[DOM/SUB] She (F20’s) asked me (M20’s) to show her rough sex and some kinks, but I think I’m falling in love

Tessa is laying on my lap.

Can we take a second to talk about how unbelievable that is?

This woman hated me with a passion of a hundred suns.

Up until a couple of weeks ago, to hear Tessa speak of me… you’d think I cut her off in traffic in a road rage while cheating on her with a racist billionaire who owns sweat shops in Vietnam.

Now she is laying on my lap.

What changed?

Well, sex.

We have sex now.

And it’s fucking delicious eye-roll-inducing perfect fucking sex. Yeah I said “fucking” twice in a row. I guess you’re not supposed to do that in good writing. But I’m describing a hot woman who spreads her naked legs for me and calls me daddy, so I’ll fucking say whatever I want.

We’re in my bed. Together.

She is dressed, sadly. But her clothes won’t last.

She is peacefully laying on my chest while we watch tv together.

*Porn*, actually. We’re watching porn.

Or… studying porn? Is that a thing? Fuck it. I’m sure it’s a thing.

I run my fingers through her hair and it’s so fucking great to be lazy like this with her. We have rough nasty sex and I love it. Then we have sweet gentle aftercare and I think I love that too.

Somewhere between the nasty and the sweet we became closer.

I still wanna fuck her raw, but now I also enjoy having her in my arms.

I give her a little kiss on the forehead.

“What about this one?” I’m showing her all kinds of kink porn, cause Vanilla Tess just discovered she is into kink and asked me to be her teacher. A position I have accepted. Eagerly.

“What is that thing she is using?” She sits up a little to better watch the tv.

“Its erotic electrostimulation”

“You are making this up”

“I am not” I kiss her forehead again.

“You are *absolutely* making this up. That thing is shocking her? Like with electricity?”

“Something like that, yeah” She smells so good. I keep giving her little kisses. I can’t move my lips away from her for too long.

Unlike me, though, she is far more curious about the women shocking each other on the screen.

“That’s in her pussy”

“It’s not. But it’s close enough”

“That’s dangerous!” She is so cute when she gets like this. Oh for fucks sake! She is like a flower made of pepper. So adorable and soft, but she carries a heavy punch. My little submissive that knows how to brat just right to turn me crazy.

“It’s not” I repeat with a smile “But it’s close. You wanna try it?”

“I’m not gonna buy a… a…” she makes a face. So cute. My vanilla girl, learning really quickly how much she enjoys kink “electric… wand-dildo-thing just to try that”

“We don’t have to buy it”.

“Oh? You just gonna hook me up to the socket on the wall? I’d shove an entire broom up your ass if you tried”

“I meant I already own one of those so you wouldn’t have to buy it. Why do you have to be so violent?”

“Why do you have to be an asshole?”

“I said nothing”

“You were gonna s…

“Tessa, be quiet”

“You be quiet. I’m not gonna have anyone shocking my pussy”

I give her forehead another little kiss.

“I’ll do whatever I want with it. It’s mine. Now you be quiet or I won’t let you enjoy it” I make it so my words sound sweet and loving. She sinks in my arms. *She likes it*. The contrast. She likes me being rough. But she loves it when I’m *gently* rough. “And answer me: do you wanna try it?”

“You just told me to be quiet. Do you want me to be quiet or do you want me to answ… *Oh!”*

I shove a finger inside her. My touch is rude and unexpected.

“Fuck! Trevor!” She crawls up my chest, running from my hand “I’m dry!”

“Not for long” I finger her “Watch the tv. Tell me what you like”

“I hate all of these. You’re losing your touch. I’ll have to find another guy to rough me up”

“Mhm” I add two more fingers and she is holding on to my wrist trying to control me. But she could be twice as big and I’d still be larger, taller, heavier and thicker. She can put up all the fights she wants, I’ll win.

The only way to stop me is to safe word it. But she hardly ever uses that.

*She likes it.*

*She wants it*.

And if I don’t give it to her, she begs for it.

