I (F21) had to strip naked in front of this cute geek guy (M20) so he’d understand I was into him (VANILLA, SOFT DOMMING)

I don’t understand Jason.
I know he’s not seeing anyone, so…
Either he:
A- Is not interested in me
B- Is really not interested in me
C- Is so utterly clueless about a woman hitting on him that he’ll miss hundreds of opportunities for sex in his life, bless him.
Any other woman, I’d say A or B, and “girl, move on”.
But (and I’m not trying to be a spoiled princess here) I look good.
There’s no point in being modest, it’s just you and me here: I’m hot. The long blond hair, the baby blue eyes, the gorgeous face, the fit body with some tasty curves in all the right places. I’d look good on a runway for Dior, I’d look good on a Playboy cover, I’d look great naked on Jason’s bed.
Unfortunately, Jason doesn’t seem to agree.
Or notice.
He’s the nerdy type, you know? I’m not sure if he doesn’t want me or if he is just too socially awkward to try.
He’s in my chemistry class in college, we sat next to each other on the first day and he kept muttering the answers to himself, like nothing the teacher was saying could ever be news to him. At one point the teacher heard his whispers and asked him to repeat it out loud, poor Jason went fifty shades of red, moving his hands around while trying to explain his logic, and me? God… I just though he looked so cute. Smart boy, fidgeting in his shirt cause he has all the brains but no desire for lots of attention.
So cute.
I watched him explain and gesture with his sweet smile, cheeks as red as apples and… a thought occurred.
I wonder if his cheeks go red like this during a blowjob.
Does he blush?
Does he get shy and nervous when a woman is down on her knees for him, opening her willing mouth to suck him dry?
Do his hands fidget in her hair while he grabs it?
I don’t know why exactly I though that. I wasn’t particularly horny that day. But there it was: an intrusive thought. Eating away at me.
And Jason was my type.
Tall and skinny with that beautiful dark hair and adorable dark eyes. And his smile! God, his smile! He has one of those good-boy-smiles that makes a girl like me curious: what would one have to do to turn that good boy bad?
I sat next to him many other days.
I asked him questions. Waited for him to teach me things.
I hated that class. I really liked seating next to him.
But something funny was happening: Jason was never nervous around me.
He was nervous around other girls, but never around me.
And again, ok? I don’t wanna sound like an arrogant bitch, but men get nervous around me. Dating is hell, cause guys hardly ever have the balls to approach me. Most of them assume I am out of their league, and the only ones confident enough to come over and say “hi” end up being those cocky gym dudes who are (90% of them, from my experience) jerks.
Most guys get nervous.
Jason was the exception.
It’s like he thought I was so absolutely out of his league, like a different galaxy out of his league, that he didn’t even care to feel anxiety. As if in his head there was not a chance in the world that I had just spent the entire class daydreaming of putting his cock in my mouth so desperately I got wet.
I was not a missed opportunity in his book, cause he never even saw me as an opportunity.
I was, however, an opportunity.
I was a done deal, really.
It was cute and funny at first, but a couple of months had gone by and I was thinking about riding this man way more than what would be considered healthy.
I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
He’d smile. He’d blush. He’d get a little shy.
And I’d picture myself riding him while he smiled, riding him while he blushed and riding him shy.
I loved his cheeks going pink so bad.
Also… He’d push his glasses up his nose anytime he was about to sound serious and I’d have to refrain myself from biting my lip.
Which one is it, Jas?
How do you fuck a woman?
Do you blush when you go raw inside her?
Or do you go serious geek, sliding your glasses up your nose?
Do you get so shy you need instructions, honey? Or do you take a deep breath, make sure your glasses are in place and muster some confidence?
I wondered all those things.
I wondered a lot.
Then there was that fucking article. Apparently someone, somewhere, made a study on how satisfied people of a certain age group (around mine) were with their sex partners. Turns out confident fit guys had the worst kind of sex. They were bad at listening, bad at trying new things and refused sex toys of any kind, as they thought toys meant they “weren’t enough” to please a partner. Their women were not happy.
And what do you know? Nerd and geeks made the best group.
Consumers were please, satisfied, five stars review, “10/10 would stay here again”.
These were the guys that listened. They adapted. The were up to trying new things and any toy under the sun. Hell, given the right incentive they’d be willing to develop new toys themselves.
