[MASSAGE] I (F30) accidentally went to an erotic massage class with my best friend (M30)

I’ve been dreaming about fucking Josh for 15 years.
Let me take you back real quick to explain: we met in kindergarten, our mothers became fast friends and we grew up together.
He was my partner in crime when we were kids.
Then we hit puberty and I started to notice… new things about Josh.
I was 19 when I found out how wet a woman can get.
Josh was playing basketball with his friends while me and a couple of girls made fun of him for not shooting a single ball into the hoop. Bad Shooter we kept calling him. Or just shooter. But then he took off his shirt (I don’t remember why) and we all went quiet.
Or at least I did.
Maybe the other girls didn’t, I don’t know. I wasn’t paying attention anymore.
Josh had a slim body, his beard was starting to come alive back then and the sight of him all sweaty and breathless like that… did things to me.
I didn’t really know what it was at first.
I walked all the way back home with this discomfort between my thighs. Like something was tickling me from the inside. Like a tiny little hook playing with my vagina, pulling the right spot every now and then forcing my hips to move.
I couldn’t stop thinking about Josh’s sweat.
His sweat! Of all things!
I kept daydreaming about what it would taste like.
I thought I was sick. It had to be a disease, right? Somo virus infections you get from standing too close to creeps in line to the movies or something. Licking your lips all afternoon long with heavy eyelids, contemplating licking the sweat off your best friend’s chest was not a sign of good health, of that much I was sure.
The first few times I masturbates wasn’t with Josh in mind.
But the best ones, definitely were.
I overheard him making out with his girlfriend once. He said some really naughty things I could never imagine coming out of nice-boy-Joshua’s mouth, and yet there they were. I got home that night and my clit was never before so furiously flicked.
I came, moaning his name.
Of course, I never breathed a word of this.
He had some girlfriends through the years.
I had some boyfriends.
We both had quite serious relationships (with other people) every now and then… I moved on.
He never showed any sign of interest, quite the contrary: I once asked him to come over and accidentally started talking about my first time. We talked about sex for four hours, then he got up said it was so great to have someone he could be this comfortable with… and left.
I was so horny that night, I had tears in my eyes as soon as he closed the door.
We were 21.
I think that was the last time I tried, he clearly wasn’t interested.
That’s why the other day (when we accidentally went to an erotic bath and massage together) I was surprised by his interest.
I had to lie on his lap in the bathtub and I could feel him hard behind me.
I wanted to ride him so bad I could faint.
We survived that bath I know not how and afterwards he fucked me, bent over the masseuses table.
That was fifteen years in the making and I enjoyed every inch of it. If only it hadn’t ended so fast. But alas, it looked like he was turned on by “naked wet lady” not by “Elise”. Which is me, by the way. I’m Elise, hello.
I say that because I said I was definitely interested in a refill, anytime, and he left me hanging outside the metaphorical Burger King with a giant plastic cup in my hand. I look sad and pathetic, don’t I?
To be fair to Josh, I was busy these last two weeks. And he did text and call. It was just so tame all the time.
He just fucked me raw after an erotic bath and I said “more, please”. Why would he follow that with a text that reads “Hey, did you finish reading Brothers Karamazov?”.
That’s the book he lent me.
I have to think he is not interested in me, right?
I HAVE to think that.
We just fucked, I said “please PLEASE more” and he texts me about some book I borrowed?
He has to not be interested, cause it’s impossible a guy would have zero game that bad.
It took me a day to figure out to reply.
And from there on things just got more awkward to the point where (I think) we were avoiding each other.
At least I have Andy.
Andy is a great friend, and I love him.
One of these people you just wish could live forever.
He invited me for a tantric massage class (that’s the massage with sex or something) and I said yes cause I needed to keep my mind off Josh.
Though a sex massage will probably end up making me think of Josh all day… but one can try.
I get there first and it’s not long until I hear:
“Hi Ells”.
Andy doesn’t call me “Ells”.
Nobody calls me “Ells”.
People call me Ellie or Elise.
The only one who calls me “Ells” is…
“Hi Josh”
He comes in for a kiss on the cheek, I come in for a hand shake, he gives up on the kiss and goes for the hand shake as I give up on the hand shake to go for a hug.
It’s a disaster.
And he is my best friend.
