I (F20’S) was feeling really needy after some rough sex and went to him (M20’s) for some aftercare (AFTERCARE)

Trust is not one thing, it’s many.
The way you trust a friend.
The way you trust family.
The way you trust a lover.
The way you trust a guy to tie you up, naked, and hurt you. The way you trust him to please you. The way you trust him to stop.
But all those trusts and all of intimacy is nothing compared to aftercare.
Aftercare is the thing that happens when you look at someone and say “My soul is hurting, please heal it”
My soul.
After two days of being denied and berated… after two years of being hurt and empty… my soul is broken. It’s not just my heart or my mind, you see? It’s not just feelings or logic. It’s something else… something deeper.
Something deep in me is bleeding so hard it’s translating into tears falling down my cheeks.
Help me.
Heal me.
And that he does.
“Tessie! What happened?” he looks worried. Of course he does, I must have a swollen face and tears all over.
“Trev?” I hesitate, standing at his door “You know… y-you know how you always say that this kink takes its toll on us, even when we don’t notice?” 
Please, don’t deny me right now.
“God, Tess, baby” he sounds so good, tears fall harder “Come here, sweetheart”.
I come.
He holds me.
Help me.
Heal me.
He kisses me.
The kiss I’ve been asking for days. The kiss I’ve been afraid to admit I’ve been dreaming about.
It’s better than I remember.
I guess we never kissed all that much two years ago.
I kiss him back. I give him my lips and my tongue and my heart.
You’d think he’d keep me close and reassure me. Instead, he chooses to undress me. But… He’s the expert, right? Take care of me.
It happens slow… Trevor takes off all my clothes and all of his, like he’s done so many times before. And yet this time, it’s different. There’s no sex in his movements, there is no… naughtiness. It’s so strange, to have a man take off all your clothes and have it not be about sex. I don’t think I have ever been undressed like this before: with such gentle care.
“Here” he whispers, warm and quiet “Let’s get this out of the way”.
He strips me of everything like an Egyptian priest about to bathe his Goddess. There is adoration in every single one of his moves. Devotion. His body is always hunched and leaning towards mine, not in his usual dominant you-belong-to-me ways but in a peaceful I-belong-to-you stance. His head is bowed, his movements are slow. Caressing me as my clothes fall off piece by piece.
A quick peck on my shoulder. A slow kiss on my cheek.
We are both completely naked, holding each other so sweetly I keep having to remind myself to open my eyes. Our noses brushing together. I want another kiss.
“Come with me?” his fingertips keep sliding up and down my back. Up. “I’m gonna give you a shower, hm?” and down.
I nod with a shy little smile and he kisses my cheek and my brow before pressing his nose against mine like he is trying to kiss me with nothing but it.
There is something about noses, isn’t there? They aren’t as intense as lips, but they build up tension like little else.
It’s like when something bad happens but you don’t wanna cry in front of others. You are so sad, you feel your nose burn and your eyes water but you hold it in. You keep holding it in until you are alone and then you can hold no more. Tears burst out uncontrollably.
Noses are the same.
I want to kiss him. I want to kiss him so bad my nose burn and my eyes water, but I couldn’t do it in front of others so I had to hold it in. And I did! Until the noses touch. His forehead is pressed against mine and our noses brush by each other like lovers of their own.
I am naked.
He is naked.
I am only faintly aware of my wetness or his hardness.
I forget about pussies and cocks and tits and ass. All I feel are our noses.
I breath in and smell him.
If you could bottle up Trevor’s natural scent, it would work as female Viagra. He smells like a man. Like a hard fucking man who can build you a house out of rocks and hunt you a lion for supper before fucking you until your knees go numb.
I slide my nose down to his neck and breathe him in.
He smells of salt. Water.
He smells of denied kisses and painful clamps.
He smells of cuddles under the blanket and stolen smiles.
I want another kiss.
“Yeah, baby?”
But I don’t have to ask anymore. His mouth covers mine and his tongue is so gentle that (by this kiss alone) you’d never guess he is a sadistic dominant.
In my mouth, he feels vanilla.
He feels like the guy you marry after dating since high school.
And… I like it?
I didn’t think I was into this anymore.
For the last two years I thought I wasn’t into softcore. I thought pain and punishments were my kinks. Turns out I was wrong: apparently, all I’m into is Trevor.
Trevor is my kink.
He rubs his thumbs on my cheeks while the kiss goes on and on, and for the life of me I don’t understand why we didn’t do this all the time two years ago.
He must feel the same way cause his kiss never ends. He holds my waist, taking us to the bathroom, tripping over each other if we have to as long as the lips never part. God, I wanna live here forever.
In this bathroom, in this hotel. In these arms.
He takes us both under the running water and it drips into our kiss.
“Is the temperature ok, sweetheart?” he asks, checking the water.
That’s kind of him to worry, but I’m sad the kiss is over.
“A little cold” I snug up to him. I feel so fucking needy, I could trade all my dignity for a really tight hug right now.
He has this sweet boyish giggle.
“What is it with women and boiling water?” he changes the temperature so the water starts running hotter “Jesus Christ, you’ll scald me” he wiggles under the shower like he is terrified of it and it’s so comfortable watching my serious bossy Trev act silly.
I can’t hold back a laughter.
“You laugh now, but you’ll have to drive me to the hospital. Second degree burns, I tell you. Women are crazy”
“Don’t be a baby. This is much better” I put my hair under the stream to make a point and he pulls me in so quick it startles me.
I let out a tiny squeak as he kisses my face, my arms, my neck, my hands.
Kiss me again, Trev. Take my tongue again.
This time, he doesn’t.
Is it possible to be horny and needy just for a kiss?
“Crazy woman. Boiling me like a potato”
“You can wait outside, if you can’t take it”
“No, no” he runs his fingers through my hair and looks at me like he plans to love me forever “It’s worth it”
Those blue eyes. That beard. That smug smile filled with sweetness. 
Oh, God, I’m lost.
“You sure?” I bite him a little bit.
“Yeah. Who needs skin, right?”
My bite on his lip is more than he can handle, he moves his mouth to take mine again and I give it to him. I want another kiss. This one isn’t even done yet and I already want another.
And another.
He pulls me softly under the running water and I press my breasts against his chest.
He showers me and this word keeps hovering all around me. Intimacy of a different kind. It’s not just sex. It’s not hardcore kink. Giving someone a shower is a different kind of bonding. And I don’t mean having sex under the shower… I mean actually giving someone a shower.
Washing their body. Running your hands over their wet skin. Soaping them up until there’s bubbles.
Trevor is very diligent in his washing. He starts with the shampoo, massaging my scalp so tenderly my head starts to bob all around.
“I don’t use conditioner” he looks around and gets a little white bottle with the hotel logo on it “There’s some of this hotel stuff, but I don’t know girls and their hairs… can I use this?”
“How do you not use conditioner?”
“I’m a boy”
“Boys don’t use cond… nevermind” I laugh and give up “Yeah, you can use that”
He has no idea how to comb through my conditioned hair and it is so fucking adorable to watch him try that I want to bite him.
My tits are wet, naked and available and he barely looks at them. He just bites my smile, looks for my eyes and focus very hardly on whatever it is he is trying to do with my hair. I need to help him towards the end.
“No, no, I got this” he tries to push me away, but… trust me: he does not get this.
Our fingers intertwine as we collectively try to run them through my hair and he keeps stealing kisses here and there, to the point where I’m smiling like a fool.
“My turn” I get the shampoo bottle but he resists me.
“No, tonight we just take care of you” he strokes my hair and I just wanna move my whole life to this point in time and space and never ever leave.
“But I want to”
“You want to?”
I want to wash your hair.
I want to shower you.
I want to kiss you.
I don’t ask anymore.
I lean in and Trevor smiles, waiting for my eager lips. Waiting for me to be in charge for a change. I put my arms around him, holding in place so I can kiss him long and hard. So I can taste him slowly, killing this thirst I’ve been feeling for two years.
“Please, can I?” I’m as sweet as he is. As loving as he is. Felling his lips on my lips and his tongue on my tongue and his soul on my soul. 
Trevor gets lost in it, just like me. Maybe more. Moving his head to get more and more of my tongue. He closes his eyes to feel me and never opens them back up even after I let go of the kiss.
“Can I?” I ask again.
He nods, eyes still closed, like he is only vaguely aware of what my question is.
“You can do whatever you want to me” he whispers, out of breath, and it doesn’t sound like a permission. It sounds like a prayer. Like a confession.
He needs to keep on leaning and hunching so I can properly shampoo and wash his hair and by the time I’m done, we’re both laughing.
“No conditioner right?” I ask.
“No. Makes my hair oily”
“Oily?” I laugh.
He nods so many times, like a cute little smart ass, getting closer and closer with every nod until the nods are making our noses collide.
He gives me a kiss. A quick one.
I need more.
God, I’m addicted.
Then it’s the soaps.
His. On my body.
Mine. On his body.
He watches me wash him. Caressing my hands and arms as they work. Kissing the very tip of my nose.
Why couldn’t I have met you in a bar somewhere?
On Tinder or a friend in common?
Why did it have to be like this?
“To the bathtub” he decides after we are both soap-clean. I didn’t even notice he was filling it up, but there you go!
There’s hot water and deliciously smelling bubbles. He goes in first so I can lay on his chest and remember when I said I never wanter to leave the bathroom? Well, I’d like to be specific: I never want to leave this bathtub.
He hugs me and kisses the top of my head.
“How are you feeling, baby?”
“I’m better, I’m sorry I showed up like that”
“Tess, don’t apologise” there are some bubbles in my eyebrows and he shoos them away with his fingers “I’m glad you came. Really glad. I could never trust you when it came to aftercare”
“Why not?” I protest.
“Cause you run. Far and often” he kisses the top of my head again and I snuggle on his chest.
“I don’t! I just never needed it before” I run my fingernails down his arm, scratching him very slightly.
“Well, what if I need it?” he whispers, leaning our heads so our noses can go back to their dance.
“You need me to take care of you after you spank and belittle me?” I laugh.
“No… I need to take care of you after I spank and belittle you. I love punishing brat Tess. But I also love this” he hugs me so tight I feel my neediness shrink.
Fuck me, this is good.
This is too good.
I turn on my side so I can sink my nose on his neck while he still cuddles me. Our bodies intertwined, under a blanket of hot water.
“What if I don’t run anymore?”
He sighs and laughs.
“We both know you will”
I can feel his heart beating on my skin.
I don’t want to run anymore.
Fuck it.
“Trev” I stop his laughter with a serious tone. I gulp. I stare at him “What if I don’t run anymore?”
His smile freezes on his face as he understands what I’m trying to say. He touches my face. My hair. Inspecting my eyes. He’s so gentle and at the same time so cautious because he wants this, but he’s afraid to have it be taken away again.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… what if I don’t run anymore” I hold his shoulders really tight “What would we do?”
His breathing pattern changes. He is staring at me like he is trying to find out if I’m joking. His eyes are so pretty. You never really think about how much life you can see on someone’s eyes until they bright up like Trev’s just now.
“Tess” his voice sounds fragile “Please, don’t play with me. Not on this”
“I’m not playing”
“You’re not?” he holds my face in his hands. Trevor looks like he can’t breath, like I have a chain around his lungs and his only chance for oxygen is if I say the right words and set him free.
“What would we do?” I ask “I mean… your dad, my mom, and…”
“Nothing” he holds me closer “We would do nothing right now” Trevor is large and strong, but at that moment, I wasn’t noticing either of those things. All I could feel was his skin. Not the strength of his muscles or the naughtiness of his touches… All I feel is his skin. He is holding me like he is wrapping me so I can feel his smooth wet skin all around me. His warmth soothing my body better than the hot bath.
“It’s your sister’s wedding in a week. The rest of the family and guests are arriving tomorrow. Neither one of us wants to take attention away from that. So… right now, we do nothing. But next week…” he adds and then a smile melts his face “Next week, you have dinner with me”
“Yeah. A proper date” his nose is back on mine. Brushing it, Caressing it. How do people survive this without kissing? I keep leaning my mouth trying to press my lips on his. It feels like a strength of some kind drawing me to him. Like gravity. Like magnetism. Like a black hole of Trevor that will leave no part of Tessa untouched. “You dress up” he pinches my chin “I pick you up and take you to some poorly lit romantic restaurant. Then we go back to my place and…” he shrugs “There will be no pressure. Maybe nothing will happen. But Tess…” his smile is so beautiful. I can’t stop a smile of my own “If something happens, it could be… amazing”
It could.
It really could.
“So… a date?”
“Yeah. A date. And then we see” we are whispering on each other’s smile.
I feel a shiver and he holds me in.
“Don’t be like this” he reads something into my shiver “What’s the worst that can happen? It won’t work out, things between us will be weird and someone will find out? We’re already there!” he points out and he’s not wrong “But if we try it… we can find out if there’s anything worth fighting for”.
It’s my turn to nod like silly until our noses are together again.
“Yeah?” he asks with a sigh of relief. The sigh of a man who really wasn’t expecting the conversation to go that way.
“Yeah. I’ll have dinner with you in a week” I say and he bites my smile, then he kisses it. I close my eyes and I don’t open them, even after the kissing is over.
I understand what he was on about… I’d let him do whatever he wants to me as well.
“One week. Put that on your schedule, Tessa”
“One week!”
“Maybe clear the whole weekend, you know?” his hands slide down my body “Just in case”
“Just a weekend?” I love having his touch on me like this.
“Maybe a month or two” and then he…
How is he doing this?
It’s his attitude. Did you notice it?
Everything about Trevor is sweet right now. Everything. His voice, his tone, his words, his movements, his kisses… Everything except for the Fucking Finger. That one single fucking finger that finds my pussy and teases it.
We are cuddling in a hot bath, being lazy and sweet, talking about having dinner… and yet that finger finds the one sensitive spot in my pussy and flicks.
“I though this was aftercare” I pant.
“It is” do you hear his tone? It’s like I just asked him I though your hair was dark and he said well, it is.
He sounds like the next thing out of his mouth will be “what the hell are you on about?”
But instead, he just keeps quiet. Silently fingering my pussy under the bubbles.
Now… I think it goes without saying but, for good measure, I’ll say it anyway: I am very fucking hot for Trevor. That’s my default mode: He exists near me? I am turned on.
However, I am extremely tired. Not physically, but emotionally. Hell, that’s the whole reason I’m even getting aftercare at all, right? Cause I was feeling so bad I came and asked for it.
“I don’t think I’m in the mood, Trev” I whisper “I don’t think I have the energy to build up to an orgasm right now”
“You’re thinking about it wrong” he kisses me anywhere his lips can get me. His finger is still caressing my clit.
“How so?” Ok, this feels good regardless.
“If you want me to stop, I’ll stop, of course. But this isn’t sex. This is just… touching”. You know in those old movies where the Devil pops up and says it’s just a simple deal? Yeah, they always sound A LOT like Trevor does right about now.
“This touching feels a lot like sex, babe”
He laughs.
“Tess, relax”
“I am. I’m just saying that…”
“No, you’re not relaxed. Your thighs are all tense”
“Well, yeah? You’re fingering me? I might not be in the mood, but I am alive and you have some good fucking fingers”
“Tessa, relax your thighs”
“Trevor, stop touching me and I will”
“Heaven’s sake, woman, will you please do as you’re told once in your life without being threatened with a belt?”
I jokingly sink my elbow in his stomach and he holds me tight. It’s not dominant Trevor… dominant Trevor would have me doing things his way in a second. This is sweet Trevor… he’ll wait.
“I honestly have no idea what you want from me”
He puts his arms around me in such a way that he’s grabbing my tits. Only, he’s not really grabbing them? I have no idea how Trevor does this. There’s contrast to everything he does.
Dominant Trevor is hard as fuck, he talk dirty and intense and yet his tone always sound so sweet and caring. His kisses on my forehead as he spanks me are always tender.
Sweet Trevor is the opposite. He is loving and patient. Everything about him is comfortable like a life-sized Trevor Plushie. But he can keep up that one touch in my pussy like he is teasing me with intent to punish me soon enough. He can hold me like he loves me but keep his hands on my tits like he wants to fuck me raw.
Hard and gentle. At the same time. Always.
I have no idea how he does it. I can barely explain it. But I can feel it though. Oh, God, I can feel it.
“I want you to stop rushing to an orgasm, babygirl” he moans, keeping me close and safe “I want you to feel my finger in you as if I was stroking your hair or pinching your chin. Just a little quiet touch while we’re in this bath together. Forget about the orgasm”
“Are you gonna edge me during afterc…”
“Tessa, this is not sex. Stop thinking about sex.” the finger that was once teasing me goes in. Slowly. Quietly.
I tense up.
For something that is not sex this sure feels a lot like sex.
“Relax your thighs, c’mon baby, you can do this”
Look… have you ever tried relaxing with a man’s finger inside your pussy?
Not easy.
But I take a deep breath (the deepest of breaths) and very very slowly, I start to relax. My legs feel lighter, me knees bend just a bit as I spread myself open.
“That’s my girl”
“Forget about the finger. Just focus on my voice” again: not easy. I know I said I have no energy for sex right now, but the finger is really fucking good. Trevor isn’t one of those hasty men that just shove his finger inside you hard as a piece of wood, you know? Trev is the kind of guy that understand fingers are not supposed to be like… smaller cocks, cause they can move in a way a cock can’t. So he hooks them in, and moves them inside, caressing me like he is trying to drag something out. My orgasm, that’s what he’s trying to drag out.
“Tessa, stop thinking about orgasms”
“Jesus, how did you know that’s what I was thinking?”
“You’re moaning”
Was I?
I honestly didn’t notice.
Trevor isn’t fingerfucking me, he is… finger-making-love to me? Is that a thing?
It’s so sweet. The touch. Inside me.
“Just focus on my voice. Forget the finger”
“I can’t forget the finger” I cry out.
“Yes, you can. God” he moans, I fucking love his moans “You are so beautiful. Earlier today, in the shower by the pool, I wanted to kiss you so bad. But… I always want to kiss you, it’s like a disease” I do as he said and focus on his voice. His harsh deep voice “My perfect, beautiful Tess” he smells me, hugging me so close “Why did you get upset, hm? What made you come here?”
I open my mouth to answer him and the first thing out is a quiet little moan.
“I was feeling used” I whimper “And lonely”
“You were not used, baby. I would never. You are so important to me. I think about you every night before I go to sleep, trying to convince my brain to let me dream about you. Cause if you’re not there when I close my eyes, then I’m just rushing to wake up again, so I can be with you”
“I mean that. Every single fucking word, Tessie. I don’t know how you did it, but you built yourself a home inside my head and my heart. That’s where you live now”
“Yeah?” I snug up against him, feeling his attention fill the needy hole I have inside.
“Just now when you said you wouldn’t run anymore? That you’d have dinner with me? I feel like I’ll be smiling all year” I turn to hold his face in my hands. He looks so real. Genuine. His smile. His eyes. His tone. “I love hate fucking you, babe. I love taming you and punishing you. I love spanking you until that beautiful ass of your turns a sweet shade of red. But this?” his nose is on mine “This is something else” he loses his breath and kisses me with a gasp “Don’t deny me aftercare anymore, ok?”
“I won’t” I promise.
“Good. My girl. My Tess” his whispers are so good. He makes me feel loved. The finger inside me carries on. For twenty minutes, half an hour… he keeps caressing me inside my pussy. At one point I think his hand got tired and then he just swapped hands. But he never stopped. Never.
I forgot about the finger even though my body could still feel it.
I focused on his words and my body could feel those just as well.
Wordfucking me. Showering me with compliments, using all the right words to let me know that nothing in the world could ever matter to him as much as I do.
And orgasm does come.
It’s not powerful, world shattering, ripping me apart like he usually does.
It’s peaceful.
A small climax that arrives without being noticed. It just happens. I’m just there.
He took me there. Effortlessly.
The water turned cold but we don’t care. I lick my lips and lean my head back over his shoulder.
A small orgasm.
But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“Are you feeling better?” he whispers, so low even us moving in the water is louder than he is.
“I’m feeling perfect”
I can feel his smile on my ear.
“Come to bed”
“I should go back to my room, Trev, before anyone notices”
“Nobody is gonna notice. You’re staying here with me tonight, Tess, you just promised you wouldn’t fight me”
“But the aftercare is over!”
“Are we after sex? Yes. Am I caring for you? Yes. How is it over?”
“Oh God” I smile and he bites my lip, helping me out of the water.
He dries us both before taking us to bed.
I get to wear one of his shirts, it smells like him so I keep it pressed against my nose, breathing it in.
“Oi. Are you gonna make love to that shirt?”
“Are you jealous?”
“Little bit”
“It smells like you” I giggle, hugging the shirt really tight.
“You know what else smells like me? Me.” he grabs me and spoons me while I laugh.
“Yeah, but the shirt isn’t a smart ass” I tease.
I laugh a little more before sinking into his arms and the blankets. It’s so good and warm in here I think I’m never getting up. Nat is gonna have to find another bridesmaid cause this one is gonna stay in this bed until she does everything with…
Oh God.
“Nat’s wedding” I whisper.
“Hm?” Trevor’s eyes are already closed.
“Trevor is sleeping. Shh”
“Trev, we’re gonna have to keep our hands off each other until the wedding. We can do that, right?”
“We really really can’t. But if you wanna hold on to hope, go for it”
“What if there’s a little incentive?” I turn to face him.
He opens one eye.
“I’m listening”
“How about… whoever doesn’t break gets to pick the first thing we try”
“From the lists we made” I say “Whoever touches or makes a move on the other one first, loses. The winner gets to pick which thing on the lists we do first”
I love my plan and I think this kinda stuff is right up his alley. But Trevor just has a weird face when he says:
“I don’t know, Tessa. I don’t wanna move right now” he pulls me closer.
“How about we start tomorrow?”
“Hm” he shrugs, burying his face in my neck “Then you have a deal”
“You’ll lose, you know that, right?”
He laughs so hard he shakes the bed.
“You should sleep, baby. You’re tired. You’re hallucinating”
I have a silly smile. I’ll have this silly smile all night.
“You only told me four things. What’s the number 5 on your list?”
His voice is so warm when he says:
“You’ll find out”.
I let him wrap me in his arms and kiss my neck until I fall asleep.
Everything feels perfect when we wake up.
My perfect morning.
I immediately jump away from him signalling that our deal is on. He arrives for breakfast like he means business. He’s wearing a blue shirt that makes him look tasty and those fucking tattoos are doing it for me every time.
“Morning” I say.
“Morning” he says.
I can’t wait to start finding ways to tease him.
And I really can’t wait for next week.
This could work.
This could actually just… work.
Trevor breathes in like he is about to say something naughty but…
“Pumpkin!” I jolt when I hear his voice behind me.
That’s not Trevor.
I’m pumpkin. Nat is pickles. Annie is plum. Don’t ask me why, I have no idea.
“Dad!” I hug him really hard. He is tall and strong. Not as tall and strong as Trev, but he’s my dad so, to me, he’ll always look like a super hero.
He pinches my cheeks:
“Hi darling, how are y…” and then his smile disappears. His face turns sour. “Trevor?” he squints his eyes to the man behind me.
“Colin?” Trevor recognises my dad.
“You two know each other?” I laugh.
“Unfortunately” dad mutters underneath his breath.
What the hell?
I didn’t read the room. In fact, I read the room so wrong I am a room illiterate.
Trevor is dead quiet.
Dad is dead quiet.
They stare at each other like they can’t explain everything that would need to be explained.
“Uh? Boys? What’s going on?”
“What are you doing here?” dad asks him.
“I am a groomsman”
“A grooms… at Natalie’s wedding?”
“Dad, Trevor is Paul’s son. You know? Mom’s Paul”
Dad’s face is even worst.
He never really got over mom. Which means he never really got along with Paul.
“Of course he is. Apple doesn’t fall far, uh?”
“Colin, this is not the time or the place for…”
“Guys, what’s going on?” I ask.
“Nothing, pumpkin. Why don’t you come with me?” he drags me away from a Trevor that suddenly looks very pale and very panicked.
What the fuck is happening in my perfect morning?
“Dad, what’s going on?”
“Just stay away from that man, Tessie. He’s terrible news”
Oh, this is great.
Really really great.

