I(F25) am a dominatrix hired to join a couple(M35, F34) for a threesome and it didn’t go as I expected (FEMDOM, THREESOME)

A couple of years ago I was hired by this couple who had been together for a while and wanted to “spice things up for just one night”. In my expert opinion, if relationships had tombstones that sentence would be common in many of them “Here lies the broken pieces of Ted and Mary’s marriage. They were trying to spice things up for just one night”.

Nothing wrong with adding some heat and pepper to your sex life. Specially if it’s a very long term one. But getting that message on my phone that says “we’re just looking for someone to spice things up for one night” to me reads like “dead bedroom. Husband is bored, wife doesn’t know what to do and agreed to something she doesn’t fully understand”.

And enough with the judging, ok? I know women can be just as sexual (or more so) than men and I’m sure there are many dead bedrooms out there that were killed by the husband and not the wife. But those aren’t usually the ones inviting me.

If you’re calling me… if you’re hiring me… it’s usually not a good omen to your married life.But it’s not my job to be a grown up for you. If you hire me (and specially if you’re willing to pay as much as that couple was) I’ll be there. Being ready for it is your responsibility.

I ring their door bell.

I usually don’t go to a clients place if it’s our first time. But I got referred to them by someone I’ve known and trusted for many years, so here I am.

The door opens and the husband is not what I expected. At all. He’s tall, dark and so sexy my eyebrows shoot up immediately.

That’s the kind of man who can get women by the dozens at a bar just by smiling, not the kind who gets bored with his sex life.

I must have the wrong address.

“I’m sorry” I stutter “I must have… I must…”

“You must be Jasmine” he has a half smile that makes my pussy come alive willing to push my panties out of the way “I’m Tom”.

“I… Hello” I am still hesitant. He is far too good looking for this.

“You wanna come in?” He holds the door open for me like a gentleman and offers to take my coat. “Would you like a glass of water or…?”

“Yes, please”

I’m not thirsty. But I’ve learned new clients feel better when they have something to occupy themselves with in the first few minutes. So I take the water.

He disappears into the hallway for a moment and returns with the largest glass of water I have ever seen in my life. I think my face betrayed me because he looks really nervous and says “You don’t have to drink it all. You can bring it with you and… I’m sorry, I’m not really sure how this works. Brian said you were great and would walk us through it”

“Yes, of course. There’s no need to rush” I smile, trying to make him more confortable “Did Brian explain to you what it is I do?”

He has an embarrassed smile.

“Yes, you… uh… are a…”

“Dominatrix. It’s ok, you don’t need to fear the word”

“Sure” he laughs a little “Listen, this is all very new to me and my wife. We don’t exactly want a… dominatrix. Just a professional… and Brian spoke very highly of you. But we just want a third person… we’re not looking for anything too out of the box. You know?”

“Of course. We can let it happen naturally. Is your wife already here?”

“Yeah, she is in the bedroom upstairs waiting for us”

In my experience there are three kinds of wives:

The excited ones: they wait by the door and can’t wait to get naked.

The cautious ones: they usually start drinking before I get to the house. They are only doing it for the husband but if it has to be done, they decided they might as well enjoy it.

Then there are the angry ones: they are only doing it because the husbands have been asking for so long they can’t stand it anymore. So they say “yes” because they ran out of fuel to keep saying “no”. They barely look you in the face and can’t wait for the whole thing to be over.

This last kind usually means a doomed marriage within a week.

They won’t recover from this threesome. She’ll spend all night trying to compete with me for his attention and she’ll lose. Not only because I am the shiny new toy, but because I’m very good at what I do. She’ll get jealous and insecure. He’ll get annoyed.

Not my problem.

I am not here to be a grown up for you.

Get you shit together before you hire a professional.

The best thing I can do is try to help.

I can give her a lot of attention. I can guide him towards her, even though I am the new dessert he’s salivating for. I can make it so it’s so good for her, that she won’t feel as bad when it’s over.

It’s still a coin toss whether or not their relationship will make it, but that’s all the help I can give.

I walk up the stairs in front of him. I am wearing a black bandage dress and I’m pretty sure he is staring at my ass with hunger in his heart. I have a great body and (considering what I do for a living) I take care of it wonderfully well.

