Garden Party[FM] [Part 2]

The shed smelt of soil, fertiliser and fresh vegetables. Looks like the gardener hadn't completely ignored it. Kate tried to look around but could see nothing, it was pitch black. She knew there was a switch hanging from the wall somewhere. She stretched out her hand, but grabbed only air. She tried again, and her hands fell on a surface which could only be described as a handsome face. She smiled but stayed silent. She stroked his cheek, and felt the light stubble growing. Her fingers explored his eyebrows forehead and hair. She moved closer and could smell him now. He was sweaty, very sweaty. Obviously this place was a little humid, and Kate was sure she would be sweaty too soon enough. He broke the silence, "You're drunk" he said, placing his hand on her hip.

Garden party[FM] [Part 1]

Kate smiled listlessly at the guests. Emma, Matt,… so many boring people she thought to herself. She suddenly realised she didn't like any of them, her husband included. He gets a promotion, and he throws a dumb garden party, so typical of him. Kate looked around for someone new to talk to, someone exciting. She dressed well for the party, as she always did. A knee high skirt and a black shirt. Yes, sounds plain but Kate could pull it off. At least as much as her age could permit. She would be 46 next month and was dreading the party for her birthday.

The Rebellious Stepdaughter, Part 2

Faced with Carrie's closed bedroom door, I can feel my rage building to a fever pitch. Somewhere in the back of my mind is the voice of reason, telling me that this isn't all Carrie's fault. There's her mother to blame, too, and myself for marrying the bitch even though I knew I was doing it for the wrong reasons. The girl's been through a lot, the voice says, and is only modelling the behavior she observed from her mother. The voice, my strangled conscience, makes a valid point. But valid points are not going to prevail today. I am on autopilot, and I can feel my heart racing at the prospect of where the autopilot is taking me.

The Rebellious Stepdaughter – Part 1 [Mf][bd][inc][nc]

I'm turning prompts and role-plays from r/dirtypenpals into longer and more detailed stories. Each character is based off an image that I found sexy – If you want to see the story's image, PM me for it! All comments and feedback are appreciated.

After a long and unfulfilling day at work, I drive home under a slate-grey sky. My wife left this morning for a business trip to South Korea, where she'll be staying for a month. Honestly, I won't miss her. Our sex life has been dead for quite some time now, and she only ever acknowledges my existence to bitch about something she feels that I've done wrong. So there's not much to miss. The problem is that I am now stuck with her 18-year-old daughter Carrie for a month. I have tried to be a good stepdad to her, but from day one she hasn't respected me or given a shit about anything I've done for her. She's a bit of a hellion, we're always getting calls from school about her getting into fights or being caught in compromising positions with boys in secluded stairwells. We're on her third school this year, as she keeps getting expelled. At home it's no better. She smokes in her room, completely oblivious to my rule that she keep it outside. She steals liquor, breaks curfew, and I've even caught her posting sexy pictures of herself online. The most recent one was of her lying on her back in a pushup bra, biting her lip and squeezing her breasts together as tightly as possible without bursting her bra.

Homecoming [MF] [oral] [inc]

Mike stepped off the bus and took a look around. Not much changes in sleepy southern towns like this. The old diner and attached gas station across from the bus depot still had peeling paint, old men in rockers out front, and the same gaudy neon sign proclaiming, "The Best Southern Fried Chicken in the State." He looked up Main Street and saw the same Civil War memorial with General Robert E. Lee standing proud and tall with one hand on his saber.

"Surprised that thing is still standing," he thought, shouldering his duffel bag and heading away from downtown. "I figured the council would have had it removed by now. Nearly every week there was some new wannabe rattlecan tag or other defacement."