That’s all great.
But now I’m sitting next to Jason thinking I never had a man who listened.
I had sex with three guys so far. I’m sure some people would expect more of a 21 year old woman in college. I honestly expected less. One of them was alright. The other two will forever be regrets.
I had more fun masturbating and part of me was starting to wonder how long it would take for sex to be worth it.
That article made me think I just needed the right partner.
A guy who, unlike the others, would actually make an effort to please me.
The five stars review 10/10 kind of guy, right?
Remember how I thought about giving Jason a blowjob on that first day and I wasn’t even horny?
Well, I got horny. And then the thoughts got worst.
I thought about taking his shirt off.
I thought about licking him.
I thought about all the things I’d do to him.
I thought about what parts of his body I wanted on which parts of my body.
It was great.
You know what would have made it better?
If fucking Jason would cooperate!
But no.
I would say “hey, you looking cute today” with a tender smile and homeboy would go “Thanks, I bought it at Zingx, they have a lot of gaming apparel if you’re looking”.
I accidentally brushed my breasts against his hands once and he jumped back so quickly you’d think I had electrocuted him.
At one point… I kid you not: we were in line waiting to use some equipment in class and he was trying to ask these girls in front of us how long they would take, but they were ignoring us. He shrugged, looking a little disappointed.
“So disrespectful” I whispered.
“Yeah, they should be done by now. I don’t know why they are taking so long”
“They didn’t even listen to you” we were leaning closer and closer together, to protect our gossip.
“Yeah, I don’t mind. I just wish they were done already” he smiled. That sweet smile. I think I may have been the one blushing.
“Well I mind” I said, pushing him with a friendly shoulder.
“Don’t” he pushed me back with his shoulder in the same cute friendly way.
“I do. Cause I think” I measured my words and stared deep in his eyes “That a woman should always do what a man tells her to do. You know?” I whispered so softly any man would have heard it as a moan.
C’mon, Jas. Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.
Sit on your face, ride your cock, bend over so you can fuck my ass. I swear to God, I’ll do it.
Jason, sweet lovely Jason, however is more worried about the line than about the woman offering herself to him.
“Oh, they are done!” He jumps up moving towards the equipment.
He is not interested.
Has to be it.
And if I wasn’t this horny over him, I’d probably let it go and move on. Learn how to take a no and all that.
But because I am that horny, I decide on one last hurrah. If he’s not interested, I’ll stop it, of course. I just need to make sure this isn’t a case of a man being too oblivious.
We are leaving class when I attack “Jason? You think you could come over to my dorm room and help me with some homework? I’d really appreciate it”.
He checks his watch and (clearly missing the mark of what it is I want from him) says:
“Can we keep it under an hour? I’m busy this afternoon.”
How could he not understand what I mean?
I sound like I walk out of a porn straight into real life, no stops.
He is not interested in me.
And in ten minutes I’ll be sure.
But I need to be sure.
“Yeah, of course”
We get to my room.
He looks a bit bothered, like he is late and wasn’t planning on deviating from his schedule. But he comes in all the same.
“Have a sit” I say, pointing to my bed “You mind if I change into something more comfortable? Something in my bra is pinching me”
“Go for it” he shrugs.
And yes. I did go for the cliche “change into something” line, don’t judge me.
This guy is so oblivious, I’m one second away from touching his biceps and asking if he’s been working out. I am that desperate.
“You sure? You don’t mind?” I ask again.
“Not at all”
He gets his phone out of his pocket, probably to keep himself entertained while I change.
And change I do.
The door to the bathroom is wide open but I make no move for it. Instead I just unzip my dress and let it fall to the floor. I am wearing red lingerie chosen very carefully for this occasion. I look good in it. I look like I taste wonderful. I look like I moan gladly. I look like I can ride a man like a pro.
Jason stares at his phone for two seconds. It’s my lack of movement that draws his attention. His face wonders in my direction casually, as if he is about to ask what’s taking me so long. My almost naked body is enough to get him to do a double take.
His jaw drops. Not a lot though. He doesn’t give me that satisfaction.
It drops just a little.
But he does check me out.
My tits in the red bra. The curves of my tiny waist spreading a little wider to my hips and ass. And he does spend a lot of time staring at my small panties barely covering my pussy.
