Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 4)

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< Part 3

After a pause to collect her thoughts, she continued, "OK girls. This morning we are going to analyze some poorly understood concepts of communication. Specifically, we'll look at what are words for. The purpose of this analysis is to help you progress towards enlightenment. We consider ourselves to be a very enlightened people, and we demand the same of all those who wish to enter our kingdom. I don't care how deeply you believe that we are doing the right thing here, if you do not understand us, you will never be able to benefit us, and I will even go so far as to say that you will be a danger to us.

"Enlightenment is not something I can explain to you. Like much in life, you will not understand it until you achieve it, and then it will need no explanation. Enlightenment is not some sort of body of knowledge that you learn. It is more of a 'how' than it is a 'what.'

"The first thing you must do is throw out any of the preconceived notions of what you may think it is. Enlightenment is certainly not anything commonly spouted by liberals. There was a time, long ago, when liberalism was an enlightened form of thought, but not anymore, and we'll get into that transformation later. For now, just realize that the only thing separating liberals from the many other unenlightened people of this world is their delusional belief that they are indeed enlightened.

"The first step in your journey towards enlightenment is to ponder the ownership of your thoughts. Let me ask you a question. Of all of the ideas running around in your brain, what percentage of them are your original ideas — as oppose to those you have received from someone else?"

Lady Jennifer looked at all of the girls, but didn't see anyone offering their opinion. "Doesn't anyone have a guess?" She paused for a few more moments, and then continued, "I'll give you a hint. The percentage is exactly the same for everyone. How about now? Anyone? No?"

Feeling a little exasperated she continued, "OK. I'll tell you. Would you believe it's 100%? Whether you like to believe it or not, every single idea in your head is your original thought. If you don't believe that all of the ideas in your head are your ideas, then you will always have problems with taking control of your life.

"To understand how what I said is true, let's start with looking at what communication is. Most would say that it is the transfer of ideas from one person to another. The problem with this definition is that no such thing has ever taken place — not counting the possibility of telepathy. What actually occurs is that someone with an idea translates that idea into words — either spoken or written, it doesn't matter. Then another person translates, or as I prefer, interprets those words into ideas. So any idea in your head, you put there yourself. The transmitter of the words may have inspired the receiver, but it is the receiver who is responsible for the specific ideas in his or her head.

"Another way to put it is that the only meaning you can get out of the words you see is what you bring to them. It is the experience that you have gained up until the moment that you have read those words, and your own God-given imagination, that will determine what meaning you will get from them. The person who wrote those words played no part in what experiences you have had until then, so they really are not responsible for any new ideas you have gained by reading the words. With this understanding of communication, it is easy to see why so many people read things into words the author never intended.

"Effective communication requires a feedback process where the receiver of the words replies back with their understanding of what they have received, and the transmitter confirms, or corrects, the receivers reply until a true understanding takes place.

"Now imagine how this feedback process would work with people you have dehumanized as evil people, assuming it could work at all. Do you really think you are going to understand anything that they have to say? Or are you just going to assign the most evil meaning you can think of, and just leave it at that?

"Let's try another question." She then looked at Evellyn and said, "I want to apologize up front if what I am about to say offends you. That is not my intent." Then back to all of the girls she asks, "Why do you suppose a white supremist would call a black man a nigger? I'm not talking about why black men call each other niggers. We'll get into that self-destructive form of hypocrisy later. I want to know why a white supremist would use it?"

Like the last question, no one was raising their hand. This was getting to be a bit much for Lady Jennifer. "Listen up girls. I know you are not empty-headed dolts. I know you have some idea in there, and I want to hear it. I can assure you, the cowardice you are demonstrating with your silence is a much greater sin in my eyes than any wrong answer you can give.

"So I'll ask one last time before the spankings begin. Why does the white supremist call the black man a nigger?"

This time most of the girls brought their hands up, including Evellyn. While Lady Jennifer was more intrigued by what Evellyn had to say, she felt Sandra would give her the wrong answer she was looking for. "Sandra, what is your answer?"

"Mistress Jennifer," began Sandra. "They are evil men who want to do harm to the black man. Isn't the answer obvious?"

"No. Your answer was obvious, but not the answer I am looking for," said Lady Jennifer. "This is another thing you girls need to understand if you are going to be enlightened people. Just because you have found a factually correct answer to a question, does not mean you have found the answer that you need to find. The only way you know that you have found the right answer is when you can use that answer to accomplish something productive. Your answer, Sandra, gets us nowhere.

"I want you girls to think about answers that lead to solutions. Why does the white-supremist call the black man a nigger?"

This time only Evellyn raised her hand, which made things easy because that's who she was going to go with anyway. "Yes Evellyn?"

"Mistress Jennifer," replied Evellyn. "I want to first state that I am not offended by the question, but I am by the idea that you think you need to apologize to me up front. As for the question itself, he uses that word because it gets the black man to respond in the way he wants."

"Very good answer, Evellyn." Lady Jennifer then followed up with, "And I apologize for my actual offense, because you are quite correct. I should not have made an assumption of you that I would not have made of someone that I should respect. Now, what solution does your answer lead to?"

Evellyn replied very easily, "Do not react to anything assholes have to say, Mistress Jennifer."

"Well said," exclaimed Lady Jennifer. "For those of you who could not follow what we are talking about, the way I like to answer the question of 'why does the white-supremist call the black man nigger?' is to say 'because it works.'

"The white-supremist, or better put 'assholes,' could have called the black man a 'book,' a 'tree,' or even a 'sock,' but none of these words would have gotten the black man to respond as if he were mortally wounded. The asshole has no control over how the black man is going to respond to any of the words he uses, so the black man must surrender control over himself to the assholes for the assholes to have the effect they desire.

"I'm sure the black man believes that he is defending his pride when he responds with outrage over the insult, but true pride requires no defense. In fact, the mere defense of pride is a declaration that it does not exist. The black man has simply fallen into the trap laid out by liberals that believe you can be empowered by being a victim, when it's actually the liberal elite that derives power from victim-hood, not their self-proclaimed victims."

Lady Jennifer paused for a few moments to let what she said settle in, and then continued. "I'm not saying that there should be no response at all, I'm just saying don't give them the one they want. They want the black man to be the victim, so the best response is to not be one. Any emotion that borders on anger is a declaration of victim status, and this will only justify why the assholes do it. The absolute worse thing you could do in the eyes of these assholes is to look upon them with the pity they deserve.

"The most important thing to take away from this part of our lesson is that if you see any evil in the words used by those you disagree, you must take responsibility that you are the one that put the evil meaning in them. The people uttering those words may truly be evil, but you will never accomplish anything worthwhile if you don't accept responsibility for the ideas in your head. Don't be a willing accomplice to those who wish you harm."Lady Jennifer looked into the eyes of each of there girls, and then said, "Any questions before we move onto the next topic?"

Part 5 >
