My (M30’s) boss (F30’s) said she’d fuck whoever fixed this thing at work so I took her up on that

“Hey, boss, you have a minute?”

“One sec, but come on in.”

I slipped in to the office, quietly closing the door behind me. Jenny glared at the screen, typed out something with a definite air of finality, and clicked send before spinning around with an exasperated look.

“That useless director was ‘reminding’ me, again, to finish that process eval. I ‘reminded’ him, *again*, that we finished the process eval three months ago and sent it to him for review. Ugh. Anyway, what’s up?”

I’d been thinking about this moment for a while, but it was different having her face *there*, not just imagined.

“Well, Jens, if you check our team folder, you’ll find something new.”

She raised an eyebrow, waiting for more, but I just grinned and spread my hands. She snorted and spinned back to her computer. “Alright, Mikey, we’ll play it your way. Let’s go see what this special-*whAT?*”

It was everything I hoped for. The little half-screech, the slack-jawed expression, the scooch forward to stare closer as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“Oh my god, Mike, you *did it?!?”*

I kept grinning, and gave a flamboyant bow from my seat.

I (F20’S) run into an ex (M20’s) and he took control of my vibrator to punish me for our break up (VANILLA, SOFT DOM/SUB) – Tess & Trevor

I haven’t seen Trevor in two years.
I told you this was gonna be a long story, remember? From the very first line I said you’d have to keep up cause a lot happened: “some of it was weird, but most of it was fun”, remember that? And then I said maybe it was over.
The second Trevor’s dad caught us, I knew we were done.
He never felt like a brother to me, not even for a second. We only knew each other a few months and my mom marrying his dad was more of a “wtf” than a “aww”. They were dating for less than a year. I don’t think they were even living together before the covid lockdown.
But how I felt didn’t matter. I know the stigma. Our parents are now married and for what it’s worth we are brother and sister. Doesn’t matter that we are self reliant grown ups who didn’t even know each other five months before… Mom would freak. His dad would freak. Anyone else in the family heard about it, they’d freak.
Trouble like that is only worth getting into if there’s a decent pay off.
In this situation, there wasn’t.
I mean sex was great.
And by “great” I mean the most amazing shake inducing eye roll worthy drool all night sex I’ve ever had.
But then what? I wasn’t gonna marry Trevor. Hell, I wasn’t even gonna date Trevor.
We had nothing in common but the fact we hated everything the other one stood for. We had no similar taste in movies, music or books. He liked Formula 1 and UFC, I saw no purpose in cars running around in circles or beating each other up for sports.
I was into jazz and running outdoors, Trevor was into metal and working out in a gym.
I was anti everything he was pro.
All it took for us to drive each other crazy was to not be having sex.
That’s not a healthy relationship. It was never ever ever EVER going to work. So why go through the trouble of having my entire family and friends calling me out for incest?
It was easier to end things and that’s what I did.
I still remember the look on his face when he was trying to convince me that we aren’t really related. He seemed sad. Disappointed.
The whole thing was so anticlimatic. Me and him. In the beginning we hated each other with a passion, then we hate fucked, then we passion fucked. Then we… hate passioned? I don’t know, I’m trying to be cute with words for your entertainment but it’s hard to feel witty when you haven’t been properly fucked in a while.
Have you ever tried honey lavander ice cream?
No, I’m not changing the topic. I have a point! Just… indulge me for a second?
Have you tried it? Cause I didn’t for a very long time.
I was into the traditional flavours… cookie dough, chocolate, strawberry… vanilla.
One day, I was at a friend’s and she offered me some honey lavander ice cream. I made a face and my first instinct was to say “no”, the damn thing was purple. And… lavander? That’s the kind of stuff that goes in perfume bottles, not in my mouth. A honey ice cream would already be weird enough without adding… flowers to it.
It was too exotic, too different, too out of the box. I’m sure it works for some people and I don’t judge them for it: by all means, eat whatever you want. But I’m an inside the box kind of person. Tie a bow around me and keep my lid closed, I’m good.
That day, however, I tried a scoop of it just because and my life changed.
Now, honey lavander is my favorite ice cream and I’ll be damned if I don’t miss it everytime I have any other flavour.
You see where I’m going with this, right?
Just in case you don’t, I’ll spell it out: sex with Trevor was honey lavander. Yes, I went full cliche with my analogy, sue me.
I never thought I’d be into the strong tattooed pro-gun idiot type who liked to be called daddy. Fuck, I never before even considered calling a man daddy. It was disgusting, right?
I also never considered trying any kind of kink. Sex was me and a man in my bed. Maybe I’d be on top every now and then, that’s it. I was embarrassed by the idea of it. I was specially embarrassed by the kinks I was curious about.
And yet, since day one with him I felt confortable enough to share. Confortable enough to try. I held him in such a low esteem (unlike most of the other men I dated) that I didn’t mind if he though poorly of me. I opened up.
I said “yes” to one scoop.
And for the past two years whenever another man fucked me, I missed Trevor.
I miss his unforgiving spankings. I miss the burn of leather clashing against my ass when he used his belt. I miss being roughed up so bad that even the light touch of my pajamas afterwards would be enough to irritate my skin.
I miss how he would empty his balls inside me sometimes two or three times in a row, and how I would have his jizz leaking out of me all night, drenching my panties all over again.
I miss having his teeth on my jawline, that unreleting bite hurting so good when he’d refuse to let go. I miss the way he grabbed my tits and owned my orgasms. I miss being talked down to and humiliated.
I miss being denied.
But most of all, I really miss how he’d fuck me in my sleep.
That was it, wasn’t it?
If I had to choose one kink only until the end of my days, it would be sleep play.
Being fucked without permission while I am unconscious. Being used for his pleaseure and waking up with the aches of the aftermath.
I honestly don’t know why that is.
I can’t explain it.
But just the thought of it, makes me numb.
In hindsight, I should have begged Trevor to do that more. Cause he did it… maybe two or three times? He’d tease it a lot when we were doing other stuff cause he knew that could get me in the mood fast. But we hardly ever actually did it.
Now it was unlikely I’d have it again. Cause I mean… Have you ever tried going up to a boyfriend and explaining this kink? “Hey, babe, can you wait until I fall asleep, fuck me really hard, slap me around until I wake, then choke me and put your finger on my face commading me to be quiet until daddy is done?”
I tried explaining that.
Did not go well.
They freak out. They refuse. They see it as a red flag.
One guy thought I was setting him up to report him for domestic violence.
I can’t blame him, I’m sure that happens. But my point is: when you’re into non-con, it can be tricky to find someone who is sexually compatible. Because not only do they need to be into it as well, but you also need to trust them to stop if you safe word.
It was easier to give up.
We got caught, two years ago, and Trevor left the next morning.
We barely said goodbye cause his dad woke up super early to see him off. No matter how many times I tried to explain that it was all consensual, his dad was convinced Trevor was the one to blame. Trevor was the playboy. Trevor seduced me. Trevor tricked me.
We didn’t say goodbye.
He texted me from his brother’s the day after.
Maybe I was a bit cold? I don’t know. We were over, I saw no point in being sweet.
Here, I’ll show you the messages:
Him: “Hey. Just wanted to let you know I’m at Leo’s” (That’s his brother) “I’m gonna stay with him for a couple of days while I look for a place of my own”
Me: “Sounds good”
Him: “Any neighborhoods you’d suggest I look into?”
Me: “Not really”
Him: “k” (then he was silent for like two hours)
Him: “Tess?”
I didn’t reply.
Him: “I don’t like that we had to break things off like this. I don’t like that we had to break things off at all. You wanna meet me someplace so we can talk?”
Me: “Lockdown”
Him: “…”
Him: “That’s pretty much over”
Me: “There will be another wave soon”
Him: “Meet me before then?”
Me: “What do you wanna talk about?”
Him: “You know what I wanna talk about”
Me: “…”
Me: “Trevor, just drop it”
Him: “?”
Me: “If u wanna say something, say it. I’m not gonna meet and risk your dad telling my mom”
Him: “You’re a grown woman, what the hell are you being a purse for?”
Me: “A purse?”
Him: “A pussy. Fucking autocorrect”
Me: “So u wanna meet so u can be judgemental and call me a purse to my face?”
Him: “I wanna meet cause I think there was something between us and I would like to know if you agree”
Me: “Something?”
Him: “You gonna make me spell it out?”
Me: “I thought nobody could make you do anything”
Him: “I have a crush on you. Not just sex, alright? And if you feel the same, I wanna see where it goes. Either way I just wanna talk. I hate that we barely said goodbye.”
I didn’t answer.
The screen just sat there, quietly on his last message while I didn’t even try to type.
Pure visual silence. Which (some would say) is the worst kind of silence in modern life.
But what the hell would I even answer?
Yeah, baby, let’s run away together?
A relationship between the two of us is not gonna happen. And good sex by itself is not a reason to fuck every other aspect of your life!
Even if good sex is perfect sex.
I didn’t answer for almost half an hour.
And then…
Him: “Is that your answer?”
Me: “That’s my answer”
Him: “k”
And that was it.
Two years and all I have from Trevor is that K.
Two years avoiding each other. Whenever I went to mom’s for a holiday or birthday or… whatever, he’d make sure to be some place else. And I did the same for him.
Two years and our paths did not cross, not even once.
My mom was upset over it. The poor ignorant woman thought we didn’t wanna meet anymore cause we hated each other, when in reality we didn’t wanna meet cause we’d likely hate fuck. “He’s your brother” she’d say “Don’t avoid him forever. You could be friends”. She’d beg for family union while I’d get sick to my stomach of him being refered to as my brother.
Two years.
I finished college.
I dated some guys.
I had sex.
In a way, I moved on.
I only ever think about Trevor these days when I’m too horny or sex was too mediocre.
I like to flick my clit thinking about him, even after two years he is still my favorite masturbation fantasy. The early days of lockdown when I’d hear him jerking off and moan through the thin walls… that always gets me in the mood. The day I shoved his mask in my pussy and made him wear it, I watched him go hard as he smelled me on it… that always gets me wet. The first time he hate fucked me after I walked in his room naked while he was on a work call… that always gets me rubbing my clit so hard I feel like I might pass out.
Two years later and the man is still owning my orgasms.
Anyway, my sister is getting married now.
She’s been trying to get married since 2020, but she didn’t want a small family wedding in a backyard during lockdown, you know? Natalie is the first born and a star, she wanted a week long destination wedding for 200 people and a cathedral. She didn’t get exactly that, but she got pretty close.
What does this have to do with anything?… You might ask
Why did I skip two years of my life in this story and chose to bring you back for the wedding of a sister I never even mentioned before?
Well, her fiance, as it turns out really fucking likes Formula 1 and UFC. He likes metal and working out in a gym.
So guess who he became fast friends with over the past two years?
Guess who he invited to be one of his groosmen?
The Universe hates me.
I think the Universe is a man. I think he is an incel who fell in love with me in high school and I turned him down. So now the Universe just sits there in his mother’s basement, stalking my social media and trying to find new ways to fuck my life over.
But it will be fine.
Honestly, I make it sound worst than it is. I’m not really thinking about Trevor that much anymore. It’s only when I masturbate. Or have sex. Or bathe.
It’s summer 2022, I land in Cancun and go straight to the hotel. A five star resort by the beach for two weeks of wedding shenanigangs leading up to the actual cerimony.
I’m gonna skip the check in, hugs and “hellos” cause I know you are not interested in the bride, my mom, or my aunt Claudia who is all about showing pictures of her new house in California.
He is there.
Natalie set up a welcome reception for the guests (mostly the wedding party and closer friends and family, the rest of her guests are only making it here for the actual wedding). There are drinks, a charcuterie & cheese table and Trevor.
Fuck, he looks good.
His dark hair is shorter. He has a new tattoo on his forearm, drawing even more attention to his large veiny arms. He is wearing a shirt that fits his muscles in a tasty way. A scruffy beard and that naughty smile of a man that knows not only how to lick pussy, but how to make a woman beg for it while she is repeatedely told no.
He looks really good.
Be chill, Tessa.
Be super fucking chill.
He might have a girlfriend.
He might hate you so much he won’t even say hello.
Be ready for anything.
My little sister Annie is talking to him and Leo. He hasn’t noticed me yet. I thought about keeping my distance, but Annie noticed me.
“Tessie!” she yells, shaking her hand in the air, asking me to join them.
That’s when he sees me.
His piercing eyes are on me and I… I can’t read his face.
Is he happy? Is he mad? Is he.. Indiferent?
“Hi” I say as she hugs me. Leo gives me a polite brotherly hug and asks how was my flight.
I give him a half answer cause his brother… the thick wall of a man that is Trevor leans in to give me a hug that makes me forget how words work.
His arm around my waist is heavy. His lips are on my cheek, giving me a tame hello kiss. I try not to touch his chest. He is all power and that fucking brat-spanking dominant atitude. I can smell it on him. The perfume he wears that night is the same he has everynight: Brat Spanker, by Dior or something. I can smell it all. The twitching hand, the leather in his belt… fuck I can smell the unspoken words dancing in his tongue “cross me and I’ll discipline you, babygirl”. He’d sound sweet. He’d sound rough. I am light headed.
The hello kiss on my cheek is very polite and appopriate, at least. He is about to let me go and I am happy I survived it when he… lingers. The kiss is over, but his nose is still on my hair.
And then he smells me.
It feels erotic.
Like he could fuck me with his nose and I’d cum all the same.
“Hi” I say to him as well, but he doesn’t reply.
He puts his hands under his armpits as soon as the hug ends, like he is afraid he’ll touch me again if he doesnt’t keep himself in check. His lips are pursed. He’s upset. He hates that he couldn’t fight the urge to smell me.
I should break the ice.
I was the one who broke it off and dismissed him.
I should…
“I’m gonna take the ladies with me now!” Nat says to the small crowd cause aparently there are separate events for the men and women this afternoon “We’ll meet again for dinner”.
I look back at Trevor for a second and it’s like his soul turned to stone. He stares at me for a second with ice in his eyes before turning away like I don’t matter.
So this is what the next two weeks will be like.
Glad I found out fast.
I’ll just enjoy the beach and my family like I planned to, and try my best to stay out of his way.
I won’t spend the next two weeks feeling his heavy arm on my waist. And I can’t even smell his twitching hand and his leather belt anymore, right? Just a little. Maybe.
Fuck… I can still smell him.
His perfume is on me.
His warmth.
I wanted to touch his chest so bad cause I know exactly how good it feels to scratch him. I know how numbing it is to hear him moan. And he moans so loud. Why the fuck don’t all men do that?
I stretch my back, take a deep breath and decide I won’t think about Trevor anymore.
I was doing mostly good for two years. I can keep my streak.
Natalie’s event is a bunch of silly sex-related games. Just some tame stuff like everyone got a box of sex toys, then played truth or dare over mimosas and such.
“What’s the best sex you ever had, Nat?”
There’s a lot of giggling. A lot of joking. A lot of oversharing.
“What about you, Annie?”
Giggles, laughter.
“And you, Sam?”
Joking. Oversharing.
“And you, Tessie?”
Oh fuck.
I take a big gulp of my mimosa and wish it was tequila.
The morning I woke up with my shorts around my ankles and Trevor’s load on my thighs. Easy first. Every other sex I had is fighting for seconds.
And I didn’t even cum.
Well… I did… after.
I woke up that morning and I don’t remember ever wanting a man that bad. I wanted him in my pussy, in my throat, in my soul.
“My first time was pretty sweet” I say with an innocent smile.
“Yeah” I lie “It wasn’t anything too exciting. But he took his time to make it sweet for me, so I’ll always remember that”
“I would have guessed it was Ryan” Annie sells me out.
“You were with Ryan?” my mom’s eyes go wide and I stare at my little sister with an absolute look of disbelief as she shuts her own mouth with her hands.