“I’m sorry” he stutters, snapping out of it. Takes him a second to look away.
“It’s ok” I smile.
He might be interested after all.
“I just really need to get out of this bra” I whine “Do you mind getting something for me on that dresser over there?”
“Y-yeah, sure” he gets up, like he can’t turn his back on me fast enough “This one?”
“Second drawer, please”
He opens it and freezes.
He was thankful to turn his back, so he could escape my nakedness. But the content of my second drawer is a new kind of hell.
Jason doesn’t say a word. I’m not entirely sure he is breathing.
“Could you get me a new bra and some panties?” I ask, knowing full well that’s what he’s staring at right now: every single piece of underwear I own.
This is the turning point.
He can sigh and say he is not interested. He’ll apologize, come up with an excuse to leave and I will have to move to another continent.
Or he could say:
“Which one do you want?” He gulps.
“You choose” I whisper like a sweet little kitten “Whichever one you like”
He stares at my underwear drawer for too long. The only reason I don’t go check on him is cause he seems to still be alive. He picks some panties and admires them for a moment before putting them back. It really looks like he is taking the homework seriously: he is putting a lot of thought into what he wants me to wear.
The black lace bra and matching thong seem to be the winners.
He stretches his arm in my direction, trying to avoid looking at me.
His eyes are on the floor and I make no effort to pick the lingerie he is offering.
“Jason?” I ask with a cautious giggle. Just to let him know I can’t reach his hand.
He has to look at me.
And he does.
So I strip.
Teasing him.
The bra goes first. It falls to the floor, exposing my heavy tits and my round pink nipples, already hard with anticipation. Then I bend a little to take off my panties. Slowly, careful not to break eye contact. I mean… not that he is looking at my eyes anyway, but still.
Soon I am completely naked. And Jason is completely hard. His breathing is irregular as he admires my body, maybe still not sure this is actually real. His cock isn’t as coy: it knows this is real.
Show me. Show me what happens when a woman gets naked for you.
Will you blush?
Will you stutter?
Will you go shy?
Jason walks towards me to hand me the underwear.
“Thank you” I smile and put it on.
If he is embarrassed about it, he is hiding it well.
There is not a sound in the room except for his hard breathing, watching me while I dress the lingerie he chose.
“Can you hand me back my dress, please?” I point to the dress on the floor, exactly where I dropped it.
He picks it up but gently throws it away.
“Can I have that?” I laugh a little. Is he just being clumsy?
“No” he says, and there is something dry in his eyes when he walks even closer to me. This doesn’t feel clumsy. Feels intentional.
“W-why not?” Why am I the one stuttering?
Something about him feels slightly different.
“Turn around” even his voice doesn’t sound the same. His tone.
“Excuse me?” I try to laugh it off.
“If you didn’t want me to watch, you’d have changed in the bathroom” he shrugs. But it’s not his nerdy-casual shrug anymore. It feels… manly. Feels like he set his mind to something and is not trying to hide it “You want me to watch, so I will watch. Turn around for me. I wanna see the thong I chose”.
Ok, I wasn’t expecting this.
I thought he’d blush and stutter. I’d have to sit him down and ask him to touch me. He’d get nervous and need even more instructions.
That’s how I pictured it anyway.
I pictured being in control.
I never imagined he’d be the one giving orders.
And it seems I am taking too long to answer, cause he lowers his eyes to mine like a carnivore.
“Oh” I snap back to reality “You want me to…”
“Turn. Around” he says carefully as if I was stupid “Right now”
I gulp and nod my head a bunch of times, captured by the way his eyes seem so vicious as opposed to his kind smile.
“Yes, sir”
I turn.
I give him the whole tour of my body.
“Can I touch?” He groans “Or do you just want me to look?”
So odd.
The kind and slightly awkward teddy-bear-geek is… gone? It’s like his brain flicked a switch. Like his body never expected this to happen, but since it did, he’ll go all in.
The greatest ‘oh, well, fuck it’ anyone could ever say.
I put my hands lightly on his chest, rubbing him gently over his shirt, saying a ‘oh, well, fuck it’ of my own.
“You can do whatever you want to me”
Jason leans his head, brushing his nose on mine.
“Get on your knees” he sounds hungry.
There is no hesitation on my part. I kneel before him, wearing nothing but the black lingerie he chose. My nipples are so sensitive, it feels like the lace is scratching them raw. From where he is standing, Jason has a really good view of my tits. I wet my hungry lips cause if he wants me to kneel, I know what’s coming next.
