no, but she can’t help but feel the jealousy raise inside her. The young ones on their parties, promised to return in the morning. What exactly was her, mother of three, jealous about? Their youthfulness? The other families celebrating together? Or perhaps it was her desperation for release. She was flustered, both from her shameful act and also from her desire to be fucked. Nothing seemed enough that night….

A sudden thud alerted her to the stairs going up to the second floor of her house. Holy fuck. Old enough to not believe in Santa anymore, her mind immediately connects the dots. A classic plot of a classic movie, a thief in what they think is an empty house. Grabbing whatever could give her the most defence, she made her way up the stairs quietly with an empty bottle of wine.

She first heard shuffling in her daughter’s old room. Frowning, her breath hitched as she attempted to peek into the room.

‘Fuck.’ The intruder said, and her thoughts echoed him as she accidentally kicked against a foreign object that had not been on the floor before. He immediately spun around and just as she was about to swing the bottle at his head, he yelled. “Wait, wait!”

The voice was familiar. She reached for the light switch and revealed the face of an acquittance. Her daughter’s friend, it seems.

“What the fu-“ She begins but was cut off by a desperate voice.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” You said, holding your hands up in defence. “I wanted to- I just wanted to surprise her!”

Christine’s eyes focused on the objects laid out, no doubt very romantic but….

“Well, she’s not here right now.” She sighed, having had enough of the Christmas cheer, plumping down on her daughter’s bed she heaved.

“Oh, I’m sorry…. I’m alone, too.” You explained, having had to cancel several parties in hopes of getting some attention from your crush. Her mother shrugged, and you flushed slightly, having for the first time notice her state of dress. Or, the lack of.

The awkward silence seemed to make Christine think. She gasped and covered herself with the blankets on the bed. If she has masturbated enough at night to be comfortable walking around only in a sexy revealing nightie and not notice it, there was definitely a problem. What would you think? A grown woman in her own house in sexy lingerie. And for no one. This is the epitome of sad.

But that gap of ignorance was enough to embed a very vivid image of what Christine’s breasts looked like through lace. Mature and large, with perk nipples. This is the fucking body of a milf.

Flinching through more awkward silences, Christine’s flustered face was hidden from you as she told you to leave.

Walking down the stairs, you felt slightly turned on, but also knew that this was not appropriate. Maybe she was awaiting a lover, maybe she was stood up…you couldn’t help but feel bad. The screen of the computer on the desk is still much lit up compared to the rest of the room, and your eyes couldn’t help but wander. You felt the blood rush to a specific neither region when you saw what she had obviously been previously doing. Eyes scanned the tabs as well and your breath hitched.

You finally noticed a difference in the air when you saw her behind you, now dressed in a robe. Mmm, but now you wanted it off, discovering what she had been watching.

Her mouth agape, you decided to help her speech, “That’s some…mighty filthy stuff you’ve been watching…”

Unable to give an explanation, she turned as to avoid your gaze. Not judging, not even curious, just lustful.

A trembling hand reached up to touch her soft cheek, four fingers started sliding along her neck while the thumb caressed her cheeks. You turned her to face you.

“Look at me.” You spoke firmly.

The way her eyes revealed her lust had you smirking, and in return, her submissive response was just divine. Already, you wanted her to writhe under you.

“They won’t be home soon, won’t they?” You asked, and she nodded. Satisfied with her response, you brought your other hand to slide gently up her arm, pulling her robe with it, revealing bare skin. “MILF wants cum in her ass.” She gasped, looking as if she was about to cry. “MILFs swaps cum after anal.” You said firmly before your voice dropped to a gentle whisper, “Tell me, Christine, have you ever been fucked in the ass?” She shook her head ‘no’. Your smirk widened, getting more and more pieces to the puzzle practically fed to you. “Do you like cum, Christine?” She gulped and nodded. “And where do you like cum?” You asked, teasingly. What came out was just a moan. “I see.”

Her mind barely registered your rough hands pushing her to the couch, her back towards you and suddenly she was pushed onto her stomach, her legs dangled over the arm rests.

Reaching underneath the robe, you sniffed at her neck, a faint trace of her perfume persisted. As you felt up her thighs, you also planted soft kisses along the nape of her neck and when you finally reach your destination, fingertips testing for delicious wetness, you kissed her.