I’m also… expensive.

As in very.

Which means this man has a top tier ass in front of him right now. The kinds he probably never had cause I don’t care how yummy he looks, I know I taste better.

“Hon? She’s here” he says, opening the bedroom door.

I walk in like I own the place.

I know he doesn’t necessarily want a dominatrix, but that’s what I am. You can’t just turn that off. I’m tall, hot and beautiful. I own everywhere.

His wife is waiting for us. She gets up from her dresser and her eyes go wide as soon as she sees the glass of water in my hands.

“Are you trying to drown her, Tom?” She asks her husband.

“She said she wanted water” he defends himself.

“In a glass, not a bucket” she smirks.

And… She is beautiful.

Also not what I was expecting.

Her body looks like it should be in a dictionary next to “latina”. Or “ampersand”. Or “unimaginably hot”.She is pretty slim, yet her curves move like a guitar.

Her hair is long, wavy and dark. Better looking than most people you’d see on a red carpet. She has long natural eyelashes and the most intense dark brown eyes I’ve seen in a while.

The woman has something magnetic about her: as soon as you look at her, you can’t look away anymore. And it’s not just her looks, it’s her attitude.

She has a half smile as she looks me up and down (quietly judging and approving me) before pointing to my huge glass of water.

“I’d say you’re gonna have to forgive him, but… you’re not gonna do that, are you?”

She knows I’m a dominatrix.

I’m not in the business of forgiving. I’m in the business of punishing.

“I’m not gonna do that” I agree “You must be Hannah”

She says nothing.

No answer. No reply. Not even a nod to let me know she heard me.

Instead she walks towards her bed as if her bedroom was a runway. Calm and beautiful. She sits on the edge of her bed, slowly crossing her legs. She makes the whole movement (however brief) feels like sex. And when her thigh slips through the slit in her skirt, I know both me and her husband are staring at nothing else.


She has so much fucking self confidence it’s making me dizzy.

That woman is not here because someone nagged her into.

She was not convinced. She was not brought here against her will.

In fact, I doubt anyone could ever force her to do anything against her will at all.

Tom is the opposite.

Handsome, rough and delicious, but he has no idea what to do with himself. He shrugs in a very uncertain way before saying:

“Ok… so… how do we do this? I’m gonna need someone to give me instructions”

I stare Hannah sitting on the bed.

The queen.

The empress.

You can have all the attitude you want, darling.

You still can’t compete with a pro.

“Well, first you tell me your desires” I whisper “Then I make them come true”

I bat my eyelashes at him ever so slowly… but he pays me no mind. His eyes shoot across the room, straight to his wife. Waiting for her decision. Waiting for her lead.


She is a dominant.

Her husband is large, thick and spicy, but the son of a bitch must be a natural submissive.This is not gonna fly.

No bedroom can ever be big enough for two dominants. One of us will have to bend. And it’s gonna have to be her.

“Undress him” she says, standing up. She stares down my cleavage shamelessly as she passes me by “Then suck him until he is hard. Because my desire is to watch”

“You’ll have to say please” I stand my ground, staring at her while she stares at me. A silent battle over who will break first.

I wait.


She still has a smirk and that fucking look on her eyes that makes me gulp. Like she is saying “oh, honey, just you try me” without uttering a single word.

I have to take over.

“You must be really used to owning this bedroom, hm?” I slowly unbutton my shirt. I let my fingers slide over my breasts, with caresses so erotic I’m turning myself on “But I’m here now. So I’m the queen now. Your bedroom is mine. Your bed is mine. Your man is mine. You are mine. So you better learn how to get on your knees really fast or…”

“Yes, honey, you’re a dominatrix. We get it” she rolls her eyes at me, bored “Now undress him”.

Well, fuck.

I think I might need my whip for this one.

Deep breath, Jas. Take control.

I brush my finger over my lip, analysing her with promise in my eyes.

“I’m gonna have to punish you for that” I moan.

“Of course you are” she laughs, finding me pathetic.

“And I’m gonna enjoy it” I promise, staring her down.

I’ve been a professional dominatrix for about five years now. I’ve learn to stare down at men three times my size and make them kneel without saying a word. One look. One snap of my fingers. They go down, they eat me, they kiss my feet, they praise me. One look and huge strong men, powerful men, intelligent men… they bow at my will.