I’ve (M20’s) had a crush on my aunt (F40) for ages, today I did something about it

None of my aunts were hot.

So when uncle Jack said he was gonna bring home his new girlfriend, I pictured some forty year old lady with glasses and decent cooking skills.

Turns out my imagination was slightly inaccurate.

By “slightly” I mean “completely”.

By “inaccurate” I mean “plain wrong”.

See… Uncle Jack is a forty year old *dad*. He has the dad bod, the dad jokes, the dad car.

So it was hard to picture him with someone who… you know? Didn’t look like a *mom*.

And the only way Emily could be described as a *mom* was if it came right before the letters I, L and F.

I had to be told she was in her late thirties, and even then I didn’t believe it.

She didn’t look a day over thirty. My original guess would have been late twenties.

She had thick dark hair and the prettiest green eyes I’ve ever seen (Not that I’d seen that many, being 19 and all). But it wasn’t her looks or her youth that drew me in… it was something about her mouth.

I (M20’s) made my girl (F20’s) give herself a countdown while I used her (COUNTDOWN, SOFT DOM/SUB, AFTERCARE)

I remember the day I realised I was hot for Tessa. It was during lockdown, she was just standing in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, eating a yogurt and scrolling on her phone. She was wearing really short shorts and a cropped shirt that made her whole silhouette painfully obvious for a guy who wasn’t getting sex as often as he’d like. Fuck, she looked hot. I remember thinking I’d love to throw some of that yogurt on her tits and lick it off her skin.

I remember the day I realised I had a crush on Tess. We were watching a movie on the couch and quietly teasing each other cause her mom and my dad were nearby, so we couldn’t be as obvious as we’d like. She was sitting by my side and we kept trying to come up with excuses to touch each other. At one point, she shivered like she was scared or cold and I put my arm around her a second before our parents left the room. So she pushed me away with a naughty smile to lay on the couch with her feet on my lap so she could tease my cock a little. I felt *disappointed*. I wanted her back in my arms instead of teasing me.

He (M20’s) ripped out my (F20’s) fishnets to gag me and tie me with them (DOM/SUB) (PUBLIC SEX) – Tess & Trevor

It would be really fucking helpful if Trevor wasn’t so handsome.

I’m not even saying he should be ugly. Just… *less hot*.

You know when a man is so fine he makes you smile by accident? You are just looking at him from a distance but you can’t stop yourself from that little smile and that little sigh. He makes me want to fan myself with my hands.

He has that sexy, intentionally unkept, bad boy style that I never thought would do it for me, but it so fucking does. I mean *look at him!* Who in the hell can make beat down jeans, combat boots and a ripped shirt work this well?

And those fucking rips on his shirt… I swear to God, they bring tears to my eyes. It’s like they are all intentionally placed to show a little bit of muscle, a little bit of skin… but never enough. Is this how men feel when we wear provocative cleavages? Cause, if it is, I’d like to apologise for my gender. This is torture.

He is wearing a couple of manly leather necklaces and some rings and the whole thing… it just… oh my god, it fucking works.

(True story) My (F20’s) first time at an erotic massage place

I write erotic fiction but, whenever possible, I try to draw inspiration from real life events.
[One of my stories was about friends accidentally going to an erotic massage](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1054ioe/i_m30_accidentally_went_to_an_erotic_massage_and/) and I got quite a few questions on how much of it was real.
So I will fight the urge to go all fiction-writer with this one, to keep it 100% facts.
Here’s what happened:

I really enjoy spas. Going for massages, skin care, saunas…
One day, I was trying to find a different type of massage (something new and unique I hadn’t tried yet) and I ran into this thing called a “tantric massage”.
I’ll fast forward through this part cause nobody wants to hear about Google Search. Or about how it inevitably became Pornhub Search. The end result is: tantric massage is an erotic massage with masturbation… and I was curious as fuck to try that out.
I looked up a bunch of places online and quickly found out 3 things:
1 – There are a LOT of scams. Places with low credibility that will pretend to offer a massage service but are actually just a front for prostitution; or just a flat out regular massage for 8x the price because someone chose to call it “tantric”.
2 – There are a LOT of people just trying to fuck you. Swing parties, sex clubs, couples looking for a third… all of these can disguise as “Tantric Massages”
3 – The actual true massages are usually given by therapists, and they are more in the meditation-try-to-know-yourself vibe than in the I-am-so-horny-right-now vibe. It’s a therapy in a sense, not a quickie.
The spa had a list of therapists with a quick description of their experiences and their photos (which I appreciated). I was 20, almost 21 at the time and I chose to have a male therapist as that made me more comfortable.
You set a time.
You show up.
It’s like a normal spa all the way.
The therapist comes, introduces himself.
He was very kind, polite and professional.
I was taken to the room where the massage would happen and it was all very… bhuddist? The decour, the smells, the background music. There was a mat on the floor (very cozy one) with pillows, but I was sat at a comfortable couch while the therapist explained to me what would happen.
I know I said I wouldn’t let the fiction writer take over, but if I promise to be as real as my memory will let me, would you forgive me for some dialogues?
“First” he tells me “You’ll have to take off all your clothes. This isn’t like the massages you’d normally have, where you can keep a bikini on or a towel over you. You’ll be naked for this. Then I will touch you. On your tits. On your pussy. And you will love it like a good gir…” nah, he didn’t say that.
That was my bad. Imagination got carried away.
Ok, I’ll behave.
I promise.
What he actually said was “You’ll have to take off your clothes. You can have a shower before the massage, if you want. Then you will lay down on that mat and the massage will happen in two parts. Part One is a normal massage all over your body. Part Two is the massage given to your genitals and I usually don’t recommend that for first timers… It’s better if you already have experience with Part One, previously. But if you’re comfortable with that now, we can do both parts”
Darlings of mine, I didn’t pay all that money and come all that way to have a sexual massage minus the sexual.
So I said:
“I’m comfortable. I’d rather have both parts”
To which he replied with some version of “ok”.
He shows me the oils he’ll use and explains he’ll have to touch me everywhere, and because he has to be clear he adds:
“That means your breasts and vagina, specially on the second part of the massage”
To which I replied with some version of “bring it on”.
The two last things he did before we started:
1 – He showed me the vibrator he’d use on Part Two.
It was a wired bullet powered by eight batteries. I have NEVER found that monstrosity in a sex shop anywhere in my life and believe me I’ve looked. Besides the real thing, that bullet was the best item to ever touch my body.
2 – He asked me not to use words during the massage. Moaning was encouraged, as long as it wasn’t done through words. Like “ohh” and “ahh” are fine. “Fuck, baby” and “yes, daddy, right there” are not.
I already showered before leaving home but by then I was feeling a little too self aware so I showered again.
I had a robe for 2 seconds, but then it was gone and I was naked walking around a room in front of a complete stranger, which (not going to lie, my friends) was a little hot.
I say “a little” because unlike erotica… sometimes when that stuff happens in real life you are so nervous that you can’t fully be turned on by it.
So in retrospect I find it very hot. But at that moment I was a little like “oh god, what am I doing?”
I lay down. Close my eyes and the first part of the massage goes by easy.
It was very different.
Massages usually involve a lot of pressure and squeezing, this one was… the opposite?
The best way I can describe it is: it’s a massage done mostly with fingertips.
Brushing by your body. Soft and slow. Like a tickle.
Like the therapist is trying to trick your brain into thinking about sex.
Here, I’ll help you picture it: Imagine you just fucked someone. You are still naked in bed together, trying to catch your breaths. Then you turn to each other with that sly intimite smile and you cuddle. You are in each other’s arms. Whispering softly, noses almost touching. You know that moment? You feel it? Now picture your hands. What are your hands doing at that moment? You are hugging them and your hands just… kind of… brush? Up and down. Casually. Comfortably. Feeling the warmth on their skin.
That’s a lot like what the massage felt like.
Like I was being caressed by a lover after sex.
Only… since I didn’t just have sex and my libido is just dandy, it started to turn me on pretty hard.
There was some preassure and squeezing to it as well, but it was very mild compared to what massages usually are.
Specially because that man was touching me everywhere.
Nipples, ass, nothing was off limits.
His hands were always warm and there was a lot of oil and I could feel myself getting very extremely turned on.
Then the second part of the massage came around.
I was laying on my back and he pulled my knees up before slowly letting them fall to the sides. Like a gynecologist would do, you know? If a gynecologist did her thing on a mat on the floor with an eight batteries dildo.
He started the massage with his hands and fingers.
And this bit… it was fucking heaven.
I know I speak for a lot of women when I say that clit action is far better than penetration for most of us, so take a second to appreciate what it would be like to have a professional playing with your clit.
And I’m not talking about a male prostitute who knows how to have sex… I am talking about a man who’s been specializing in the art of masturbation so thoroughly that people pay him for that alone. Someone who’s turned hand jobs into a form of meditation.
It was amazing good.
And that was before he started using the bullet.
Cause let me tell you: you can feel every single one of those eight batteries.
Now here comes the problem:
That was my first time having a massage like that. I was completely naked, legs spread open in front of a stranger… so it was a little hard to turn my brain off.
On one hand the massage was absolutely delicious.
On the other hand I was too nervous and self aware.
So that added up to orgasm denial real fucking quick.
I’d get more and more turned on. I’d feel my body going all the way to the edge and as I was standing there, waiting for that final push to tip me over… I’d get in my head and the orgasm would slip between my fingers.
But he was a pro with a powerful tool, so on I went again.
To the brink.
And back.
So many fucking times my body started to hurt. I was still a bit inexperienced at the time, I had no idea orgasm denial could hurt like that.
Like I’d just been in a fight.
And lost.
My stomach hurt. My muscles. My vagina. My breasts.
It hurt on the surface, like a bruise. But also inside, like a disease.
And then he unintentionally taught me the best lesson I ever had in sex: the importance of breathing.
It’s very common, right? You get really close to orgasm and you hold your breath. It’s so intense you can’t even think about breathing. Or is that just me?
So he encouraged me to moan.
Not breathe, mind you.
And I did.
I kept moaning and moaning. Loud. Natural. In despair.
All that moaning controlled my breathing somehow, which helped with the nerves.
And that’s when orgasm hit me. I say “hit” because that’s what it felt like: a punch to the chest that robs you of all your breath.
A wave of relief so powerful that brings tears to your eyes.
“Moan, Violet, c’mon” he’d say, breathing out almost like he was moaning with me.
I followed him.
And… I orgasmed again?
At first, I wasn’t sure it was happening. I thought maybe it was just the first one still lingering. But I kept moaning and as soon as the orgasm was over, I felt another one overcoming it.
It was like a ladder. Every time one of the orgasms would be over, I’d feel another one building up and taking me higher than the one before, to the point where I had no air left in my lungs to keep moaning. So I just had my mouth open in a silent scream, tears running down my cheeks and these waves of relief taking over me getting closer and closer together until they sufocated me.
When it was over, I felt this absolute empty.
Not in a bad way!
My mind was void of anything.
My body felt like a shell.
I could barely move.
I couldn’t think.
He gave me some time to… survive it? Before I could get dressed and sit back on the couch so we could talk and he could make sure I was ok.
I’d heard about multiple orgasms before, but that was the first time I actually felt them.
Probably goes without saying that I became a regular client.
Next time I came around I brought a partner. That massage also involved a bath and was somewhat even more similar to the fiction I wrote. But that’s another story for another day!

I (M20’S) overheard my ex (F20’s) calling another guy daddy and it drove me insane (VANILLA) -Tess & Trevor