“You’ll like this next one” I promise.

“Is it belt spanking?” She moans, wiggling herself on my fingers. She’s probably thinking about that since she woke up. I haven’t *belted* her in a while and she loves it more than anything else.

She has stripes of red across her ass even as we speak cause last time I spanked her, I held nothing back.

“No. We’re trying to find *new* things you might like. We already know you like that”

“But I wanna see some belt spanks!”

“How about I show it to you live?”

“Now?” She squirms on my lap, turning to face me with a hungry smile.


“Trevor! We’ve been doing your porn thing all afternoon. Do my thing now”


“You suck”

“And bite and nimble and eat” I take my fingers off her and lick them clean.

“Well, I’m gonna have to trust your word on that, won’t I?”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I grin at her bratting.

“That you never ate my pussy. Never”

“Is that why you giving me attitude?” I cuddle her, biting her jaw “You want me to eat your pussy?”

“Yeah” she says, but what she means to say is *obviously*.

“Yeah?” I have my lips on her ear. Making my words warm. Like they are covered in hot chocolate “You wanna sit on my face?”

“Right now?” She has this little whimper, like she wants to sound tough when she is actually about to beg.

“Later. Now we are still doing my thing”

“No” she sings the word making the vowel last forever “I’m done doing this stupid thing”

“You’ll be done when daddy says you’re done” I kiss her lips. She doesn’t let me do this often and I can hardly ever have her tongue on mine. So I do cherish these moments. “Now behave, or you don’t get the belt”.

Her pouting is the most glorious thing under the sun. Truly, there is a committee somewhere in the UN confirming Tessa’s pout as a World Heritage sight or something.

It’s never fake.

She never pouts to please me or to put up an act.

She pouts because she is fucking livid but she doesn’t want me to know just how bad I get under her skin. So she tries to hide her rage the best she can, leaving behind the one part she can never disguise: those adorable pursed lips.

I’d kiss that pout. I’d lick it and bite it. I’d put my dick in it and I’d fuck it.

“Don’t pout” I say, not because I don’t want to see it, but because it gives me an excuse to bite her and pull her pursed lips with my teeth “Be good”.

“No” she whispers and I lick her word.

Fuck, I wanna kiss her so bad.

Not one of these whatever fucking little pretend kisses.

I want my tongue so deep down her throat I can taste her moans before she makes them.

But for whatever reason kissing always seemed to be… a boundary.

I guess it’s cause we’re not together? But we’re not apart either? I have no idea what we are but two people who got stuck together because of a global pandemic and turned their hate into sex.

It was great for a while.

It was enough for a while.

Now it feels like I need a little more.

“Why is it always the woman being tied up?” She rolls her eyes at the new porn I chose “Why is it never the man?”

“It’s the man sometimes”

“Are you speaking from experience?” She licks her grin.

“No. I’ve never been tied up, if that’s what you’re asking”

“No?” Her grin goes wider “Can I be the first? Can I tie you up?”

“If you can own it, you can have it”

“And how do I own it?”

“If you have to ask, you’ve already failed” I laugh and she play-punches me.

“Whatever. At least I’m not the one who likes to watch… she stares at the porn options on the screen. *Step brother* porn or… is that woman stuck in a washing machine with her ass hanging out?”

“Yes. She’ll get a gentleman to help her out. Don’t worry”

“Out? Or shoving her in harder?”

“She will be pleased however”

“Of course. Pervert”


She bites my lip as a quick joke, but I feel a little bit of her tongue on my skin and that’s enough to make my body boil and my head go light.

“Eat my pussy” she whispers the command with this sassy smile.

Body boiling.

Head so light.

She smells so good.

I can’t think straight.

*Yes. Yes, I’ll eat your pussy. I’ll let you tie me up and do whatever the fuck you want*.

I run my tongue over the area her tongue just touched. Desperate for any bit of her saliva.

“No” I manage to say.

Her smile gets bigger.

*She likes to be denied*.

She likes to have control taken from her over and over.