“Forgot ma was here, did ya?” I smile as do serial killers.
“Little bit” she has a face of regret and apology. But damage is done, specially cause Ryan is a groomsman who is currently present. Well, not in the room right now, but you know what I mean.
“Not Ryan. Though he was nice” I try to save face.
“Nice?” Natalie asks like she is saying oh, poor boy, you might as well say he has zero game.
“Very nice” I try to save poor Ryan. He was alright. We were barely together to be honest.
There’s some more giggles and what nots, but my head is elsewhere.
He fucked me in my sleep.
He really did it.
He walked into my room. Took my shorts down. Fucked my pussy with his rough cock. Spilled his load on my thighs. Left me there, used and undressed to wake up alone.
I clench my thighs so fucking hard, the women sitting besides me notice it.
My whole stomach goes rigid like my body has decided to orgasm in the next five seconds with or without my permission.
I can smell him.
The belt. The warmth. The words. How is it possible to smell someone’s words? But I swear I can.
You do as your told, hm? Or daddy will punish you. It was sweet. His threats always smelled of apples and lime. Fresh and delicious. Tasty as all fuck.
“Next question” Nat anounces “What is something sexual you love but were always ashamed to admit it?”
Have you ever been fucked by a beer bottle, Tessie?
I’m gonna fuck your ass tonight while you sleep, you whore.
Open your mouth wide, baby, so daddy can fuck your throat.
I press my temples. I press my eyes.
Think of something else. Think of something else. Thing of somet…
I can see him in my head. His finger on my face, clamping my tits and telling me they were gonna stay on for thirty seconds. If you brat, that’s another minute.
Laughs, Giggles & Co. around me are having the time of their life.
But I cannot get this fucking man out of my fucking head.
I grab the first vibrator in my gift box and excuse myself.
If I can’t keep him out through breathing, I will rip him out through rubbing.
I lock myself in the bathroom and I am so fucking wet the dildo slides in likes I measured it twice. It’s small though. I almost feel like I should call this a big bullet instead of a small dildo. But as long as it vibrated, it will get the job done. And it does vibrate! I tested it earlier on my hand… it has twelve speeds which go from “yeah, whatever I guess” to “oh god, please kill me now”. So, you know… not bad!
My thighs are pressing against each other like they want to bed and scream. I try to find the button to turn the damn thing on but there’s none.
And it hits me.
This is one of those remotely controled vibrators.
The remote must be inside the box.
Fuck my life all the way, right?
The Universe must be laughing his ass off in front of his computer right now.
I run out of the bathroom to get the thing quickly before anyone notices my behavior.
But the Universe… listen, I think I bullied the Universe in high school. I think I called it names and spat on it’s face. Cause when I get out of the bathroom, the two parties have just joined back together.
The boys are here.
Nat is saying something about going for dinner and ushering us to another room. My mom is talking to Trevor who seems to be in his best gentleman behavior. While I’m a whore with a vibrator up my pussy. I go for the box as one of the women on the couch gets up, she tilts the box a little and some items spill out. She catches most of them with a smile before leaving the box in place.
But the remote…
The fucking remote rolls over the floor like something out of a cartoon and lands right by Trevor’s feet. I am praying that Wile E. Coyote will pop up, press the button and blow me up, but instead Trevor picks it up.
He has furrowed brows and a confused look when he inspects it. But he is the kind of man with electrostimulation sex toys in his repertoire, so it takes him two full seconds to understand what it is. He has an innocent smile as well as he understand what the ladies event was, and he would have dropped it and paid it no mind… if only I could chill.
He raises his head back to the crown and we lock eyes. There must be despair in my face. There must be agony and panic and dread. Cause his innocent smile becomes a confused look again. He lowers his hand (still focused on me) but my eyes follow his hand and the remote inside it.
That’s when it happens.
That’s when he understands.
His sholders go down explicitly.
His jaw drops just a little.
His eyes are bright with happiness, but his smile is wicked.
Oh, no you didn’t. That’s what he is saying to me. Without using a single word, that is exactly what his eyes are saying to me.
I gesture towards him for a split second, about to ask for the remote back. But he quickly puts it in his pocket.
I hurry and hold his arm.
“Give it back” I whisper as we fall behind from the group.
“You have it in, don’t you?” he smiles like a little kid being told Christmas this year will be at Disney World.
“No, I don’t”
He turns it on.
Remember when I said the vibrator speed started at “yeah, whatever I guess”? That’s because I was trying it on my hand. Inside my pussy and by surprise, it feels more like “Oh, fuck, yes please”, and that’s what my entire body says as soon as he turns it on.
I grab his arm so hard I sink my nails in.
“Yeah, sure you don’t” he turns it back off.
“Give it back”
“You know better than this, Tess. There’s only one word I’ll obey” he whispers “You know what that word is?”
Our safe word.
He smiles.
“You remember it, don’t you?”
“Give it back” I say again.
“Say the word and it’s yours”
I should say it.
If I don’t, he’ll have that remote during dinner.
He wouldn’t use it during dinner though. But he might. So why do I want him to have it?
“Oh, it’s so good that you kids are talking” mom approaches us, linking arms with the two of us. Kids she call us. I’m acbout 25 and Trevor is pretty close to 30. “I hate to think that you two don’t get along. Lockdown was hard on everyone, you two should try to bond. We are family!” she shrugs after five too many mimosas.
“That’s a wonderful idea, Janet. Tess, come sit with me for dinner”
“No, I…
“Go, honey” mom asks “Unless you wanna sit with Ryan”
I’m gonna kill Anna. I’m gonna kill her with a machete, set fire to the pieces and bury them at a garbage dump.
“Mom, please let that go. Annie was just…
“I’m sorry…” Trevor has a little homicidal smile and then I realise he also heard that “Who is Ryan?”
“Nobody” I say.
“Oh, nobody” mom makes a face and laughs “We were just ladies talking about lady things. And boys.” She winks.
“Oh?” he asks looking very curious.
“Enough mimosas for you, ok ma?”
She strolls away leaving me behind to deal with the post-nuclear disaster.
I know he is gonna ask who Ryan is, so I walk away.
We find a table with Annie, Leo and some others. About three minutes go by before a message pings on my phone.
I unlock the screen and… Trevor.
He has his phone by his side, I see.
I check the message log, and the K is no longer sitting in silence.
There is another message now.
Right under the K from two years ago.
-> So, who’s Ryan?
I lock my phone back, blantantly ignoring him.
Trevor types something else and my phone pings another time.
-> Tessa… who is Ryan?
-> None of your business
He turn it on again. This time I was ready, but I guess he antecipated that. Instead of turning it on speed 1, he goes straight to 3 or 4, making me jump up so suddenly Annie looks at me funny.
“Tess?” Annie holds my arm.
“Hm?” Fuck, can you hear it? Can you hear it vibrating inside me?
Trevor makes it go faster. It’s 5 now. Definetly a 5.
I grab the table cloth and pant hard.
“You ok?” Annie asks me.
“Hm… Hmmhm” I nod with a horrible smile of agony.
“You sure?” Trevor asks me like a little bitch “You seem in pain”
Look at that fucking smirk. He is brushing his fingertips over his pretentious fucking smile.
“N-no. I… I’m… I…” fuck, this is good.
Pleasure this hard usually takes a hold of your body. It makes everything move. It makes everything tight. It makes everything numb.
Eyelids are the first to go. Those fucking traitors. They just wanna drop down and surrender, but that is as telling as it gets, so I make a point to keep my eyes open wide which, to be honest, is probably making me look even crazier.
“You’re… you’re…?” Trevor will not let me free. This is punishment.
I press my thighs really hard but all that does is make it so the vibe teases me even better.
I can hear it buzzing through my whole body.
“I had a thing with Ryan” I blurt out and he increases the speed to 6. Half way between a yes-please speed and a “oh-god-kill-me-now” speed “That’s it!” I beg “We had sex”.
The vibration stops and the whole table goes dead quiet.
Besides me and Trevor, there’s five more people with us. Annie, Leo and three cousind. They all stare at me an absolute shock. Well… not Trevor. Trevor still has a smirk.
“Tessa, are you alright?” Annie whispers “Is this… about Ryan? You wanna go sit with him, maybe?”
“Ryan is here?” Trevor asks and I stare at him with death in my eyes.
“Enough” I say, catching my breath.
He doesn’t care.
That’s the thing about dominants (and specially sadistic ones): they don’t care. They will own you. They will do whatever they want to you. And you will fucking like it and say thank you.
That’s the look on Trevor’s face right now. The look of a man who is about to say “C’mon, cunt. Disobey me again. Do it”.
“I think Tess had a little too much to drink, I’m sorry” Annie jokes with a little laugh, imediately lightening the mood, bless her.
Trevor is making a move for something in his pocket and I hold his arm under the table.
“I said enough” I whisper to him, urgently.
He leans in casually, until his lips are on my ear. His voice is hoarse, like he is hard himself, longing for my mouth or my pussy.
“You’ll have enough” he moans in that delicious voice of his “when daddy says you’ve had enough”
He turns the fucking thing back on… he has the remote in his hand, discreetly over the table. He clicks it like he is fingering me. All the way up to 7.
“Trev, please” I beg “My whole family is here”.
“I know” he fake-whimpers “And you went ahead and shoved a vibrator in your pussy”.
Click. 8.
I grab his thigh. He moans. In my fucking ear.
That moan.
I am so fucking good to go.
Click. 9.
“I missed you, baby” he grins “I missed your moaning, I missed your bratting… I missed your pussy”.
Every muscle in my body tenses up. I am panting so hard it’s getting hard to disguise. I’m gonna cum in the middle of the room, surrounded by my family.
Click. 10.
“Tell me, did it miss me too?”
Yes. Yes, it fucking missed you.
Oh my God, yes, please, fuck. This is sex. Everything else is a pathetic joke.
Click. 11.
My cheeks must be extremely blushed, because I feel them on fire.
My nipples are so hard they are gonna cur through my dress.
I have my elbows on the table so I can hide my face behing my hands.
“You gonna cum in front of your family, Tess?”
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuuuuuuck.
I am so close. I know it… but worst: he knows it. He’s watched me cum a million times, he knows exactly how close I am. He could snap his fingers and have my orgasm.
I feel the wave right there. That numbing sensation of release that spread through your groins to every cell in your body. I feel it building up. I feel the dam about to break.
Then he shut it down.
Turns it off. Gone. Over. Zero. Nada.
Frustration is so powerful I sigh out loud.
I grab on to the table cloth so hard all the plates get dragged.
“Hey, wow, are you ok?” I male hand is on my nape. Now, let me be clear: I have NO idea who that hand belongs to, but I was about to cum and that means every nerve in my body has the sensitive dialed up to a million. And I wasn’t about to cum like you’d say a kid walking on ice is about to slip. I was about to cum as a car with the air bags being set off is about to crash. There was maybe a fraction of a second between Tessa before and after her next orgasm. Trevor knows me so fucking well he stopped my climax the very second it was about to break.
So when I tell you that the man’s hand on my nape made me moan a little, it’s just about the touch.
However, we already discussed how the Universe cares very deeply about me, right?
“Hey, Ryan” Annie says and I freeze. But more importantly, Trevor freezes.
“Hey Tess, I came to say hello” he kisses my forehead. So let’s add it up, ok? I moaned when he touched me, he is the Ryan I had sex with and now he is giving me forehead kisses (which are my weakness and Trevor knows it).
Trevor clenches his hands so fast I fear he’ll break the remote.
“Ry, did you know we were talking about you?” Natalie joins us and the only thing worst than a tispy mom is a tipsy bride.
“How so?” he asks with a smile.
“Ladies afternoon! We were talking about… you know… the best ones we’ve ever had?”
“And Tessa named him?” Trevor can’t hold it in. He must be frustrated as fuck to let that escape like that.
“Yeah” Natalie says and I’m gonna have to kill her right after I’m done with Annie. Ryan smiles saying something about being honored and I swear I was about to be embarassed, I swear. But Trevor decided it was punishing time. Back on it goes.
It’s still on 11.
Click. 12.
I bite my lip so hard I choke.
“Does anyone hear that?” Ryan asks “A buzzing something sound?”
“Excuse me” I get up before any more enquiries are made.
I hold on to my dress and stumble out of the room. I think my sisters asked me for something, but I am tripping into the foyer trying to find a private place.
I need this thing off my pussy.
The foyer and the lounge of the resort are huge. I don’t know where the bathrooms are so I just half run and half trip to a corner. The place is a bar that doesn’t work during the night time, I think. Everything is dark so I just press myself between the wall and some curtains, away from curious eyes and lift my dress. I take my panties out of the way in my resolve to remove the vibrator before it kills me.
I am drooling and moaning and tearing up.
I reach out to the base of the vibrator but as I am about to pull it out, he reaches me.
“Oh, I don’t think so”
“Stop it” I push him away with all my strenght. But all my strenght is nothing to the huge block of muscles that he is.
We fight in the dark for control of my pussy and he wins. I can’t take the thing out. I’m pinned against the wall, my pussy leaking it’s juices with the vibrator still shoved all the way in. Still on 12. At least I’ll cum in a second… then it will be over.
I just need to rub my thighs together, but Trevor keeps them open with his knee.
“Ryan is the best sex you ever had?” he sounds pissed. Livid. “You said that?”
He spreads my pussy lips open with two fingers and cold air hits my clit.
“I did” I moan out in a whimper.
“Why?” he is so close I can taste his breath. I can taste his desire.
“Because he is” I lie because fuck Trevor.
“You still fucking him?”
“And others” I lie again.
He laughs.
“See, baby, I think you’re lying” he lowers the speed back to 1.
“Fuck you”
“I think you’re just bratting to piss me off”
He slams his palm against my clit and I moan rubbing myself on it.
“But there is one way to find out”
He takes his free hand to his belt and unbuckles it real… fucking… slow.
My eyes shoot down to it.
Yes, oh fuck, yes.
I haven’t been spanked with a belt in two years. I move my legs around him, eager.
“Oh, you want this?” he teases me, the asshole. Then he start taking it off, rolling it around his fists. Slow and deliberate “Answer me, or you don’t get the belt” he has the whole thing rolled up on his fists and he brushes it on my inner thigh. The leather feels so fucking perfect, I didn’t think you could get more turned on than I already was without cumming, but alas “C’mon…” he sings like the devil “You know you want it”
“I’m not fucking him anymore”
“Good girl” he brings the belts higher and higher up my inner thigh “And was he your best fuck?”
“Who was?”
“You, asshole”
He pinches my fucking clit so hard I see spots of light.
“That’s disrespectful. Try again. Who was your best fuck, Tess?”
“You… you were, sir”
“Ohh, fuck” you can tell he didnt mean to say that, but it came out anyway. I feel so good having this power over him. I feel so fucking hot “That’s better” he says “That’s much better”
Click. 2
“Thank you, sir” I lick my lips like a whore and he smiles, pleased.
Click and click.
He knows how to push my buttons and I know how to push his.
“Here” he rubs the belt on my clit and I close my eyes “You can fuck the belt, baby”
And I do just that. I grind that fucking thing so hard I am panting.
The vibrator in my pussy.
The belt on my clit.
The man around me.
I scratch his chest and bite his shoulder to stop me from screaming.
He takes it.
Without moving an inche while I rub myself on his belt and hand like a fucking dog.
Click, click. He increases it. Clickclickclick, so fast I lose count.
It’s too strong. But this time he doesn’t stop it. Nothing interrupts us.
I bite his sholder, muffling my screams while he pants as if he was fucking me.
I’m gonna cum. One more second and I’m there.
One last click. My eyes roll back.
I lose control of my body as I orgasm. I feel it shake. I feel it drop. It takes me a couple of minutes to be able to stand on my own legs again.
I push him away, fulling aware of how large his bulge looks.
“Since I had to rub it myself, you can do the same” I catch my breath.
“I was planning to” he looks so hot. He looks so hot. So hot.
“Good” I’m starting to walk away when he says:
“Hey Tess? When you go to sleep tonight” he has a grin, but the smile never reaches his eyes “Leave your door open for me, will you?”
This story will be updated on Reddit every thursday.
Patreon is one chapter ahead (early access with updates every tuesday and thursday).
More coming soon! <3 You can check my profile for other parts of this story!