Every block or so he saw someone he recognized but no one seemed to recognize him. That's what happens though when you leave town to join the Air Force and don't come back for six years. He had changed. Riverview never would.

discovered I am not the only /r/ at the office. MF {mast}

I spent the lazy morning trolling reddit, looking for some cure for an unusual level of horniness. then, I saw you, I knew it was you.. I recognized your clothing and cubicle in the background to a sexy work pic posting you left here at workgonewild just an hour ago.. I am so horny and in need of cumming that I work up the confidence to walk over to your cube. when I get outside I can hear you rustling in your clothes and soft moans of pleasure, very quiet. my cock stiffens immediately and is clearly showing in my pants. I step into your cube put my back to the wall, I can see you have a hand buried into the front of your pants which look like they are slipping more and more down your hips.. u first look startled, but are so into reaching that orgasm you are chasing you cant say a word… your eyes move down and see my bulge, a wet spot if forming on my that awkward moment for both of us not knowing what to say or do I make the shhhh sign with one hand and start to unzip my fly with the other. your eyes follow, your hand keeps moving.. more slowly now.. I reach in and pull out my hard cock, and give it an immediate hard grab and tight long pull from the base out to the head.. I had needed that full embrace for some time.. I almost fall back it feels so good, I groan real low. precum sticks to my fingers. you see the juices flowing from me, and your hand picks up the pace. I can hear your wetness, you motion me closer. I come around not at the side of your desk, you push back your chair and struggle to pop one leg out of your pants, you throw it over the arm of your chair. I can see now your black panties pulled to the side, and your pussy is glistening with wetness, your lips are separated by the index finger you have moving from your clit down and into your pussy with each up and down motion.. over and over. I am stroking hard now, and inching closer to you. you reach out and with one finger touch the tip of my cock, and come away with my sticky wetness, you play with it between your fingers, then raise your hands towards your lips. you give that finger a quick lick, a little taste.. I stiffen again and almost cum.. I ask, saying my first words.. would you touch me? you say no.. you cant do that. but you busy your fingers deeper into your hot pussy and lean forward, I can your moment is near.. I start to panic, realizing I too am going to cum, erupt really, and where can I shoot?? you groan on last time and buckle forward.. your eyes refocus on me. you lift your soaking wet fingers up and to show me how well you did, smiling mow. you see my dilemma tho, and make the shhh sign back at me. you look around and grab a cup from your desk, you slide a little closer and hold the cup up before and postion you face close over the top. you just whisper "in here". I postion myself, thinking I could easily shoot my cum onto your pretty face and say I didn't mean it.. but then I wouldn't be invited back. I can see how eager you are to enjoy the show, and want to see how hot you had gotten me. the first stream leaps out of me, knocks me back almost.. we can hear it hit the back of the cup,so loud you almost laugh out loud. rope after rope pour from me, my knees wobble.. I wipe the tip of my cock against the edge of the cup.. I am finished. we both look down into the cup and actually laugh. I zip up. you pull up, I wipe a little sweat from my brow and slowly back out of your cube

MM first (and only) blowjob I ever gave

It was summer break and I was a freshman 15 or 16 years old. My best friend and I would constantly hang out that summer either spending the night at the others houses. He had recently got the internet (dial-up lolz) and was showing me some of the porn sites, mostly images.

We were both getting worked up and rubbing ourselves inside our pants and he eventually pulled his out. He asked me to go down on him and promised a return favor. I agreed and he scooted his computer chair back from the desk to make room for me.

I remember getting on my knees and staring up at his hard cock. It was 6 inches pale white with a soft pink head. His balls were big and soft and hairless, pubes were short and curly but well groomed. There was precum on the tip of his dick glistening. It was right in my face so I gently took it in my mouth and slowly sucked on the head. I could instantly taste the salty pre cum and I swirled my tongue around the head. I felt so nasty sucking my friends cock but also was never so aroused.

My patient wanted me [MM]