Hannah just finds me pathetic.

My words are pathetic to her.

My existence is pathetic to her.

I am nothing.

I am like the men I make kneel.

There’s no point in fighting her now. As long as we’re all dresses, she’ll win.

I need to get us naked, cause then we’ll be in my domain. It’s easy to be all words and attitudes when you’re comfortable in your work clothes. The second I can see the color of her nipples all this confidence will turn to vulnerability.

And then I’ll own her ass. And whatever other part of her I want.

“Come here” I order him.

Tom is smiling like a man ready to give up when he walks up to me. My black bra is already exposed, so when I press myself against his chest I know he can feel me. My hard nipples are starting to show. He looks so fucking good. Broad shoulders and large chest. All hard and yummy under that shirt. A squared jaw and that inebriating smell… He smells like a man, and fresh soap. But mostly man. I scratch his shoulders.

“You ever been told you’re a good boy?” I lick his chin.

“Not often” he grins.

I guide his hands to my ass, moaning as I place my mouth really close to his.

I lick my lips.

I could have licked his.

I know I smell of sex. Good satisfying sex that lasts all night.

Men can’t escape it: I get this close, and they lose control.

Tom, however, blinks and I notice that instead of him losing control, I lost his attention.

He is looking for his wife again.

Fucking cunt of a sub. Far too well trained he is.

“You don’t look at her” I pinch his chin really fucking hard and bring his eyes back to me where they belong “You look at me. You do as I tell you. You disobey me, I’ll spank you. Do you understand?”

“I understand” he replies without missing a beat.

“That was quick” I compliment him.

“Yeah, that’s kinda routine around here, anyway”

“I’ll bet” I look over my shoulder to see her.


She really looks like a queen. One that was born royal and never knew any other life but one of adoration.

A goddess.

Out of reach.


She is leaning up against the wall now. Watching us from the top of her red sole stilettos. Her dark cocktail dress glued to her curves in a pornographic way.

Pornography in her curves.

Pornography in her smile.

Pornography in her eyes.

If I didn’t know she was a lawyer, I’d guess she was a whore.

Very expensive one.

The kind men would shower with diamonds only so they could smell her pussy.

I have my tits pressed against her husband, my lips inches away from his… and she just stands there. Watching us like she is two seconds away from losing her interest. Like he are all just predictable puppets, moving only because of the strings she holds.

She looks at me and I feel a shiver down my spine.

Like being noticed by a crocodile while trying to cross a river.

I am used to being the predator, Hannah makes me feel like prey.

“You know what?” I bite Tom, tasting him slowly like an appetiser “I don’t like your wife”

“That’s a common opinion” he laughs.

“Are you laughing at me?” I snap “Did I say you could laugh?”

“No, ma’am” he corrects himself immediately.

Very well trained.

What do you do to him, Hannah?

Do you have a collar somewhere that you put around his neck when he asks permission to fuck you?

Do you keep him on a leash while he eats your pussy? Do you shove your heels down his cock and a plug up his ass? Do you spank him? Do you tie him up? Do you gag him?

How bad does he like it?

How much do you make him beg for you to punish him?

God, I’ve known her for five minutes and I’m starting to think I wouldn’t mind being punished by her a little. And she’s barely said a word.

She is just… a presence.

“You know what I do to people I don’t like, Tom?”

“I’m afraid to find out”

“I punish them. So I’m gonna punish your wife” I take his shirt off and I take my time feeling his muscles, rubbing my body on his “I’m gonna make you cum in a way she never could. And I’m gonna make her watch” I let my words linger in the air like a moan.

Tom stares at me, like he doesn’t fully believe it to be possible.But I’ll show him.

I’ll show her two.

Feeling like an expensive whore and being an expensive whore are two very different things.

I grab a chunk of his chin with my teeth and I moan while guiding his hand to the warmth between my legs. I feel his fingers roughly trying me over my panties.

I lick his neck, running my hands up and down his torso. Hard muscles and soft skin all around. He has a low moan that turns me on. I’d fuck him for free.

His wife, on the other hand… still standing there. Not a moan. Not a word. Not even an audible sigh.