[NON-CON, DUB-CON, CLOTHES FETISH] I (F20) am a ballerina and someone has been masturbating on the clothes I leave in my locker

The day doesn’t start without a stretch.

The day doesn’t end without a stretch.

And everything in between needs to be perfect.

I’m sure there are ballerinas out there who aren’t perfectionists, but none of them are at The Balanchine School. And maybe this wasn’t my first option, but sure as hell it’s a lot of people’s.

I am still sitting in bed, wearing my pyjamas, when I start stretching. I do my neck, shoulders and hands before I even open my eyes.

A deep breath.

Another one.

The list for the day.

07:30 Breakfast

08:00 Locker room

08:30 Warm up

09:00 – 10:40 Ms. Vaudeville’s Class

10:50 – 12:00 Variation

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Warm up

14:30 – 15:30 Modern Dance

15:50 – 17:30 Ms. DeLaupier’s class

I’d have 10 minutes in the morning to call my mom.

I’d have 20 minutes in the afternoon to do some strengthening exercises.

I’d use my lunch break to get a 40 minutes pilates session.

[DOM/SUB] She (F20’s) asked me (M20’s) to show her rough sex and some kinks, but I think I’m falling in love

Tessa is laying on my lap.

Can we take a second to talk about how unbelievable that is?

This woman hated me with a passion of a hundred suns.

Up until a couple of weeks ago, to hear Tessa speak of me… you’d think I cut her off in traffic in a road rage while cheating on her with a racist billionaire who owns sweat shops in Vietnam.

Now she is laying on my lap.

What changed?

Well, sex.

We have sex now.

And it’s fucking delicious eye-roll-inducing perfect fucking sex. Yeah I said “fucking” twice in a row. I guess you’re not supposed to do that in good writing. But I’m describing a hot woman who spreads her naked legs for me and calls me daddy, so I’ll fucking say whatever I want.

We’re in my bed. Together.

She is dressed, sadly. But her clothes won’t last.

She is peacefully laying on my chest while we watch tv together.

*Porn*, actually. We’re watching porn.

Or… studying porn? Is that a thing? Fuck it. I’m sure it’s a thing.

I(F25) am a dominatrix hired to join a couple(M35, F34) for a threesome and it didn’t go as I expected (FEMDOM, THREESOME)

A couple of years ago I was hired by this couple who had been together for a while and wanted to “spice things up for just one night”. In my expert opinion, if relationships had tombstones that sentence would be common in many of them “Here lies the broken pieces of Ted and Mary’s marriage. They were trying to spice things up for just one night”.

Nothing wrong with adding some heat and pepper to your sex life. Specially if it’s a very long term one. But getting that message on my phone that says “we’re just looking for someone to spice things up for one night” to me reads like “dead bedroom. Husband is bored, wife doesn’t know what to do and agreed to something she doesn’t fully understand”.

And enough with the judging, ok? I know women can be just as sexual (or more so) than men and I’m sure there are many dead bedrooms out there that were killed by the husband and not the wife. But those aren’t usually the ones inviting me.

I (F21) had to strip naked in front of this cute geek guy (M20) so he’d understand I was into him (VANILLA, SOFT DOMMING)