“Daddy won’t back off unless you say red”.
Daddy won’t back off.
She is calling him daddy?
It’s been two days, people.
Two days: one, two days since I fucked her trapped under my nightstand and held her in my arms when she was car sick. She was so needy asking me not to let her go… then two days later she is calling someone else “daddy”?
How happy I am on this fine evening.
And to think I blew off Lana because I couldn’t stop thinking about Tess. I just spent the whole fucking dinner trying to distract myself with anything so I wouldn’t stare at her. Those beautiful dark eyes of hers. Those lips. That hair. That smile. That body.
Fuck my fucking life, man.
Is this a curse? Did I fuck a gipsy and didn’t call her back so she cursed me? “Thou shall never again fuck without thinking about your step sister” or something.
Can’t believe she’s been calling him that.
And “Best sex she ever had”? Fuck sake.
I was dreading this wedding. I knew I was gonna see Tessa again and I had no idea how my heart would take it. But then we were fucking and it felt like bliss. Now? Why does everything with this woman needs to be a fucking roller coaster?
Why can’t we just have really rough sex, some sweet aftercare, cuddle all night and have breakfast together. Fuck, I’d cook, you know?
But nah.
I gotta be running around in circles: now Trevor is horny, now Trevor is fucking Tess, now Trevor is jealous, now Trevor is wishing he was fucking Tess and now Trevor is horny again. Around, around it goes. Fucking life, man.
I was trying to find her when I saw her by the elevators with Ryan.
And then… I run into my dad in the lounge and he makes damn sure I know he and Janet just caught Tess and Ryan making out.
Serves me right.
Where the fuck do I get off thinking this is gonna end well?
Well… I made a mistake, but I can fix it.
I go up to the bridesmaids floor. I knock on Lana’s door and wait a few seconds before she opens it. And she is a beautiful woman in her own right. The deep blue eyes, the long wavy blond hair and a killer body. She is wearing a bathrobe and her hair is still damp from the shower.
Any other day, I’d have my fun with her without batting an eye.
This day, however, there is a little childish voice in my head going “She is calling stupid Ryan daddy” on repeat. So libido might be hard to come by, we’ll see.
“Trevor?” she has a welcoming smile.
“I changed my mind” I smile back “You still wanna have that drink?”
“Sure” she opens the door a little more and I can tell she is absolutely naked under that bathrobe “But I just got undressed… you mind if we have it here?”
“Not at all”, even better.
“Not that I’m complaining” she closes the door behind us “But what changed your mind?”
This woman I fell in love with and desperately want to fuck every day keeps denying me cause we are somewhat related, she moved on really fast and even though I knew she would it still hurts, so I wanna bury my face in your tits and try not to think about that.
“I got lonely” I say.
“Oh, we can’t have that” she comes closer, playing with the buttons on my shirt “I don’t think I have drinks here, though” she whispers so low and close to my lips, it’s almost a moan “Guess we’ll have to do something else”
“I can think of something”
She bites my lower lip. It’s not intense… quite the opposite. It’s just a light little tease.
But I am not light.
I am not a casual tease.
I am heavy and every one of my moves carries a punch, so I grab her by the hair and cover her mouth with mine. She tastes of… gin. And salmon?
You know that’s always a tell, right?
When the kiss is fucking wonderful you never really know what the person tastes like, because you are so hot for them that even their spit tastes like single malte.
When you’re not very hot for them, however, their spit tastes like spit.
I press my lips against Lana’s and the whole fucking kiss feels mechanic.
I hate Tessa.
No, honestly: this isn’t a love and hate thing, anymore.
I just hate her.
I can’t have her: after all the back and forth, that much is clear. But she made it so I can’t have anyone else either.
Sex in the past two years has been sad.
Plenty, but sad.
I never seem to find a woman who likes to take the kind of stuff I like to give. And how do you go about it? Hey baby, is it alright if I choke you really hard until you can’t breathe? It’s super hot, I promise.
I am left with swing meet ups and sex clubs… but talk about mechanic, right? Those places are all about the bodies and don’t get me wrong, that used to be all I needed… until I met Tessa.
Fucking Tessa with her big doe eyes, looking like a sweet doll but with an atitude that stings like poison. A babygirl that can’t stop being a brat and likes to be manheld and choked and denied and spanked. Hard.
I found the perfect woman, I did.
But now I gotta kiss Lana.
Two years ago, I’d kiss Lana and fuck her up these walls all night. Now I can barely feel her lips without thinking about my ex.
I hate Tessa, I really do.
“You’re somewhere else, aren’t you?” Lana gently whispers, her lips brushing mine.
“In your head… you’re thinking about her?”
“W-what?” I choke “Who… what do you mean?”
She has a complacent smile while her fingers quietly stroke my hair.
“You’ve been through a recent break up, haven’t you? I can tell” she takes a deep breath “I just ended a four year relationship myself, so I get the need to rebound. You don’t need to worry, ok? I get that this is just plain sex. We both just need someone to help us forget and move on”
Move on.
That sounds nice.
“So… You wanna see a trick?” she teases “You wanna see how I can make you forget about her?”
That would be quite the trick.
“I’ll make you forget her name” she promises.
Lana unties her bathrobe and lets it fall to the floor. I stare down at her tits and the trimmed mound over her puss… she is fucking hot. That has to be said and repeated, so here I go again: Lana is fucking hot.
So why, pray tell, WHY isn’t my dick hard?
Cause you’re still thinking about Tessa, you fucking moron.
Yeah, ok, no more thinking about Tessa.
Let’s just look at Lana.
Lana has beautiful tits. I think they might be bigger than Tess’s. Which is alright, I suppose, but I like Tessa’s size bett…
Fuck. TREVOR, ENOUGH thinking about her.
Look at Lana.
Lana’s pussy is so pretty. I slide my fingers down her stomach and feel her skin. I bet she smells great and I have a weakness for a woman’s smell, you know? Which is probably why Tessa had me on my knees when she pulled that stunt shoving my mask in her pussy before making me wear it. Fuck, Tessa smells perfect.
I swear to God.
Lana is beautiful.
Lana is hot.
Yeah, we like Lana right now.
Penis, will you PLEASE stand the fuck up?
She runs her hands under my shirt, feeling my abs. She wants me naked. I grab her neck a little too hard and she gasps.
I grab her ass a little too hard and she gasps.
I grab her tits a little too hard and fuck me, is this woman made of glass? How the fuck do I touch her without breaking her?
“Wow… You have heavy hands, don’t you?” she licks her smile.
Tessa used to say I was soft.
She’d bait me time and time again to go rougher. I’d handle her a hundred times harder than I do Lana right now, and she’d still growl and complain. That fucking brat.
And there I go again, thinking about her.
My cock is still flacid like a little bitch.
“Here” she guides my hands to her ass “You can touch whatever you want as long as I can do the same” she caresses my cock over my pants, rubbing it really nice while pressing her tits on my chest “You still thinking about her?” she whispers with a smile cause the answer she is waiting for is “Thinking about who?” when, in reality, the answer would actually be “Yeah, can’t stop. Please kill me now”.
In my defense, though, my dick does show some sign of life when Lana touches it.
I am almost celebrating when I hear a muffled moan. And then another.
Was that Lana?
I don’t think it was me.
I lean back a little to watch her.
“What?” she says and… another moan.
I look to the wall behind us. The moans are coming from the other side. And not just moans… I can hear the singing of the bed scratching the floor and the beats of something banging against the headboard. Someone in the next room is being properly fucked.
Lana covers her laughter with her hand.
“Tess is having fun tonight” she says and my dick goes soft.
I look down for a split second like I’m trying to scold it back into action.
No, no, no. You motherfucker. We’re supposed to be a team. We’re supposed to be getting over Tessa right now. Don’t you fucking dare leave me hanging!
But hanging is a very apt word in this context as that’s is exactly what this fucking traitor between my legs chooses to do.
“What did you say?” I stutter.
“I said Tessa is having fun” she points to the wall “That’s her room right there”
She must be fucking Ryan right now.
If she moans daddy through that wall or he calls her baby, I think I’ll have to join priesthood as I’ll never be able to have sex again anyway.
I feel like ripping my hair out.
How the fuck do I get this woman out of my head?
Maybe I just need to power through?
I throw Lana in bed… my dick might be useless right now, but my tongue isn’t.
“Let’s show them how it’s done, hm?”
She takes off my shirt. She takes off the necklace I am wearing.
She wants to take off my pants next, but I bite her tits and she lets out a tiny scream of pain… I apologize.
I gotta hold back.
I feel like superman having to fuck a mortal woman, you know?
I cover her body with mine and I fully plan on eating her pussy when I hear the moans next door getting louder.
And louder.
And louder.
It doesn’t sound like Tessa.
Is she faking her moans now? Or was she faking them with me?
“Ouch” Lana complains and I notice I am… biting… her elbow?
Why am I biting this woman’s elbow?
What the fuck is wrong with me tonight.
Tessa screams in the other room and I get pissed.
That’s what’s wrong with me tonight.
That’s what’s wrong with me every night.
“Excuse me” I get up.
“W- where are you going? Trevor?” I am out the door.
They are being loud.
They are being rude.
They need to be quiet.
They need to stop fucking.
I feel my spine shaking.
I’m gonna… wait.
I’m pretty sure the noises were coming from the left side of Lana’s room. But Tessa’s room is actually on the right.
I turn around and there is Tessa.
Actual Tessa.
Not a figment of my wishful thinking or daydreaming episodes.
She is wearing the same clothes she had on during dinner and even though she looks a little upset she doesn’t look like someone who was just fucked to the point of screams.
“Were you knocking on Annie’s door?” she asks.
Annie’s door?
“Annie’s door!” I say feeling far more relief than I will ever admit.
Annie is being properly fucked right now.
Not Tess.
“Yeah, and why don’t you have your shirt on?” she is hugging herself like she is afraid of what her hands will do if left unchecked.
“I… well…”
“Trev? You coming back? Oh! Hi Tess” Lana sounds a little embarrassed. Probably because she is butt naked, with a messy hair and covering herself with my shirt.
“Oh” Tessa… smiles? I’m not sure I can call that a smile “Hey, Lana”
“I’m gonna…” she points back inside her room “I’ll wait for you inside” she quickly adds before shutting the door.
Tessa looks at me like a housewife waiting for an explanation.
“So how’s Ryan?” I ask, bitterly, cause oh no, honey. You don’t get to judge me if you were making out with him.
She sighs with a grin of sadness that makes something inside me twist and turn. I don’t like it when she is sad.
“You’re unbelievable” she mutters.
“Good night, Trevor. Have fun with Lana” she goes in her own room but I bar the door so she can’t close it
“What’s with the atitude?”
“Let go of my door”
“Ok” I say and step into her room, closing it behind me.
“Get out” she is pouting again. Not the sexy pout she would make whenever I didn’t give her the spankings she wanted, but a pout nevertheless. And God, she looks so fucking beautiful. Her dark hair falling all around her. The upset pouting of her lips. Her arms crossed under her tits.
My cock starts to squirm a little.
Great, fucking asshole. Now you wake up?
“Why am I unbelievable? You were making out with Ryan”
“And you’re making out with Lana. We’ve all moved on. Wonderful”
“Why are you mad at me?”
“Because you are in my room! GET OUT”
“So you were making out with Ryan?”
“Answer me”
“That’s none of your business”
“Were you calling him daddy?”
“Get out”
“Fuck, Tessa” I punch the wall and the whole thing shakes with a loud thump.
“You’re shirtless after making out with a naked woman and you think can come into my room and demand answers about my sex life?”
“I need to get you out of my head” I growl to myself, out of frustration.
“Great. You do that”
“I would! But I got no fucking clue how!”
“There’s a naked woman right next door who would disagree”
I don’t think she would.
“Just tell me you’re not calling him daddy”
“Fuck you”
“Even if it’s a lie. Just tell me so I can…
“So you can what? You haven’t even spoken to me in two days and now you have demands?”
“I haven’t spoken to you because my father is watching us and you said you didn’t want drama on your sister’s wedding”
“I remember what happened, Trevor. I was there”
“Yeah, so what the fuck you giving me a hard time for?”
“Because you are in my room!” she yells with a tone of despair “Get out! Get out, get out, get out”
“Tell me this one thing, even if it’s lie and I’ll go. Tell me you’re not calling him daddy”
“Are you calling her baby?” she pouts again and I wanna choke her and kiss her. Fuck my life. I never wanted to kiss a woman while choking her so fucking bad ever. EVER. “Are you spanking her with your belt?”
“You don’t want me to?”
She has a little laugh of disdain.
“As if that matters…” she mutters.
“Tell me you don’t want me to and I won’t”
“Get out, Trevor” she looks at me and… fuck. She is crying.
Not full crying yet, or I’d lose it completely. But there is a shimmer in her eyes that usually mean tears.
“Tell me you don’t want me to” I ask. My tone changed. Before, I was challenging her, now I am pleading “Make me a list, baby, of all the things you don’t want me to do to anyone else and I won’t”
“No, I’m done making lists for you”
I freeze. My throat is tense like I’m holding back the most violent scream.
The list of things she’d like to do to me. God, and I never heard that one…
“Now that you mention it… I’d love to read that one too” my words are barely louder than my breathing. I come really close so she can hear me and she takes a step back, her eyes locked on my bare chest, like my muscles make it hard for her to breathe even when I’m not choking her.
“Too bad, I got rid of it. It’s gone.”
“Bullshit” I growl “You know that shit by heart. What was number one on the list, Tess?”
“You. Getting out of my room” she raises her eyes to try to face me on the same level. But I’m far larger and taller. There is no way she could ever get on my level. I lean towards her like a bear over prey.
“You don’t wanna tell me yours? That’s ok. You wanna hear mine?” I place my clenched fists on each side of her head, trapping her between me and the wall.
“I could guess it” her cheeks are going a little pink.
Yeah, baby.
Blush for daddy.
“Yeah? Let’s hear it”
“It would be something stupid and macho… like… like…” her cheeks go brighter.
She is thinking about it.
She is thinking about all the things I could do to her.
“Like…? Like…?” I tease, brushing my lips up and down her neck. I never kiss her. I never really touch her. I just make her wish I did.
“Like having me in a collar and leash to give you head”
“Fuck, that wasn’t on my list. Can I have six things?”
“Or…” she pants “Having my ass again…”
“Yeah, that was on my list, baby, you wanna know how I wanted your ass?”
“No. I want you to get out” she says, her fingers drawing patterns on my chest, feeling my hair and my muscles.
“Of course you do. And what else you want? C’mon, Tessie. Tell me one thing on that fucking list”
I take my hands to my belt and start to unbuckle it. She gasps immediately. Her whole breathing goes shallow and tense.
“Tell me”
Tell me one thing.
“No” she moans “But if you guess it right, I’ll admit it”
Ok, baby, I’ll play.
“You wanted me to fuck you in your sleep again, that’s a given”
“Yeah?” I breathe my moan over her lips “You wanted my belt on your ass again”
She has a wicked little grin.
I want to shove my cock in her mouth every time she has that fucking bratty grin on her face.
“No” she licks her smile and just a quick sight of her tongue turns me on. My cock is so fucking hard right now, you’d think there was a naked woman under me. But alas… “That’s not on the list”
“How is that not on the list? You went vanilla on your list?”
“No” she moans like I’m fucking her “I went hardcore”
Lord, have mercy.
My knees falter.
You went hardcore?
“How hard is hardcore?”
“Didn’t you hear me? You’re gonna have to guess”
“You wanted me to spank you with a cane and then fuck you with it? You wanted me to use knives? You wanted me tie you up in suspension and punish you for hours with a drill…”
“Easy, cowboy” she laughs “You know, some guys can’t even think of anything harder than choke and spank”
“Well, some guys lack imagination”
“Which one do you want? Right now, Tessie, pick one. I’ll make it happen”
“Right now?”
“Right now” she holds me by the jaw “I want you to get out”
“You don’t”
“Lana is naked.”
“And alone”
“God, you’re a jerk”
“Your point?”
“That’s it. That’s my point”
“For your information, Lana is using me as a rebound. She is fully aware my mind is elsewhere. Can you say the same thing for Ryan?”
“I didn’t fuck Ryan, asshole”
Those are the five most beautiful words ever spoken in the english language.
My grin is so large I can’t even call it a simple grin anymore. It would be like calling the biblical Flood a drizzly day. I have a glorious smile of happiness, joy and wonder.
“You didn’t?” I run my hands into her hair.
I’m gonna eat your pussy, Tess. And then I’m gonna fuck you.
“I was gonna. But it felt wrong” she sounds small and fragile.
“Of course it did. Cause you belong to me”
“Stop it! You promised your dad…”
“Yeah, but didn’t you just point out that I’m a jerk?”
“You were just having sex with Lana” she covers her own eyes like her whole body is screaming at her not to trust me.
“I didn’t. I swear.”
“Yeah, sure” she rolls her eyes.
I know it looks bad… I have no shirt and Lana was naked. But… but…
“Tess?” my voice gets deep and serious. No more joking and teasing.
I take her hands out of her face so I can look at her beautiful eyes.
“Tessie” I plead “Tell me something on your list” my words are nothing more than a whisper.
She has her lips pursed. Her fists clenched. Her forehead is wrinkled and her eyes are in pain.
Say it.
“Kiss me” she gasps.
“That’s not on the list” I say “I asked…”
“I know what you asked. And I’m asking you to kiss me”
Two years.
It’s been two years since I kissed her.
She has her hands on my chest not like she wants to feel me up, but like she wants me to hold her close.
She wanted to have sex with Ryan just like I wanted to have sex with Lana.
She failed just like I failed.
We are trying to get the other out of our heads.
But we can’t.
The only difference between the two of us is that I’d fuck her and then make love to her. I’d cuddle her. I’d keep her.
I want her for good.
She wants me for right now.
Tomorrow my dad is gonna look at her funny or Annie is gonna suspect something and she’ll freak out again.
Like she did that night two years ago… when I was ready to find a place and have her spend as much time as she wanted living with me during lockdown. She turned it down. And then again the other day, didn’t she? When she said we’re not worth the trouble.
She’s confused and wants sex.
That’s fine, I want sex too.
But I can’t kiss you, Tess.
Cause if you kiss me, I’ll lose it. I’ll want you too much. It will cut too deep.
It will break my heart.
I can’t.
I will eat your pussy and fuck your ass. I will spank you with a belt and do any hardcore kinks you have on your list. But I can’t kiss you.
You want sex. You don’t want me.
“No” I say, and even though it’s a really short word, my voice dies in the middle of it.
She still has that look of pain in her eyes.
“I’m sorry” I say.
“It’s alright, I understand” she chokes, but I really don’t think she does.
“If things were different, I’d…”
“I understand” she pushes my arms away from her, carefully, trying to get some distance between us… and I let her “Is this… Is this because I made out with Ryan?”
“No, Tess. This has nothing to do with anyone else”
“It’s just because of me” she whispers to herself “You don’t want me”
“I want you plenty”
“Just not to kiss”
I take a deep breath.
“Just not to kiss” I agree “But anything else you want, I’d…”
“I want you to go now” she says. She doesn’t sound bratty or wild. She just sounds hurt. Small.
“Tess, I…”
“I don’t wanna have to say red, Trev. But I really need you to go, now. Please”
I nod and walk out. We don’t say goodbye.
I shouldn’t have gone into her room. Nothing good came of it.
I close her door behind me and as I am standing in that dim lit hallway I realise I’m an idiot.
I do want to kiss her.
I want to kiss her too fucking much, that’s the problem.
So I should just do that! I should kiss her and tell her how much I want her. She doesn’t feel we are related, she never did! If she doesn’t want drama during Nat and Peter’s wedding, I understand: we can be quiet about it for now. We can figure it out after. We are obviously crazy about each other.
She wanted a kiss.
Out of all things, what she asked for was a kiss.
And she couldn’t fuck Ryan cause it felt wrong? I understand that feeling exactly.
Fuck, Tess. Just be mine already.
I raise my closed fist against the door.
I’m gonna knock. I’m gonna kiss her. I’m gonna make her understand.
A click.
A laughter.
A soft whispered conversation right next to me.
I turn into the hallway and I see two people saying their goodbyes. Annie’s room. She is probably saying farewell to whoever it was that was fantastically fucking her just now. I hold my knock for a second, cause I don’t want to get caught on Tessa’s door.
I want you to understand that: my biggest issue that second was I didn’t want to get caught.
Now watch everything change.
The man stumbles into the hallway and he looks an awful fucking lot like Peter.
You know?
The guy who’s marrying Annie and Tessa’s older sister in a few days?
I freeze, unable to speak or move.
My jaw drops as something inside me is praying that my eyes saw it wrong. It’s kinda dark. I’m kinda horny. Better men have been confused for far less.
But as he is moving away she calls him back.
“Hey, don’t forget this” she whispers, handing him panties. Panties that read “Fill me up daddy”. The gag gift. That’s Annie’s panties. The matching ones she has with Tess.
He turns and I see it plain as day.
It’s Peter.
It’s fucking Peter.
“Parting gift” Annie says with a sad tone and he hugs her and kisses her one last time before speeding down the hall to the elevators.
I’m hiding in the den made by the doors but honestly… not that well. So they should have seen me, if they weren’t so lost in each other’s eyes.
That’s probably why when Annie turns to go back in her room she looks straight at me and we stare at each other in silence and horror.
Her eyes go wide in panic as she runs back into her room and locks the door, trying desperately to pretend it didn’t happen.
But it did.
This is gonna kill Nat.
This is gonna kill Tessa.
I stare back at Tess’s door. I can’t go back in now.
What the fuck am I gonna say?
Guess what? Turns out you and me fucking won’t be the biggest drama for the week?
Fuck me.
I was just starting to figure everything out.
I have to walk away now.
Tessa will think I went back to fuck Lana and I’m gonna have to let her think that for now… until I talk to Peter or Annie. Until I make some sense on all of this before dropping this bomb on her family.
And I just wanted my girl to be mine.
I just wanted a couple of weeks on the beach.
I just wanted to find out what Tessa’s list was and go over it together.

I (F20’s) went for drinks with an ex (M20’s) and it got a little heated (VANILLA) – Tess & Trevor