I have been CNA and worked for a home health agency for awhile. I don't where I will be sent. I got my assignment for somewhere relatively close to me for once so I was already excited. Now more than 99.9% of patients are old with some form of dimentia. Not really expecting anything else I knocked on the door of the client's house. This beautiful woman opened the door. Her auburn hair was swept up into a messy bun and she while she smiled with pearl white teeth I could tell she was tired. "Hi! Oh thank God you're here. Come in come in!" I've gotten this response before so I just followed her. Assuming she was the daughter of the client I thought really nothing else as we walked to the back with her explaining the details of what she wanted me to do. Then I saw him, her husband. If she was beautiful then he was a demigod. He had broad shoulders, sun kissed skin, jet black hair cut in a crew cut and ice blue eyes. Stunned I stopped and just stared. In that moment I imagined myself standing at his alter, offering my small palebody as a sacrifice. I was quickly brought back by wife saying, "I know we get this a lot. My husband was in car accident and has lost his legs." He pulls the blankets back and I see his stubs. "Okay I'm gonna go run some errands. He needs a bed bath and then just keep him company till I get back, okay? Alright sweetheart love you and don't break this one!! Kay bye sweetie!" The wife leaves and I go collect my materials for the bath. Once I get ready I stand before him and can hear my heart about to beat out of chest. I take a deep breath to collect myself and start. I begin by washing his hair, his face, hands and arms. His biceps are huge and I catch myself linger for a moment, catch myself and go down to his pits. Then as I start moving down his shoulders to his chest I can feel his gaze piercing through me. I look up and trying to smile I ask if everything was okay? "You know what my wife meant about keeping me company and being careful right?" Confused stop cleaning him and I ask for clarification. He throws the sheets back again fully exposing his thick hard cock. "Most of you guys can't keep off it. Completely shocked I take a step back and ask what he means all the while staring at his amazing body and what about his wife? "She know no one comes before her but that I have other needs that she can fulfill. All I can do if fight My urge to jump on him. I tell how unprofessional this is and I could lose my job. He laughs and says he know exactly what I was thinking about as I stared at him. No he wasn't gonna tell anyone, his wife wasn't so was I? "Well no but oh God what am I gonna do?" I back up against the wall and slide down putting my face in my hands completely embarrassed. Was it that obvious? This was too good to be real and there had to be a catch. "Come here man. I promise I won't bite unless you want me to." I start laughing, man this guy has everything: beauty and humor I'm sure his only flaw is that he can't be perfect. I get up and walk over to him. "Now where were we?" I pick up the cloth and start washing his chest, he grabs my hand and it takes everything in me not collapse right into his lap. He draws me in closer and kisses me. His lips are supple but his kiss is firm. I can feel myself climbing into his bed, pulling off my scrubs, exposing my skinny pale body. I lay beside him, kissing while I feel his hands explore my body. "You look even better naked" he chuckles. Then I feel him grip my cock and I shutter. I attempt to move but he is so strong and tells me to relax and I will get to feel him in due time. He starts pumping slowly, as his pace quickens he starts to kiss down my neck, shoulders, chest, stomach and finally I feel him. I can't help but moan as I feel his blowing me. I run my hands over his head and when I look down our eyes locks. "Give it to me buddy." I start pumping faster and look at him. "I'm gonna cum." "I know, I want it," he says and contines to let me fuck his mouth. Then I feel my body tighen and I explode in his mouth. I don't remember unloading that much but then I am more amazed he swallows every drop. When I feel nothing left he comes up and tells me to open his mouth. We start kissing then I can taste my cum. We're sharing it and it turns me on more. "Ah damn you already started. What did I miss?" There his wife was in nothing but a pair of panties, sitting in a chair. Holy shit what had I walked into?…

First time posting here. Inspired by /u/Torpedotits2014. DINNER AND DRINKS BECOMES MORE

I am a pretty regular browser in the forums of Reddit. I have seen some things that have made me face palm and shake my head. And I have seen things that have made me laugh till I cry. But this story isn’t about that. This is about a woman…no that’s not right…a sexual goddess. Yeah that’s better. I found her browsing /r/GoneWildPlus and she goes by the name /u/Torpedotits2014

Ok you can check her out (recommended) but I don’t have any pictures posted (yet)so here I am… I’m 6’2” 210lbs. brown hair and brown eyes. I’m a clean cut guy with a professional haircut. Nothing too fancy but I think it looks pretty damn good on me. I’m a slim/ slightly athletic build. NOW ON TO THE STORY!

I saw her first picture and was blown away. I have seen breasts before. But this woman, there was something deeper than the picture. There was something that I couldn’t see. I had to comment. I had to tell her how I felt! Soon after more pictures were posted. Each more sexy than the last. I messaged her.