Midway you breathed, “Mmmm. You’ve been naughty.” Sliding up and down her slit, she moaned as you collected the slightly sticky and slippery wetness. Retreating your hand and raising your fingers so that the both of you could smell her cunt juices, you smirked as you took a lick. She bit her lip.

“Want a taste?” What a tease you were! Nevertheless she compiled to taking your fingers into her mouth and sucking. “Good slut.” She moaned.

You removed her robe, smirked down at the lack of underwear in approval. Your hands palmed the sensitive cheeks of her ass, loving the way it felt on your hand like velvety ice cream on your tongue. But this was not your gold mine, you were looking for more. A lot fucking more.

She was looking back at you as you spread her cheeks gently. They resisted and you applied more force, groan and felt your cock harden even more at the sight of her tight asshole.

Leaning down, you pushed up the nightie and she sensed what you were about to do and nearly protested had she not felt the first gentle kiss on her lower back. Kissing a trail to where you wanted so badly to place your cock, your final one was directly on the spot. She gasped. You were enjoying this so much, you felt as if you could explode with lust. Maybe your dick could explode with how painfully throbbing it is.

Your next kiss was more forceful and the muscles slightly resisted. Employing the use of your fingers, you rubbed gently on the entrance. Her noises were music to your ears. Licking some more and using your index and middle finger to spread the entrance slightly, you felt more of her inside on your tongue.

Sucking slightly, you continued to alternate between kissing, licking and sucking with your lips while you gently rubbed and spread the hole.

Finally, you felt it was time to explore more, gently pushing your fingers in more, she was resisting less as the tips slipped in.

“Very good.” You commented with a smile and she groaned, meeting your eyes.

Using your other fingers to gather her wetness, you also let spit accumulate in your mouth to let it drip onto the hole your fingertips were holding open. Her wetness added, you ventured further to slip in some more of your fingers, your first knuckle was reached and she groaned in pleasure.

“How does it feel?” You asked in a gentle whisper as you slowly slid in and out.

“Mmm, feels good.” She replied to your excitement. Your other hand going to reach for your pants. Surprising you, she turned so that she could reach you and unzipped you instead, releasing the tightness in your pants. You groaned, seeing her begin to use her lips on the head of your cock. You made sure to continue your movements, sliding in and out with controlled length.

A particular deep plunge into her throat made you gasp and slide in further than you intended. She gagged and frowned. You apologised and halted your actions but she stopped you.

“Keep going, please…” Taking a deep breath, you stretched and fucked her asshole with your fingers. And when she finally pleaded for it, you’ve hardly any self control now. “Please…fuck me with your cock.”

You groaned, taking out your fingers and reaching for your cock. She arched her back, excited for a first experience in the sexual realm. Her wet cunt barely contained her juices as it dripped down her thighs.

Inserting the head of your cock, the size is noticeably different. Easing in gently, she groaned and moaned and oh, that tempted you so much but you must be gentle. It was hard to control, what with her contracting muscles squeezing against your cock, your pleasure overwhelmed.

“Fuck.” You whispered as you pushed in and out, “You okay?”

“Yes!” She replied, showing that the crease in her brows is not of discomfort. “Please, more!”

You hesitated but went for it anyway, edging in more and more until finally you were fully buried into her ass. You paused and took a deep breathe.

“Ohhhh.” She moaned.

“That’s my good buttslut.” You breathed and she groaned once again, beckoning for you to continue.

Gripping her hips, you fucked her ass, not holding back now and pleasure filled the air, so did the smell of her cunt juices, the smell of sex. Feeling your balls tighten you knew what was about to come. You grunted as her ass muscles continued to contract around your thick cock.

“Where does my buttslut want my cum?” You managed to ask through thrusting into her.

“Ohhh, on my face!” She breathed through her fast heartbeat. You pulled out and she moaned, her face in front of your cock, her fingers buried into her pussy. You grunted and breathed before white strips of cum started landing on her cheeks, forehead, dripping down her chin onto her tits.

“Good slut.” You complimented her as she started moaning and writhing furiously.

“I’m gonna…” She licked her lips of your cum, “…gonna cum with your cum on my face!”

You shoved your cock one last time into her mouth as she moaned around it. And when the both of you can speak again, you cheekily added, “and with my cock in your mouth.”


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