I don’t understand how Mother Nature thought it was a good idea to give us a brain and a vagina at the same time. Cause let me tell you: those two organs do not agree. Ever.
If my brain could have it his way, I never would have fucked Trevor. And even thought I did, my brain would now insist that I just snap my fingers and move on. Gone and done.
But does my vagina agree? No. My vagina likes to be tickled by really rough dominant men who humiliate me and lust for my holes while I am asleep.
So that leaves me in a mess.
An utter and absolute mess.
I want Trevor, I don’t want Trevor.
I wanna keep him close, I wanna keep him away.
My head is spinning so fast I have a headache. Which is funny, cause you know what’s great for headaches? Orgasms. The only moment in a woman’s life when her brain and her vagina seem to team up.
Paul has been watching us like he is a lifeguard who knows me and Trevor can’t swim. A very fitting analogy, considering I’m drowning over here.
I spent two years away from him and I was fine!
I mean, yeah, I did think about him while touching myself a lot, but I was mostly fine.
Now, he fucks me again and I can’t go two days? Cause that’s how long it’s been! Two days: one, two… since Paul caught us and we… broke up? Can we even call it that?
I have to stretch my back and squeeze my eyes and moan in pain… but I cannot falter!
For Nat.
For my sweet older sister, the girl who would beat up any kid in school who tried to bully me.
The girl who taught me how to use tampons cause mom was out of town when I had my first period.
The girl who showed me how to overcome a heartbreak when my first crush was not interested in me in the slightest.
Natalie can be complicated and in love with danger, but she and Annie are my hearts. They are my team. So I gotta be in her corner for this.
Sleeping with my stepbrother is the kind of gossip that could steal all the thunder away from her wedding, and two weeks from now, when Nat is walking down that aisle I’ll be damned if anyone around her is talking about anything that isn’t how beautiful she looks.
My brain and my vagina are gonna have to chill.
Cause I’m listening to my heart here.
My heart. This thing in my chest that jumps up and down as soon as see Trevor every day.
Every day.
I get to the breakfast lounge and he is there. Wearing some well fitted shirt and shorts in that glorious body of his. His tats looking like they are begging to be tongued. He wasn’t like this during lockdown, but now I notice he wears rings, and some of those leather bracelets that just draw the eye to how large his forearms and hands are.
I am staring.
I am like this close to drooling.
I blame my vagina for doing this and my brain for letting her get away with that.
Everybody, focus!
Not. Going. To. Happen.
Specially with Paul overseeing every move we make.
God, I wish we could have moved on with our lists.
I wish I knew what was on his.
But we decided to stay away and he’s been respectful of that. I’d say bless him, but I really feel like fuck him. Don’t let me go, Trev. I asked you for it and you said you would never, remember?
Lana couldn’t be happier about our distance.
Yesterday I overheard her saying that she feels like he is trying to get over an ex, so she’d probably just be a rebound but that’s fine by her. That’s a literal quote. She is fine if all he needs is a warm body to have some fun for a while. I mean, I wouldn’t mind that either. Two years ago, that’s exactly the deal that got me here.
And the way she talked about him…
It sounded like they were getting closer, you know? It’s only been a couple of days, but 48 hours after I made my original deal with him, Trevor was already sleep fucking me, counting me down with a spoon on my pussy and making jokes about how I fucked myself with his mask before making him wear it.
48 hours with Trevor is like 20 years in human time.
A lot can happen.
They are gonna have sex.
They are gonna have sex tonight, by the way I heard her talking.
And there’s nothing I can do about that. I shouldn’t even be feeling nothing about that.
He’s my stepbrother. I’ll be invited to his wedding one day. His fiancee will wear a beautiful white dress and I will smile and congratulate her.
I can’t breathe.
“Tess…? Tess!” One of the bridesmaids notices my tiny panic attack and my name being pronounced with any hint of fear is enough to draw Trevor’s attention.
I clench my fists trying to force my lungs to breathe in, but they don’t.
My throat is rigid and I feel ridiculous.
Tess, just breathe!
“Hey” it’s his hands. He holds my arms, checking my eyes. He is so warm. How is this possible? I thought everyone should be around 98 degrees, but I swear this man is burning at 250. He touches me and I feel sweat on my forehead “Tessa? Are you ok?” he looks so worried. It’s the first time he’s spoken to me in two days.
Respecting our decision to stay away.
But the second I can’t breathe, there he is. His dad is right behind him, but Trev doesn’t seem to care. All he seems to care about is that I can’t breathe right.
“Just breathe” he whispers, holding my face in his hands.
“She is alright, Trevor” his dad says, harshly.
“Breathe” he repeats, just for me.
And I do.
My face is still in his hands. He’s moving his thumbs, caressing me softly.
“Are you feeling better?”
No. I’d feel better if you hugged me.
“Yeah. I just choked a little. I’m sorry”
“Don’t apologize” he says.
Yes, sir.
“Trevor…” his father growls. I am really starting to hate this man.
Trevor takes a couple of steps back and my cheeks feel so empty.
Brain and vagina need to chill the fuck out!
My heart is in charge, right? My heart is calling the shots right now and my heart wants…
He looks so handsome. Did he always look this handsome?
You said you wouldn’t let me go.
But he does.
He leaves. Back to his breakfast table with Lana and some others. I can’t even be mad at her… she is good people, really. She’s beautiful and smart and funny. And from what Nat has told me, she is also a really loyal friend.
It’s not her fault my life is a mess.
I spend the day trying to distract myself. The wedding activities usually help but since yesterday, Nat seems to be a little off. She seems distracted or upset. I’m not sure. Maybe it’s just the stress, or maybe I’m so horny I’m starting to see things. Either way, we’ve been mostly left to our own devices. To me, that means hitting the hotel bar before bed, cause getting wasted sounds horrible, but going to bed sober and alone sounds worst.
“Have a drink with me” Ryan gently pushes me with his shoulder as he spots me at the bar.
He’s been a decent friend lately so I say “Sure!”
“Not here” He shows me a bottle of tequila he’s been hiding behind his back “Come!”
“W… where?” I ask, but he is already running away like a little naughty boy eating the cookies before dinner.
He runs all the way outside to the pool area which, after 11 pm, is dark and deserted. I take a deep breath and the sound of my breathing gets deafening by the waves and the wind. Salt. I smell salt.
Ryan finds a couple of those chaise lounges by the pool, protected by a canopy. We sit, facing each other and so close together that our knees are always touching.
“I forgot glasses” he opens the bottle and takes a sip before handing it to me.
“Cheers” the thing burns me all the way down and I make a face.
“Atta girl” he smiles.
“Where did you steal this from?” I hand it back to him.
“I… bought it, Tessa” he laughs “I’m a grown up” he keeps teasing me so I roll my eyes at him.
“Why are you buying a bottle of tequila for yourself?”
“Why are you hitting the hotel bar by yourself?”
“I asked first”
“I didn’t buy it for myself. There’s lots of people around, I figured someone would join in. Your turn”
“I couldn’t sleep”
He nods, accepting my answer and raises the bottle in a toast.
“Well, I’m glad. You’re a better company than the other guys”
I laugh at that, stealing back the bottle from his hands for another tiny sip.
Tiny little sips.
I have zero intentions of getting wasted.
“I’m sure you boys all love each other”
“Well, I only knew Peter and Andy before hand. Most of the guys are alright, thought. Except Trevor”
I choke on tequila.
“What? Why?”
“I thought you’d agree. Word on the street is you can’t stand him, right?” the way he asks that gives me pause. There’s so much suggestion in that last word. Almost like he is waiting for me to correct him.
“Yeah, but what did Trevor ever do to you?”
“We played basketball on our first day here. He won. By far. And he wasn’t very kind about it”
“And now you’re holding a grudge?”
“Little bit” he jokes, making me smile.
“So he doesn’t like you cause you suck at basketball?!
“No” he casually takes another sip “He doesn’t like me cause I’m hitting on you”
I feel my entire jaw clench. I freeze and Ryan is… amused. Watching me over the bottle, waiting to measure my reaction.
I have to say something.
“He can be… overprotective of his…” fuck, am I really gonna say it? “… little sisters”. The word taste bitter in my mouth.
“Yeah, sure” Ryan has a bit of a smirk of someone who doesn’t believe a single word I just said “You wanna play Never Have I Ever?”
“Do we have to?”
“Never Have I Ever” he starts anyway “Slept with someone who was tangentially related to me…” he hands me the bottle, suggesting that I should drink as stated by the rules.
“Are you intentionally trying to be an asshole or is it an accident?”
“Relax, Tess. I’m not gonna say anything. Honestly, I’m not sure how it’s still a secret”
“Excuse me?”
“The other day, your sister said you named me as your best sex, and the second she said it… if it was physically possible for a human being to spit fire, Trevor would have done that. So I decided to have a little fun at his expense. You know, cause of my basketball grudge and all” he has a smug smile.
I widen my eyes while my jaw drops. I point at him in accusation.
“The ride to Playa del Carmen”
“Yeah, don’t get me wrong. I’d hit on you even if Trevor wasn’t involved. But I would have been smoother about it instead of… you know… licking ice cream off your finger” he laughs “Then Trevor grabbed you away like some cavemen” he raises his shoulders “So it was obvious. I’m not judging, really” he adds, quickly “You two are not related, that’s silly. But I understand how some people could see it that way and how you’d rather it not be a topic on your sister’s wedding. So I’ll be quiet, you don’t need to worry”
Well, that was… reasonable.
“Thank you” I say “Even though you were an asshole about it”
“Sorry, I was just having a little fun. Anyway…” he scratches his head like he wants to ask me something else but doesn’t know if he should.
I roll my eyes at him.
“Oh, just ask”.
“You two still together?” he blurts out like he was literally just waiting for an opening “Or can I say stuff about how beautiful you are”
“We’re not together” more words that also taste bitter “It happened. It’s over”
“Good” he smiles a little too confident.
“I’m not having sex with you again, Ryan”
“Really? I hear I was your best”
“Yeah… about that…”
“You were lying, yeah I know”
I blink really fast, cause he caught me off guard. I’m used to men being extra cocky when it comes to that stuff. Admitting you’re not the best is weirdly refreshing.
“How do you know that?”
“Because I was there, Tessa!” he laughs. He has a sweet laugh. He is also kinda cute and I’m starting to remember why I slept with him in the first place “We were both tipsy. We were both sleepy. The whole thing was a hot mess that lasted… what? Twenty minutes?”
“More like ten”
“Well, first: ouch. You hold back no punches, do you?”
“Not my style.”
I’m a brat, or so I’m told.
“And second: that night was hardly my finest hour. So when your sister said you named me as your best sex I knew either she was lying or you were”
“She was” I say “I named the guy who took my virginity”
“So… you were both lying”
“Excuse me?”
He has a silent stare that says oh, please.
“I’m supposed to believe your first time was your best? That’s bullshit”
“What? He was sweet!” I sound outraged.
“I’m sure he was, but there’s no way your sex life is that depressing. You’re too hot, Tess. I’m gonna go on a wild guess and say your mom was in the room so you didn’t feel comfortable giving any answer that remotely resembled the truth. Am I hot?”
Yeah, actually. Kinda hot, if I remember correctly.
“You’re really irritating, you know?”
“It’s one of my many talents”
“What are the other ones? Orgasming in under 160 seconds?”
“You hold back NO punches! Woman, what did I ever do to you?” he is laughing his ass off.
I appreciate a guy who can take banter. I take the bottle away from him again, and he lets it go with a sign of surrender.
He has a sweet smile.
Ryan and Trevor are two very different flavours.
Trevor is the obviously hot guy that makes a woman gasp even when he is fully dressed, because you can tell he is smoking hot under that shirt. He has the grin and the voice and the look and the confidence of a man who’s greatest expertise is to eat pussy.
Ryan looks comfortable. He’s the kind of guy you’d take home to meet you mother and they end up being great friends. He’s handsome. Very. I do remember him being hot under those clothes, but he doesn’t look like he can eat a pussy.
“So who was it? The best sex you ever had?” he adds, dramatically.
I bite my smile and stare at Ryan with a “oh no, no” atitude.
“C’mon!” he pouts “Just tell me. I won’t tell your mom”
“I think I’ll keep that name for myself, thank you very much”
“So… Trevor?” he smiles. He has a naughty-boy smile that is kind of endearing.
“I am not going to answer that”
“It was Trevor. Your best sex was Trevor. But I’m curious. What did he do? I mean… what does a guy need to do for Tessa to consider him the best?”
“Taking notes, are we?”
“You never know. You might give me a second chance to clear my good name. I can’t mess that up.”
My turn to laugh. He is cute. He is funny.
He is… cozy.
“C’mon. What did Mr. First Place do?”
“Well…” I breathe in, fully aware that I am never telling Ryan what my actual kinks are “He did… things”
“Ah, yes, things. The best foreplay there is” he makes fun of me “Seriously? That’s all I’m getting?”
I take another sip of tequila and dramatically pretend to have my mouth busy, so I can’t answer him.
“Alright, I see how it is” he grins “How about I make you a deal? I tell you my best and you tell me yours?”
“You mean I wasn’t the best you ever had?” I bat my eyelashes at him.
“Not even close” he lowers his voice down to a teasing whisper. He is just jokingly getting back at me, but I do have a kink for being humiliated so Ryan accidentaly hits just the right spot.
“Who was it?” I ask.
“A woman I used to work with”
“Well that’s boring”
“That’s not the whole story! Are you gonna let me finish?”
“Depends. Does it get more exciting than that?”
“Shut up and listen”
Yes, sir.
I shut up.
“You know how some guys like…” he presses his tongue against his cheek like he’s not sure what kind of vocabulary he can use with me.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
“We had sex, Ryan! I’d say we’re pretty intimate. Just say whatever you wanna say”
“You know how some guys like tits and others like ass and so on?”
“That’s what you were being a prude about? The words tits and ass?”
“Can you just answer my question?”
“Yes, darling, I know how some men have sexual preferences. Yes. Some women prefer men who get to the point. I’m one of those. Maybe that’s why I only had you for twenty minutes”
“I hear it was only ten” he smiles like he is trying to figure out how any man could deal with me. Maybe he should ask Trevor. Then he could take notes.
“Are you gonna get to the point?” I laugh.
“Are you gonna let me?”
“Do you only do what women let you do?”
“Wouldn’t you like to find out” he grins with a sexy little wink “I like legs” he says.
“Yeah. They turn me on like fuck. Which is why I was so hard into you, you have amazing legs, Tess”
“Why, thank you. Was that it?”
He shakes his head, like he is finally getting used to my bratting and carries on without waiting for my permission.
“Because I like legs, it’s natural that I’d have a thing for… you know…”
“Pantyhose” he laughs “You know? Fishnets and… uh…” he takes a break and breath out almost like he’s holding back a moan “You know those really fancy high heel shoes with those red bottoms?”
“Whatever they are called. A hot woman wearing nothing but some nice lingerie, fishnets and a pair of those would have my heart any day”
“Your heart?”
“My dick”
“And is that what the woman was wearing? The one who was your best?”
“It was a Christmas party at the law firm I work for. She was wearing some office attire… tight skirt and a silk shirt… I never took them off. I fucked her in the storage area on top of some files. She was wearing a dark pantyhose and I ripped that thing out of my way. Pushed her panties to the side and fucked her without opening a button on her shirt. I just felt her thighs over the pantyhose and under them. Grabbing her, so hungry, I kept ripping more and more holes in it. When we were done, she had to remove the whole thing before going back to the party. Which was a good plan not only because I destroy it, but also because I came on it”
That was enough to shut me up a little.
I mean it’s not sleep play, but it was kinda hot.
“Was that exciting enough for you?” he teases.
I reply with the international hand gesture that means so-so and he laughs.
“Your turn”
“No, thank you”
“I told you mine! Now you have to tell me yours”
“I never agreed to that, did I?”
He squints his eyes, checking his memory and realising I never did agree to that.
“That’s evil”
“Yeah, that’s me. Nice to meet you”
“C’mon, you gotta give me something? I feel so vulnerable right now”