I don’t understand Jason.
I know he’s not seeing anyone, so…
Either he:
A- Is not interested in me
B- Is really not interested in me
C- Is so utterly clueless about a woman hitting on him that he’ll miss hundreds of opportunities for sex in his life, bless him.
Any other woman, I’d say A or B, and “girl, move on”.
But (and I’m not trying to be a spoiled princess here) I look good.
There’s no point in being modest, it’s just you and me here: I’m hot. The long blond hair, the baby blue eyes, the gorgeous face, the fit body with some tasty curves in all the right places. I’d look good on a runway for Dior, I’d look good on a Playboy cover, I’d look great naked on Jason’s bed.
Unfortunately, Jason doesn’t seem to agree.
Or notice.
He’s the nerdy type, you know? I’m not sure if he doesn’t want me or if he is just too socially awkward to try.
He’s in my chemistry class in college, we sat next to each other on the first day and he kept muttering the answers to himself, like nothing the teacher was saying could ever be news to him. At one point the teacher heard his whispers and asked him to repeat it out loud, poor Jason went fifty shades of red, moving his hands around while trying to explain his logic, and me? God… I just though he looked so cute. Smart boy, fidgeting in his shirt cause he has all the brains but no desire for lots of attention.
So cute.
I watched him explain and gesture with his sweet smile, cheeks as red as apples and… a thought occurred.
I wonder if his cheeks go red like this during a blowjob.
Does he blush?
Does he get shy and nervous when a woman is down on her knees for him, opening her willing mouth to suck him dry?
Do his hands fidget in her hair while he grabs it?
I don’t know why exactly I though that. I wasn’t particularly horny that day. But there it was: an intrusive thought. Eating away at me.
And Jason was my type.
Tall and skinny with that beautiful dark hair and adorable dark eyes. And his smile! God, his smile! He has one of those good-boy-smiles that makes a girl like me curious: what would one have to do to turn that good boy bad?
I sat next to him many other days.
I asked him questions. Waited for him to teach me things.
I hated that class. I really liked seating next to him.
But something funny was happening: Jason was never nervous around me.
He was nervous around other girls, but never around me.
And again, ok? I don’t wanna sound like an arrogant bitch, but men get nervous around me. Dating is hell, cause guys hardly ever have the balls to approach me. Most of them assume I am out of their league, and the only ones confident enough to come over and say “hi” end up being those cocky gym dudes who are (90% of them, from my experience) jerks.
Most guys get nervous.
Jason was the exception.
It’s like he thought I was so absolutely out of his league, like a different galaxy out of his league, that he didn’t even care to feel anxiety. As if in his head there was not a chance in the world that I had just spent the entire class daydreaming of putting his cock in my mouth so desperately I got wet.
I was not a missed opportunity in his book, cause he never even saw me as an opportunity.
I was, however, an opportunity.
I was a done deal, really.
It was cute and funny at first, but a couple of months had gone by and I was thinking about riding this man way more than what would be considered healthy.
I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
He’d smile. He’d blush. He’d get a little shy.
And I’d picture myself riding him while he smiled, riding him while he blushed and riding him shy.
I loved his cheeks going pink so bad.
Also… He’d push his glasses up his nose anytime he was about to sound serious and I’d have to refrain myself from biting my lip.
Which one is it, Jas?
How do you fuck a woman?
Do you blush when you go raw inside her?
Or do you go serious geek, sliding your glasses up your nose?
Do you get so shy you need instructions, honey? Or do you take a deep breath, make sure your glasses are in place and muster some confidence?
I wondered all those things.
I wondered a lot.
Then there was that fucking article. Apparently someone, somewhere, made a study on how satisfied people of a certain age group (around mine) were with their sex partners. Turns out confident fit guys had the worst kind of sex. They were bad at listening, bad at trying new things and refused sex toys of any kind, as they thought toys meant they “weren’t enough” to please a partner. Their women were not happy.
And what do you know? Nerd and geeks made the best group.
Consumers were please, satisfied, five stars review, “10/10 would stay here again”.
These were the guys that listened. They adapted. The were up to trying new things and any toy under the sun. Hell, given the right incentive they’d be willing to develop new toys themselves.
That’s all great.
But now I’m sitting next to Jason thinking I never had a man who listened.
I had sex with three guys so far. I’m sure some people would expect more of a 21 year old woman in college. I honestly expected less. One of them was alright. The other two will forever be regrets.
I had more fun masturbating and part of me was starting to wonder how long it would take for sex to be worth it.
That article made me think I just needed the right partner.
A guy who, unlike the others, would actually make an effort to please me.
The five stars review 10/10 kind of guy, right?
Remember how I thought about giving Jason a blowjob on that first day and I wasn’t even horny?
Well, I got horny. And then the thoughts got worst.
I thought about taking his shirt off.
I thought about licking him.
I thought about all the things I’d do to him.
I thought about what parts of his body I wanted on which parts of my body.
It was great.
You know what would have made it better?
If fucking Jason would cooperate!
But no.
I would say “hey, you looking cute today” with a tender smile and homeboy would go “Thanks, I bought it at Zingx, they have a lot of gaming apparel if you’re looking”.
I accidentally brushed my breasts against his hands once and he jumped back so quickly you’d think I had electrocuted him.
At one point… I kid you not: we were in line waiting to use some equipment in class and he was trying to ask these girls in front of us how long they would take, but they were ignoring us. He shrugged, looking a little disappointed.
“So disrespectful” I whispered.
“Yeah, they should be done by now. I don’t know why they are taking so long”
“They didn’t even listen to you” we were leaning closer and closer together, to protect our gossip.
“Yeah, I don’t mind. I just wish they were done already” he smiled. That sweet smile. I think I may have been the one blushing.
“Well I mind” I said, pushing him with a friendly shoulder.
“Don’t” he pushed me back with his shoulder in the same cute friendly way.
“I do. Cause I think” I measured my words and stared deep in his eyes “That a woman should always do what a man tells her to do. You know?” I whispered so softly any man would have heard it as a moan.
C’mon, Jas. Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.
Sit on your face, ride your cock, bend over so you can fuck my ass. I swear to God, I’ll do it.
Jason, sweet lovely Jason, however is more worried about the line than about the woman offering herself to him.
“Oh, they are done!” He jumps up moving towards the equipment.
He is not interested.
Has to be it.
And if I wasn’t this horny over him, I’d probably let it go and move on. Learn how to take a no and all that.
But because I am that horny, I decide on one last hurrah. If he’s not interested, I’ll stop it, of course. I just need to make sure this isn’t a case of a man being too oblivious.
We are leaving class when I attack “Jason? You think you could come over to my dorm room and help me with some homework? I’d really appreciate it”.
He checks his watch and (clearly missing the mark of what it is I want from him) says:
“Can we keep it under an hour? I’m busy this afternoon.”
How could he not understand what I mean?
I sound like I walk out of a porn straight into real life, no stops.
He is not interested in me.
And in ten minutes I’ll be sure.
But I need to be sure.
“Yeah, of course”
We get to my room.
He looks a bit bothered, like he is late and wasn’t planning on deviating from his schedule. But he comes in all the same.
“Have a sit” I say, pointing to my bed “You mind if I change into something more comfortable? Something in my bra is pinching me”
“Go for it” he shrugs.
And yes. I did go for the cliche “change into something” line, don’t judge me.
This guy is so oblivious, I’m one second away from touching his biceps and asking if he’s been working out. I am that desperate.
“You sure? You don’t mind?” I ask again.
“Not at all”
He gets his phone out of his pocket, probably to keep himself entertained while I change.
And change I do.
The door to the bathroom is wide open but I make no move for it. Instead I just unzip my dress and let it fall to the floor. I am wearing red lingerie chosen very carefully for this occasion. I look good in it. I look like I taste wonderful. I look like I moan gladly. I look like I can ride a man like a pro.
Jason stares at his phone for two seconds. It’s my lack of movement that draws his attention. His face wonders in my direction casually, as if he is about to ask what’s taking me so long. My almost naked body is enough to get him to do a double take.
His jaw drops. Not a lot though. He doesn’t give me that satisfaction.
It drops just a little.
But he does check me out.
My tits in the red bra. The curves of my tiny waist spreading a little wider to my hips and ass. And he does spend a lot of time staring at my small panties barely covering my pussy.
“I’m sorry” he stutters, snapping out of it. Takes him a second to look away.
“It’s ok” I smile.
He might be interested after all.
“I just really need to get out of this bra” I whine “Do you mind getting something for me on that dresser over there?”
“Y-yeah, sure” he gets up, like he can’t turn his back on me fast enough “This one?”
“Second drawer, please”
He opens it and freezes.
He was thankful to turn his back, so he could escape my nakedness. But the content of my second drawer is a new kind of hell.
Jason doesn’t say a word. I’m not entirely sure he is breathing.
“Could you get me a new bra and some panties?” I ask, knowing full well that’s what he’s staring at right now: every single piece of underwear I own.
This is the turning point.
He can sigh and say he is not interested. He’ll apologize, come up with an excuse to leave and I will have to move to another continent.
Or he could say:
“Which one do you want?” He gulps.
“You choose” I whisper like a sweet little kitten “Whichever one you like”
He stares at my underwear drawer for too long. The only reason I don’t go check on him is cause he seems to still be alive. He picks some panties and admires them for a moment before putting them back. It really looks like he is taking the homework seriously: he is putting a lot of thought into what he wants me to wear.
The black lace bra and matching thong seem to be the winners.
He stretches his arm in my direction, trying to avoid looking at me.
His eyes are on the floor and I make no effort to pick the lingerie he is offering.
“Jason?” I ask with a cautious giggle. Just to let him know I can’t reach his hand.
He has to look at me.
And he does.
So I strip.
Teasing him.
The bra goes first. It falls to the floor, exposing my heavy tits and my round pink nipples, already hard with anticipation. Then I bend a little to take off my panties. Slowly, careful not to break eye contact. I mean… not that he is looking at my eyes anyway, but still.
Soon I am completely naked. And Jason is completely hard. His breathing is irregular as he admires my body, maybe still not sure this is actually real. His cock isn’t as coy: it knows this is real.
Show me. Show me what happens when a woman gets naked for you.
Will you blush?
Will you stutter?
Will you go shy?
Jason walks towards me to hand me the underwear.
“Thank you” I smile and put it on.
If he is embarrassed about it, he is hiding it well.
There is not a sound in the room except for his hard breathing, watching me while I dress the lingerie he chose.
“Can you hand me back my dress, please?” I point to the dress on the floor, exactly where I dropped it.
He picks it up but gently throws it away.
“Can I have that?” I laugh a little. Is he just being clumsy?
“No” he says, and there is something dry in his eyes when he walks even closer to me. This doesn’t feel clumsy. Feels intentional.
“W-why not?” Why am I the one stuttering?
Something about him feels slightly different.
“Turn around” even his voice doesn’t sound the same. His tone.
“Excuse me?” I try to laugh it off.
“If you didn’t want me to watch, you’d have changed in the bathroom” he shrugs. But it’s not his nerdy-casual shrug anymore. It feels… manly. Feels like he set his mind to something and is not trying to hide it “You want me to watch, so I will watch. Turn around for me. I wanna see the thong I chose”.
Ok, I wasn’t expecting this.
I thought he’d blush and stutter. I’d have to sit him down and ask him to touch me. He’d get nervous and need even more instructions.
That’s how I pictured it anyway.
I pictured being in control.
I never imagined he’d be the one giving orders.
And it seems I am taking too long to answer, cause he lowers his eyes to mine like a carnivore.
“Oh” I snap back to reality “You want me to…”
“Turn. Around” he says carefully as if I was stupid “Right now”
I gulp and nod my head a bunch of times, captured by the way his eyes seem so vicious as opposed to his kind smile.
“Yes, sir”
I turn.
I give him the whole tour of my body.
“Can I touch?” He groans “Or do you just want me to look?”
So odd.
The kind and slightly awkward teddy-bear-geek is… gone? It’s like his brain flicked a switch. Like his body never expected this to happen, but since it did, he’ll go all in.
The greatest ‘oh, well, fuck it’ anyone could ever say.
I put my hands lightly on his chest, rubbing him gently over his shirt, saying a ‘oh, well, fuck it’ of my own.
“You can do whatever you want to me”
Jason leans his head, brushing his nose on mine.
“Get on your knees” he sounds hungry.
There is no hesitation on my part. I kneel before him, wearing nothing but the black lingerie he chose. My nipples are so sensitive, it feels like the lace is scratching them raw. From where he is standing, Jason has a really good view of my tits. I wet my hungry lips cause if he wants me to kneel, I know what’s coming next.
“So pretty” he caresses my cheek. I feel it burning so I might be blushing. He unbuckles his belt and I perk up, sliding my hands on his jeans. “This black bra looks so good” he plays with the straps of my bra “There was a blue one in the drawer there that looks almost as good. I was torn”
“I can change into the other one, if you wanna see it”
His smile is so sweet. He twirls a lock of my hair and pinches my chin “So pretty. And docile”
“I am” I moan, trying to be good. But my nails are so long I scratch him.
“Ouch” he holds my wrists “And sharp. Like a little kitten, you are”
I keep nodding, just agreeing to anything he says. Eyeing his erection, still hiding under the jeans.
I run my nails over his hard bulge and he unzips his jeans, dropping it and his underwear just enough to free his cock. And what a delicious treat that is.
I had pictured riding and sucking Jason many times but, for whatever reason, I never imagined his dick looking that good. It’s large and thick with this luscious red head, makes my mouth water.
“Open you mouth” he whispers.
I open it wide. Tongue sticking out.
He grabs his cock and taps the head on my tongue, like he is making sure I am real. I think that move was meant to arouse himself, but that little taste of Jason meat makes me so eager I reach out to hold him so I can eat him.
“All the way in” he tells me and I suck him “There. There” he closes his eyes “Fuck, that’s a good kitten”. I take him deep in my throat. So far in my lips touch his pubes. He growls, grabbing on to my furniture like he is about to faint. I feel his tense stomach with my fingers, my nails branding him with desire, leaving behind a red trail. Not that he seems to care. Not even another ouch.
It’s like there are two forces inside Jason. One wants to move his hips and fuck my throat to drown me with cum. The other wants him to slow down and pace himself.
I know which I want to win, so I grab the base of his cock and since he is not moving his hips, I will move my face. I suck him violently. Like he is being ridden by an experienced pussy. Out and in and out and in. Pressing into his shaft with tight lips, sucking every inch going in and every inch going out. Taking him deep on every turn, until I feel his head so deep down my throat I am about to gag.
That’s when Jason grabs me by the hair.
“Stop. Fuck, Alyse, stop or I’ll cum”
Isn’t that the point?
“Get up”
“W-why?” I want him in my mouth, why am I…
“Get the fuck up right now” he grabs my elbow like I’m a trinket he owns.
I was definitely not expecting this.
He is not blushing or stuttering.
He is owning me.
And that makes me even more wet.
“Go put the blue one on” he takes a step back, trying to control his breathing.
He wants this to last longer.
He doesn’t want to cum too fast.
I move away and Jason closes his fist around his cock to jerk it off. But he doesn’t fully wank it like a man looking for an orgasm. He just moves his hand up and down, slowly, keeping himself erect. And I wanna do that! I wanna put my fingers around him and feel that girth.
“Can I do that?” I ask, thirsty.
“You can do what I fucking told you to do” he snaps.
“Ok” I am so turned on right now I could light up a small town.
“Ok? What happened to the yes, sir?”
I turn to look at him and he is still treating his cock to those God forbidden slow caresses.
I don’t remember ever wanting a man in my throat that bad.
“Nothing, sir” I am out of breath so my words are barely a whisper “I meant, yes, sir”
I take off my black bra before looking for the blue one he wanted. But I think the sight of my naked tits bobbing is more than he can handle.
“Come here”
“You told me to put on the blue one”
“That was before, now I’m telling you to come here”
I have nothing but the black thong covering my body and if I didn’t already feel hot as fuck, the way he looks at me (filled with a raging lust) would make it so.
I kneel back at his feet cause I know what he wants, and I wanna give him everything.
“Yes, sir”
“Such a good kitten” he admires me for a moment. I think he is trying to decide what he wants to do with me first. “Lean back a little” Back? I think he’d want my mouth again but actually he… it’s my tits. He presses his lips like he is trying very hard to keep his mouth from watering. His cock is hard, pointing up like a solid piece of wood “Stand up” he finally decides.
“You wanna touch them?” I moan, getting up and he doesn’t even wait for confirmation. He grabs both my tits, one in each hand, as if he was fully prepared to rip them off.
“I wanna bite them” he is almost biting his own words. He squeezes hard and unkind, turning me on even deeper.
“These are a good handful” he groans. My tits are so sizeable and his grip is so tight that part of my flesh is trying to escape between his fingers. I’m gonna have his fingers printed to my skin for the next two days, no doubt.
Now, I didn’t know you could grab and pull someone by the tits like that. But you really can. Jason pulls me in using nothing but my tits, forcing me to step closer to him. Close enough for him to kiss me. I liked having his cock in my mouth cause I never had his tongue. Damn, this man is a good kisser.
I don’t know if he is experienced, but you can definitely feel his desire with every stroke of his tongue. Enough desire to make me melt and moan.
“Take it off” he commands me. I start removing my thong cause I know that’s what he means, but as soon as I bend my body a little he holds his cock between my legs.
His moan is hoarse and heavy. He is feeling my warm pussy and wishing for it to the point of insanity.
I bend a little more, rubbing myself against his hard shaft.
He aligns the tip with my slit as he holds my waist.
“Can I have it?” he whispers, his cock slighting moving to make his intentions clear.
He is already so perfectly aligned that all I have to do is push myself against him. And that’s exactly what I do before saying “Yes” in such a way that the word feels more like a moan than a reply.
He doesn’t blush.
He doesn’t stutter.
He doesn’t hesitate.
He doesn’t shy away.
He is in control.
Absolute control. Taking my pussy and making it his with large and powerful thrusts. I feel sweat dripping down my neck to the tits he is still grabbing and shaking as he fucks me.
He guides my hand to my clit so he can watch me please myself even more. It’s not an easy thing to rub yourself with nails as long as mine and I think I accidentally scratch him here and there. Just like last time, he cares not. He fucks me even harder. Senseless.
There is an urgency about him. Muttering things I can barely hear or make sense of. I think he is calling me beautiful. I think he is calling me a whore.
I start to cum on his cock, biting his lips instead of mine, drowning in the words I hardly hear him say.
I think this is when I realise I never had an orgasm with a man before. And the ones I had alone were nothing like this.
This is stronger. It’s powerful. Feels like a force of nature. Like a tidal wave. A hurricane of pleasure washing away your body and leaving nothing behind.
I try to scream while gasping for air. There is a moan trapped in my throat that never ends.
I think this is what heaven should be like. That one climatic moment, on top of the wave, when all else fades and you are overcome with a pleasure so pure it makes your body numb.
“On your knees” he commands through grinded teeth.
Such despair.
Such urgency.
I get down on my knees, Jason grabs my face and fucks my mouth.
He is grabbing my hair and using my throat as he pleases. I remember a few moments ago, when it felt like he was fighting two different forces… they have now blended into one: all he cares about is throat fucking me. Hard.
I am almost gagging, but I want him more than I want air.
His moans get louder as he gets closer. I can feel his hard cock swelling on my tongue. Throbbing. More and more until he cums, with tremors taking over his body, moaning my name softly. Jason unload his balls down my throat and I swallow all of it. Licking him clean while he catches his breath.
He falls on my bed, momentarily deprived of strengths, and pulls me with him.
I laugh and kiss him. Our naked bodies intertwined.
I grab his arm to check his watch.
“Hey, aren’t you gonna be late?”
“What?” his voice seems far away. He is still holding on to me, enjoying the feel of my body against his.
“Weren’t you busy in an hour? It’s been an hour”
“Hmm” is all he says. His eyes are closed and he is drifting off. Still holding me as I’m the only thing that matters right now.
I don’t think he remember anything else.
I don’t think he cares.