I’m just warming up.

I pinch his nipples and I feel him hard and huge. I shove my hand down his pants cause I want to feel him. All of him. I close my fingers around him and Tom grabs me harder, finally losing control. I move giving him a quick handjob and I’ve given enough of those to be able to read a man’s pleasure like it’s my favorite book.

“Here” I bring his hands to me. To my body and my breasts. He undresses me with urgency. Getting rid of my bra to free my tits, he dives to them as soon as I’m naked. And I offer them gladly: serving my nipple up so he can munch and suck on it. That’s when he finds my ass. Tom squeezes my cheeks in his powerful grip, the violence of his touch startles me, specially considering all the kindness he’s shown so far.

Passive, adorable and obedient Tom suddenly turned into a hunter.

I win.

I look at her.

Tell me, Hannah, does he lose control and touches you like th…

She is unmoved.

Bored, almost.


Of course he touches her like that.

His lust for her might even be more violent than the one he is showing me.

I hold on to her husband and bring his mouth to me. I don’t kiss him, but he is so close he can taste my words.

“Tell me, Tom” I whisper like I’m giving him the moans of my orgasm “Did you ever cum just by eating a pussy?” I run my tongue over his lips “Have you?”

He hesitates. And I thought we’d moved past that.

“Uh… well… yes”

He has.

Of course he has.

I bring items in my bag whenever a client hires me for something like this. I bring handcuffs and massage oils and cute little sexy dice. They are good ice breakers for regular couples.

But I was clearly underestimating my crowd for the evening.

I should have brought grown up toys. Some canes and chokers and electric wands… I came here unprepared. Never making this mistake again.

I bite him and slide my teeth down his jaw.

And here’s the thing: subs usually wait for my permission before touching me. Even at this moment, they’d still wait for my lead. Tom doesn’t. As soon as my teeth is on his skin he grabs my ass so violently I become undone. My dress rising up to my waist as the top is already unzipped enough to show my breasts. He gets my tit in his mouth, eating away at it, determined to swallow it whole.

There is no caution in his desire. No politeness. It feels like a contradiction that such a kind gentleman can be responsible for such a relentless attack upon a woman.

I am no prude. Far from it. And yet I need to keep him in check or this large wall of a man will finger me, eat me and fuck me before I get to decide what to do next.

How is he not a dominant?

How does a man like this marry a woman who’ll keep he on his knees for life?

Tom fingers me rough. And I can be a dominant to my heart’s desire, but that doesn’t mean I don’t go a little soft when my clit gets that special treatment.

I hold his wrist in place, moaning. I feel like a thief, getting paid for this.

But I can’t fully enjoy the husband, because my attention keeps drifting towards the wife.

It’s a matter of professional honor: I need to unsettle her. To get under her skin enough to make her lose her composure.

Not that it seems possible right now, as she still stands there. Batting her long eyelashes ever so slowly. Letting me know I am making her lose her composure not one bit.

I get back to her husband and pull his cock out of his pants. He’s really large, but I’ve had larger. I don’t think she has though. So I can do something she probably can’t: put his shaft all the way down my throat until I am licking his balls. My gag reflex is this tiny innocuous little thing. I put my greedy hands on Tom’s tight ass and pull him into me, deepthroating his cock.

His moan is like a hymn to my glory. Any other woman would be chocking with cock and saliva right now, but I just hold my breath and take him all the way in, sucking like a straw. Drool falling from our joint bodies to the carpet as he fucks my throat with hard thrusts, moaning louder as he feels me around him.

Unless Hannah had some early years as a porn star, I doubt she can have him down her throat like this. He’s too big for an inexperienced mouth.

I pull back just enough to lick his tip and tickles his balls. Man are visual. So I wanna look at him, deep in his eyes, while I fucking praise and adore his cock with my lips. I’m gonna give him my mouth as if it were a pussy and let him unload his balls on my tongue. I’m gonna fucking ruin blowjobs for him. No woman will ever be good enough after this.

I look up to tease him and…

He is not looking at me.

Son of a bitch.

He is looking at her.


This won’t do.

Fuck this.

I have his monstrous cock digging deep into my throat all the way to the fucking root and he can’t even be bothered to look at me?