“That’s not my fault”
“You offended my sex skills and my stamina, then you hear my secret and refuse to give me anything back! C’mon, Tess. Tell me!”
“It’s… uh…” I shrug “Private. And a little embarrassing”
“I won’t judge”
“Yes, you will”
“Look, let me phrase it like this: whatever it is, it can’t be worst than what I’m imagining, right?”
“What are you imagining?” I sound shocked.
“That you are into cannibalism or some shit”
“You DO NOT think I am into that!”
“I could! Since you’re not telling me…”
“Nice try”
“I could think you are into micropenis. Is that why you didn’t enjoy mine? Is that why you enjoyed Trevor’s? Or you could have a fetish for… wrapping butt plugs in bubble gum before…”
“Alright, alright, you made your point” I am laughing so hard I lean into him, he takes the opportunity to gently caress my arm. He is casual about it. He is… smooth “I…” I take a deep breath. Ryan has sweet brown eyes. The kind of eyes that wouldn’t judge you for your preferences, but that are far too innocent for I like to be hate fucked while I’m unconscious.
So I go with:
“I like it rough, ok?”
“Rough? How rough?”
I lick my lips. Daydreaming.
“So…” he leans in as well, waiting for a reply, but I just take another sip of tequila instead “You like to be spanked? Have your hair pulled? Be called names?”
I nod with a quiet smile.
“Keep going”
“Oh, wow! You like to be… called by really vulgar names?”I nod, encouraging him to carry on “You like to be spanked hard? With props? You like to be choked?”
“Keep going”
“My, oh my. Is it too boring of me that I don’t know how to keep going?”
“I wouldn’t blame you. I used to be very vanilla myself”
“So that’s the best sex you ever had? When Trevor introduced you to all that?”
“I didn’t say it was Trevor, nice try. But being introduced to that… yeah”
“What did he do? Specifically? On this… Best time”
I shake my head no with a wicked smile and his face melts in a clear sign of pain.
“C’mon! I am so curious now. Fine, don’t tell me the best time. Tell me the second best?”
He fucked me while I was trapped under his nightstand yelling at him to stop.
I shake my head no.
“The third best?”
He fucked me with a spoon, counting me down to my orgasm.
I shake my head no.
“Fuck, what did this guy do to you? You sure it wasn’t the cannibalism, right?”
I laugh so hard I grab his arm.
“No, that would be too far”
I’m still trying to joke it off, but Ryan puts his hand over mine caressing my fingers and something happens. He is so gentle. His touch is so caring that it forces our eyes to lock. He makes the expression share a moment make sense. That’s what we’re doing right now. This moment, this exact second, is just between me and him. Just the two of us feeling it.
“Tess” he whispers, with his big sweet brown eyes “Please, tell me”
I feel safe.
For whatever reason.
I feel like I can say it.
I feel like he won’t judge me.
To the hell with it.
“I like it when a guy hate fucks me against my will” I whisper.
And I know what will follow.
He goes very quiet and when he finally speaks, there’s a hint of horror in his voice:
“You mean… you wanna be r…”
“I mean it’s a kink. I like to pretend to fight while I’m being fucked”
I think he was about to say oh, but his voice runs out. So he just almost opens his mouth, before his eyes kinda lose focus.
He thinks it’s weird.
Of course, he does.
Who wouldn’t?
It’s 2022 and most women are out there fighting so that men will respect our “no” and here I am saying I get wet when they ignore it.
Ryan doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself, so I say:
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I should go”
“No, no!” he holds me by my hand, touching my knee to keep me down “No, you didn’t make me uncomfortable. It’s a kink, it’s fine” he says, but I can tell he is still a little weirded out “But what happens if you change your mind and want to stop? I mean… if you are pretending to fight it off, how does a guy know it’s not for real?”
“We had a safe word. Red. If I said Red, he’d immediately stop”
“Red” he repeats, trying to see how the word feels on his lips “That’s simple enough”
Our fingers are still a little intertwined and I put the bottle down cause I think I had one sip too many.
“Ok, so… I should keep going until you say red?”
“Who’s holding back no punches now?” I laugh.
“Listen, I’m offering my services. It sounds like we both have our reasons to make Trevor jealous. You have the whole he-is-you-ex thing and I have the whole basketball-grudge thing”
“Is the basketball grudge really a thing?”
“Yeah, absolutely. It’s a huge thing. It’s massive. I’m totally in to help you make him jealous”
“That’s your only reason, hm? Not because you wanna fuck my legs?”
“No, never. I don’t even like your legs that much”
He is so cute.
He’s hooking me again.
With that smooth talk and that sexy smile. I’m gonna get naked before I realise what happened.
“We could pretend to be together. He’ll be spitting fire again.”
“Oh yeah? Just pretend?”
“I mean, we should have sex so we really dive into the characters”
“Of course, of course”
“But I can kiss you in front of him. Call you sweetheart. I could lick your finger again. That one really worked”
“You’re insane” I’m still laughing. I don’t think I’ve stopped laughing for a while now.
“No, I’m not. You taste good” he still has that casual atitude but there is something in his tone now that makes my laughing slow down. Something intense in his words,.
“It was just the ice cream” I say.
“Or maybe it was you. But there’s an easy way to check”
He takes the bottle of tequila and spills some of it on my hands.
“Oh no” he says with the fakest tone of horror, taking my hand in his.
“Did you really just do that?”
“I have no shame” he says and I am about to laugh when he licks my finger.
He is pretending to clean the tequila off it, but his tongue is so smooth and warm and…
There’s something about watching a man’s tongue that makes you think about how it would feel on your clit. Warm and soft. God, I’d take it.
I need to be eaten out so bad.
I’ve spent every meal for the last two days wishing Trevor was fingerfucking me. Daydreaming about his touch. But now that my head seems to be favoring Trevor, my vagina is yelling fuck all and opening business to whoever. They never agree, these two bitches.
Ryan licks my finger so good I am starting to think I had it wrong: he definitely knows how to eat pussy.
“This tequila is top notch” he says sucking on a different finger “Or maybe it’s just you. Let’s find out” he sinks his fingers in my hair pulling me closer for a kiss. His lips are… good. But I’ve been hungry for something else.
I’m been dying for rough lips. Dying to have my face scratched by his beard while he tells me to stop being a cunt and be a good girl, or I don’t get the belt. I wanna hear those harsh words in that loving tone again. I wanna get my ass spanked bloody while getting sweet kisses on my forehead.
But I can’t have that.
Trevor ir like fresh water straight from a waterfall of a melted glacier. Ryan is like a nice tall glass of iced water.
Not the same… But a nice tall glass is a fine drink.
And I am so very thirsty.
I kiss him back and Ryan’s hands on my hair become more urgent, pulling me even closer.
He has the bottle of tequila in his hand when he breaks the kiss, his nose brushing on my cheek while he pours a sip straight on my mouth. I take it and drink what I am offered, licking the bottle and his fingers while I’m at it.
His eyes are heavy with lust.
“Let me try something else” he grunts and before I can say or do anything, he tilts the bottle on my neck, letting a little stream of alcohol burn down my skin, flowing all the way to the vale between my tits. We both stare at the stream going down as he waits to find out if I’m still ok with this.
He is licking his own lips like he could take any alcohol in the world as long as it came served on my tits. He puts his tongue straight between them, licking the drops of tequila that made it all the way down.
“Good?” I ask.
“Not sure. I didn’t pour enough” he says and tilts the bottle on my again. This time straight down my cleavage, soaking my tits “That’s fucking tasty” he lowers his face, his nose brushing slightly over my alcohol-drenched skin “And I’m not even a tits guy”
“You want me to go put on some fishnets and Louboutins so you can lick tequila off my thighs?” I joke, but I think those words hit Ryan the same way a be a good girl for daddy hits me. He clenches his fists like something took over him. He eats my tits, licking them clean, but his entire body language has changed.
“That’s tomorrow” he mumbles “Tonight we do this” he is biting whatever piece of flesh his teeth can get a hold of and I do enjoy being bitten.
Ryan is too soft.
Even though he is trying to go hard for it, it’s still nowhere near enough. His bites feel like he is roleplaying. His grabbing of my hair feels like it’s make-believe.
He doesn’t really own me. He is just trying his best to make us all believe it.
My vagina is a little disappointed.
His kisses make their way from my tits to my neck and my brain takes over. This is not bad. Trevor is probably with Lana now and since we can’t have him anyway… might as well have some fun. I feel his hand on my tit… clawing and squeezing. It’s tame. It’s weak. But it’s not all bad. We could enjoy this, right?
A moan slips through my half open lips as it seems my brain and my pussy have finally agreed on something. Ryan squeezes my tit even harder.
Come on, Ry, a little harder. You can do it.
He is pinching my nipples over the shirt and bra and I’m not sure how I’m even supposed to feel anything with that much buffer between us, but there he is. I might not feel it, but it won’t be for lack of trying.
Let’s see if I can drive him wild.
“You sure you wanna wait until tomorrow? I have some really nice pantyhose”
“I bet you do”, his hands go through my body, but never to my legs. Never to the one part of my body that is sure to make him lose control.
I don’t like this.
I don’t like a man who is always so much in check.
I like it when they go raging mad.
I like it when they go violent.
He kisses my neck. He kisses my mouth.
Turn him on, Tess. Crush the good boy and find out if there is anything inside.
“I wouldn’t mind you making holes in any of them” I pant, biting his lips. C’mon, babyboy, go crazy on me “And I’d wear nothing but fishnets and Louboutins. Who the fuck cares about lingerie?”
He is gasping in my mouth. Moaning. Losing control.
Come on! Grab me! Hurt me. Do it!
“Would you like that, baby?” I lick his moans, his hands going lower and lower down my body. Take my thighs, Ryan, you got this “It would be nothing but fishnets, high heels and a very naked Tess. I could keep my legs really close together and you could fuck my thighs. Not my pussy, see? My thighs. You could put your dick between them and fuck them. And then you could take off my fishnets so you could rub your cum on my skin”
“Fuck, Tess” his voice shakes as he grabs me. Really grabs me.
Well, fucking finally.
Ryan pulls me to his chaise and lays me on my back so he can cover my body with his. He’s a bit harder now. A bit rougher.
But he’s still holding back.
He is like a very well trained attack dog. He sees his target and he is drooling for it but I don’t even need a leash to control him. He’ll stay by my side, tapping his angry feet on the floor, staring at his prey like a hunter, but he won’t fucking move until I say go. And even after he is attacking, the control will still be completely mine.
A very well trained Rottweiller. That’s Ryan. There’s an animal under there somewhere, but he is far too well tamed for it to show.
Trevor is… something else.
Trevor is a raging pitbull. The strongest fucking dog there is. No training. No taming. No control or restraint. I’d need a leash and a collar to keep him in check, and even then it wouldn’t be certain. I’d need to grab on to that leash for dear life and he would still pull me at his will to wherever the fuck he wanted to go. I could pretend to have control over him all I wanted, but it would be lies. He is too strong. He is too wild.
That’s Trevor.
All man. All the time.
Being tied up must have been hell for him.
God, that felt good.
He was shaking that bed so violently I though he was gonna break free.
Shaking the whole bed while I sat on his face. I felt like a goddess. I could hear the wood cracking all over the bedframe while he pushed and pulled so fucking hard. Fighting rope and wood to break free so he could grab my thighs. He didn’t care about the pain, my commands or the knots. He just wanted my fucking thighs.
I don’t even know what he would have done to me if those knots didn’t hold, but I kinda wanted to find out.
Ryan, on the other hand…
He could have my thighs now and still he holds back.
He pinches my nipples over the shirt again. Ry, that’s not how you do it, bud. You gotta rip my clothes off and go for my actual tits, baby. Those over-the-shirt pinches are doing nothing.
“A little harder. You can do it” I ask
“Tessa, learn how to shut the fuck up, or I’ll gag you with the fucking fishnets”
That’s… nice.
Fuck, where did that come from?
He puts his hands between my thighs and I squeeze them so hard, he smirks.
“I see” he is blowing his words and his lust on my skin “That’s what you like, hm? You like to be treated like a whore”
Yeah, that’s what I like.
That’s the spot right there.
Fuck, ok.
This just got a whole lot nicer.
“Tell me what you like to be called” he fingers me and in that department he really knows what he is doing “Whore?”
I moan a little.
“Yeah?” he asks “Slut?”
I moan a little more.
“Bitch? Cunt?”
I moan so good I feel his dick going fucking hard.
“Oh. That’s the one, right there. You like that, you fucking cunt?”
I do.
I really really do.
“What else do you like? Do you like that daddy shit?”
I do.
I really really…
I smile like a whore ready to say oh yes, daddy but it feels wrong.
It feels criminal.
I remember the first time I called Trev daddy. It was natural. I was so wet for him that I would have called him just about anything under the sun, as long as that meant he’d give me dick.
I can’t.
I’m sorry, Ryan, I can’t.
My brain wants to.
My pussy wants to.
But my heart is in the way.
“I… I can’t” I say, under my breath “I’m sorry, Ryan, I can’t” I push him away gently.
“Was it the daddy thing? Was that to far?“
“No, I actually like that, but I…”
“… Right over there” we hear my mom’s voice.
“Fuck” Ryan gasps, getting off me in a quick jump.
We both sit back up a second before mom and Paul cross the canopy into our line of sight. Ryan is bent over his own body, trying to hide his boner while I’m running my hands through my hair trying to make it not look like a man just messed it up.
“Hi kids!” mom notices nothing, the beautiful soul that she is “Have you seen Nat?”
“Nat? No. Why?”
Paul is mom’s opposite. He notices everything. And while he does seem uncomfortable for interrupting, he also seems pleased, you know? Because I’m making out with someone who isn’t his son.
I wonder if Trevor would share his joy.
Though, considering how close he was with Lana when I last saw him, Trevor is probably having a lot of joy right about now.
“I think something happened” mom says.
“Nothing happened” Paul tries to calm her down “Nat is just under a lot of stress”
“I’m sorry, why do we think she is upset?” something happens to a woman when she thinks her sister is in trouble. It’s like your entire DNA was coded so that if that moment ever happens, you’ll be ready.
Everything else fades into the background. Nothing else seems as important.
I was wet, horny and confused? Well, that’s all gone now. Something happened to Nat.
“I think she and Peter might be having a hard time”
“They are fine!” Paul adds again, but he sounds a little too intense. Like a man trying to hide a mistress behind the curtains while going what are you talking about? The curtains were always bumpy like that.
I need to go find my sister.
I leave them behind without saying goodbye. I barely make it to the lounge and I feel a man’s hand around my wrist.
My whole body wants it to be him.
I turn around and it’s just Ryan.
That annoys me more than it should. Frustrates me.
“Ryan, I can’t right now. I know you wanted sex, but I gotta find my sister.”
“Tessa, wow, wow!” he raises his hands, asking me to calm down “I wasn’t gonna have sex with you out in the open like that”
You weren’t?
He takes a deep breath.
“We had a few drinks, so I’m not doing that right now. But we are doing it”
“Doing… what?”
“What you wanted, remember? You wanna fight me and say no, I’m ok with that.” He tightens his lips and something inside my pussy itches. “We’ll do it right. I’m gonna take my fucking time with you cause I’m coming for that First Place title” he gives me a wink.
“It’s a tough competition”.
“I’m not scared” he shrugs “You know, Tessa, Trevor is not the only guy in the world who knows how to be rough”
I hope you’re right. Cause I can’t have Trevor anymore and I really fucking love it when it’s rough.
Ryan steps closer, his hands slowly caressing my waist.
“If you like to be treated like a whore, I can treat you like a whore. So make no mistake” he slides his fingers inside my shirt and I get a little shiver “I’m letting you go tonight, but I’m coming back for you tomorrow and I don’t give a damn if you tell me to stop. I’m gonna fuck you hard and” he gives me a little kiss on the cheek so very close to the lips “Daddy won’t back off unless you say red”.
I gulp.
I have no idea what kind of trouble I’m throwing myself into.
And that was before I even realised this last part of our conversation wasn’t private.
Someone was just around the corner, listening to every single word.