[MASSAGE] I (F30) accidentally went to an erotic massage class with my best friend (M30)

I’ve been dreaming about fucking Josh for 15 years.
Let me take you back real quick to explain: we met in kindergarten, our mothers became fast friends and we grew up together.
He was my partner in crime when we were kids.
Then we hit puberty and I started to notice… new things about Josh.
I was 19 when I found out how wet a woman can get.
Josh was playing basketball with his friends while me and a couple of girls made fun of him for not shooting a single ball into the hoop. Bad Shooter we kept calling him. Or just shooter. But then he took off his shirt (I don’t remember why) and we all went quiet.
Or at least I did.
Maybe the other girls didn’t, I don’t know. I wasn’t paying attention anymore.
Josh had a slim body, his beard was starting to come alive back then and the sight of him all sweaty and breathless like that… did things to me.
I didn’t really know what it was at first.
I walked all the way back home with this discomfort between my thighs. Like something was tickling me from the inside. Like a tiny little hook playing with my vagina, pulling the right spot every now and then forcing my hips to move.
I couldn’t stop thinking about Josh’s sweat.
His sweat! Of all things!
I kept daydreaming about what it would taste like.
I thought I was sick. It had to be a disease, right? Somo virus infections you get from standing too close to creeps in line to the movies or something. Licking your lips all afternoon long with heavy eyelids, contemplating licking the sweat off your best friend’s chest was not a sign of good health, of that much I was sure.
The first few times I masturbates wasn’t with Josh in mind.
But the best ones, definitely were.
I overheard him making out with his girlfriend once. He said some really naughty things I could never imagine coming out of nice-boy-Joshua’s mouth, and yet there they were. I got home that night and my clit was never before so furiously flicked.
I came, moaning his name.
Of course, I never breathed a word of this.
He had some girlfriends through the years.
I had some boyfriends.
We both had quite serious relationships (with other people) every now and then… I moved on.
He never showed any sign of interest, quite the contrary: I once asked him to come over and accidentally started talking about my first time. We talked about sex for four hours, then he got up said it was so great to have someone he could be this comfortable with… and left.
I was so horny that night, I had tears in my eyes as soon as he closed the door.
We were 21.
I think that was the last time I tried, he clearly wasn’t interested.
That’s why the other day (when we accidentally went to an erotic bath and massage together) I was surprised by his interest.
I had to lie on his lap in the bathtub and I could feel him hard behind me.
I wanted to ride him so bad I could faint.
We survived that bath I know not how and afterwards he fucked me, bent over the masseuses table.
That was fifteen years in the making and I enjoyed every inch of it. If only it hadn’t ended so fast. But alas, it looked like he was turned on by “naked wet lady” not by “Elise”. Which is me, by the way. I’m Elise, hello.
I say that because I said I was definitely interested in a refill, anytime, and he left me hanging outside the metaphorical Burger King with a giant plastic cup in my hand. I look sad and pathetic, don’t I?
To be fair to Josh, I was busy these last two weeks. And he did text and call. It was just so tame all the time.
He just fucked me raw after an erotic bath and I said “more, please”. Why would he follow that with a text that reads “Hey, did you finish reading Brothers Karamazov?”.
That’s the book he lent me.
I have to think he is not interested in me, right?
I HAVE to think that.
We just fucked, I said “please PLEASE more” and he texts me about some book I borrowed?
He has to not be interested, cause it’s impossible a guy would have zero game that bad.
It took me a day to figure out to reply.
And from there on things just got more awkward to the point where (I think) we were avoiding each other.
At least I have Andy.
Andy is a great friend, and I love him.
One of these people you just wish could live forever.
He invited me for a tantric massage class (that’s the massage with sex or something) and I said yes cause I needed to keep my mind off Josh.
Though a sex massage will probably end up making me think of Josh all day… but one can try.
I get there first and it’s not long until I hear:
“Hi Ells”.
Andy doesn’t call me “Ells”.
Nobody calls me “Ells”.
People call me Ellie or Elise.
The only one who calls me “Ells” is…
“Hi Josh”
He comes in for a kiss on the cheek, I come in for a hand shake, he gives up on the kiss and goes for the hand shake as I give up on the hand shake to go for a hug.
It’s a disaster.
And he is my best friend.
We dance uncomfortably around each other and end up shaking hands like we just made a deal on transporting goods through the Suez Canal.
Had sex with him not two weeks ago.
Andy finally arrives after five minutes of horrible silence between me and Josh.
He has his boyfriend with him and I am very confused.
“You invited me or Josh?” I ask.
“I invited you both! I made a reservation for two, but I didn’t know that each reservation already included a plus one!” He laughs “Silly me”
“Yeah” I try to laugh but the noise that comes out of me is on of agony “Silly, silly you”
“I thought the two of you could team up” Andy says “I know it’s a sensual massage, but nobody needs to undress and you guys have been friends forever, so it’s cool, right?”
Andy is a horrible friend and I hate him.
One of these people you just wish you could kill.
He walks right in with his boyfriend and because they are man on man they get placed at a different class.
Aaaand… it’s just me and Joshua once more.
I really admire these unique ways Life has to fuck me up.
I’d rather just crash my bike into a tree or have the wind blow up my skirt, you know?
But no.
Life has me in a sensual massage class with the guy I’ve been wanting to fuck since I was 19, AFTER he shut me down once we had sex.
Thanks so much, Life. I’ll get you a great gift for Christmas.
The classroom is just four couples (ourselves included) and the teachers. There are mats on the floor and a box with instruments for each couple.
We receive a long list of instructions, set to make sure we are comfortable (I am not) and happy (I am not). The teacher tells us there is a few baths on the next room for those of us who wish to clean up and it is at this point that Josh lets out a laugh of despair.
He looks in pain.
“It was unlikely when this happened to us by accident once” he says “But is it really happening twice?”
He laughs some more and this time I join him.
“Is this weird?” I ask “Not the class… us, I mean. Are we weird?”
He takes a really deep breath as if he understood what I said, though I’m not really sure he did.
“We’re not weird, Ells. We’re good” he says, and I believe him.
The teacher sets up folding screens to separate the couples in a way we can all still seem him and then, after giving some beginner instructions, he says whoever wishes to undress may do that now.
Me and Josh pass.
He lies down first and I try to massage him following the given techniques. But massaging a fully dressed man with jeans and pullover is not great.
At this point I’m willing to just go home having learned nothing and make a voodoo doll out of Andy to shove under hot water. But Josh shrugs.
“I can undress” he says “Would it be weird for you?”
But I… God, I’d really like to touch him. Last time, I sat on his lap and then was bent over the masseuses table. I didn’t get to see him much or touch him. So maybe this is fair?
I tell him ok and he undresses.
Everything but the boxers.
I’m a little disappointed but we’re not telling anyone that.
I keep following the instructions from the teachers. Tantric massage, as it turns out, has a lot to do with fingertips.
While other types of massage seem to focus a lot on position and pressure, this one seems to focus or hightening the senses. I slide my fingertips through Josh’s body. Very lightly from his shoulders gliding down his arms all the way to his hands. One arm first. Then the other. Stopping at each wrist to add some pressure here and there as instructed by the deep meditating voice of our teacher.
My touch is like a feather on his skin, trying to feel him almost more than he can feel me. Like a caress from a lover across the dinner table, when you both want sex and know it’s coming, but understand you are still at a public place and have to restrain yourselves.
I touch Josh everywhere.
His feet, his ankles, going up his legs to his knees before going back down.
I quickly notice something else: not just pressure seems to matter here but also location. You’d think that a sensual massage would go for all the best hits: chest, neck, inner thigh, lower abdomen… Instead, this massage goes everywhere but.
I’m told to go up his leg but not much further than his knee.
I’m told to go through his arms but avoid the neck.
All the touches on his chest are quick.
It’s getting me to a point where I wanna grab him more.
Instead the teacher has me spend a lot of time in the most stupid places: massaging his wrists, his elbows, his ankles… it’s like this is a class in joint pain management for elders.
Eventually, they let me go further and further over his knees. Caressing the outside of his thighs, then the inside. I am told to change pressure an I sink my fingers deep between his thighs. Josh jolts up a bit and I look up to apologize cause I think I hurt him. But what I see is Josh with his eyes shut, his fists clenched, his breathing shallow through ajar lips. And his dick is hard.
Very extremely hard.
Rising up without a question hard.
Pushing the boxer to the limits of its elasticity hard.
Fuck, I wish he wanted me.
I wish he could take me home and plunge that thing in me.
“I’m sorry” I say tentatively “Do you want me to stop?”
“No” he says, immediately “God, please, no”
Well.. if he is enjoying it…
I slide my hands up his inner thighs all the way to his boxers. And since this massage is all about fingertips, I stay to tease mine in the edge of his underwear. Almost going in, but never quite.
Josh is biting his lip so hard his skin is going white around his teeth. He seems to be channeling a super human strength to keep him from humping the air.
He can’t breathe and he refuses to open his eyes.
I let just a tiny bit of my fingers go into the underwear. I am debating whether to give him a handjob now or tease him more and I only notice I haven’t been paying attention to the instructions because the teacher (very loudly) goes “Now change! Change places!”
I was so close.
My frustration is mine alone. Josh sits up, eager as fuck.
“You need help with that?” he practically drools as he tugs my sweater.
He wants to undress me.
He wants that so bad he forgot about everything else.
“I got it” I say and he nods obsessively, staring at my tits like the world will vanish if he loses eye contact.
I take off my sweater and my shirt. Then my pants and shoes and… well… everything except for bra and panties.
I lie down on the mat and it’s his turn.
And let me tell you: he enjoys the fuck out of it.
His fingertips are all over me. When I was doing this to him I thought it would feel differently. I thought it felts like a smooth caress and a soft tickle.
I was wrong.
It burns.
It’s like he soaked his fingers in the fires of Hell. Anywhere he touches me, my skin goes hot and feverish, as if every part of my body suddenly learnt how to gasp.
Doesn’t take me long to understand why he got so hard. This thing were the fingers come all the fucking way to your knees only to go back is torture. This fucking teacher should be sent to be tried at Hague.
The touches going up and up and up make you squirm and tear and beg, only to go down and down and down.
I am wet, yes, but the really embarrassing part is realizing I’ve been muttering “please, please, please” underneath my breath for the last ten minutes.
Josh is touching my stomach now, leaning towards me getting so close I think he’ll swap the fingertips for nose tip any second now.
I hear the instructions telling him to slide his fingers over my breasts and that’s when I feel his mouth on my ear.
“Can I take this off?”
He means my bra.
He wants to take off my bra.
I mean, he has seen my boobs. It looks like he wants to see them again. And I kinda wanna show them again. So win-win?
I nod and he unclasps it with ease, removes it with ease and stares at what is left with difficulty.
It’s a turn on to watch him getting turned on.
He bites his lip again but it is perfectly clear he is considering biting my nipples.
His fingers are back on my skin, going from my stomach all the way to the top of my tits, surrounding my nipples.
The teacher told the class to move on to another body part, but Josh decided to go off script and he will hear no complaint from me. His hands are still on my tits, feeling their weight on his palms, trying to grab the whole before letting go only to pinch little bits of it all around, watching my skin pink up.
He is breathing so heavily I can hear it. Not moaning, just breathing. Like he is constantly running out of air.
He looks so good.
So fucking handsome.
With his eyes almost disappearing behind heavy eyelids and his some of his hair.
I want to kiss him.
I want him to kiss me.
I want him to take me home and make love to me intentionally.
But for now I’ll settle for whatever this is.
There is a drop of sweat running down his temple and I remember the basketball game and being 19 years old. And it seems my whole body remembers it as well. I arch my back so hard it gives him pause.
“God” I whimper.
“Shh, what is it, honey? What is it?” He begs with a lustful whisper.
“I could lick you right now” I confess.
Josh’s eyes go bright. There’s a wildness there now that wasn’t there before.
“I could put your cock in my mouth and suck until you forgot where we were”
His hands are shaking.
Still grabbing my tits, but shaking.
Josh is about to say something else but the teacher is telling the class about a Yoni massage or something that sounds a lot like Josh’s fingers in my pussy, so I cover his mouth with my hand.
“Shush” I say, quickly “You’re not supposed to be touching my boobs anymore”
He doesn’t seem to care.
He closed his eyes and is currently licking my fingers over his mouth while still fondling my breasts.
“Josh, here…” I take over his hands and guide them down my stomach all the way inside my panties.
Then he wakes up.
The teacher is describing how the pussy needs to be massaged, but Josh cares not. He takes off my panties so fast and violently I’m quite sure he’ll just fuck me in the middle of class. Instead, he spreads my legs apart and stares at (what I can only assume is) my very wet pussy.
He leans over and I think he’ll touch me but instead he eats me.
His mouth covering my entire puss, licking my clit like a thirsty dog getting a bowl of cold water. He grabs my clit with his lips, pulling and tugging on it and I can’t breath anymore. I think I might suffocate myself and pass out.
I grab his hair and move my hips, grinding his tongue.
Which is when the teacher snaps at us (I think) telling us to use the bullet? Whatever the fuck that is.
Josh stops eating me with rage on his eyes. Staring at the teacher’s commands as if he was just about ready to commit murder. He takes the bullet from the box of items while the teacher explains that this is a special kind of bullet. Which means it’s a bullet shape vibrator powered by not two, not four and not six, but eight batteries.
Josh tests it in his hand and his grin should tell me everything I need to know.
The bullet gets places on my clit and the vibration starts. It’s mild and I get a little disappointed. But not for long.
Josh caresses my thighs and stomach as the instructions tell him too, while exploring my pussy lips, clit and slit with the bullet and increasing it’s power bit by bit.
Every now and then, when the teacher gets distracted, he licks me.
Or smells me.
Or bites me.
He can’t stay away from my pussy and I’m loving every second of it.
Until the bullet’s vibration gets too strong. It gets so powerful I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. And then it gets even more powerful.
I never had anything like this between my legs, that thing is making my whole body shake and every muscle give up. I can’t breath. I can’t moan. I can’t scream.
I have tears running down my cheeks.
The orgasm burns as if Joshua was setting fire to my clit while shoving me full of querosene. And then he fingers me. The bullet is still destroying my clit while two fingers ravage me so powerfully I feel my tits jumping wild in every direction. I wanna hold on to something but there is nothing. I am on the floor on a mat, bending my arms back, desperately looking for a pillow or a headboard that instinct tells me should be there. But it’s not. It’s just Ellie, sliding through the floor while Josh’s fingers fuck her senseless.
I finally find some air to moan, but it’s nothing but a fragile whisper. Tear, so many tears.
It doesn’t end. The orgasm doesn’t end. It build up more and more until the hooked fingers inside me brush that nice little spot inside every woman and I scream. I have no idea where I find the air to scream. Maybe from the explosion created inside me. I shake and squirm one last time, before dropping dead to my side. Faintly aware of Josh licking my thighs.
The teacher is now saying something about a Lingam massage and telling us to change places again. I am half dead but Josh was an amazing soldier and he deserves the best compensation.
I pull his boxers down and get not a peep of complaint from him. The tip of his dick gets stuck on the fabric for a second before wobbling free. He is good and thick. Large enough to make a girl go “hmmm”, and “hmmm” I go.
I put my hands on his staff and follow every instruction I am given with extra enthusiasm.
Josh looks me in the eyes while I do it. My thighs still covered in my cum and his spit, massaging his cock while couples around us moan finding their own pleasure and releases. He is clenching his fists again, and I understand: he would love to grab on to something as well.
His cock is so thick, like a water balloon being filled. I feel it pulsating in my hands as he gets closer. His muscles are all tense, and so much on his throat that I can see every one of his veins.
He’s there. He’s ready.
He just needs a tiny little push.
I lean over his cock and without ever breaking eye contact, I put the tip on my lips. I lick the little wet hole on top pushing my tongue in and Josh explodes his load on my mouth and face. The teacher carries on talking about Lingam-whatever and movements while Josh still cums and cums. I pull my face away but there is still thick white sperm leaking out of his cock. I’ve never since such a long fat load in my life.
Almost enough to make me horny again.
But the teacher is making his closing statements and guiding everyone towards breathing and cleaning.
Which we do.
We get dressed and as we are walking out, Josh holds the door open for me.
He still has my cum on his fingers, I still have his cum on mine.
“So” he shrugs with a smile “You wanna accidentally go to a strip joint next? Or a swing club maybe?”
I giggle as I walk out the door.

