discovered I am not the only /r/ at the office. MF {mast}

I spent the lazy morning trolling reddit, looking for some cure for an unusual level of horniness. then, I saw you, I knew it was you.. I recognized your clothing and cubicle in the background to a sexy work pic posting you left here at workgonewild just an hour ago.. I am so horny and in need of cumming that I work up the confidence to walk over to your cube. when I get outside I can hear you rustling in your clothes and soft moans of pleasure, very quiet. my cock stiffens immediately and is clearly showing in my pants. I step into your cube put my back to the wall, I can see you have a hand buried into the front of your pants which look like they are slipping more and more down your hips.. u first look startled, but are so into reaching that orgasm you are chasing you cant say a word… your eyes move down and see my bulge, a wet spot if forming on my that awkward moment for both of us not knowing what to say or do I make the shhhh sign with one hand and start to unzip my fly with the other. your eyes follow, your hand keeps moving.. more slowly now.. I reach in and pull out my hard cock, and give it an immediate hard grab and tight long pull from the base out to the head.. I had needed that full embrace for some time.. I almost fall back it feels so good, I groan real low. precum sticks to my fingers. you see the juices flowing from me, and your hand picks up the pace. I can hear your wetness, you motion me closer. I come around not at the side of your desk, you push back your chair and struggle to pop one leg out of your pants, you throw it over the arm of your chair. I can see now your black panties pulled to the side, and your pussy is glistening with wetness, your lips are separated by the index finger you have moving from your clit down and into your pussy with each up and down motion.. over and over. I am stroking hard now, and inching closer to you. you reach out and with one finger touch the tip of my cock, and come away with my sticky wetness, you play with it between your fingers, then raise your hands towards your lips. you give that finger a quick lick, a little taste.. I stiffen again and almost cum.. I ask, saying my first words.. would you touch me? you say no.. you cant do that. but you busy your fingers deeper into your hot pussy and lean forward, I can your moment is near.. I start to panic, realizing I too am going to cum, erupt really, and where can I shoot?? you groan on last time and buckle forward.. your eyes refocus on me. you lift your soaking wet fingers up and to show me how well you did, smiling mow. you see my dilemma tho, and make the shhh sign back at me. you look around and grab a cup from your desk, you slide a little closer and hold the cup up before and postion you face close over the top. you just whisper "in here". I postion myself, thinking I could easily shoot my cum onto your pretty face and say I didn't mean it.. but then I wouldn't be invited back. I can see how eager you are to enjoy the show, and want to see how hot you had gotten me. the first stream leaps out of me, knocks me back almost.. we can hear it hit the back of the cup,so loud you almost laugh out loud. rope after rope pour from me, my knees wobble.. I wipe the tip of my cock against the edge of the cup.. I am finished. we both look down into the cup and actually laugh. I zip up. you pull up, I wipe a little sweat from my brow and slowly back out of your cube


1 comment

  1. I’d love to partner up and exchange stories like this, and more, anyone interested PM

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