What is this fucking leash she has around his neck?

I get up and fully undress.

“You look at me” I command him, but there is a little bit of disdain in his smile.

I really should have brought my fucking whips.

I take off everything. Dress. Panties… everything but my jewels and heels.

Tom stares at me, salivating. He is excited, yes. But not seduced. And yes, there is a difference.Hannah, the goddess, is watching us. Exactly like she said she desired to do. And I can’t really tell if that is destroying my pleasure or strengthening it. Either way, I am here to guide not to be guided. My pleasure is none of her business, it shouldn’t be up to her to decide its fate.

I’m done.

“Take you clothes off” I tell her “Right now”

“If you ask it like that, she won’t do it” Tom warns me.

“You don’t know me” I remind him.

“I don’t have to. I know her.”

Hannah observes our little exchange, finding us curious. Like we are so small to her that we do nothing but amuse her.

I look at her husband.

“You think she can out-dominate me?”

“I think she can out-stubborn a piece of concrete”

“You think?” Hannah raises an eyebrow, annoyed at that one particular word.

“I know” he moans, with a whisper. Tom reaches out for his cock, stroking it lustfully, like those mere words were enough to take him to that perfect second before the orgasm. Just two small words could make him cum, as long as they were said by *her*.

*Her voice.*

Her tone.

His eyes are shut and I panic.

He’s gonna unload those delicious balls in the carpet if she says one more thing. And then what the fuck did I come here for?

Why did these two think they needed me for whatever it was, baffles me. They clearly have more lust for each other than they have time to act on it.


If I can’t keep his attention away from her, then I need to bring her in.

I go to Hannah, set on undressing her. She doesn’t even hesitate when I undo her buttons. She has a cute bra. She has a gorgeous body. I let my hands rest in her waist, pressing my tits on hers not only because I want to get under her skin but because she is getting under mine.

I want to feel her.

I hold her face in my hands and kiss her neck. Her skin is so soft and God, she smells amazing.

Tiny moans are escaping my lips, even though I am trying to keep quiet not to give her even more power over me.

“You trained him well” I whisper, putting my mouth really close to hers “But I think I can still show you a few tricks”

I run my hands over her breasts, feeling their warmth and their weight.

Hannah breathes in through her slightly open lips and I think she will moan.

Oh, please, moan. I want to hear your moan. I want to feel it on my skin.

*I wanna see what happens when you surrender.*

Instead, what she says is “He didn’t get you wet, did he?”


She doesn’t wait for me to understand. Hannah puts two finger in her mouth and lick them before putting them between my thighs. She is slim and lovely, not large and rough like her man, and yet… she has the attitude of some apex predator, who moves in their natural habitat knowing there is nothing in existence that can pose a threat.

Her nails are long and I can feel them when she fingers me.

I’ve been touched and handled by many men. But not really by women. And never like that.

A client.

A dominant.

I tighten my legs as she fingers my clit and then my pussy.

“Shh” she sings in my ear as I begin to moan.

Oh fuck sake. I grab her arms.

She does this better than any men.

“You have to forgive Tom” she sounds so hot, my eyes are rolling back as I dance on her fingers “He is too used to me, you see. And I don’t take long to get wet. I don’t like wasting time on it” she speaks so close to my neck it feels like kisses. It makes me long for kisses. And makes me just about ready to beg to fill her skin on mine. But she never does it. She never gives me an inch more than she wants to. “I dont’t like wasting time on anything” she adds, slowly “So you’re gonna get wet for me, hm?”

“Yeah” I can’t control it.

“Don’t make me wait” she smiles cause I’m already there. Licking all the juices my body has to offer right on her hand.

“Take off your clothes. Right now” I say again. But this time it sounds like I’m begging.

And I guess I am?

It seems the distance has annoyed Tom and he moves closer… but not to me, you see. To his wife. Circling her like a carnivore, breathing in her perfume as if it’s driving him insane. He takes her tits in his hands, they are still covered by the bra but he’s hard as a rock all the same, carressing whatever naked skin he can see, victim of an agony I can’t exactly describe.

I’m done waiting.