I (F23) overheard my roommate (F21) and her bf (M22) having sex and fantasising about me, I was caught and invited to join (MÉNAGE, DENIAL, RESTRAINTS)

I know what those noises mean.
I might be a virgin, but c’mon! They are panting and moaning and whispering with husked voices. You don’t need to be experienced to know what that adds up to.
I’m sitting on my bed, hugging my knees and trying to ignore the noise. Pretending I am far away while my cordless ear phones charge enough for me to use them. Hell of a day to run out of battery, huh? Had I known Paisley and Blake were planning on going full porn in the room next door I would have prepared better.
Hearing them is bad.
And not just because I’m a 23 year old virgin with no boyfriend, a new job that I try to pretend isn’t scaring me, the tiniest boobs God ever chose to give a woman, a libido that goes from 0 to 100 faster than a Ferrari and ear phones that run out of battery too fast…
Hearing them is bad cause it’s Paisley!
She is not my little sister, but she is close enough. She has been my roommate for a couple of years and we practically grew up together since she’s best friends with my actual little sister.
So hearing her boyfriend… fuck her (or whatever it is they are doing in there) is a tad disturbing to say the least.
She can be 21 all she wants, I have a hard time seeing her as more than a little girl.
I close my eyes tightly and try to pretend I am not there.
But Blake moans kinda loud and my pretending fails. Hard.
He moans a lot.
Actually… now that I think about it. I think he’s been doing most of the moaning. And whispering. Can’t really tell with the panting, but maybe that’s him also? I don’t hear Paisley at all. So maybe I can pretend he is just… you know… giving himself a treat and perhaps Paisley is not even there! That’s a good thought! Yay! So it’s not my almost little sister having sex, it’s just her boyfriend. Touching his hard penis. And moaning. Yeah… I don’t know if this is better.
Great. And I have to get up early tomorrow.
Blake moans a little louder and maybe he is close to finishing? I have no idea what a man does when he is close, but that one is probably a good sign, right?
Please, be done with this. Please, be done with this. Please.
“Fuck, sexy” I hear Blake panting on the other side of the wall “That was a good one, you’re getting better at this”.
You know what I need? I need thicker walls.
“I barely did anything” she whines. She sounds so small “I think you just really like Anika Green”.
Who the hell is Anika Green? It sounds like a porn star. Are they… watching porn together?
Yeah… I need thicker walls. 2 ft wide concrete walls like a vault at the bank.
“Nah, she is whatever. I like it better when we do the other thing”.
What other thing? You know, if you live in a place with thin walls you might as well not speak in codes, so the other listeners can keep up.
“I like the other thing better too” she purrs “So… you wanna do it? You wanna tell me about Laura?”
Ok. That name I recognise. Isn’t that Blake’s ex?
Why does Paisley want to hear about her boyfriend’s ex while in bed?
And WHY am I still paying attention to this conversation?
Thicker walls, Alexis, that’s what you need.
Walls so big, Ancient China would be proud.
“Nah, I already came”
“But I didn’t…”
“You never do, sexy” he sounds warm, like he is hugging her and stroking her hair “I like it better when you don’t cum. And so do you”
Uh? Excuse me, WHAT?
Alexis! For all that is good and holy, STOP listening to this!
“I guess” she says with a little attitude and I know Paisley enough to know she is smirking right now “That’s part of the fun. You sure you don’t wanna talk about Laura anyway?”
“Nah” he says and I wanna hurt him a little. What’s the problem with saying no. Does it have to be nah every time, Blake?
But he is still talking and I am a curious hypocrite wishing I didn’t want to keep on listening, but now I really do.
“I’m kinda over talking about Laura, sexy. We did that so many times already. I need something new”
“Like Anika Green?”
“Maybe. Or…” he teases and I can picture him smiling, waiting for her to say…
“Or… what?”
“We could talk about Alexis”.
I get up.
From the bed, you know?
Woman standing up.
I don’t remember deciding to get up, but there you have it.
He wants to talk about me?
He is in bed with… this is making no sense. Part of me is mad I always put headphones on when he is over. This is my first time listening to them so I have zero context. Is this common? What… what are the two of them doing over there?
“Alexis? I don’t know, Blake. She is like a big sister to me”
“Yeah… but not really?”
“I guess” the smirk again. I can hear the smirk. I can feel the smirk. Crawling in my skin, giving me goosebumps. She wants to talk about me too? What the hell, Paisley?
“She kinda looks like Anika Green, don’t you think?”
Alright, I gotta Google this woman.
“Oh yeah! I think Alex is hotter though”
“Abso-lutely” he takes his time with the word like he is picturing me naked. My cheeks burn in quiet shame.
This is wrong.
This is so wrong.
The Google search shows me exactly what I expected: a porn star.
And what I didn’t expect: she… kinda looks like me?
Skinny and hardly any boobs to speak of. In one of her pictures she even has her long dark hair braided… as I usually wear it.
“Would you like to watch me with her?”
“Blake…” Paisley tries to shame him, but her voice is so sweet she is shaming no one.
What the actual hell is happening over there?
“Tell me, sexy. Would you like to watch me take Alex’s clothes off?”
She takes forever to answer and I am not proud to admit I have my ear pressed so deep into the wall, I’m about to dig a window.
“Yeah… but what else would you do to her”
“All of the things I never let you do” I think he kissed her. And that’s when it hits me.
Paisley likes this.
She likes to watch him with other women.
She likes to be there when he watches Anika Green and touches himself.
And he doesn’t let her cum.
I am a virgin, yeah, but I’m not an idiot living under a rock. I know what kink is.
And I suppose that’s what it looks like. Or sounds like.
“Like what?” She insists “What would you do to Alex? Tell me”
“I’ll tell you what, sexy. Why don’t you make a list of what you want. And I can describe it for you?”
I hear the bed moving. And something weird that sounds like… leather? Maybe? I push my ear harder against the wall and I think I’m gonna shut down my circulation in half a minute.
“I’d like to see you make Alex lose control. We once overheard her talking to her friends about this guy she was seeing. He went hard in his jeans and she straddled him. Grinding him. She said it felt good and part of her wanted to take off his pants but she knew better. She always knows better… I wish I could see her…”
“Uh? Alexis?”
I push the wall so fast I drop down.
Blake is in my room.
What the hell is Blake doing in my room.
I should ask him, not you:
“What the hell are you doing in my room?”
“The door was unlocked and a little open. Were you… listening?” He points to the wall and to the obvious fact that, when he walked in, I was attempting to become one with the building.
“What? No. I was not listening to you. Why would I be… listening to what?”
“I never said listening to us” He has this amazing smile.
Blake is handsome. Not the hottest guy in the planet, mind you. But pretty hot.
Very pretty hot.
“Why aren’t you in there with your girlfriend?” I try to sound stern and bossy, but he just caught me listening in to him and his girl watching porn, so I don’t know how much authority I’ll be able to impose here.
“I was getting some water” he answers, staring at me in (what I can only imagine is) the same way he stared at Anika Green. He is checking out my body and he is so smooth about it. I don’t feel offended or exposed. I just feel… seen. And admired. “You wanna come with me for a sec?”
“Where to?”
“I mean, if you were listening to us and…” he goes quiet and we can clearly hear Paisley through the wall saying “I wanna see you fingering Alex until she begs you to take her. She’s been a nice little virgin long enough. I wanna see her virgin blood all over your cock”
Blake picks up his sentence right where he left off “… and I really think that you were” his smile is almost a laugh “Then the decent thing to do is tell Paisley about it, don’t you think?”
“I don’t…”
“You’ve been listening to her deep secrets, uninvited! She has the right to know this from you”
I open my mouth in silent protest.
Damn it, he made me feel guilty.
This was supposed to be a victimless crime, but now Paisley will know I heard. She will feel so bad and embarrassed and I… I want to protect it still. This horrible Big Sister Complex I suffer from. I can’t let Little Ley be embarrassed around me, feeling like she did something wrong. And I definitely don’t want her hearing this from Blake.
I take a deep breath and follow him to her bedroom.
He pushes the door open and that’s when I see her.
Paisley is tied in bed.
No… that’s not an accurate description.
She is bound. Like a criminal set to be tortured. She has thick ropes around her thighs restraining her movements as she lays in bed, completely vulnerable. I can’t see her hands, but her arms are pushed back and the way she barely moves tell me her wrists are also tied. Probably by the same rope going around her torso to squeeze her boobs, which (like mine) aren’t that big to begin with.
Her red hair is falling all around her, but seems to have been strategically placed so it doesn’t cover her pale nipples. And she is so skinny! Bones in her hips sticking out, barely any curves about her. She looks like a painting. Like something sacred religious orders would put up on a wall to adore.
Her breasts are naked, like a greek sculpture, but she still has her panties hoovering slightly above her skin, suspended by her pointy hips.
And… she is blindfolded.
“You can come in” Blake says. I freeze at the door while he walks into the room like that is the most normal thing to ever happen ever in history of ever.
“Blake?” She asks “What’s happening?”
“Alexis is here. She wanted to tell you something”
“What?” Paisley shakes in bed, though it seems like she is more trying to squeeze her thighs than escape “What? Blake! Let me go!”
That makes my blood boil and I march to her.
“You heard her! Asshole! Let her go”
“Calm down” he starts undoing some knots and I stop, overseeing his work to make sure he’ll let her go.
“It’s ok, sweetie!” I remove her blindfold “I’m getting you out of here, alright?”
She blinks, her eyes getting used to the light.
Her nipples… look harder now than they did a second ago.
“What are you doing here?” She whimpers.
“She was listening to our talk, through the wall” Blake doesn’t even give me a chance “Weren’t you, Alex? Had her ear so tight against the wall she must have paint all over her earrings”
“I’m sorry” I try to start but that’s when I notice Blake isn’t releasing her. He is… changing her position. He moved the ropes and knots enough to open her legs. The thick ropes are now around her knees and ankles keeping her spread open like some naughty roasted chicken.
“What the hell are ou doing!” I go for him to help set her free but he holds my wrists.
He is strong.
He grabs me and there is no question I won’t be free unless he wills it.
“This is what she wants”
“Fuck you! Let her go! NOW!”
“She didn’t say all in on black”
I am so confused.
“That’s our safe word. Is she says it’s all in on black, I release immediately. But she didn’t say that. She wants this.” He smiles “You wanna bet? You betting, sexy?” He asks her, giving her a cue to say the so-called safe word.
She gulps slowly and has something horny in her eyes.
“Come here, I’ll explain how it works” he whispers to me before approaching Paisley again. He sinks his finger between her skin and the panties, in the little gap created by her hip bones pushing the fabric up.
He slides his finger in the gap, casually caressing her.
“Come here” he invites, warmly.
I know I need to make a decision right now.
If I go, I go.
But if I stay, I’m saying I’m fine with whatever happens next.
It’s Paisley.
God, we almost grew up together.
I can’t.
I can’t, I really can’t.
And yet, as soon as I move, I notice I’m walking towards him, not away from him.
He smiles cause he noticed that too.
“She likes to watch” he says and I was already suspecting as much “But you’ve been listening to us, so you probably already know that. What you don’t know is that poor little Paisley was never allowed an orgasm”