And then she likes to be hate fucked. I know the drill all too well by now.

“That’s fine” she sighs “You probably suck at it, anyway”

“Oh yeah?” I laugh.

“Yeah. Just like you suck at everything else”

“Really?” I have my smile inches away from hers while she teases me. *Fucking brat*.

“I just pretend to enjoy it cause I pity you”

“Of course”

“Pity moans. Pity fake orgasms. You spank like a teddy bear. I’m sure you lick pussy just as poorly”

“Are you trying to bait me into proving myself?”

She takes a second to say “Maybe”

“Yeah?” I laugh some more “And you think that’s gonna work?”

“Maybe” She puts her arms around my neck and I’m afraid she’ll kiss me. Cause *that* would work. That’s the power she has over me and she didn’t even realise it. If she kisses me, I’ll be done for. Dom Trevor will become Pet Trevor and I don’t want that.

*Put her back in her place.*

“And what if I do this?” I say reaching out to my nightstand while she watches me, curious.

I take a couple of clamps out the drawer and by the look in her face I can tell she doesn’t know what they are. *Oh baby,* *you are in for a ride.*

Then I have to grab her and manhandle her. I don’t try to be sexy about it, I just need her clothes off. And here’s something else I noticed about Tess: she fucking loves it when I treat her like this. Restraining her with my bare hands and forcing her to move whichever way pleases me. The way she squeezes her thighs holding back moans is very telling. Her feminism seems to take a back seat whenever I go full carnivore. I grab her tight and she just wants her man to rough her up and discipline her.

Works for me.

I flex my fingers around her tit like a claw and hold it in place so I can clamp her nipples.

“What the fuck are you doing?” She tries to fight to break free. I just need one arm to hold her slim body in place, barely any trouble at all.

So I grab the other tit and clamp that as well.

“Ouch! Trevor!”

Then my hand covers her mouth. I am not gentle. I am not kind. My hand is so large it covers the bottom half of her face effortlessly, shutting her up.

“This is gonna stay on for thirty seconds” I point my finger to her nose and I mean every single fucking word I say “If you speak, I’ll add another ten. If you brat, I’ll add *another minute*”

“It hurts, you pussy” she growls.

“That’s another minute. Keep testing me. You’ll lose a fucking nipple”

She moans so good like she is fighting the urge to say *yes, daddy*.

Tessa bites her pursed lips to physically stop herself from speaking. I smirk at that. Those fucking sexy lips. And… I drop my eyes to her body.

Her tits are red where I grabbed them. One of them has three of my fingers still printed on her smooth skin. Her tiny pink nipples going reddish and whiteish as the clamps messes with the blood flow around them. She moves a little and I know every motion is making the clamps pull and tug, uncomfortably. *Painfully*.

She tries to stand still but there is a tremor in her lower belly. Like this whole ordeal made her groins desperate for cock. I am salivating.

It’s unimaginable how fucking hot she looks right now and I am honestly mad at myself for never having done this before.

I roll her nipple in my fingers, getting royally hard over how fragile they look under my grip.

Her body arches and she covers her own mouth with both her hands trying to prevent herself from speaking.

“You know” I kiss the nipple “I love it when you brat. But this well-behaved quiet Tessa is making my dick so hard I could cut through steel”

She giggles and cringes at my ridiculous comment.

“Oh, was that bratting?” I kiss the other nipple “Another minute”

“It wasn’t bratting!”

“And ten more seconds for speaking without permission” I bite her tit. Fuck my whole life, she tastes incredible.

“It’s not my fault if you can’t dirty talk. How I am supposed to not laugh at that stupid steel joke?”

“One more minute. I think you’re gonna have to keep these on for life”

“How much time do I have left?” She whimpers.

“Who knows? I’m not keeping track”

“WHAT! Why not?”

“Because for every ten seconds that go by you run your dirty mouth for a minute more. Why bother?”