I (M20’s) have a crush on this woman (F20’s) who’s kinda my stepsister (VANILLA, SLOW BURN, SOFT DOM)

Tessa’s plan is not going to work and let me tell you why: I’m a jealous man.

I’m a possessive dominant asshole who likes to spank his brat and really hates it when another man comes near her.

So this whole *Tess pretending to be with Ryan so we can keep fucking without our families realising what’s going on* is really not gonna work for me.

Just thinking about it is already giving me an itch.

*And she didn’t stay for aftercare*. I get really annoyed when she does this… Two years ago, every now and then she’d slip out of my bed so fast I couldn’t hold on to her. We’d fuck hard and rough and when I wanted to take care of her afterwards… *she’d be gone*.

Makes me feel like an incompetent dom, you know?

I need to fuck my girl hard and heavy, I need to make her unlearn how to walk or breathe or speak, I need to shove my cock so deep down her throat that she’ll be tasting me all week… and then I need to take care of her. Then I need to hold her and keep her, and make her feel like the perfect woman that she is.

I (F20’s) can’t believe this but I actually got stuck under furniture and he (M20’s) used me while I was trapped (BONDAGE, NON-CON) – Tess & Trevor

When I wake up the next morning, I have three separate problems.
The first one (let’s call it Problem A) is that I can’t find my panties. I had them on last night, you know? When I went over to Trevor’s room to tie him up and sit on his face. But now they are gone. So of course that means they are probably sitting somewhere in Trevor’s bedroom as we speak. This is stressing me out for two reason (Problem A is complex, try to keep up): First is that this is fucking Trevor, right? And we know he is gonna use those panties to punish me somehow. Second is that these panties are… odd. They are not some sexy black thongs, but a white cotton little thing with “Fill me up, daddy” written across the ass.
It was a joke, ok? Me and Annie got a couple of these as gag gifts to each other last year. They are comfortable as fuck, so I wear them often. And since my plan was to undress before I tied Trevor up (so in case he accidentally woke up I’d already be naked) I did not care one bit about what underwear I had on.
Alas… as fate would have it… that’s the one I had on.
So that’s Problem A.
Problem B is that I don’t think Trevor masturbated last night.
You know when you’re ravenously hungry and suddenly it seems like you can smell the spices of whatever your neighbour is cooking three floors above you?
Sex is like that.
Appetite hightens your senses.
Going hungry makes a man move around like a carnivore with a pussy-based diet.
As soon as Trevor sees me that morning his eyes lock on me like a crocodile. Slow and steady. Watching me without moving his head. He is several feet away and yet he stares at me like he can smell the inside of my thighs.
I left him last night with his cock still hard. I never helped him cum and by the way he looks at me I don’t think he masturbated either.
This is an issue because history taught us that Trevor never goes hungry for long and we are surrounded by family: His dad already knows of our past indiscretions and his brother is suspicious. So I need to be extra careful.
Problem C is gonna be longer. Just watch closely.
“We have plans for today” Natalie announces as soon as I sit with her.
“Unless your plans involve a day at the beach, you can count me out”
“We already did that yesterday! Today, we’re going on an adventure”
Last time Natalie convinced us to go on an adventure, it was for an (allegedly) easy 2 hour hike to the Emerald Lake during our family vacation to Argentina. Why get a guide? Natalie said. We can go by ourselves, Natalie said. It will be an adventure, Natalie said.
I like hiking.
I hike plenty.
But getting to the Emerald Lake wasn’t a hike. It was more like being trapped in one of those japanese shows where you gotta run through spinning obstacles while a guy dressed as charmander tries to trip you with a huge stick.
It involved a lot of mud.
A lot of swamp.
A lot of climbing through mud.
You know what’s worst than having to go through a vertical swamp? Having to go through a vertical swamp without a guide.
We did half the journey on our hands and feet after we kissed our dignities goodbye.
My idea of an adventure is a well organised day outdoors, with a moderate challenge I am aware I can handle.
Annie’s idea of an adventure is going for a quick shopping spree at a new city.
Nat’s idea of an adventure is something that is very likely to get us killed.
“Have fun on your adventure” I say “I’ll stay behind so we’ll have someone to call Search & Rescue”
“Relax, Tessa! We’re just going to the next town over. We’ll see the city, go for a dive on the reefs… end the day having a drink on a hotel’s rooftop pool with a little surprise!”
“Ok, that doesn’t sound bad”
“We have some rental cars. Ryan is riding with us and I saved a spot for you” she winks.
Ok, that sounds bad.
“Or…?” I ask.
“I’m not sure. I think Trevor got a separate car. You could go with him”
Ok, that sounds worse.
I don’t think Trevor would fuck me while driving. But… no, what am I saying? Trevor would definitely fuck me while driving.
“No, please don’t!” says this blond woman with a beautiful revealing cleavage and some of the most intense blue eyes I have ever seen.
“Excuse me?” I forgot her name. She is one of the bridesmaids… I think she and Nat work together? I’m not sure. I was considering secretely putting a vibrator in my pussy when we were introduced.
“Please don’t ask to go with Trevor” she insists with a very telling smile.
It’s the sisterhood smile, you know? When you’re in a bathroom and you desperately need a tampon, so you look to a woman you don’t know with a smile that says a please, I know you understand, so help a sister out.
Only now, instead of a tampon, Blond wants a Trevor.
“Oh right!” Nat says, with a cheeky smile “Lana has a thing for Trev” she laughs.
A thing? What thing? No, no. There will be no thing.
“A thing?” it’s Annie’s turn to make fun of her “More like THE thing. I’ve never seen you want a guy this bad, Lana!”
Well, she’s gonna have to want something else.
“No” the word slips on my tongue and three women look at me “No…” I try to fix it with a smile “I mean, why? Trevor is…” mine “Horrible!”
“Don’t listen to Tess, she hates Trevor. She thinks he’s like the antichrist or something, because he owns a gun”.
“He’s no good, Lana, trust me” I say.
“It’s ok, it’s not like I want a relationship with him” she has a little smirk “I just want to get some, you know?”
Yeah, I know.
Believe me, I know.
I stare at her with a rancid smile.
“He is so hot” Lana adds with her pretty blue eyes “That body. And those tattoos”
“I think they’re tacky” I shrug.
“You are so bitter, Tess” Annie laughs, checking our surrounding to make sure we’re alone “Trevor is crazy hot. If he wasn’t pretty much our brother, I’d do him”
My throat shuts down so hard that when I try to gulp my saliva is just stuck somewhere in there.
“Right?” Lana says with a dreamy sigh “I don’t care if he is a bad boy, I just want some of that in me”
Nat and Annie break out laughing. I try to pretend to follow, but I’m not happy. I’m just pissed.
I have to take a deep breath. I can show NO signs of jealousy cause if I do, fucking Trevor will have a field day.
We go back to our rooms to pack for the day before heading to the parking lot where a row of parked cars are waiting for us.
And… there is Trevor. Looking like bliss. He has a summer vibe thing going on that fits him wonderfully. I only ever saw him with casual stay-in clothes, but that v-neck tight shirt is hugging him like it wants to lick his muscles, and I wouldn’t judge the shirt for wanting that, you know? Sounds like a smart shirt.
His new tattoo is beautiful and it does draw attention to his large, veiny, forearm… which is all kinds of good. His arms are thick enough to make any straight woman pant. And he has a hunger in his eyes that drive chills down my spine.
I walk by him and he moves his head, following me. Quietly smelling my hair, like I’m what’s for supper.
He’ll fuck me while he is driving.
Remember how I wasn’t sure?
That was before.
Now he is smelling me like that and licking his lips… he’s definitely gonna fuck me while driving.
Nat, however, has different plans and decided I am to ride with her, her fiancé Peter and their friend… Ryan.
Trevor clenches his jaw as soon as he hears this, but if he had plans to interfere, he took one look at his dad’s face and quietly gave up. So off to Playa del Carmen we go. On separate cars. With, as it seems, separate dates.
I don’t remember which of my lovely sisters told Ryan I said he was the best sex I ever had, but I should really thank them. This was sarcasm, couldn’t you tell? I’m pretty sure I didn’t even name Ryan. I said my best sex was my first time, right? You can vouch for me. But it doesn’t matter. One of my sisters lied and Ryan believed them.
Ryan really believed them.
He low key hits on me all the way to Playa del Carmen so by the time we get there he is already high key hitting on me. Shamelessly high key flirting. Like the key is so high that if you drop it will burn out on re-entry.
He’s touching my hair, going for a kiss on the cheek. He went as far as to call me baby once and that’s not gonna play well with my possessive Trev.
That is IF he is still my possessive Trev. After the long intimate ride here, he might be Lana’s possessive Trev.
I don’t know for sure and there is no way to confirm it because between Ryan wanting my attention, Lana wanting his and his dad always making sure we are very far apart, I don’t even talk to Trevor all day.
I think he asked me “what is this?” at one point and I said “A shell bracelet”, and that was it.
The day is fine when we walk around town.
The day is a little less fine when we go for a swim on the reefs and Trevor goes shirtless. The man is hot. Steaming, smoking, burning… surface of the Sun levels of hot. Even before I met him, if I was told to close my eyes and picture a hot guy, he’d have Trev’s body. That chest makes me lick my lips unintentionally. The muscles covered by just the right amount of dark hair. Those sweet smooth abs. The small line of dark hair under his belly button disappearing into his shorts. And now I’m staring at his cock. My vagina wants to cry. I spent last night riding his face, I should have been riding his chest.
The day gets much worst when we make our way back to town for some ice cream, before heading to the hotel. Trevor’s hair is still wet and he looks so fucking cozy. It’s easier when he just looked like a hot guy I wanted to fuck instead of a comfy guy I wanted to date, you know?
You’re not worthless, you’re priceless.
I remember his soft words whispered in my ear when he’d take care of me after a night of rough sex. God, I loved that aftercare. I loved the hugs and the cuddling.
What the fuck do I do?
“Uh… Tess?” Annie holds my arm and I snap awake “What are you staring at?”
Trevor’s penis.
I’ve been staring at Trevor’s penis.
And by the smile on his face, he noticed.
“Nothing, just lost in a thought” I say.
“Yeah?” he comes closer “What thought?”
“She was probably judging your tattoos” Annie laughs “Tess doesn’t like tattoos”
What is it with little sisters having such loose lips?
“Really?” Trevor has a sadistic grin.
“She said they’re tacky” Annie rolls her eyes making fun of me and I stare at her trying to decide on how many parts I’ll need to chop off her body after I kill her.
“She said that?” Trevor smiles, staring at me like he is considering what he can use to spank me with that I won’t enjoy.
“Yeah, but don’t mind her. She can be bit…”
“Annie, why don’t you be quiet now?” I say and she shuts her own mouth with a smile.
“I think they look really good” Lana says and shut up, Lana, nobody asked.
She also feels the tattoo on his arm like… why? Right? WHY do people need to check tattoos with their fingers? Two years ago, it was the same thing in our pool party. Is that why guys get tattoos? So women will use it as an excuse to touch them? Cause honestly… I can’t even. Just look at them, Lana. With your eyes. From a distance.
I roll my eyes so fucking hard into my skull that even my body tilts and I end up getting some ice cream on my tits. It’s not that big of a deal, it was just a bit, so I scoop it out with my finger to clean my cleavage and here’s where it happens. Problem C. You ready?
Ryan. Wonderful Ryan with his high-up-in-the-heavens key level of flirting thinks it will be a good idea to lick my finger clean.
No, he did not ask.
No, I did not suggest he should.
As soon as I was looking for a napkin, nasty Ryan just said “Here, I got it” and shoved my finger in his mouth.
Annie raises her eyebrows to the rest of the party like she is encouraging me and him to get a room and Trevor turns into 150 shades of red.
“Strawberry” Ryan says “Is that the ice cream or does your skin just taste like that, baby?”
Trevor shakes.
There will be no hiding.
There will be no covering this up.
His face is purple. His teeth are clenched. His nostrils make it look like he is a pitbull about to attack. For a split second I am afraid he might punch Ryan. Instead he grabs my wrist as hard as he does when he’s trying to keep me still in bed.
“Excuse us” he says and waits for no one’s permission before literally towing me away until he are in some back ally far away from sight.
“Trevor, everyone is gonna notice now! Did you lose your mind?”
“Yeah, Tessa, I lost my mind” he growls, pushing me up against the wall with so much testosterone it turns me on a little bit. Yeah, I’m a whore, surprise surprise. “I lost my fucking mind” he says “Are you doing this on purpose?”
“Are you talking about the panties? That was an accident”
He snaps back looking confused as hell.
“What panties?”
Oh, he didn’t find them.
“No, no. You tell me. Right the fuck now”
“I accidentally left my panties behind…
“… With Ryan?” he widens his eyes and I think he wants to spank me now.
“With you, you moron. Last night”
“Oh” I make fun of him.
“Are you doing this on purpose?”
“I just said accidentally. Do you need a dictionary?”
“Not the panties, Tessa” he leans in to the point where his nose is almost touching mine. I think he might bite me. I think I might let him “Everything else. Are you doing it on purpose so I’ll hate fuck you? Cause you can stop, I’m already there”
“Pray, tell, what is it you think I am doing to piss you off? Existing?”
“You broke into my room…
“You gave me a key”
“… to tie me up and sit on my face”
“You enjoyed that.
“Yes… thoroughly” his eyelids drop a little “But then you say my tattoos are tacky…”
“It wasn’t like that”
“And you’re hitting on Ryan? What the fuck is up with that?”
“Like you’re not hitting on Lana”
“Is that what this is about?”
“No! I…” I sigh, feeling the frustration quickly become something warm and ticklish between my thighs “Not that it’s any of your business, but I am not hitting on Ryan”
“He was just…” he holds my hand (the one still holding the ice cream) and forces it into my cleavage just enough to get some ice cream in there. “He was doing this” he growls with grinded teeth. He sink a finger between my tits and scoops out some of it and I think he was about to lick it in a fit of rage to show me what Ryan did, but… he freezes.
He is gulping. I can see his adam’s apple go up and down as he stares at his finger covered in tit ice cream. And then he stares at the actual tits.
His breathing gets hard and shallow. His body pressing me against the wall becomes more urgent.
His finger is still hovering between our lips and since he won’t move, I decide I should.
“What? You’re upset he did this?” I lick his finger like I’m giving him head.
Ryan’s move was tame and prude compared to mine. I suck on Trev’s finger, pressing my lips around it as I move it out of my mouth and then I bring it back in for another suck even though the ice cream is long gone. I push it up against my inner cheek so he makes it pop out like a cock fucking my mouth would do
He presses his nose against my cheek like he wants to fuck me with it. Caressing my tongue and my lips with his now moist finger.
“At least he was man enough to do it” I tease and he chokes me.
His hand is large and tight around my neck.
“Fucking whore”
“Yes” I show him teeth in my aggressive atitude.
He is so handsome even from a distance. Up close like this he’s irresistable. He smells so good and I’m sure he tastes even better.
You’re not worthless, you’re priceless.
Please, stay the night, Tess. Let me take care of you.
Yeah, take care of me, baby. In every way you know how.
“Kiss me” I say.
He is so close I can feel the warmth of his lips on mine. His fingers are sinking so deep into my neck I feel it hurting.
There are tremors in his jaw, like kissing me is all he wants and all he is afraid to want, at the same time. His dream. His nightmare. His only redemption and his worst trauma.
“Kiss me, Trev” I whisper. I need to taste him. I should have kissed him yesterday. Why didn’t I?
He leans so close his forehead is pressed against mine.
“No” his voice sounds harsh. Like he is fighting his own inner demons, trying to overcome traumas I never knew existed.
He lowers his head all the way to my tits and licks the ice cream right off my skin. I called it, didn’t I? Trevor never stays hungry too long.
His tongue feels like electricity. Long licks sending shivers all over my body until my cleavage is clean, but he shows no signs of stopping. I moan losing senses in my arms so fast that I drop the ice cream to the floor. Fuck it. Who needs ice cream? I need Trevor’s tongue and that’s it.
And a kiss.
I could really use a kiss.
I run my hands through his hair while he keeps me pinned to the wall, licking me like an animal, sucking on whatever parts of my tits are available to him with such intensity that I know he’ll leave a hicky. And suddenly just the licking isn’t enough anymore. If sex was an animal, it would be one of those octopus that might even eat you through its mouth, but first it will grab you and feel you through its limbs. Sex is a beast that requires touch to feed its hunger, so Trevor grabs my waist and tits like an octopus. Trying to eat me up through every part of his body.
And then something changes.
He is still pinning me, licking me, grabbing me. But the way he is doing those things… changed.
His lips travel from my cleavage up to my neck, giving me wet kisses until I start to pant like I ran all the way to Playa del Carmen by foot.
His touch on my waist and tits feel more intimate. Not just rough, violent and sexual like he wants to punish me and fuck me… and then punish me again, just for kicks.
No… it changed.
It feels more careful even though it’s still just as intense. It feels like we’re a new couple just making out. It’s raw. Casual. Comfortable. He nibbles on my jaw making me feel his warm smile as he kisses me and I push him closer, scratching his muscles. Feeling his tattoos with my own hands.
“Kiss me” I moan. I beg.
“No” he says again with his lips still on my neck “You left me” his voice falters.
“You mean yesterday? I… what? When?” I can’t think straight. I can never think straight when he is this close.
“I don’t know” he growls “You’ve left me so many times, I lost count”
“Trevor, don’t…”
He chokes me again, so suddenly I can’t finish my sentence.
His lips are right on top of mine. Almost kissing me. Almost.
“Shut up, you fucking cunt. You speak when I say you can s…”
The noise startles us both and Trevor sets me free half a second before his brother shows up in the alley.
“Hey, are you guys ok?” he seems suspicious.
Strike two.
Trevor’s dad already knows about is and it doesn’t look like Leo is far off.
“Yeah” I say “Just uh… paying a bet”
“A bet?” Leo asks and Trevor immediately looks at me with furrowed brows like he is curious as fuck to know where am I gonna go with this.
“Yeah” I nod, staring at Trev for support but he just smirks like he is saying nah, babygirl, you’re on your own with this one “We took a bet on the… uh… Raiders. And Trevor still needed to pay me back, but we didn’t want my mom to know cause she doesn’t support… the Raiders. Or gambling”
Trevor has his arms crossed while he attentively listens to my made up explanation and tries not to burst out laughing.
“Ah, I see” Leo still looks confused like he really doesn’t believe me but has no option other than agree. I think I’m out of the woods when Trevor goes:
“What was the score again?”
“What?” I growl to him while the fucking asshole keeps a perfectly straight face.
“The Raider’s game. What was the score again?”
“I just showed you… anyway…” I panic and clap my hands “We should head back to Cancun, right?”
“Yeah” Leo says, squinting his eyes to the both of us “I’ll drive with you, Trev”
He smiles to his brother with a “we’re right behind you” and as soon as Leo is gone, I slap Trevor’s chest.
“You could have helped me”
“Babygirl, you were so far beyond help, I can’t even…”
“I needed help”
“Yes, that much was clear. A bet? Raiders?”
“That’s all I could think of”
“How about Hey, Leo, yeah, everything is fine, we’ll be right there?”
“I panicked, alright?”
He has a little smile like he is finding me so adorable he could bite me.
“We should go before we raise any more suspicions”
“Mhm. Hey, Tess, what does your mom have against the Raiders?” he laughs.
“Shut up, Trevor”
“Hey Tess, what sport do the Raiders play?”
“Shut up, Trevor”
He doesn’t. He laughs all the way to the parking lot and only stops when we join everyone else and Ryan opens his arms saying he missed me. Then Trevor stops laughing and it’s like all the happiness has been drained from the world.
He looks bitter. He sounds bitter. He talks bitter.
I don’t have to endure it for long because he rides with Leo and Lana while I go with Ryan and company.
We get back to our hotel and Ryan has an arm over my shoulder as we walk into the lounge and I think Trevor tried to get my attention, but Leo holds him up.
That’s when I think of something…
The panties.
He never found them.
They are still in his room somewhere… I have his keys and a head-start.
I get rid of Ryan before he can invite me for a drink for the tenth time and run straight to Trevor’s bedroom.
I look around and I can’t see it.
Maybe he kicked it under the bed by accident?
I need to get it and get lost before he gets here otherwise he 1- Won’t let me keep my panties and 2 – will probably fuck me. And while I do think thing 2 would be great, I’m not looking forward to thing 1.
I look under the sheets and under the bed and… There is is! In a tight space right under the dresser. I reach in. I grab it. I pull it.