We dance uncomfortably around each other and end up shaking hands like we just made a deal on transporting goods through the Suez Canal.
Had sex with him not two weeks ago.
Andy finally arrives after five minutes of horrible silence between me and Josh.
He has his boyfriend with him and I am very confused.
“You invited me or Josh?” I ask.
“I invited you both! I made a reservation for two, but I didn’t know that each reservation already included a plus one!” He laughs “Silly me”
“Yeah” I try to laugh but the noise that comes out of me is on of agony “Silly, silly you”
“I thought the two of you could team up” Andy says “I know it’s a sensual massage, but nobody needs to undress and you guys have been friends forever, so it’s cool, right?”
Andy is a horrible friend and I hate him.
One of these people you just wish you could kill.
He walks right in with his boyfriend and because they are man on man they get placed at a different class.
Aaaand… it’s just me and Joshua once more.
I really admire these unique ways Life has to fuck me up.
I’d rather just crash my bike into a tree or have the wind blow up my skirt, you know?
But no.
Life has me in a sensual massage class with the guy I’ve been wanting to fuck since I was 19, AFTER he shut me down once we had sex.
Thanks so much, Life. I’ll get you a great gift for Christmas.
The classroom is just four couples (ourselves included) and the teachers. There are mats on the floor and a box with instruments for each couple.
We receive a long list of instructions, set to make sure we are comfortable (I am not) and happy (I am not). The teacher tells us there is a few baths on the next room for those of us who wish to clean up and it is at this point that Josh lets out a laugh of despair.
He looks in pain.
“It was unlikely when this happened to us by accident once” he says “But is it really happening twice?”
He laughs some more and this time I join him.
“Is this weird?” I ask “Not the class… us, I mean. Are we weird?”
He takes a really deep breath as if he understood what I said, though I’m not really sure he did.
“We’re not weird, Ells. We’re good” he says, and I believe him.
The teacher sets up folding screens to separate the couples in a way we can all still seem him and then, after giving some beginner instructions, he says whoever wishes to undress may do that now.
Me and Josh pass.
He lies down first and I try to massage him following the given techniques. But massaging a fully dressed man with jeans and pullover is not great.
At this point I’m willing to just go home having learned nothing and make a voodoo doll out of Andy to shove under hot water. But Josh shrugs.
“I can undress” he says “Would it be weird for you?”
But I… God, I’d really like to touch him. Last time, I sat on his lap and then was bent over the masseuses table. I didn’t get to see him much or touch him. So maybe this is fair?
I tell him ok and he undresses.
Everything but the boxers.
I’m a little disappointed but we’re not telling anyone that.
I keep following the instructions from the teachers. Tantric massage, as it turns out, has a lot to do with fingertips.
While other types of massage seem to focus a lot on position and pressure, this one seems to focus or hightening the senses. I slide my fingertips through Josh’s body. Very lightly from his shoulders gliding down his arms all the way to his hands. One arm first. Then the other. Stopping at each wrist to add some pressure here and there as instructed by the deep meditating voice of our teacher.
My touch is like a feather on his skin, trying to feel him almost more than he can feel me. Like a caress from a lover across the dinner table, when you both want sex and know it’s coming, but understand you are still at a public place and have to restrain yourselves.
I touch Josh everywhere.
His feet, his ankles, going up his legs to his knees before going back down.
I quickly notice something else: not just pressure seems to matter here but also location. You’d think that a sensual massage would go for all the best hits: chest, neck, inner thigh, lower abdomen… Instead, this massage goes everywhere but.
I’m told to go up his leg but not much further than his knee.
I’m told to go through his arms but avoid the neck.
All the touches on his chest are quick.
It’s getting me to a point where I wanna grab him more.
Instead the teacher has me spend a lot of time in the most stupid places: massaging his wrists, his elbows, his ankles… it’s like this is a class in joint pain management for elders.
Eventually, they let me go further and further over his knees. Caressing the outside of his thighs, then the inside. I am told to change pressure an I sink my fingers deep between his thighs. Josh jolts up a bit and I look up to apologize cause I think I hurt him. But what I see is Josh with his eyes shut, his fists clenched, his breathing shallow through ajar lips. And his dick is hard.
Very extremely hard.
Rising up without a question hard.
Pushing the boxer to the limits of its elasticity hard.