“That’s impossible” is the first thing I say “You can deny her, I know what kink is! But she doesn’t need you for an orgasm. She can just finger herself in the…”
“Have you, sexy?” He asks her “Have you ever fingered yourself?”
“I tried” she confesses, blushing “I don’t know how to”
“You wanna show her, Alex?” His smile would make the devil proud “You wanna teach your little sister how it’s done?”
“She is not my…
“Whatever. She needs help” he says. And that’s an understatement. Paisley has her nipples hard enough to make icy rocks jealous. She is flushed in a way I’ve never seen her before. There is sweat (which I suspect is cold cold sweat) dripping down her temple. She is panting and moving her hips like she is so ready for sex her body can’t take another second without “Are you gonna help her” he guides me “Cause I’m not… If it’s up to me, she’ll grow old without an orgasm”
That line does something to Paisley.
Her whole body shakes like a wave is taking over her.
“No, Blake, please. Please just do something to me. Let me cum”
“No, I don’t think I will” he says “Maybe you can do it yourself if Alex is willing to teach you”
I can’t get my eyes off of Paisley.
Spread open like that with her tiny boobs squeezed by rough ropes. Flushed and sweating. Begging with endless moans to be allowed to cum.
“I can’t do this to her…” I whisper, like I have no voice anymore “I can’t, you’re her boyfriend”.
“You don’t understand how much she wants this” he has scissors on his nightstand and he uses them to cut off Paisley’s panties. The innocent piece of fabric is slid open and falls off her body exposing the mound between her legs, glistening with things that a body only produces when sex is either imminent or heavily desired.
It almost looks like drool, doesn’t it? Like the flesh between her thighs is so very hungry, it starts to leak its very own kind of saliva. A thick string forms between her pubes and the falling panties.
I know a woman gets wet. Of course I do.
I get wet myself.
But never like that.
I’ve never seen that much pleasure before.
My turn to gulp.
“Here, I’ll help you” Blake offers me his hand and may God forgive me but I take it.
He guides me to bed, slowly removing my shorts.
I’m pretty skinny myself and he is strong enough to handle me with ease. His hands feel good sliding down my legs. He twirls his finger on the side of my panties.
“Can I take this off?”
I look at Paisley. I think I’m asking permission.
I think I’m waiting for her to go all in on black.
But she doesn’t stop us. It’s the opposite. She looks like she wants to focus on us more than she wants to live, but she is so turned on she is losing control over her body. Her eyes roll to the back of her hard while she fights hard to get them to come back. She doesn’t nothing but pant and beg, moving her hips as if she was being fucked by a ghost.
“Please” is all she says “Please, let me cum. Pleasepleasepleaseplease”.
I can barely understand the individual words. It sounds like crying. It sounds like praying.
And that damn sticky juice that keeps sliding out from between her legs.
“Here” Blake side-sits on the bed facing Paisley and brings me with him. He sits me between his legs and that’s when I notice his hard on against my back.
It’s just like when he was checking me out earlier… he is so smooth and casual, his erection doesn’t bother or offends me. It’s just there. It just is.
“This too?” He holds the bottom of my shirt as if ready to lift it.
“No” I hold on to it, cause I don’t want my boobs out in the open. I’m not exactly proud of them.
I think he knows exactly what my hesitation is cause he kisses my shoulder and says “You sure? I wish I could seem them. I love small and tiny tits, just like yours. Turns me the fuck on”
I shake my head no and he does respectfully let go of my shirt.
“Alright… Pais?” He demands her attention “Alex is gonna show you how it’s done”
“Yes” she begs/cries/prays “Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou”
She changed the word but I feel her agony. And that is the exact word for it: agony.
The poor thing is agonising. I can hear it in her pleads. I can see it in her blushing cheeks. I can smell it in the lust filled air.
Blake helps me keep my legs open. He guides my hands to my slit and keeps his own just above mine. Caressing my almost inexistent pubes as if to keep himself occupied.
“Go for it” he says, with a hoarse voice heavy with want. His free hand is on my right knee, keeping me nice and open. He stares down over my shoulder, enjoying my nakedness. Waiting for me to do something.
“I don’t… know what to do” I say.
“Finger it, lovely” Oh great, I got a nickname too.
“I… I…”
“You don’t know how to finger?”
“I usually use toys”
“Just copy what guys do to you”
“I’m a virgin, Blake”
I can feel his dick going harder in my back. I didn’t really know it was possible to feel a man’s erection as it enlarges, but it absolutely is.
“For real?” He gasps.
“I thought Paisley was crazy. You’re too hot, there’s no way”
“I’ve had boyfriends. I just never wanted to… you know”
“Oh, what a fucking waste” he moves his hips so his dick will touch me a little “Alright, you want me to show you?”
Well… I already came this far, didn’t I? You don’t drive all the way to Vegas and then say no to the roulette.
I shrug and nod.
“Keep them open, ok?” His whispers are so warm I have trouble breathing. He slides two fingers on my pussy lips to keep them open and his other hand has no difficulty finding my clit.
I know this because he flicks it once, and I jump up like I wouldn’t mind hitting my head on the ceiling.
“Easy” he smirks, holding me down “Paisley?” He sings her name “Are you paying attention?”
“Yes” her voice is so high pitched I think she might actually die. I’ve never seen her turned on before obviously, but this feels like it’s a record breaker.
“Like this” he says, just for me. His hands are large and his fingers are strong. It’s nothing like touching myself before I get to the toys. Nothing. This feels like being fucked by a man. He plays with my clit, then covers my whole pussy with his hand and lets me grind it for a bit before going back to my clit.
I don’t take long to start riding his finger. And he starts enjoying it even faster.
“Alex” Paisley cries my name “Allie, pleeeease”
I hate seeing her like this.
It takes away the fun of anything else. I wanna cuddle her and protect her. This is not fair.
“Allie, please, please. Finger me? Please. He won’t. Please, I’m begging you, please”
I look at her pussy. It feels intimidating.
Am I just supposed to touch her and then w…
“No. Don’t even think about it” Blake decides holding my arms.
“She needs to cum” I whimper.
“Yeah…” he says with a dry smile “She really does. But she won’t”
Paisley is shaking, bound by the ropes. Convulsing. Like she was possessed.
“Then let him fuck you” she begs “I wanna watch, please”
“Get on your hands and knees” Blake says.
“W-what? Why?”
“Cause I wanna take this fucking virginity of yours right now. I want you to feel my cock inside you, I want you to bleed on it and I want her to watch”
Have you ever had goosebumps inside your pussy? Cause that’s the only way I can describe what’s happening to me right now.
“Unless you wanna go all in on black” he smiles “But you don’t look like the betting type”
I get on my hands and knees feeling my pussy twirl and jump and scream.
“I’m really not” I say.
“Didn’t think so” he says grabbing my hips. His cock is already out and it takes him 2 seconds to rip through me.
And again that’s the exact word for it: ripping me. Slashing me up. I feel him burning inside me and it hurts… until it doesn’t.
Until it really really doesn’t.
I am so wet he slides in without much trouble and as soon as he does, Paisley screams as if she is the one being fucked.
Blake is strong. He humps me so hard I start to move forward in bed, trying to contain his strikes with a back movement of my own, but it’s impossible and before I know it, I am so close to Paisley I can smell her pussy.
The proximity seems to pain her even more than all the rest. I notice tears running down her cheeks as she bites her lips hard enough to draw blood. Her body still moves, relentlessly. The tremors in her feet, fast as hummingbirds.
My poor Pais… she just needs anything.
“Shh, baby” I cry back trying to help “Look at me”
I have my face almost between her thighs and her boyfriend deep in my pussy.
She looks at me, begging through moans and tears.
“Allie, touch me”
“I will”. It doesn’t matter if it feels weird or intimidating. She needs this. I’ll be damned if I won’t help her.
I put my weight on my elbows so I can caress her legs but that seems to have the opposite effect. I wanted to calm her, my touch makes her explode.
Blake grabs my elbows and I feel the bed disappearing from under me as he keeps me held as if riding a horse. I move my head to the side to complain, but I my lips hit Paisley’s thigh instead.
She is so warm.
And so soft.
Blake fucks me harder. So hard I start to pant myself.
“I can’t, Allie. I can’t anymore. Please help me. Please. Help”
I can’t help though.
Blake made it clear he won’t touch her.
And I have no control over my hands anymore now that he is holding on to my elbows like that.
All I have is a cock being thrusted in me as if he wants to not only take my virginity, but rather murder it. He moves in an angle and hits this wonderful fucking perfect spot in me. I moan. And then I can’t stop.
Moan after moan.
Pant after pant.
With every strike of his cock I gasp.
My mouth inches away from Paisley, so every time I pant, my warm breath hits her pussy. And that’s much much more than she can take.
My soft breathing hitting her desperately needy pussy, soaked in her own juices. Her stomach goes rigid as she is about to cum.
“Allie. Fuck me. Finger me. Anything. Please.” The words keep leaving her lips like a song. Like a howl.
I got nothing.
Just one thing.
I lean in, sliding my nose against her pussy and catch her clit in my lips.
It’s so thick and round, so ready to be touched and pleased.
I nibble on it. Sucking and tasting her.
I’m locked in my head thinking it shouldn’t taste good, but there’s a weird part of me liking her in my lips more than him in my pussy.
It’s hard to say who appreciated my spontaneous move more: Paisley who screams louder, her body twisting so violently that the ropes start to crack her skin but she doesn’t even seem to care. Or Blake, who is moaning hard and fucking me harder.
I lick Paisley all the way up and down her slit until she goes quiet. Her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure and agony, feeling me probably just as much as I feel her.
Leaning like this, my shirt starts to slide up and Blake grabs my stomach. His hands keep inching up and up until he grabs my tits, playing with my nipples. He never removes my shirt like I asked. But his Hans find me all the same and he feels fucking great there.
His moan as soon as he touches my nipples make me feel hot as fuck.
He’s enjoying my body almost as much as Paisley is enjoying my tongue.
And I give her all of it.
I sink my tongue in. Tongue fucking her. Her muscles tightening as she is overcome with pleasure. Since Blake dropped my elbows to go for my tits, I have my hands again. I rub Paisley’s clit really hard while drinking her in and she explodes on my mouth. With delicious tiny little screams of a woman tasting an orgasm for the first time.
I have her climax in my tongue and that’s enough to push me over the edge as well.
I cum, my pussy grabbing Blake’s dick, pressing it harder as orgasm makes every muscle in my body tense and rigid. He enjoys that immensely.
“Take this off” his time to beg while I am still kissing Paisleys ravaged pussy “Take this off, please. Can I?” He tugs my shirt and I nod, letting him.
Blake removes my shirt and grabs my hips to throw me facing him, side by side with Paisley.
He pulls his cock out of me and fists it hard, taking himself over the edge. He cum, spreading his warm load all over my tits and Paisley’s.
And then it’s over.
Paisley looks like she could fall asleep right now.
Blake falls down beside me, playing with his cum on our tits, rolling it around our nipples almost falling asleep himself.
And me…
I got no idea what happens next.
But I’m so tired right now.
I think I’ll just close my eyes for a bit.
I’ll worry about this tomorrow.