“So pretty” he caresses my cheek. I feel it burning so I might be blushing. He unbuckles his belt and I perk up, sliding my hands on his jeans. “This black bra looks so good” he plays with the straps of my bra “There was a blue one in the drawer there that looks almost as good. I was torn”
“I can change into the other one, if you wanna see it”
His smile is so sweet. He twirls a lock of my hair and pinches my chin “So pretty. And docile”
“I am” I moan, trying to be good. But my nails are so long I scratch him.
“Ouch” he holds my wrists “And sharp. Like a little kitten, you are”
I keep nodding, just agreeing to anything he says. Eyeing his erection, still hiding under the jeans.
I run my nails over his hard bulge and he unzips his jeans, dropping it and his underwear just enough to free his cock. And what a delicious treat that is.
I had pictured riding and sucking Jason many times but, for whatever reason, I never imagined his dick looking that good. It’s large and thick with this luscious red head, makes my mouth water.
“Open you mouth” he whispers.
I open it wide. Tongue sticking out.
He grabs his cock and taps the head on my tongue, like he is making sure I am real. I think that move was meant to arouse himself, but that little taste of Jason meat makes me so eager I reach out to hold him so I can eat him.
“All the way in” he tells me and I suck him “There. There” he closes his eyes “Fuck, that’s a good kitten”. I take him deep in my throat. So far in my lips touch his pubes. He growls, grabbing on to my furniture like he is about to faint. I feel his tense stomach with my fingers, my nails branding him with desire, leaving behind a red trail. Not that he seems to care. Not even another ouch.
It’s like there are two forces inside Jason. One wants to move his hips and fuck my throat to drown me with cum. The other wants him to slow down and pace himself.
I know which I want to win, so I grab the base of his cock and since he is not moving his hips, I will move my face. I suck him violently. Like he is being ridden by an experienced pussy. Out and in and out and in. Pressing into his shaft with tight lips, sucking every inch going in and every inch going out. Taking him deep on every turn, until I feel his head so deep down my throat I am about to gag.
That’s when Jason grabs me by the hair.
“Stop. Fuck, Alyse, stop or I’ll cum”
Isn’t that the point?
“Get up”
“W-why?” I want him in my mouth, why am I…
“Get the fuck up right now” he grabs my elbow like I’m a trinket he owns.
I was definitely not expecting this.
He is not blushing or stuttering.
He is owning me.
And that makes me even more wet.
“Go put the blue one on” he takes a step back, trying to control his breathing.
He wants this to last longer.
He doesn’t want to cum too fast.
I move away and Jason closes his fist around his cock to jerk it off. But he doesn’t fully wank it like a man looking for an orgasm. He just moves his hand up and down, slowly, keeping himself erect. And I wanna do that! I wanna put my fingers around him and feel that girth.
“Can I do that?” I ask, thirsty.
“You can do what I fucking told you to do” he snaps.
“Ok” I am so turned on right now I could light up a small town.
“Ok? What happened to the yes, sir?”
I turn to look at him and he is still treating his cock to those God forbidden slow caresses.
I don’t remember ever wanting a man in my throat that bad.
“Nothing, sir” I am out of breath so my words are barely a whisper “I meant, yes, sir”
I take off my black bra before looking for the blue one he wanted. But I think the sight of my naked tits bobbing is more than he can handle.
“Come here”
“You told me to put on the blue one”
“That was before, now I’m telling you to come here”
I have nothing but the black thong covering my body and if I didn’t already feel hot as fuck, the way he looks at me (filled with a raging lust) would make it so.
I kneel back at his feet cause I know what he wants, and I wanna give him everything.
“Yes, sir”
“Such a good kitten” he admires me for a moment. I think he is trying to decide what he wants to do with me first. “Lean back a little” Back? I think he’d want my mouth again but actually he… it’s my tits. He presses his lips like he is trying very hard to keep his mouth from watering. His cock is hard, pointing up like a solid piece of wood “Stand up” he finally decides.
“You wanna touch them?” I moan, getting up and he doesn’t even wait for confirmation. He grabs both my tits, one in each hand, as if he was fully prepared to rip them off.
“I wanna bite them” he is almost biting his own words. He squeezes hard and unkind, turning me on even deeper.
“These are a good handful” he groans. My tits are so sizeable and his grip is so tight that part of my flesh is trying to escape between his fingers. I’m gonna have his fingers printed to my skin for the next two days, no doubt.