“I can behave”

“Never in your life”

“Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it”

“Kiss me” I grab her hair cause that’s the only thing I want “And mean it. I’ll let you off the hook”

She straddles me with a lustful sassiness, taking my face in her hands.

“Will you belt me after?” She moans, already on my mouth.

“I’ll belt you after, baby girl” I say, lovingly, running my hands through her hair “I’ll hit you so fucking hard you won’t be able to walk, ok?”


“Promise. It will burn so hard even running water will hurt”

She pushes my pants down and eats my cock with her pussy.

I wasn’t expecting that so I moan real loud and she fucking adores that.

“Yeah, daddy? Don’t stop” she bites my lips, wanting me to let the moans roll free off my tongue “I love it when you moan. You sound like you want me”

“I never want you” I tease her “I just love this fucking tight pussy of yours”

“That’s it?”

“All you’re good for”

She has a little smile. Every time I’m extra mean, she knows after care will go on the whole night. And, as it turns out, the only thing we both love more than S&M is a good long night cuddle.

I pinch her ass and she rides me. The clamps moving as her tits bounce.

She is getting into a nice rhythm, cheeks blushing so cute. She has sweat dropping down her neck, making a path down her skin all the way to the clamped nipples.

“Trev?” She sounds sweet and docile “Baby?”

“Yeah, sweetheart. What do you want from daddy?”

“Why won’t you eat my pussy?” She whimpers.

“Because you really want me to, baby” I move her hair away from her eyes and thrust a little harder “Makes me not want to”

“But if I ask please?”

“No. I’ll do it when I want to”

She grabs my shoulders and rides me like I’m a dildo. She is not waiting for me anymore, she just wants a pleasure of her own. But I feel it every time I deny her. *Every time*. I tell her “no” and her pussy gets *fucking tight* around my cock. Like a doctor trying to stop a bleeding. Her pussy muscles go *tourniquet*-tight whenever I frustrate her.

*Horny as fuck*.

My girl likes being told *no*. Repeatedly.

“I think I’ll fuck your ass tonight while you sleep”


“I don’t have to explain myself to you” I caress her cheeks “I want ass, I’ll have it. Yes?”

“Yes” she takes her fingers to her clit cause she is close, but fuck no.

Not yet.

I grab her hand.

“Tessa, you know better than that”

“Can I? Please, can I? I just need to touch it a little.” She is riding me so hard there is a very real possibility I’ll pass out unloading my balls inside her.

“In a minute” I decide, holding her orgasm hostage.

“Count me down?” She asks “From ten? I’ll wait for one, I promise” every word shakes. Every word. Like her mouth is already orgasming before she gets there.

“No. That would be ten seconds. I said one minute”

“Trevor. *TrevorTrevor*… fuck. I can’t”

“Yes, you can” I’m not fucking around anymore. I grab her jaw. *Hard*. “Don’t you fucking disobey me. You gonna wait like you’re told”

“I can’t. I can’t. Please”

Her eyes are numb and gone. She got there fast. *Fuck*.

I pull out the clamps and I watch Tessa’s eyes disappear into her skull.

*The blood rushes back*. Nipples are fucking sensitive and when the blood comes back like that, it *tingles* like a motherfucker. She must be so touchy right now, I bet she could feel a shift in temperature with her tits at this point. One degree? Fuck, half a degree, and she’d be able to feel it. So I lean over, being a bastard son of a bitch myself, and blow air on her tits. One nipple first. Than the other.

Tessa grabs my hair and shoulder like a wrestler. Like she is gonna throw me off the ring into the announcers table or something. She squeezes so violently I am about to say “ouch” myself.

*She is feeling it*.

She is fucking feeling it so hard right now, she lost control of her body.

She can’t scream or moan. All she can do is feel her recently released tits.

Orgasm takes her and breaks her. She falls around me rubbing her tits on my chest and breathing those delicious post-orgasm lazy moans on my neck.

“Did you just fucking cum without my permission?”

The lazy moans on my neck turn into a soft shameless giggle.

I play with her ass and threaten to push my finger in so she jumps up.