Fuck, I wish he wanted me.
I wish he could take me home and plunge that thing in me.
“I’m sorry” I say tentatively “Do you want me to stop?”
“No” he says, immediately “God, please, no”
Well.. if he is enjoying it…
I slide my hands up his inner thighs all the way to his boxers. And since this massage is all about fingertips, I stay to tease mine in the edge of his underwear. Almost going in, but never quite.
Josh is biting his lip so hard his skin is going white around his teeth. He seems to be channeling a super human strength to keep him from humping the air.
He can’t breathe and he refuses to open his eyes.
I let just a tiny bit of my fingers go into the underwear. I am debating whether to give him a handjob now or tease him more and I only notice I haven’t been paying attention to the instructions because the teacher (very loudly) goes “Now change! Change places!”
I was so close.
My frustration is mine alone. Josh sits up, eager as fuck.
“You need help with that?” he practically drools as he tugs my sweater.
He wants to undress me.
He wants that so bad he forgot about everything else.
“I got it” I say and he nods obsessively, staring at my tits like the world will vanish if he loses eye contact.
I take off my sweater and my shirt. Then my pants and shoes and… well… everything except for bra and panties.
I lie down on the mat and it’s his turn.
And let me tell you: he enjoys the fuck out of it.
His fingertips are all over me. When I was doing this to him I thought it would feel differently. I thought it felts like a smooth caress and a soft tickle.
I was wrong.
It burns.
It’s like he soaked his fingers in the fires of Hell. Anywhere he touches me, my skin goes hot and feverish, as if every part of my body suddenly learnt how to gasp.
Doesn’t take me long to understand why he got so hard. This thing were the fingers come all the fucking way to your knees only to go back is torture. This fucking teacher should be sent to be tried at Hague.
The touches going up and up and up make you squirm and tear and beg, only to go down and down and down.
I am wet, yes, but the really embarrassing part is realizing I’ve been muttering “please, please, please” underneath my breath for the last ten minutes.
Josh is touching my stomach now, leaning towards me getting so close I think he’ll swap the fingertips for nose tip any second now.
I hear the instructions telling him to slide his fingers over my breasts and that’s when I feel his mouth on my ear.
“Can I take this off?”
He means my bra.
He wants to take off my bra.
I mean, he has seen my boobs. It looks like he wants to see them again. And I kinda wanna show them again. So win-win?
I nod and he unclasps it with ease, removes it with ease and stares at what is left with difficulty.
It’s a turn on to watch him getting turned on.
He bites his lip again but it is perfectly clear he is considering biting my nipples.
His fingers are back on my skin, going from my stomach all the way to the top of my tits, surrounding my nipples.
The teacher told the class to move on to another body part, but Josh decided to go off script and he will hear no complaint from me. His hands are still on my tits, feeling their weight on his palms, trying to grab the whole before letting go only to pinch little bits of it all around, watching my skin pink up.
He is breathing so heavily I can hear it. Not moaning, just breathing. Like he is constantly running out of air.
He looks so good.
So fucking handsome.
With his eyes almost disappearing behind heavy eyelids and his some of his hair.
I want to kiss him.
I want him to kiss me.
I want him to take me home and make love to me intentionally.
But for now I’ll settle for whatever this is.
There is a drop of sweat running down his temple and I remember the basketball game and being 19 years old. And it seems my whole body remembers it as well. I arch my back so hard it gives him pause.
“God” I whimper.
“Shh, what is it, honey? What is it?” He begs with a lustful whisper.
“I could lick you right now” I confess.
Josh’s eyes go bright. There’s a wildness there now that wasn’t there before.
“I could put your cock in my mouth and suck until you forgot where we were”
His hands are shaking.
Still grabbing my tits, but shaking.
Josh is about to say something else but the teacher is telling the class about a Yoni massage or something that sounds a lot like Josh’s fingers in my pussy, so I cover his mouth with my hand.
“Shush” I say, quickly “You’re not supposed to be touching my boobs anymore”
He doesn’t seem to care.
He closed his eyes and is currently licking my fingers over his mouth while still fondling my breasts.
“Josh, here…” I take over his hands and guide them down my stomach all the way inside my panties.
Then he wakes up.