Now, I didn’t know you could grab and pull someone by the tits like that. But you really can. Jason pulls me in using nothing but my tits, forcing me to step closer to him. Close enough for him to kiss me. I liked having his cock in my mouth cause I never had his tongue. Damn, this man is a good kisser.
I don’t know if he is experienced, but you can definitely feel his desire with every stroke of his tongue. Enough desire to make me melt and moan.
“Take it off” he commands me. I start removing my thong cause I know that’s what he means, but as soon as I bend my body a little he holds his cock between my legs.
His moan is hoarse and heavy. He is feeling my warm pussy and wishing for it to the point of insanity.
I bend a little more, rubbing myself against his hard shaft.
He aligns the tip with my slit as he holds my waist.
“Can I have it?” he whispers, his cock slighting moving to make his intentions clear.
He is already so perfectly aligned that all I have to do is push myself against him. And that’s exactly what I do before saying “Yes” in such a way that the word feels more like a moan than a reply.
He doesn’t blush.
He doesn’t stutter.
He doesn’t hesitate.
He doesn’t shy away.
He is in control.
Absolute control. Taking my pussy and making it his with large and powerful thrusts. I feel sweat dripping down my neck to the tits he is still grabbing and shaking as he fucks me.
He guides my hand to my clit so he can watch me please myself even more. It’s not an easy thing to rub yourself with nails as long as mine and I think I accidentally scratch him here and there. Just like last time, he cares not. He fucks me even harder. Senseless.
There is an urgency about him. Muttering things I can barely hear or make sense of. I think he is calling me beautiful. I think he is calling me a whore.
I start to cum on his cock, biting his lips instead of mine, drowning in the words I hardly hear him say.
I think this is when I realise I never had an orgasm with a man before. And the ones I had alone were nothing like this.
This is stronger. It’s powerful. Feels like a force of nature. Like a tidal wave. A hurricane of pleasure washing away your body and leaving nothing behind.
I try to scream while gasping for air. There is a moan trapped in my throat that never ends.
I think this is what heaven should be like. That one climatic moment, on top of the wave, when all else fades and you are overcome with a pleasure so pure it makes your body numb.
“On your knees” he commands through grinded teeth.
Such despair.
Such urgency.
I get down on my knees, Jason grabs my face and fucks my mouth.
He is grabbing my hair and using my throat as he pleases. I remember a few moments ago, when it felt like he was fighting two different forces… they have now blended into one: all he cares about is throat fucking me. Hard.
I am almost gagging, but I want him more than I want air.
His moans get louder as he gets closer. I can feel his hard cock swelling on my tongue. Throbbing. More and more until he cums, with tremors taking over his body, moaning my name softly. Jason unload his balls down my throat and I swallow all of it. Licking him clean while he catches his breath.
He falls on my bed, momentarily deprived of strengths, and pulls me with him.
I laugh and kiss him. Our naked bodies intertwined.
I grab his arm to check his watch.
“Hey, aren’t you gonna be late?”
“What?” his voice seems far away. He is still holding on to me, enjoying the feel of my body against his.
“Weren’t you busy in an hour? It’s been an hour”
“Hmm” is all he says. His eyes are closed and he is drifting off. Still holding me as I’m the only thing that matters right now.
I don’t think he remember anything else.
I don’t think he cares.

Huge thanks to a discerning Patron (one of the first holding the leash haha) who commissioned this one and didn’t mind me posting!
Hope everyone enjoys it and maybe I’ll see some of you over at Patreon for the weekly tales!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10x3ztp/i_f21_had_to_strip_naked_in_front_of_this_cute


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this, I really loved it and I felt pieces of myself in your writing. You’re amazing 💖

  2. This would be me as a guy because I’ve never had someone attracted or been liked before lol

  3. This is so well written, I am mesmerized! Generally speaking, I prefer women dommes, but this is a welcome exception. Just extraordinary writing. The narrator’s perspective built anticipation in such a gorgeous manner!

    Thank you for sharing this!

  4. I’m just going to whimper a little from over here.

    Damn that’s hot; n’ very very well written.

  5. You are a good writer. It would make it so much easier to read if you used paragraphs and spaces. It seems like such a small thing but it will definitely encourage more viewers to stick with your stories.

  6. That was an amazing depiction of a college boys dream! So hot. Ty for sharing :)

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