It doesn’t come.
Rather: my arm doesn’t come.
My bracelet is stuck.
You see… the dresser is bolted to the wall and there are some screws or something behind it. I try to pull my hand again but the bracelet doesn’t seem to give. I pull harder and it hurts me, like the damn thing is ready to flay me before letting me go free.
I am on my knees already and if I try to use my other hand to assist me, I’ll have to drop my face to the floor and then the position would be even worst.
I pull again and again.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
I’m actually stuck.
Under a dresser.
Bent over.
Wearing a bikini and very little clothes.
It’s just a matter of time until…
I hear the door closing and I am too embarrassed to even look around.
Trevor doesn’t move.
“Uh… Tessa?”
“Yeah” I say in the most defeated voice ever.
“What is happening?”
“Oh my God” I whimper, ashamed.
“Is this a joke?”
“No. I need help.”
“Are you… stuck?” I can see his smile. I am not even facing him, but I swear I can picture it perfectly. I can feel it under my skin and I can hear it in his tone.
“Yes. Can you just…? Help?”
“You can’t get up… from under the dresser? Did you handcuff yourself or something?”
“Trevor. Shut up and help me. This isn’t a sexy joke. Just help me”
“I feel like I should ask for something in return. Or at least hit play on some trashy soundtrack”
“Fight the urge to do that, hm?” I pull my hand again and no luck again.
“How the fuck did you get stuck under there?” He kneels behind me turning on the flashlight on his phone so he can see it better.
“I think it’s my bracelet”
“Yeah… I don’t know what to…” he moves his hands around my body like he is trying to help but honestly has no idea how to do that without bursting into laughter.
“This is the time you choose to be coy? Just grab whatever and help me pull” I am so frustrated I try to pull my hand repeatedly, but that makes my body move slamming my ass against Trev.
He should be helping me get out, instead he slides his thumbs up my thighs, pushing the tiny beach skirt out of my ass. His deep breath sounds like a moan.
“What are you doing?” I can’t stop him, cause my only free hand is currently being used for support.
“I’m starting to understand the appeal of this situation” he grins.
“Trevor, no”
“Is it hurting?” He checks my wrist.
“No, but that’s not the point”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” He doesn’t sound like he is listening anymore “Remember when you came over and wouldn’t untie me, babygirl? Remember how I said you were gonna regret it?”
“Trevor, stop. Your dad and brother are already suspecting something is up”
“They aren’t here though. No one is here. I could do whatever the fuck I want to you”
He keeps on grabbing my ass, rubbing himself against it.
“I just had to come up with a stupid lie to your brother because you couldn’t calm down and had to grab me to the sides. So excuse me if I…”
“Do you know how to tap out?”
“What? Yes. But what does that have to do with anything?”
“Tap out” I hear his zipper. I feel his cock.
“WHY? What does that have to do with…”
The belt.
He hits me hard with it, making it sting on my skin, turning my words into whimpers.
Don’t get me wrong: I like the pain. I love it.
But it still hurts.
My eyes are rolling back when he puts his mouth over my ear with that sweet sadistic tone of his.
“Did you not hear me, cunt? I said: tap out”
He breathes over my skin, running his nose slightly on my body.
And… We think a lot about things that turn us on:
The parts of his body, the thickness of his cock, the veins on his forearms.
The dominant attitudes, his voice, his words. His perfume.
The movement of his hips, the rhythm, the strength.
And I’m sure men think a lot about women as well. Our bodies, our words, our moves, our behaviour.
But there is one thing I never hear anyone talking about: The breathing.
Sure, we talk about moans and growls. That’s not what I mean.
I mean actual breathing as a turn on.
Pay attention. Right now.
Trevor is behind me and I can’t really see him. I can only feel his warmth and his intention.
I can hear him breathing.
Deep. Heavy. Hesitant. As if he is so horny that breathing itself hurts. So horny that anything that isn’t fucking me, hurts.
Breathing in through his nose, smelling the scent of my skin so desperately that I can feel the air moving.
Breathing out through his mouth, unintentionally blowing his warm breath through his teeth and straight on to my goosebumps.
Trevor breathes like he wants to fuck my ass and isn’t sure he is able to stop himself.
I obey him and show I know how to tap out.
“Good girl”
He reaches for something in the nightstand…
“Here” he shows me a gag “Open your mouth”
“What? Trev-“
He grabs my neck and forces my mouth open.
“If you tap out, I’ll stop” he instructs me as he gags me “Cause I’m gonna fuck you quiet for once”
I give up my support for a little bit just so I can reach the skirt and cover my ass, but he doesn’t let me. I got one arm held hostage by the dresser, my knees are on the floor and my forehead is against the wooden floor while my only free hand tries to grant my ass some dignity.
“No, no”
I am using all my strength to try to cover myself with the skirt but Trevor barely has to put a couple of fingers around my wrist to completely destroy my efforts.
“I’m gonna take this hole here” he fingers my slit. He doesn’t shove his fingers in, he just glides them around the rim “And then I’m gonna take this hole here” he travels the distante to my ass and as soon as his touch reaches me there I jump up a bit. Like he was shocking me.
“Tell me, Tessie, did anybody but me have your ass?”
The gag is a plastic ball of some kind and I bite into it.
I nod yes.
“Yeah? You gave your ass to someone else?” he caresses my ass cheek like he is charging a fucking spank “Who did you give it t-“ he chokes. The breathing. He breathes in like he is ready to spank me, cane me and whip me “Did you give your fucking ass to Ryan?”
I didn’t.
But I’m a hopeless brat.
I nod yes.
And here it comes: he doesn’t even use the belt. Trevor spanks my ass so hard I almost hit my head against the dresser.
“Are you fucking me right now?”
I shake my head no.
“You gave your fucking ass to that fucking moron?” another spank “What the fuck were you even…” and another.
God, I love this burn.
I love it. I love it IloveitIloveitIloveit.
I love when it burns so much that it starts to tickle.
He chokes me with his finger rimming my ass.
“How dare you? This…” he rims my ass so hard his finger is almost poking in, I squirm at his touch but this position has no give “… is not yours to give. Your ass is mine. Your pussy is mine. Your tits are mine. Your mouth is very mine”
He lowers my bikini and I feel his tip on my pussy.
“If you wanna give any of your holes away, you gotta ask daddy for permission. And you know what daddy would say?” he is biting his words so fucking furiously I can feel him drooling on me “He would say fuck, no. Cause daddy doesn’t share”
He sinks his cock in my pussy all the way to the balls. I gasp with the plastic ball in my mouth, feeling my saliva dripping around it.
God, yes.
Trevor fucks me hard and if I wasn’t gagged, I’d be fucking smiling, licking my lips like a good whore.
“Yes” he says “God, yes”. My words exactly, daddy.
Then he moans. Loud.
If testosterone could speak, it would moan like Trevor does.
His cock feels delicious, but it’s his moaning that gives me goosebumps that won’t go away. And this isn’t some poetic exaggeration. I have literal goosebumps and they are literally not going away. They just last and last, making my body even more sensitive to his warm breath.
I think he planned on punishing me, but he is so horny he got lost in his own pleasure.
Perfectly fine by me.
I wanna ask him to go harder, stronger… but all my attempts turn into muffled moans. I was never gagged like this before. It gives a whole different level to being subject to his will. Bondage makes you physically vulnerable to his needs, but being gagged means you can’t even ask for what you want.
I guess I didn’t need to ask, though. Cause he does thrust harder. Stronger.
Yes. God, yes.
His hands on my ass trying to keep me steady soon get far too greedy to stay in place. They travel up, pushing my shirt and my bikini top out of the way. He plays with my nipples for a couple of seconds before pulling my free arm back.
Then I fall with my face to the floor.
My tits scratching on the wooden floor.
Trevor grabs my hair on one hand and my free elbow on the other and fuck me like is riding me. He holds my arm on my back and arch my body forward because… I have to confess… scratching my nipples on the cold floor like this is hurting in that wonderful way.
“Fuck. Do you need to tap out?” he seems to remember the arm he is keeping hostage is the only one I have to safe word. That makes one of us, cause there is nothing further from my mind right now than safe wording this.
“Baby, I’m sorry. You need to tap out?” he sounds so sweet, letting go of my arm like that. He caresses my back so gently. His cock still has no mercy, but his hands are kind and loving. I wanna cry and cum at the same time. How does he keep doing this? Make you feel loved while making you feel like the cheapest whore in the nastiest brothel.
I can’t answer so I just push my arm back for him to hold. I do it ostensively and he laughs.
“I keep forgetting how rough you like it” he lick his own words before losing himself in a moan that brings me to the edge of my orgasm “Don’t you fucking dare make me cum” he says “I’m gonna fuck your ass before I’m done”.
Well, that was his plan. But as orgasms takes over my body like a fucking spear ripping me apart, my moans get too loud. I shake and arch my back. I am drooling over the gag all the way to the floor and Trevor can’t hold it in anymore. He’s been wanting this since last night. He’s been wanting this for the past two years.
His moan changes and I can hear him cumming. I feel the warmth in my pussy as I drop my whole body, giving up on anything that doesn’t involve listening to him. His moan. His breathing.
He takes a second to breath before putting his arm under the dresser. He holds on to my bracelet really tight and pulls it until it cracks.
“Sorry” he shrugs, but there was no other way. I lean back against his chest massaging my hurt wrist before he take it in his hands to massage it himself “Is it hurting?” he covers it with little kisses.
“No” I say, sounding needy as fuck.
“Good” he replies back in the same tone and pulls me into his arms.
We stay like that, on the floor, for long minutes that always feel too short when we are together. Very slowly it dawns on me:
“We should make a deal” I whisper.
“We can’t keep doing this, but we’re not able to stop”
“I’m not sure I like where this is going” he sighs.
“I wanna offer a deal”
“What’s the deal?”
“We need to have sex…”
“Trevor” I pinch him and he kisses my forehead “We need to have sex to get it out of our system so we can get over this thing we have and move on. Before our family catches us”
He tightens his lips and his eyes go dark.
“So I propose we each make a list. You make a list of everything you want to do to me, and I’ll make a list of everything I want to do to you. We do those things, and then we’re done. We stay the hell away from each other no matter what. What do you think?”
He is quiet for what feels like a very long time. Then he sighs and says:
“I like the part with the lists”
“Okay. So we each pick… five things? I can go first”
“No, Tessa, I will go first!”
“Because! We always do your things.” He bites my ear.
“We do not!”
“Really?” he widens his eyes, jokingly “Belt spanking, putting a vibrator in your pussy during a family gathering, getting me tied up to sit on my face, bratting to hell and back so I’ll hate fuck you”
“You just fucked me like one of your porns!”
“Which was a nice surprise and entirely your responsibility” he points out “It’s my turn. I’m picking what we do next”
“Tessa, I’m picking what we do next!”
“Fine, God. But we have to be super careful. Your dad and your brother are on to us and I don’t wanna mess up Nat’s wedding”
“Ok. No touching in public anymore”
“It would help if we actually pretended to be with Ryan and Lana”
“It would get your dad and Leo off our backs. We don’t have to actually be with them… just little suggestions”
“You’re just doing this cause you wanna use Ryan to get me jealous. I can’t believe you let him have your ass”
I laugh.
“I didn’t really…”
“I just said that to piss you off” I smile and Trevor stares at me like he doesn’t fucking believe I’m real. I get up and start getting dressed.
“You’re gonna spend the next two weeks all over Ryan just to drive me insane aren’t you? Hell spawn is what you are” he gets up and holds my waist as I finish putting my clothes on.
“I’m gonna be all over him to get your dad and brother to chill!”
“Fine, fine” he shrugs like he doesn’t believe me one bit “But when Ryan is licking your tits because you want to see me rage, Tess, I just want you to remember one thing” he licks my lower lip. It’s quick. It’s just once. “I’m picking what we do next”.
I lick my smile and kiss his cheek. He tries to convince me to stay, worried as he usually gets, after he’s been rough. But these two weeks are gonna be risky. We’re gonna have to reduce our time together, so I wink to him and run out the door.
I’m back in my room when my phone pings with a new text message.
It’s from Trev.
“I found your panties, btw”

I (M20’s) woke up tied up by a woman (F20’s) who was trying to get back at me (BONDAGE, SLEEP PLAY) – Tess & Trevor

You’ve heard this story many times before.

Boy meets girl. Boy likes girl. Girl likes rough sex. Boy spanks her with a belt and fucks her in her sleep. Girl wants more, but boy is kind of her stepbrother? And by “kind of” I mean “definetely”. So girl can’t be with boy no matter how much she enjoys said belt-spank or sleep-fuck. Boy wants to carry on fucking, girl says no. So boy is now upset and sexually frustrated.

Ok, so maybe you didn’t hear it *many* times before.

But this is where I’m at.

I’ve tried other submissives.

I’ve tried vanilla.

I’ve tried swing clubs and kink cons.

Nothing compares to fucking Tessa while she’s fast asleep. Nothing compares to watching her cheeks go purple when I choke her. Nothing compares to her moaning while I beat her ass until it’s sparkling red. Nothing compares to her sweet pussy spitting out my load in a little creampie after I’m done with her.

Nothing compares to owning her body so completely, she forgets she hates me and starts calling me *Sir*. Or master, or daddy… or whatever the fuck I’m going for at the moment.