I get down to put my hands up her cocktail dress all the way to her panties. I pinch the silk “Please?” I beg, wanting to take it off. I am practically kneeling for her and yet again there she is: batting her beautiful eyelashes, completely unfazed by my efforts.

What can I do to please you?

Fuck me, I don’t think I ever wanted to please someone this bad EVER.

Tom has a heavy hand on her waist. The violence of his libido is a thing of beauty. So intense yet so constricted. Trying desperately to stop himself for grabbing her and doing unspeakable things to every inch of her body. He has his teeth around her lips, fighting the urge to bite her and never let her go. But unlike what he did with me… with her, he waits for permission. He waits. Just like I do.“Take it off” he begs as well.

She holds him by the jaw using nothing but her thumb, index finger, and so much fucking attitude she could blow up the planet. She pushes him away, effortlessly. He dares not cross her. I doubt anyone would be different.

But it works.

She moves her legs a little and I know I can take her panties off.

Tom is so fucking hard I can smell his natural lube. He is moving his hips just a little making it clear he wants to be inside her and I understand: if I had a dick, I’d want to be inside her too. I’d want to fucking deep throat that woman. Have her quiet on her knees and humiliated. Fuck. Can you imagine how hot that would be?

I take her panties off and pull her dress up.

Her pussy is shaved clean. And it smells like great nasty sex. She is wet. Soaked. She wasn’t lying about wasting no time.

I open her pussy lips with greedy fingers and I lick her. I think this was the first time I ever licked a woman not for her pleasure, but for mine. My tongue burns where it touched her body and Hannah moans.

It feels like a sharp hook just took a gold of my clit. Hearing her moan feels so fucking satisfying.

*I’m gonna cum.*

I’m gonna cum just by licking her and hearing her pleasure.

If she cums on my mouth I think I’ll orgasm so hard, I’ll need to call emergency services to get me back up.

“That’s not how she likes it” Tom kneels by my side “Let me show you”

I need to roll my eyes at this man who thinks he understands pussies better than a woman would. But he is so thirsty for his wife that he slowly pushes me out of the way with his massive shoulders. He eats her and as as soon he feels her on his tongue, he starts moaning. Low and hoarse.

And more importantly: she moans louder.


Yeah, he knows her better.

Ok, ok, my turn.

I push him gently “Ok, I think I get it”. I take over, licking her like he did, shoving one finger in, hooked as to hit her clit from inside.

Yeah, that’s the spot.

She approves that and she congratulates our success with more moaning.

“Let me try again” he tries to pull me away, but I’m not having it this time. We take quick turns. Licking her, biting her, caressing her thighs, kissing her knees. Both of us, at her fet. Praising and adoring the very ground she is standing on. I start cumming with my tongue on her and it’s only when Hannah orgasms that I fully accept that me and Tom have been competing for her.

She cums on our combined tongues, both of us wanting to please her more than we want reliefs or our own.

Her legs shake as she reaches her climax, grabbing on to her tits. Her tongue quietly going over her lips, so fucking sexy I start orgasming myself. Pleasure ripping through muscle and skin, taking over my body and my mind until I can’t kneel upright or think straight.

And Tom is not far behind. He shoots his load on his wife’s feet, with a manly growl that’s almost enough to turn me on immediately after I finish.

I would like to say I was the first one to get back on my feet and help the others… but of course it was Hannah.

God, I wanna destroy that woman.

I wanna fuck her with my tongue and I wanna rub my pussy against hers until she drops dead, begging for mercy.

I think that visual is gonna be my new best friend when I’m flicking it alone.

Hannah on her knees.

One day.

But for now we are done.

I say my good byes and make sure the details for payment were all set.

I hope they call on me again.

My phone beeps and I am half hoping it’s already their next appointments, sadly I am wrong.

It’s just the agency. They have two new clients requesting me for the same time slot, so I gotta pick one.

A businessman interested in being tied up and having a wire up his cock as I spank him.

Some 20 year old college guys who want to hire me for their friend who apparently never had an ass.I gotta choose which one I’ll take. But that’s a problem for tomorrow.

For now I gotta go home, shower and try not to dream about Hannah.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1128p8p/if25_am_a_dominatrix_hired_to_join_a_couplem35


  1. That was amazing. How you described their scents in relative sexual terms. Amazing.

    thank you.

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