I (F26) found a website that connects you with people who are willing to fulfill your sexual fantasies and got a man (M30’s) to fuck me in a train (PUBLIC SEX)

I was 19 years old the first time I masturbated.

I guess I felt the… *itch* before. I just never scratched it until then.

I didn’t know how and my religious upbringing made it feel wrong to try to find out.

And then that Friday happened. It was raining really bad and I was on my computer making random Google searches cause I was so bored.

Problem is Google has a way of becoming a rabbit hole, and if you fall deep enough all roads will lead to porn.

The video popped in my screen as a suggestion and I clicked it as a joke. I was just a little curious, I was just a little bored.

That was the first time I ever saw porn.

It was a woman on a train ride. She was wearing a silk shirt and a pencil skirt. Dark pantyhose and high heeled stilettos. She looked like a business woman on her way to an important meeting, but to the men on that train she was meat. And they were hungry.

[MASSAGE, EXHIBITIONISM] I (M30) accidentally went to an erotic massage and bath with my best friend (F30)

I’ve been dreaming about fucking Ellie for 15 years.
Let me take you back real quick to explain: we met in kindergarten, our mothers became fast friends and we grew up together.
She was my partner in crime when we were kids.
Then we hit puberty and I started to notice… new things about Ellie.
I think I was 20 the first time I allowed myself to think about her when I was masturbating. She has these beautiful tits and I had just spent a whole day thinking of what they would feel like around my cock if I ever had the chance to tit fuck her. So I wanked it really good, pretending my fist was actually Ellie kneeling before me and squeezing her breast so I could fuck them.
Never made a move though, because:
1 – I didn’t wanna risk the friendship
2 – There was never a right time
3 – I’m full of shit cause I’m actually a fucking coward
“Hey shooter” she hugs me really tight and smacks a kiss on my cheek “You ready?”
“You gotta stop calling me that” I hug her back.
“It’s cause of the thing with the guy in the place!” She whines, cause yeah, there’s a lot of backstory to that nickname.
“Yeah, but it sounds horrible without context, Ellie”
“Alright, Joshua” she makes a point to enunciate every letter of my name “Are you ready?”
“Yeah, what are we doing here again?” I let her guide us into the spa.
“It’s the prize I got at that sex fair thing”
“What were you doing at a sex fair again?”
“Keeping Andy company while he checked out the male stripper he is dating”
“What is Andy doing checking people he dates at their workplace again?”
“Why do you end every question with ‘again’?”
“It’s called being emphatic”
“It’s called being annoying”
“Andy shouldn’t be stalking people and you shouldn’t be helping”
“Whatever, Shooter”
“Whatever, Stalker”
The receptionist stares at both of us cause, like I said, that fucking nickname sounds horrible without context.
I am shy but Ellie doesn’t care. She gives the receptionist the gift card and her name for the settled appointment and we are asked to sit just for a minute.
“Hey Ells?”
“Why am I here ag…”
“Don’t say ‘again’, Joshua, I will hit you with something sharp”
“What am I doing here, Elise?”
“I told you”
“You didn’t”
“I really did”
“You really didn’t”
“Really? It’s a massage for two people. Andy couldn’t come cause he had a date. Natalie couldn’t get off work”
“I was your third choice?”
“Have you ever been to a spa before?”
“Have you ever wanted to come to a spa before?”
“Do you know what a spa is?”
“Kinda. Maybe. No” I keep correcting myself.
“Yeah, you were my third choice. I still love you the most though.”
The place is nice, I’ll give you that. There’s cucumber water, some low-fi music and the single most relaxing foyer ever designed. It doesn’t take long for the two masseuses to come and takes us to the rooms.
Only it’s not rooms (plural), it’s room (singular) which is an issue because we are two people (plural) and not one person (singular).
“Where do I go?” I ask.
“In here” the masseuse is a petite woman with some Angelina Jolie lips and a sweet smile.
“And where does she go?” I point to Ells.
“In here” Angelina smiles again, pointing to exactly the same door.
The two masseuses go into the room to set some robes for us and I whisper to my best friend:
“What the fuck kind of massage did you win?”
“I don’t know! It was free, I didn’t ask.”
“You can take off your clothes and put these robes on” the other masseuse is tall and has short straight hair like a brunet Heidi Klum.
“Where can we do that?”
Angelina smiles and says “In here”.
That’s three “in here” in a row. Angelina really does have a catch phrase.
They leave. We stay.
“So, we’re just supposed to get naked?”
“I’m wearing a bikini underneath. Aren’t you wearing a bathing suit?”
“No” I widen my eyes, blaming her fully for the lack of instructions I was given.
“I told you to wear one!”
“Stalker, when you have these conversations with me, do they happen in real life on inside your head?”
“I really told you”
“You really didn’t! Elise!”
“Just be naked then. We are grown ups and know each other for ages. So what if I see your willy? It’s fine”
It’s not fine.
It’s not fine that she sees my willy.
It’s not fine that the woman I’ve had a crush on for 15 years, the woman with the killer body that makes me drool and the sweet smile that makes me melt, thinks about my penis in such a low esteem that it gets called a willy.
“I’m not gonna get naked, Elise!”
“Do you have any ideia how much a massage at this place costs? Fine! I can be naked too, then you won’t be alone”
I close and open my eyes in absolute bewilderement at her solution.
“How does that help?” My whisper is as loud as it can be, while still being called a whisper.
“You’re shy. I’m not. So we do this together. Turn that way, I’ll turn this way. We’ll be wearing robes in no time” She starts undressing and I turn around like a man too scared to look directly at the sun.
She is naked.
Behind me.
With her tits out in the open and her pussy free from protection. I think her nakedness warms the air around her cause I’m feeling feverish. Like something coming for her direction is burning me up.
I get undress and into the robe. She asks if I’m done before she can turn, but I don’t turn back cause my dick is hardening and that’s the kinda of thing you can’t hide when all you got is a thin robe.
This was a horrible idea.
This is gonna be a nightmare.
I’m gonna lay on a table, naked, next to her, naked, and have to… relax? How is that possible?
If I had any remote idea this was how my day would turn out, I would have jerked off the fatest load before leaving my house.
I don’t wanna be a creep, ok? I don’t wanna risk ou ruin our friendship and I would never put her in a awkward position. But I have such an immeasurable crush on this women, it’s pathetic.
The masseuses come back, Angelina taps her table and I know what she is gonna say before she says it. “In here” she smiles, pointing to the massage table. Not even “on here” which I guess would be the right way to say it? Between that and her clear inability to understand plural vs singular, I think someone ought to teach Angie some grammar.
She and Heidi hold out a towel for each of us to protect our nakedness while we get out of the robes and on the tables. Great. Where were they before when I needed help? I’ve never been to a spa before but this makes no sense. Go in there and get naked and then put a robe and then I have this towel and you take off the robe then get naked again.
I lay down and try to pretend I’m somewhere else for the next 45 minutes.
The massage is not bad. But Ellie’s soft moans every now and then are insanity inducing.
I don’t think there is ailment worst than being horny for your best friend.
Actually, there are lost of ailments that are probably much worst, but right now I can’t think of any, so give me a break.
I have to take deep breaths and when Angelina asks me to turn belly up I feel my entire body blush and heat up cause I know I got a half pump going on and there is nothing covering my hips but a towel so she is definitely gonna see.
I wanna get out of here so bad it’s a blessing when they finally whisper in our ears telling us the massage is over.
Thank you, Lord.
“Now, if you two could walk up to the tub for the erotic bath” Heidi says like a news anchor wishing me a good night.
“Go to the what for the what now?” I tilt my head cause I’m sure I heard it wrong.
“The tub. For the erotic bath.”
“I’m sorry?” I shake my head cause stuff still doesn’t make sense and by now I really don’t trust the grammar around here anyway.
Ellie, however, seems to have figured something out as she has her hands over her mouth. Her jaw dropped a little and her eyes are lost in the horizon.
I am afraid to ask.
“What?” I whisper as the two Grammar Crazies go off to the tub to prepare it for us.
“The sex fair” she whispers back “That’s where I won this. Maybe it’s an erotic massage?”
“Hmhum, hmhum” I grunt, only slightly sane “And you didn’t think to check that?”
“It was a massage at a well known spa. I just thought it was a regular massage, I didn’t even know that…”
“In here” Angelina says and I smile like a psycho. This woman really only knows two words, doesn’t she.
“Should we leave?” I ask but Ells has a weird curious smile.
“I kinda wanna see what it is. But you can leave if you’re not comfortable”
An erotic bath with you, Ellie? That’s something I’ve been dreaming about like fifty percent of the times I shower.
This is not gonna end well.
This is gonna end terribly.
I should have excused myself but… I also kinda wanna see what it is.
“I’m not leaving if you’re not” I hesitate “You’ll call me a coward for the rest of my life”
Angelina snaps her fingers calling our attention:
“In her…”
“Yeah, yeah!” I growl.
I get to the tub first and Angelina, bless her, holds out a towel so I can undress and get in the tub.
Then it’s Ellie’s turn and look, I’m not stupid. Ellie is not stupid. I graduated at MIT. Ellie went to Law School at Yale. We are smart people. Really smart.
So tell me: how the FUCK did we forget we were gonna do this naked?
Cause, somehow, in the last two minutes I forgot.
And by the pale look on Ellie’s agonising face, so did she.
I am sitting in the bathtub with hot water and bubbles around me, so my nakedness is kinda safe.
Hers, however… I try to look away to give her some privacy walking in, but… she’s gonna be completely naked pretty much on my nose so, I don’t know how to save this.
It gets worst because Ellie can’t walk into the tub as easily as I did. She complicates herself coming and going so I have to look to try to help.
And then I die.
Josh died.
Bury Josh.
Give him his eulogies.
Elise’s tits are fucking heavy. Her mom is latina and her dad is Norwegian so she has these incredible combinations of traits. The luscious lips, the delicious ampersand curves. She has light brown hair and her pussy is slightly covered by some light brown pubes. She waxes the edges and shaves it to keep them almost gone. Her nipples are dark and small and I feel my head going light.
I’m gonna pass out.
I have imagined her for years, but I was nowhere near how hot she actually is.
She leans in trying to get into the tub and her tits drop in an angle that, if I were to stand up right now, I could fuck her tits with ease.
“Oh, for the love of…” I get up to give her a hand and help her in.
I am naked. I am hard. She looks down for a second and notices both these things.
Angie and Heidi have the towels up so they don’t see us, but at this point I don’t even know if I care.
I sit back in the tub, thinking to myself it can’t get any worst, but it can.
It really can.
The tub isn’t big enough for us to sit side by side, so Ellie has to sit on my lap.
I’d laugh in desperation, but I forgot how to.
I try to lean back so there’s the least amount of touch between us, but I’m hard.
I am so hard I feel my dick throbbing and begging for pussy.
I stare at the ceiling and take a deep breath. Angie and Heidi leave us to get some products or whatever. I don’t know, I didn’t hear what they said. All I can hear is a ringing in my ear.
I hold on to the edges of the tub like my life depends on it. I hold on so hard you can see the veins in my forearms popping up.
“I’m sorry” Ellie whispers “I didn’t know”
“It’s fine” I say, but there’s a horrible tremor in my voice “I’m sorry too, but I can’t… control it” I whimper, fully aware that my erection is poking her back.
“It’s ok. I understand. I don’t mind”
I let out a panic laughter and she turns her face to look at me.
She is so beautiful I wanna cry.
“It’s hard for me too”.
“I’m sharing so you don’t feel bad” she explains, with a voice so low it almost sounds like she is shy “Cause guys can’t hide it when they are turned on, right? Girls can. So… it’s hard for me too”
“You mean…?”
She seems to go a bit impatient.
“I mean I’m wet, Josh”
That doesn’t help.
It doesn’t help even one tiny little bit.
I bite my lips hard hoping the pain will control my boner, but it doesn’t. It’s raging under the water and poking hard at Ellies back. So hard, I can feel her soft skint agains my sensitive tip which means it’s getting harder by the second.
“You’re wet?” I ask, I don’t know why.
“Yeah. Really wet” she breathes heavily.
Angelina and Heidi are back. They have oils and start massaging our arms and napes and let me tell you, I’m about to cum in this water.
“Can I lean against your chest?” Ellie asks, quietly “This position is hurting my back”
“Yeah, but… I’m gonna get harder if you do that”
“I know. It’s fine. Can I?”
I nod and she leans against my chest.
Fuck, she smells good.
I grab onto the edges of the tub even harder. Angie is trying to massage my arms to get me to relax, but I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen.
I try to breath really slow.
I try to think of something else.
But I think my cock is poking Ellie a little too hard, cause she moves a bit and, clearly without giving it much thought, puts her hand between us to get it out of the way. Her fingers brush by my cock when she places it upwards and my entire body shivers.
I’m a pretty strong guy, and I grab the tub with such violence I might crack it.
“Sorry” she squeezes my thighs to apologize but her sweet touch on my legs make everything around me get out of focus.
I’m breathing in her ear, trying to fight the urge to bite it. I think our friendship is already seriously damaged. Honestly, I don’t know how we’ll get back from this.
“You want me to finish you off?” She whispers, so low I can barely hear.
“What?” I gasp, turning my head to sink my nose in her hair, I slide my nose down the side of her face, my ajar lips brushing on her ear.
“I can rub it off for you” she puts her hand between us again “Maybe that will make it a little easier?”
Fuck it.
Fuck it all to hell.
She nods and I place her hand on my cock.
Ellie closes her fist around it and jerks me off. I don’t ever wanna leave this fucking bathtub.
“You need help too?” My turn to ask “You said it was hard for you too. You want me to…?”.
Her turn to nod.
So I drop my hands in the water. I grab her thighs with both my hands and she gasps. I open her pussy lips and finger her. Her thighs squeeze my hands in place and she moans so deliciously I wanna eat her. I wanna eat her pussy so bad.
Angelina and Heidi, who are hot women in their own rights by the way, move on to massaging my chest. And I am 150% sure I will cum in a couple of minutes even if they didn’t say:
“Now it’s time for the rest of the massage. The one you give each other.”
I don’t even ask.
Fuck it.
Fuck everything.
I just close my eyes.
“Can we touch you more privately?” they ask and we both agree.
I think we both agree.
I don’t know, man. I am just a sack of meat and lust at this point.
Heidi guides Ellie’s body so she moves up a little and when her hand leaves my cock I get upset and change my mind. I want the masseuses to leave. Right now.
Angelina puts her arms in the water and holds on to my cock which is so hot and unexpected it makes every muscle in my body tense up. She aligns my cock’s tip with Ellie’s slit and Heidi tells Ellie to sit.
Fuck, I’m gonna fuck Ellie.
Yeah, sweetheart, sit on me. Do it. Fuck.
I can barely control my hips.
Ellie turns to make sure I’m ok with that. And I am completely ok with that if she is.
I nod. She nods. I think we share a smile.
And she sits.
Angie guides me inside her pussy and I stop breathing.
Ellie moans all the way until I’m fully inside her pussy and her ass is on my lap.
Her back is against my chest and she leans her head over my shoulder, lost in pleasure. I start giving her little kisses on her face and neck.
“Good like this?” I move my hips a little bit and her quick gasp becomes a little scream.
“Yeah” she begs, scratching my thighs. The masseuses are absolutely watching us have sex, but at this point I don’t think any of us cares “Fuck, it’s been so long” she moans.
“I haven’t had sex in like… a year” she confesses.
“Oh, honey” I bite her ear, really sweet “This beautiful pussy hasn’t seen a cock in a ear?”
She nods, biting her lips. Her eyes closed, her body arching. God, she looks like a fucking goddess.
“You gotta treat it better” I say, rubbing her clit and she starts moaning louder.
In all my dreaming, for whatever reason, I never thought about Ellie’s moaning. So that’s the bit that fucks me up the most cause she has these delicious little moans and gasps and screams. I want her to cum. I wanna hear her cum.
Ellie is probably thinking the same cause she starts riding me hard.
“No, don’t move” Heidi says, and they both hold her in place.
Don’t move? What kind of torture move is this?
Yes move! Let her move!
Fuck this!
Heidi and Angelina have their arms in the water again. I feel their hands on mine. The three of us competing over Ellie’s pussy lips and clit. They guide my fingers, then they finger her themselves. One of us is always grabbing Ellie’s slit, one of us is always grabbing her thighs, one of us is always grabbing her bean. And she feels us. With a never-ending moan that sounds like pleasure filled agony.
“Now you touch her” Heidi orders me and she doesn’t need to say that twice. I grab Ellie’s body like I wanna eat her with my fingers. I slide my grip up her stomach all the way to her tits and they feel even better in my hands than I’d imagined. I squeeze her fat tits and play with her nipples like I’m living the dream. I bite her ear and I think it’s too much, cause Ells sinks her hands in the water looking for her clit. And I think that makes me even hornier. She starts rubbing one out while eating my cock with her pussy and she would come if Heidi and Angie didn’t stop her.
They hold her hands, stopping her from rubbing it out and I think Ellie will cry.
“Now you turn” Heidi says.
They remove her from my cock only to turn her to face me. Ellie doesn’t wait and neither do I. She grabs my cock herself and guides it inside her without waiting for the masseuses, and as soon as my tip is aligned in her I move my hips in hard making her scream.
Her nipples brushing on my chest making patterns of their own while she wiggles around my dick, since the horrible women won’t let her ride me.
Ellie holds on to my shoulders and I kiss her. Really kiss her. Feeling her tongue on mine and my whole body is set on some kind of metaphysical fire.
Heidi and Angelina massage us both, pressing her body against mine so I can fully feel her tits, and I gotta say I love them for it. If I ever said a single bad word about these women before, I was fool, forgive me.
But again, they don’t let her ride me. And after a few minutes worth of massages, they guide her out of my cock again. I am desperate for more of her pussy and I hope the masseuses are just gonna give us a new position to fuck, but instead, they sit Ellie on my lap, like she was at the very beginning… completely out of my cock. And now I hate them again. They massage our napes and then excuse themselves for a few minutes and tell us it’s ok if we drift off and nap.
Drift off?
Sweetheart, are you fucking crazy?
“Get up” I say to Ellie as soon as they are gone “Get up get up get up get up”
She obeys me really fast. She gets out of the tub and hurries to her robe. I think maybe she misunderstood me. But when she bends over to get the robe I get the tip of my cock in her again, holding her hips in place.
“Ells, is this ok?” I say, in a fever dream.
“Yeah” she begs, pushing herself back to swallow my cock with her puss.
And then I fuck her.
I hold her waist and I fuck her like I’ve been dreaming of doing for 15 years.
She is wet and warm and delicious.
“Flick it” I tell her “Flick your clit, cum with me”
She does it. Fingering herself, one inch away from it. So fucking beautiful she is, fingering herself like this. I think I wanna watch her masturbate beginning to end.
I sink my cock in her, feeling her hole tight around me.
“Do I need to pull out?” I ask in a haze.
“No. You can cum in me”
“Yeah? Say that again?”
She starts moaning loud as fuck. She is cumming.
“In me, Josh. Fuck. Fill me up”
I let go.
My load explodes from my cock filling her up just like she asked. Making my legs and my arms shake, lifelessly. My breathing out of control while the orgasms burns through my body.
I move out of her and watch my jizz dripping out of her puss to her pubes and thighs.
I pull her in and kiss her. She holds me with a smile.
“We should have done this sooner”
I laugh quietly.
“You wanna keep doing it?”
She licks my lips before saying “Oh yes. Absolutely”.