“Who said you could stop riding me?”

She gets back to it, but she is tired now. Her knees are giving up. Before it was like she wanted to tame the wild station. Now it’s like she wants to ride around the square on the petting zoo pony.

I slide my finger through her butt cheeks and keep taunting her ass, making her jump away.

“Do a better job and I’ll eat your pussy”

She gulps, her eyelids so heavy she can barely open her eyes.

“What?” She sounds like she wants to drop dead on my pillows.

“You want me to eat your pussy? *Ever*?” I finger her clit. The damn things must be so fucking touchy after an orgasm that it sends shivers through her whole body.


“How about I eat it tonight while you’re asleep, would you like that? Would like me spreading your legs while you’re unconscious and biting your clit until I came on your sheets?”

*And she is back*.

Tessa likes being denied, she likes bratting and being spanked and belted. But we are yet to find a kink she responds to as eagerly as sleep play.

It gets the gold medal every time. Everything else is running for silver.

“Tell me” she begs “W-w-what would you do?” She is shaking so bad the *w* barely comes out.

“I’d be quick, baby. You wouldn’t even notice me. But you’d wake up and your shorts would be gone”


“You’d have my spit all over your thighs and your puss”

And there she goes again. Eyes rolling away, limbs going numb.

This is getting too fucking easy.

“Will you do that?” She whispers because her body has no more strength left “Will you really do that?”

“Yeah, I’m hungry already. I will do that tonight, hm? But first you gotta ride me really good.”

She doesn’t even reply.

She is back on the taming of the stallion and it honestly doesn’t even seem to be for my benefit. *She is climaxing again*. Nipples hard, rubbing my chest. Head tilted back. Shallow breathing.

My girl is there.

And so am I.

Her pussy gets tight around my cock again and I fuck her so hard the bed shakes. I bite her lips and kiss her until I cum. Dumping my jizz in her. Moaning on her tongue. Loudly, cause I know she likes to hear me wanting her.

And then I’m the one dropping dead on the pillows with her following me. I bring her back to my arms and my chest, cuddling her.

I kiss her forehead and smell her hair. I pull the blankets over us so I can hug her close.

We’re gonna fall asleep like this. My dad and her mom are sleeping so I don’t care about getting caught tonight. *We were rough* and I always keep my Tess with me when we are rough. I like to shower her with kisses and compliments. I like to make her feel safe so I can know she is ok.

“Trev?” She asks quietly after we both caught our breaths “Did you say you… *have* the electro-dildo thing?”

I have to laugh.

“Did you only just realise I said that?”

“WHY do you have it?”

“Cause I’m not vanilla like some people. I’ve been around”



Her whole body sway as I laugh cause at this point she is basically laying on top of me.

She flexes her fingers feeling the hair on my chest, the soft skin and hard muscles beneath it.

She breathes a little moan and I hold her tighter.

*Fuck, this feels good*.

Things like this are not supposed to feel better than sex, right?

Nothing is supposed to feel better than sex!

And yet…

*I want to kiss her*.

I feel like an insecure virgin right now, what the fuck? For wanting a kiss?

“Tess?” I whisper.

“Hm?” She is about to say.

*About to*… because the door opens. The fucking door to my room opens.

“Hey, Trev, you still up, I…”

It’s my dad.

My father.

The man who had me as his child.

Who, by the way, is (recently and currently) married to Tessa’s mom.

Her mother.

The woman who gave her birth.

My eyes go wide and I sense Tessa in my arms breathing in sheer panic.

There is no escape.



Dad looks at us and his mouth opens in a silent scream.

He are partially covered by a blanket but there is no denying what we were doing here.

We are both naked.

We are both a mess.

The sheets are all over the place and one of my pillows is on the floor alongside most of Tessa’s clothes.

“Trevor” my father enunciates my name as if it was its own offence “Can I speak to you outside”.

The air feels like it froze over with us inside it.

I can’t move.

Tessa can’t move.

I don’t think neither one of us can breath.