The teacher is describing how the pussy needs to be massaged, but Josh cares not. He takes off my panties so fast and violently I’m quite sure he’ll just fuck me in the middle of class. Instead, he spreads my legs apart and stares at (what I can only assume is) my very wet pussy.
He leans over and I think he’ll touch me but instead he eats me.
His mouth covering my entire puss, licking my clit like a thirsty dog getting a bowl of cold water. He grabs my clit with his lips, pulling and tugging on it and I can’t breath anymore. I think I might suffocate myself and pass out.
I grab his hair and move my hips, grinding his tongue.
Which is when the teacher snaps at us (I think) telling us to use the bullet? Whatever the fuck that is.
Josh stops eating me with rage on his eyes. Staring at the teacher’s commands as if he was just about ready to commit murder. He takes the bullet from the box of items while the teacher explains that this is a special kind of bullet. Which means it’s a bullet shape vibrator powered by not two, not four and not six, but eight batteries.
Josh tests it in his hand and his grin should tell me everything I need to know.
The bullet gets places on my clit and the vibration starts. It’s mild and I get a little disappointed. But not for long.
Josh caresses my thighs and stomach as the instructions tell him too, while exploring my pussy lips, clit and slit with the bullet and increasing it’s power bit by bit.
Every now and then, when the teacher gets distracted, he licks me.
Or smells me.
Or bites me.
He can’t stay away from my pussy and I’m loving every second of it.
Until the bullet’s vibration gets too strong. It gets so powerful I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. And then it gets even more powerful.
I never had anything like this between my legs, that thing is making my whole body shake and every muscle give up. I can’t breath. I can’t moan. I can’t scream.
I have tears running down my cheeks.
The orgasm burns as if Joshua was setting fire to my clit while shoving me full of querosene. And then he fingers me. The bullet is still destroying my clit while two fingers ravage me so powerfully I feel my tits jumping wild in every direction. I wanna hold on to something but there is nothing. I am on the floor on a mat, bending my arms back, desperately looking for a pillow or a headboard that instinct tells me should be there. But it’s not. It’s just Ellie, sliding through the floor while Josh’s fingers fuck her senseless.
I finally find some air to moan, but it’s nothing but a fragile whisper. Tear, so many tears.
It doesn’t end. The orgasm doesn’t end. It build up more and more until the hooked fingers inside me brush that nice little spot inside every woman and I scream. I have no idea where I find the air to scream. Maybe from the explosion created inside me. I shake and squirm one last time, before dropping dead to my side. Faintly aware of Josh licking my thighs.
The teacher is now saying something about a Lingam massage and telling us to change places again. I am half dead but Josh was an amazing soldier and he deserves the best compensation.
I pull his boxers down and get not a peep of complaint from him. The tip of his dick gets stuck on the fabric for a second before wobbling free. He is good and thick. Large enough to make a girl go “hmmm”, and “hmmm” I go.
I put my hands on his staff and follow every instruction I am given with extra enthusiasm.
Josh looks me in the eyes while I do it. My thighs still covered in my cum and his spit, massaging his cock while couples around us moan finding their own pleasure and releases. He is clenching his fists again, and I understand: he would love to grab on to something as well.
His cock is so thick, like a water balloon being filled. I feel it pulsating in my hands as he gets closer. His muscles are all tense, and so much on his throat that I can see every one of his veins.
He’s there. He’s ready.
He just needs a tiny little push.
I lean over his cock and without ever breaking eye contact, I put the tip on my lips. I lick the little wet hole on top pushing my tongue in and Josh explodes his load on my mouth and face. The teacher carries on talking about Lingam-whatever and movements while Josh still cums and cums. I pull my face away but there is still thick white sperm leaking out of his cock. I’ve never since such a long fat load in my life.
Almost enough to make me horny again.
But the teacher is making his closing statements and guiding everyone towards breathing and cleaning.
Which we do.
We get dressed and as we are walking out, Josh holds the door open for me.
He still has my cum on his fingers, I still have his cum on mine.
“So” he shrugs with a smile “You wanna accidentally go to a strip joint next? Or a swing club maybe?”
I giggle as I walk out the door.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10mui6k/massage_i_f30_accidentally_went_to_an_erotic


  1. Great story, sexy af, sensual, and tender all at once. You can’t help but smile at the end for both. Thank you!

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