She pulls the blanket closer around her as I get up to speak to my father *outside*.

I have to come back and tell her how much I like her. I need to tell her that I care about her and not in a fuck buddies kinda way. *I think I need her*. I wanna try. I wanna… *be something* with her. But I can already see the embarrassment in her eyes making it clear the conversation won’t go my way.

“You need to leave” is the first thing dad says to me as soon as I walk out.


“If Janet finds out you were defiling her daughter, I…”


“Save it, Trevor!” He snaps. My father isn’t the kind of man who gets mad easily, so seeing him like this is scary. *Or sad*. “Why?” He says with grinded teeth “Why did you have to seduce her? She is your *sister””*

“She is absolutely not my sister. Not even a little”

“Yes, she is! She is family!”

“No. No, no. Dad, I…”

“Be quiet! You need to leave this house at once. Tomorrow first thing in the morning. You can stay with Leo or your mom, right? Until you find a place”

“Dad, you asked me to be here”

“Yes, and now I’m asking you to leave”

“I lost my lease because of this”

“You make enough money, Trevor. Don’t try to guilt trip me. This is your fault. I want you away from Tessa immediately. Do you understand?”

And he thinks sending me to another house will fix that?

What if I take her with me.

“Fine” I say.

He has disappointment in his eyes, but I am far too tired, far too weak and it’s far too late to worry about this now.

When I get back in the room, Tessa is fully dressed.

Not a good sign.

“Oh my God” she whimpers, freaking out before I say a word.


“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God”

“I don’t think he’s gonna tell your mom” I try to calm her down. But I already see it in her eyes: *I’m losing her*.

“What did he say?”

“That I have to leave by tomorrow morning. He is worried I am a bad influence on you.” I laugh “I’ll need a couple of days to find a place” I say, pulling her close to me “But once I do, you are welcome to come and stay with me for however long this lockdown still lasts”.

“Trev…” she pulls away from me “We can’t”


“We’re not siblings, Tessa” I say it slowly to make the words very clear.

“I know…

“I know I joke about us being a porn category and step siblings and all… but we’re not”

“I know. But we kind of are”

My smirk is filled with disbelief.

*Really, Tess?*

“Oh for fuck sake. I met you like four months ago! Our parents have been together for less than a year. We are not related by blood at all, I… I know people who married their childhood friends who could be said to be more related to each other than you and me”

“I agree. None of that changes the fact that your dad just freaked out so bad he kicked you out! If my mom found out…”

“I’m a grown man! You’re a grown woman! Had we met at a bar…”

“But we didn’t”

“So if our parents divorce next year, then it’s fine?”

“I suppose…”

“You suppose? So if I had met you before or if our parents break up… then I’m allowed to want you? But if they are together and because we met at their place, I have to be quiet?”

“Why are you getting upset?”

“Cause this is a bureaucratic hellhole. Kakfa would have nightmares about this shit”

“You always knew this was the deal, Trevor. What the hell do you want from me?”


“Great” she adds, but it doesn’t sound great at all “Cause that’s all we’re gonna have” her voice fades, like the words cause he pain.

“You breaking up with me?”

“There’s nothing to break up. It was just sex. It’s over”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that. I should go”

She gets out of the room and I can see my dad is still hovering outside, waiting to make sure she left.

She barely looks at me as she walks out. It’s like a break up without the closer. An end of something that was never really allowed to start.

She closes the door behind her without so much as a good bye.

Well, I guess that was that, then?

We’re over.

Anticlimactic that it after everything we went through… it would end like this. I mean, that’s what I thought at the time, watching Tessa leave and feeling discarded. Wondering about how I could absolutely lose something that was becoming so dear to me.

That’s what I was thinking.

Of course, back then I had no idea what would happen next.


-> Starting next week, this story will be updated every Thursday on Reddit <3
Have a great week all!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/118ek21/domsub_she_f20s_asked_me_m20s_to_show_her_rough


  1. I’m really enjoying that you’re keeping this series going longer than your others. It’s fantastic.

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